How can I open a .PCK file? [Step-by-step] (2024)

The table below provides useful information about the .pck file extension. It answers questions such as:

  • What is the .pck file?
  • What program do I need to open a .pck file?
  • How can the .pck file be opened, edited or printed?
  • How can I convert .pck files to another format?

We hope you find this page helpful and a valuable resource.

System Center Configuration Manager Package

How can I open a .PCK file? [Step-by-step] (1)

The PCK file is a System Center Configuration Manager Package. Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is a systems management software product developed by Microsoft for managing large groups of computers running Windows NT, Windows Embedded, macOS (OS X), Linux or UNIX, as well as Windows Phone, Symbian, iOS and Android mobile operating systems.

Category: Data files

Mime-type: application/octet-stream

Magic number: -

Magic string: -

Sample: -

PCK aliases:


PCK related links:


PCK related extensions:


System Center Configuration Manager File


System Center Configuration Manager VAppLauncher Data


System Center Operations Manager Console Data

Microsoft SMS Package

How can I open a .PCK file? [Step-by-step] (2)

The PCK file is a Microsoft SMS Package. Systems Management Server allows an administrator at a central location to perform these key management functions for client computers. This removes the need to physically touch a computer for inventory census, software installations, or problem diagnosis. Systems Management Server works within existing network environments to provide a complete resource management solution.

Category: Archive files

Mime-type: application/octet-stream

Magic number: -

Magic string: -

Sample: -

PCK aliases:


PCK related links:


PCK related extensions:


Microsoft SMS Instructions


Microsoft SMS Offer File


Microsoft SMS Lookup File

ARIA PIPP Spectrum Data

How can I open a .PCK file? [Step-by-step] (3)

The PCK file is an ARIA PIPP Spectrum Data. ARIA (Ambiguous Restraints for Iterative Assignment) is a software for automated NOE assignment and NMR structure calculation.

Category: Data files

Application: ARIA

Mime-type: application/octet-stream

Magic number: -

Magic string: -

Sample: -

PCK aliases:


PCK related links:


PCK related extensions:


ARIA Server Float Data


ARIA CNS Table Data


ARIA Link Data

Perfect World Package

How can I open a .PCK file? [Step-by-step] (4)

The PCK file is a Perfect World Package. Perfect World is a 3D Fantasy MMORPG set in a gorgeously designed world.

Category: Game Data files

Application: Perfect World

Mime-type: application/octet-stream

Magic number: -

Magic string: -

Sample: -

PCK aliases:


PCK related links:


PCK related extensions:


Godot Engine Game Package

How can I open a .PCK file? [Step-by-step] (5)

The PCK file is a Godot Engine Game Package. The Godot Engine is an open source, cross-platform game engine used to create 2D and 3D games.

Category: Archive files

Application: Godot Engine

Mime-type: application/octet-stream

Magic number: -

Magic string: -

Sample: -

PCK aliases:


PCK related links:


PCK related extensions:


Godot Engine Text Scene Data


Godot Engine Binary Scene Data


Godot Engine Project

Be careful with .pck files.

It's important to know that the .pck file extension can be used by various programs, not just the ones you expect. This includes potentially harmful software or malware that might create .pck files. Be cautious when dealing with .pck files from unknown sources.

The .pck file extension is often given incorrectly!

According to the searches on our site, these misspellings were the most common in the past year:

ck, cpk, lck, pc, pcj, pcl, pcm, pco, pcu, pdk, pfk, pk, pkc, psk, pvk

Is it possible that the filename extension is misspelled?

We found the following similar file extensions in our database:


Microsoft Software Publisher Private Key


General Program Lock File


XTree Programmable Function Keys Settings


RAW PCM Audio Data

Can't open a .pck file?

When you double-click a file to open it, Windows examines the filename extension. If Windows recognizes the filename extension, it opens the file in the program that is associated with that filename extension. When Windows does not recognize a filename extension, you receive the following message:

Select an app to open this .pck file

It means that the operating system does not have a default app associated with the .pck file type. To resolve this issue and open the file, you can take the following steps:

  • Right-click on the .pck file. A context menu will appear.
  • From the context menu, select Open with. Windows will display a list of recommended apps.
  • If the desired app is listed, select it from the provided options.
  • If you cannot find the appropriate app, you may need to install software that supports the specific file type.

If you don't know how to change the default app for the .pck file, check the FAQ.

Can I change the extension of files?

Changing the filename extension of a file is not a good idea. The extension of a file serves as a hint to the operating system and various software programs about the type of data contained within the file. When you alter a file's extension, you essentially modify how software applications interpret and handle that file. Every file has a specific format, also known as its file type or file format. The problem is, changing the file extension does not change the file format.

If you have helpful information about the .pck file extension, write to us.

<< .pcj file extension

.pckgdep file extension >>

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How can I open a .PCK file? [Step-by-step] (2024)
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