- By : François-Claude Rey
Génération d'exercices d'apprentissage de langue de spécialité par l'exploration du corpus
Author: François-Claude Rey
Category :
Languages : fr
Pages : 150
Book Description
- By : G. Sockett
The Online Informal Learning of English
Author: G. Sockett
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 113741488X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 241
Book Description
Young people around the world are increasingly able to access English language media online for leisure purposes and interact with other users of English. This book examines the extent of these phenomena, their effect on language acquisition and their implications for the teaching of English in the 21st century.
- By : Gerhard Neuner
Intercultural Competence
Author: Gerhard Neuner
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287151704
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 152
Book Description
- By : Leslie Rainer
- Architecture
Terra 2008
Author: Leslie Rainer
Publisher: Getty Publications
ISBN: 1606060430
Category : Architecture
Languages : fr
Pages : 438
Book Description
Earthen architecture constitutes one of the most diverse forms of cultural heritage and one of the most challenging to preserve. It dates from all periods and is found on all continents but is particularly prevalent in Africa, where it has been a building tradition for centuries. Sites range from ancestral cities in Mali to the palaces of Abomey in Benin, from monuments and mosques in Iran and Buddhist temples on the Silk Road to Spanish missions in California. This volume's sixty-four papers address such themes as earthen architecture in Mali, the conservation of living sites, local knowledge systems and intangible aspects, seismic and other natural forces, the conservation and management of archaeological sites, research advances, and training.
- By : Sue Blattes
- English language
Minimum competence in scientific English
Author: Sue Blattes
Publisher: L'Editeur : EDP Sciences
ISBN: 9782868835888
Category : English language
Languages : fr
Pages : 264
Book Description
Cet ouvrage, devenu célèbre sous son sigle MCSE, a déjà été utilisé par plus de 50 000 étudiants, chercheurs, professionnels. L'objectif est de lire et écrire des textes en anglais scientifique avec facilité et pertinence. L'ouvrage est conçu pour que l'apprenant devienne un véritable utilisateur de l'anglais. La méthode originale repose sur l'analyse des fonctions et structures nécessaires : measurement, frequency, comparison, modification, link words, time, cause and consequence, hypothesis, modality, purpose and process, impersonal forms, compound nouns and adjectives. Dans chaque unit, des tests d'auto-évaluation permettent de se situer et de construire son parcours de formation, d'abord en définissant ses objectifs à l'aide des key points et du lexis, puis, de façon plus personnalisée, en puisant dans les examples in context, checkpoints (back to basics, word web), web search, FAQs... MCSE est l'outil de base d'une méthode qui comprend aussi d'autres outils dans la même collection (Listening Comprehension for Scientiflc English et Speaking Skills in Scientitic English). L'ouvrage est destiné à tout apprenant de niveau baccalauréat qui désire acquérir une réelle compétence dans l'écriture et la lecture de textes en anglais scientifique.
- By : Claire Clivaz
- Bible
Ecritures digitales
Author: Claire Clivaz
ISBN: 9789004399655
Category : Bible
Languages : en
Pages : 0
Book Description
Ecritures digitales aims to demonstrate how digital writing, as new technology, contributes to the emergence of a reconfigured relationship between the human body and the machines, and how this transition influences the Jewish-Christian textual corpus referred to as "the Scriptures". Ecritures digitales souhaite démontrer de quelle manière l'écriture digitale, en tant que nouvelle technologie, contribue à l'émergence d'une relation innovante entre le corps humain et les machines, et influence le corpus textuel judéo-chrétien désigné comme «les Ecritures».
- By : Marcel Thelen
- Semantics
Translation and Meaning
Author: Marcel Thelen
Publisher: Lodz Studies in Language
ISBN: 9783631663905
Category : Semantics
Languages : en
Pages : 0
Book Description
This book presents new and innovative ideas on the didactics of translation and interpreting. They include assessment methods and criteria, assessment of competences, graduate employability, placements, skills labs, the perceived skills gap between training and profession, the teaching of terminology, and curriculum design.
- By : Ivan F. Boesky
Merger Mania
Author: Ivan F. Boesky
Publisher: Holt McDougal
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 264
Book Description
- By : Sahra Gibbon
Biosocialities, Genetics and the Social Sciences
Author: Sahra Gibbon
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134144725
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 387
Book Description
Biosocialities, Genetics and the Social Sciences explores the social, cultural and economic transformations that result from innovations in genomic knowledge and technology. This pioneering collection uses Paul Rabinow’s concept of biosociality to chart the shifts in social relations and ideas about nature, biology and identity brought about by developments in biomedicine. Based on new empirical research, it contains chapters on genomic research into embryonic stem cell therapy, breast cancer, autism, Parkinson’s and IVF treatment, as well as on the expectations and education surrounding genomic research. It covers four main themes: novel modes of identity and identification, such as genetic citizenship the role of institutions, ranging from disease advocacy organizations and voluntary organizations to the state the production of biological knowledge, novel life-forms, and technologies the generation of wealth and commercial interests in biology. Including an afterword by Paul Rabinow and case studies on the UK, US, Canada, Germany, India and Israel, this book is key reading for students and researchers of the new genetics and the social sciences – particularly medical sociologists, medical anthropologists and those involved with science and technology studies.
- By : Albert R. Jonsen
- Philosophy
The Abuse of Casuistry
Author: Albert R. Jonsen
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 9780520060630
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 438
Book Description
In this engaging study, the authors put casuistry into its historical context, tracing the origin of moral reasoning in antiquity, its peak during the sixteenth and early seventeenth century, and its subsequent fall into disrepute from the mid-seventeenth century.