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Managerial Accounting

Managerial Accounting Tw e l f t h E d i t i o n

Ray H. Garrison, D.B.A., CPA Professor Emeritus Brigham Young University

Eric W. Noreen, Ph.D., CMA Professor Emeritus University of Washington

Peter C. Brewer, Ph.D., CPA Miami University—Oxford, Ohio

Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, WI New York San Francisco St. Louis Bangkok Bogotá Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto

Dedication To our families and to our many colleagues who use this book.

MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020. Copyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOW/DOW 0 9 8 7 ISBN 978-0-07-352670-6 MHID 0-07-352670-3 Editorial director: Stewart Mattson Executive editor: Tim Vertovec Developmental editor II: Sarah Wood Executive marketing manager: Krista Bettino Senior media producer: Elizabeth Mavetz Lead project manager: Pat Frederickson Senior production supervisor: Debra R. Sylvester Senior designer: Kami Carter Photo research coordinator: Lori Kramer Photo researcher: Keri Johnson Supplement producer: Ira C. Roberts Lead media project manager: Brian Nacik Cover designer: Pam Verros, pvdesign Cover images: © Masterfile Interior designer: Pam Verros, pvdesign Typeface: 10.5/12 Times Roman Compositor: Techbooks Printer: R. R. Donnelley Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Garrison, Ray H. Managerial accounting / Ray H. Garrison, Eric W. Noreen, Peter C. Brewer.—12th ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352670-6 ISBN-10: 0-07-352670-3 1. Managerial accounting. I. Noreen, Eric W. II. Brewer, Peter C. III. Title. HF5657.4.G37 2008 658.15’11—dc22 2006102821

About the Authors Ray H. Garrison is emeritus professor of accounting at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. He received his BS and MS degrees from Brigham Young University and his DBA degree from Indiana University. As a certified public accountant, Professor Garrison has been involved in management consulting work with both national and regional accounting firms. He has published articles in The Accounting Review, Management Accounting, and other professional journals. Innovation in the classroom has earned Professor Garrison the Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Teaching Award from Brigham Young University.

Eric W. Noreen is a globe-trotting academic who has held appointments at institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia. He is emeritus professor of accounting at the University of Washington. He received his BA degree from the University of Washington and MBA and PhD degrees from Stanford University. A Certified Management Accountant, he was awarded a Certificate of Distinguished Performance by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants. Professor Noreen has served as associate editor of The Accounting Review and the Journal of Accounting and Economics. He has numerous articles in academic journals including: the Journal of Accounting Research; the Accounting Review; the Journal of Accounting and Economics; Accounting Horizons; Accounting, Organizations and Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; the Journal of Management Accounting Research; and the Review of Accounting Studies. Professor Noreen has won a number of awards from students for his teaching.

Managerial Accounting

Twelfth Edition


About the Authors Peter C. Brewer is a professor in the Department of Accountancy at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. He holds a BS degree in accounting from Penn State University, an MS degree in accounting from the University of Virginia, and a PhD from the University of Tennessee. He has published 30 articles in a variety of journals including: Management Accounting Research, the Journal of Information Systems, Cost Management, Strategic Finance, the Journal of Accountancy, Issues in Accounting Education, and the Journal of Business Logistics. Professor Brewer is a member of the editorial boards of Issues in Accounting Education and the Journal of Accounting Education. His article “Putting Strategy into the Balanced Scorecard” won the 2003 International Federation of Accountants’ Articles of Merit competition and his articles “Using Six Sigma to Improve the Finance Function” and “Lean Accounting: What’s It All About?” were awarded the Institute of Management Accountants’ Lybrand Gold and Silver Medals in 2005 and 2006. He has received Miami University’s Richard T. Farmer School of Business Teaching Excellence Award and has been recognized on two occasions by the Miami University Associated Student Government for “making a remarkable commitment to students and their educational development.” He is a leading thinker in undergraduate management accounting curriculum innovation and is a frequent presenter at various professional and academic conferences. Prior to joining the faculty at Miami University, Professor Brewer was employed as an auditor for Touche Ross in the firm’s Philadelphia office. He also worked as an internal audit manager for the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He frequently collaborates with companies such as Harris Corporation, Ghent Manufacturing, Cintas, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Schneider Electric, Lenscrafters, and Fidelity Investments in a consulting or case writing capacity.





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Managerial Accounting

Twelfth Edition




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Managerial Accounting

Twelfth Edition


Acknowledgments Suggestions have been received from many of our colleagues throughout the world. Each of those who have offered comments and suggestions has our thanks. The efforts of many people are needed to develop and improve a text. Among these people are the reviewers and consultants who point out areas of concern, cite areas of strength, and make recommendations for change. In this regard, the following professors provided feedback that was enormously helpful in preparing the twelfth edition of Managerial Accounting: Helen Adams, University of Washington Gilda Agacer, Monmouth University Natalie Allen, Texas A&M University–College Station Thomas Arcuri, FCCJ–South Campus John Armstrong, Nichols College Kashi R. Balachandran, New York University Ben Bean, Utah Valley State College–Orem Deborah F. Beard, Southeast Missouri State University Linda Benz, KCTCS Jefferson Community and Technical College Sak Bhamornsiri, UNCC Brenda Bindschatel, Green River Community College Karen Bird, University of Michigan Steven Black, College of Eastern Utah, San Juan Campus Philip Blanchard, University of Arizona Marv Bouillon, Iowa State University Alisa Brink, Florida State University Robert Bromley, Central Michigan University William Burch, Houston Community College Janet Butler, Texas State University–San Marcos Ronald Bytnar, South Suburban College Richard Calvasina, University of West Florida Linda Campbell, Siena Heights University Valrie Chambers, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi Dave Champagne, Antelope Valley College Chiaho Chang, Montclair State University Dr. Jo Ann Christensen, Louisiana Tech University Earl Clay, Cape Cod Community College Deb Cosgrove, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Nancy Coster, University of California, Irvine Barbara Croteau, Santa Rosa Junior College Kathy Crusto-Way, Tarrant County College, Southeast Campus Alan Czyzewski, Indiana State University David L. Davis, Tallahassee Community College Patricia Doherty, Boston University Michael Dole, Marquette University B. Duckworth, University of Wisconsin, Baraboo Cathy Duffy, Carthage College Rita Dufour, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Robert Dunn, Georgia Institute Tech Rafik Z. Elias, California State University–LA Terry G. Elliott, Morehead State University Richard Emery, Linfield College Dr. Andrew Felo, Pennsylvania State University School of Graduate Professional Studies—Great Valley Tom Finnicum, Oklahoma State University




Ronald Flinn, Creighton University–Omaha Drew Fountaine, Somona State University M. Lou Fowler, Missouri Western State College Bob Geiges, Ottawa University Louis Giuliano, Thomas Jefferson University, Department of General Studies Dr. Marina R. Grau, Houston Community College Sharon Green, Duquesne University Dr. Dennis P. Greer, Utah Valley State College Cindy Gruber, Marquette University Joseph Hagan, East Carolina University Julie Hansen, Mesa College Susan Hass, Simmons College Betsy Haywood-Sullivan, Rider University Candice Heino, Anoka Ramsey Community College Norma Holter, Towson University Susan B. Hughes, Butler University Laura Ilcisin, University of Nebraska–Omaha Wayne C. Ingalls, University of Maine Sharon Jackson, Samford University Bob Jensen, Trinity College Mary Jepperson, College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University Gene Johnson, Clark College Shondra Johnson, Bradley University Leland Jordan, Christopher Newport University Robert Kachur, Richard Stockton College of NJ Janice Kerber, Durham Tech Community College M. Khaitan, Massachusetts Bay Community College Floyd Kirby, Jacksonville State University Shirly A. Kleiner, Johnson County Community College Christine Kloezeman, Glendale Community College Carol Knapp, University of Oklahoma Ridgway Knight, Loyola Marymount University John Koeplin, University of San Francisco Steven J. LaFave, Augsberg College C. Andrew Lafond, Philadelphia University Joseph Larkin, Saint Joseph’s University Dan Law, Gonzaga University Richard Lee, University of California Berkeley Extension William R. Link, University of Missouri–St. Louis Harold Little, Western Kentucky University Lawrence B. Logan, University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth Cynthia Lovick, Austin Community College Jordan Lowe, Arizona State University West Suzanne Lowensohn, Colorado State University


James Lukawitz, University of Memphis Tom Madden, University of California–Irvine Sitikantha Mahapatra, California State University–Long Beach S. A. Marino, SUNY/Westchester Community College Ariel Markelevich, Baruch College–CUNY Danny G. Matthews, Midwestern State University R. K. McCabe, Colorado State University Barbara McElroy, Susquehanna University Paul McGee, Salem State College Philip Meader, New Hampshire Community Technical College–Stratham Scott I. Meisel, Morehead State University Chris Metcalfe, Miami University Jon Mikkelsen, Monterey Peninsula College Paula Miller, Collin County Community College Valerie Milliron, California State University–Chico Susan Minke, Indiana Purdue at Fort Wayne Andrew Morgret, University of Memphis Matthew Mouritsen, Weber State University Ann B. Murphy, Metropolitan State College of Denver Ramesh Narasimhan, Montclair State University Patricia Newbanks, Iowa State University Peter F. Oehlers, West Chester University Aileen Ormiston, Mesa Community College Paul R. Pahoresky, Keller Graduate School of Management and Weatherhead School of Management Viola Persia, Stony Brook University Jo Ann Pinto, Montclair State University Margaret Pollard, American River College Peter Poznanski, Cleveland State Cheryl Prachyl, University of Texas–Arlington Nova Randolph, Shawnee Community College Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui, University of Illinois–Chicago Kelly Richmond, University of North Carolina–Greensboro Laura K. Rickett, Kent State University Juan Rivera, University of Notre Dame Walter A. Robbins, University of Alabama Michael Robinson, Baylor University Margo Rock, Hillsborough Community College–Tampa Luther L. Ross, Sr., Central Piedmont Community College Pamela J. Rouse, Butler University Karen Russom, North Harris College Dr. P.N. Saksena, Indiana University South Bend

James Schaefer, University Of Evansville Nancy Schrumpf, Parkland College Mike Schumacher, Gardner-Webb University Mike Schuster, Portland State University Dr. Robert J. Sellani, Nova Southeastern University Karen Shastri, University of Pittsburgh Lewis Shaw, Suffolk University–Dakar John W. Shishoff, University of Dayton Lily Sieux, CSU East Bay Tom Sill, Northwest University Jack Simon, University of Nevada–Reno Jack Simon, Golden Gate University William E. Smith, Xavier University Talitha Smith, Auburn University Jill Smith, Idaho State University Henry C. Smith, III, Otterbein College Roxanne Spindle, Virginia Commwealth University Jim Stanley, Lower Columbia College Victor Stanton, Stanford University I. Stapleton, Modesto Junior College Carolyn Strand Norman, Viriginia Commonwealth University Gracelyn Stuart, Palm Beach Community College–Boca Raton Holly Sudano, Florida State University Stephen Sullivan, St. Joseph’s University John J. Surdick, Xavier University Diane Tanner, University of North Florida Linda Tarrago, Hillsborough Community College Wendy Tietz, Kent State University Vicki Trammel Spencer, Northeastern State University Greg Treadwell, Cameron University Carmelita Troy, Naval Postgraduate School Mark A. Turner, Stephen F. Austin State University Thomas Vickman, University of Minnesota Lisa M. Victoravich, Florida State University Larry Walther, University of Texas–Arlington Gerald P. Weinstein, John Carroll University Stephen Welborn, University of Redlands Steve Welter, Parkland College Judith Zander, Grossmont College Bert J. Zarb, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Jim Zeigler, Bowling Green State University–Bowling Green Lin Zheng, Georgia College and State University Nan Zhou, Binghamton University

We are grateful for the outstanding support from McGraw-Hill. In particular, we would like to thank Stewart Mattson, Editorial Director; Tim Vertovec, Executive Editor; Sarah Wood, Developmental Editor; Krista Bettino, Executive Marketing Manager; Pat Frederickson, Lead Project Manager; Debra Sylvester, Production Supervisor; Kami Carter, Senior Designer; Ira Roberts, Manager of Publishing Services; Brian Nacik, Media Project Manager; Elizabeth Mavetz, Senior Media Tech Producer; and Lori Kramer, Photo Research Coordinator. Finally, we would like to thank Beth Woods and Barbara Schnathorst for working so hard to ensure an error-free twelfth edition. The authors also wish to thank Linda and Michael Bamber for inspiring the creation of the 10-K Research and Application exercises that are included in the end-of-chapter materials throughout the book. We are grateful to the Institute of Certified Management Accountants for permission to use questions and/or unofficial answers from past Certificate in Management Accounting (CMA) examinations. Likewise, we thank the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Society of Management Accountants of Canada, and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (United Kingdom) for permission to use (or to adapt) selected problems from their examinations. These problems bear the notations CPA, SMA, and CIMA respectively.

Ray H. Garrison • Eric Noreen • Peter Brewer

Managerial Accounting

Twelfth Edition


Brief Contents Chapter One

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment

Chapter Two

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications 38

Chapter Three

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing


Chapter Four

Systems Design: Process Costing 149

Chapter Five

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use 187

Chapter Six

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships 232

Chapter Seven

Variable Costing: A Tool for Management 275

Chapter Eight

Activity-Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision Making 309

Chapter Nine

Profit Planning 371

Chapter Ten

Standard Costs and the Balanced Scorecard 417

Chapter Eleven

Flexible Budgets and Overhead Analysis


Chapter Twelve

Segment Reporting and Decentralization


Chapter Thirteen

Relevant Costs for Decision Making 577

Chapter Fourteen

Capital Budgeting Decisions


Chapter Fifteen

“How Well Am I Doing?” Statement of Cash Flows

Chapter Sixteen

“How Well Am I Doing?” Financial Statement Analysis

Appendix A

Pricing Products and Services

Appendix B

Profitability Analysis 769 Credits Index



782 783


682 716




Enterprise Risk Management 27 Identifying and Controlling Business Risks

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment 1 Globalization 2 Strategy 4 The Work of Management and the Need for Managerial Accounting Information 5 Planning 6 Directing and Motivating 6 Controlling 6 The End Results of Managers’ Activities 7 The Planning and Control Cycle 7 Comparison of Financial and Managerial Accounting 7 Emphasis on the Future 7 Relevance of Data 9 Less Emphasis on Precision 9 Segments of an Organization 9 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 9 Managerial Accounting—Not Mandatory 9 Organizational Structure 10 Decentralization 10 The Functional View of Organizations 10 Line and Staff Relationships 11 The Chief Financial Officer 11 Process Management 12 Lean Production 13 The Lean Thinking Model 13 The Theory of Constraints (TOC) 15 Six Sigma 16 Technology in Business 17 E-Commerce 17 Enterprise Systems 19 The Importance of Ethics in Business 19 Code of Conduct for Management Accountants 21 Company Codes of Conduct 23 Codes of Conduct on the International Level 24 Corporate Governance 25 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002



The Certified Management Accountant (CMA) 28 Summary 29 Glossary 30 Questions 31 Exercises 31 Problems 33 Research and Application




Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications 38 General Cost Classifications 39 Manufacturing Costs 39 Direct Materials 39 Direct Labor 40 Manufacturing Overhead 41 Nonmanufacturing Costs 41 Product Costs versus Period Costs 41 Product Costs 42 Period Costs 42 Prime Cost and Conversion Cost 42 Cost Classifications on Financial Statements 45 The Balance Sheet 45 The Income Statement 46 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured 47 Product Cost Flows 49 Inventoriable Costs 50 An Example of Cost Flows


Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost Behavior 51 Variable Cost 52 Fixed Cost 53 xiii



Cost Classifications for Assigning Costs to Cost Objects 55 Direct Cost 55 Indirect Cost 56 Cost Classifications for Decision Making Differential Cost and Revenue 56 Opportunity Cost 58 Sunk Cost 58


Summary 59 Review Problem 1: Cost Terms 59 Review Problem 2: Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured and Income Statement 60 Glossary 62 Appendix 2A: Further Classification of Labor Costs 63 Appendix 2B: Cost of Quality 64 Glossary (Appendix 2B) 72 Questions 73 Exercises 73 Problems 78 Cases 88 Research and Application 90


Problems of Overhead Application 112 Underapplied and Overapplied Overhead 112 Disposition of Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead Balances 113 Closed Out to Cost of Goods Sold 114 Allocated between Accounts 114 A General Model of Product Cost Flows 115 Multiple Predetermined Overhead Rates 115 Job-Order Costing in Service Companies 116 Use of Information Technology 116 Summary 118 Review Problem: Job-Order Costing Glossary 121


Appendix 3A: The Predetermined Overhead Rate and Capacity 122 Questions 124 Exercises 124 Problems 131 Cases 144 Research and Application 148


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing 91 Process and Job-Order Costing Process Costing 92 Job-Order Costing 93

Applying Manufacturing Overhead 105 The Concept of a Clearing Account 106 Nonmanufacturing Costs 107 Cost of Goods Manufactured 107 Cost of Goods Sold 108 Summary of Cost Flows 108


Job-Order Costing—An Overview 93 Measuring Direct Materials Cost 94 Job Cost Sheet 94 Measuring Direct Labor Cost 96 Application of Manufacturing Overhead 97 Using the Predetermined Overhead Rate 98 The Need for a Predetermined Rate 98 Choice of an Allocation Base for Overhead Cost 99 Computation of Unit Costs 101 Summary of Document Flows 101 Job-Order Costing—The Flow of Costs 101 The Purchase and Issue of Materials 101 Issue of Direct and Indirect Materials 103 Labor Cost 103 Manufacturing Overhead Costs 104



Systems Design: Process Costing 149 Comparison of Job-Order and Process Costing 150 Similarities between Job-Order and Process Costing 150 Differences between Job-Order and Process Costing 150 Cost Flows in Process Costing 151 Processing Departments 151 The Flow of Materials, Labor, and Overhead Costs 152 Materials, Labor, and Overhead Cost Entries 153 Materials Costs 153 Labor Costs 153 Overhead Costs 153 Completing the Cost Flows 154



Equivalent Units of Production 154 Weighted-Average Method 156 Compute and Apply Costs 158 Cost per Equivalent Unit—Weighted-Average Method 158 Applying Costs—Weighted-Average Method 159 Operation Costing


Summary 160 Review Problem: Process Cost Flows and Costing Units 161 Glossary 163 Appendix 4A: FIFO Method 163 Appendix 4B: Service Department Allocations 168 Questions 172 Exercises 172 Problems 178 Cases 183 Research and Application 186



Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use 187 Types of Cost Behavior Patterns 188 Variable Costs 188 The Activity Base 189 Extent of Variable Costs 191 True Variable versus Step-Variable Costs 191 True Variable Costs 191 Step-Variable Costs 191 The Linearity Assumption and the Relevant Range 192 Fixed Costs 193 Types of Fixed Costs 194 Committed Fixed Costs 195 Discretionary Fixed Costs 195 The Trend toward Fixed Costs 196 Is Labor a Variable or a Fixed Cost? 196 Fixed Costs and the Relevant Range 197 Mixed Costs 199 The Analysis of Mixed Costs 201 Diagnosing Cost Behavior with a Scattergraph Plot 203

The High-Low Method 206 The Least-Squares Regression Method Multiple Regression Analysis 210


The Contribution Format Income Statement 210 Why a New Income Statement Format? 210 The Contribution Approach 211 Summary 211 Review Problem 1: Cost Behavior 212 Review Problem 2: High-Low Method 213 Glossary 214 Appendix 5A: Least-Squares Regression Using Microsoft® Excel 214 Questions 216 Exercises 217 Problems 221 Cases 227 Research and Application 230



Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships 232

The Basics of Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis 233 Contribution Margin 234 CVP Relationships in Graphic Form 236 Preparing the CVP Graph 236 Contribution Margin Ratio (CM Ratio) 238 Some Applications of CVP Concepts 239 Change in Fixed Cost and Sales Volume 239 Change in Variable Costs and Sales Volume 240 Change in Fixed Cost, Sales Price, and Sales Volume 241 Change in Variable Cost, Fixed Cost, and Sales Volume 242 Change in Selling Price 242 Break-Even Analysis 243 Break-Even Computations 243 The Equation Method 243 The Contribution Margin Method 244 Target Profit Analysis 244 The CVP Equation 244 The Contribution Margin Approach 245 The Margin of Safety 246



CVP Considerations in Choosing a Cost Structure Cost Structure and Profit Stability 247 Operating Leverage 249 Structuring Sales Commissions 250 Sales Mix 251 The Definition of Sales Mix 251 Sales Mix and Break-Even Analysis 252 Assumptions of CVP Analysis

Summary 292 Review Problem: Contrasting Variable and Absorption Costing 293 Glossary 295 Questions 295 Exercises 296 Problems 299 Cases 306


Summary 254 Review Problem: CVP Relationships Glossary 258 Questions 258 Exercises 258 Problems 263 Cases 271 Research and Application 274





Activity-Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision Making 309 Activity-Based Costing: An Overview 310 How Costs Are Treated under Activity-Based Costing 311 Nonmanufacturing Costs and Activity-Based Costing 311 Manufacturing Costs and Activity-Based Costing 311 Cost Pools, Allocation Bases, and Activity-Based Costing 311


Variable Costing: A Tool for Management 275 Overview of Absorption and Variable Costing Absorption Costing 276 Variable Costing 276 Selling and Administrative Expense 276 Unit Cost Computations 277



Income Comparison of Absorption and Variable Costing 278 Extended Comparison of Income Data 280 Effect of Changes in Production on Net Operating Income 284 Variable Costing 285 Absorption Costing 285 Choosing a Costing Method 288 The Impact on the Manager 288 CVP Analysis and Absorption Costing 289 Decision Making 290 External Reporting and Income Taxes 290 Advantages of Variable Costing and the Contribution Approach 291 Variable Costing and the Theory of Constraints 291 Impact of Lean Production 292

Designing an Activity-Based Costing (ABC) System 313 Steps for Implementing Activity-Based Costing 316 Step 1: Define Activities, Activity Cost Pools, and Activity Measures 316 The Mechanics of Activity-Based Costing 318 Step 2: Assign Overhead Costs to Activity Cost Pools 318 Step 3: Calculate Activity Rates 321 Step 4: Assign Overhead Costs to Cost Objects 322 Step 5: Prepare Management Reports 324 Comparison of Traditional and ABC Product Costs 327 Product Margins Computed Using the Traditional Cost System 328 The Differences between ABC and Traditional Product Costs 329 Targeting Process Improvements 332 Activity-Based Costing and External Reports 333 The Limitations of Activity-Based Costing 334 Summary 335 Review Problem: Activity-Based Costing Glossary 338


Appendix 8A: ABC Action Analysis 338


Summary 344 Review Problem: Activity Analysis Report 345 Glossary (Appendix 8A) 346



Appendix 8B: Using a Modified Form of Activity-Based Costing to Determine Product Costs for External Reports 347

Standard Costs and the Balanced Scorecard 417

Questions 349 Exercises 349 Problems 360 Cases 367 Research and Application

Standard Costs—Management by Exception 419 Who Uses Standard Costs? 420




Profit Planning 371

The Basic Framework of Budgeting 372 Advantages of Budgeting 372 Responsibility Accounting 372 Choosing a Budget Period 373 The Self-Imposed Budget 374 Human Factors in Budgeting 375 The Budget Committee 377 The Master Budget: An Overview 377 Preparing the Master Budget 379 The Sales Budget 380 The Production Budget 381 Inventory Purchases—Merchandising Firm 383 The Direct Materials Budget 383 The Direct Labor Budget 385 The Manufacturing Overhead Budget 386 The Ending Finished Goods Inventory Budget 388 The Selling and Administrative Expense Budget 388 The Cash Budget 390 The Budgeted Income Statement 393 The Budgeted Balance Sheet 394 Summary 396 Review Problem: Budget Schedules 396 Glossary 398 Questions 399 Exercises 399 Problems 402 Cases 413 Research and Application 416


Setting Standard Costs 421 Ideal versus Practical Standards 421 Setting Direct Materials Standards 422 Setting Direct Labor Standards 423 Setting Variable Manufacturing Overhead Standards 424 Are Standards the Same as Budgets? 424 A General Model for Variance Analysis 424 Price and Quantity Variances 425 Using Standard Costs—Direct Materials Variances 426 Materials Price Variance—A Closer Look 428 Isolation of Variances 428 Responsibility for the Variance 428 Materials Quantity Variance—A Closer Look 429 Using Standard Costs—Direct Labor Variances 430 Labor Rate Variance—A Closer Look 431 Labor Efficiency Variance—A Closer Look 432 Using Standard Costs—Variable Manufacturing Overhead Variances 433 Manufacturing Overhead Variances—A Closer Look 434 Variance Analysis and Management by Exception 435 International Uses of Standard Costs 436 Evaluation of Controls Based on Standard Costs 437 Advantages of Standard Costs 437 Potential Problems with the Use of Standard Costs 437 Balanced Scorecard 438 Common Characteristics of Balanced Scorecards 437 A Company’s Strategy and the Balanced Scorecard 442 Tying Compensation to the Balanced Scorecard 444 Advantages of Timely and Graphic Feedback 444 Some Measures of Internal Business Process Performance 446 Delivery Cycle Time 446



Throughput (Manufacturing Cycle) Time 446 Manufacturing Cycle Efficiency (MCE) 447 Some Final Observations Concerning the Balanced Scorecard 448 Summary 449 Review Problem: Standard Costs 449 Glossary 450 Appendix 10A: Journal Entries to Record Variances 452 Questions 454 Exercises 454 Problems 460 Cases 471 Research and Application




Flexible Budgets and Overhead Analysis 474 Flexible Budgets 475 Characteristics of a Flexible Budget 475 Deficiencies of the Static Budget 476 How a Flexible Budget Works 478 Using the Flexible Budgeting Concept in Performance Evaluation 478 The Measure of Activity—A Critical Choice 480 Variable Overhead Variances—A Closer Look 481 Actual versus Standard Hours 481 Spending Variance Alone 482 Interpreting the Spending Variance 483 Both Spending and Efficiency Variances 483 Interpreting the Efficiency Variance 483 Control of the Efficiency Variance 484 Activity-Based Costing and the Flexible Budget 484 Overhead Rates and Fixed Overhead Analysis 485 Flexible Budgets and Overhead Rates 485 Denominator Activity 486 Computing the Overhead Rate 486 Overhead Application in a Standard Cost System 487 The Fixed Overhead Variances 487 The Budget Variance—A Closer Look 488 The Volume Variance—A Closer Look 489 Graphic Analysis of Fixed Overhead Variances 490 Cautions in Fixed Overhead Analysis 491

Overhead Variances and Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead Cost 491 Summary 492 Review Problem: Overhead Analysis 492 Glossary 495 Questions 495 Exercises 496 Problems 502 Cases 510



Segment Reporting and Decentralization 515

Decentralization in Organizations Advantages and Disadvantages of Decentralization 516


Responsibility Accounting 517 Cost, Profit, and Investment Centers 517 Cost Center 517 Profit Center 517 Investment Center 518 An Organizational View of Responsibility Centers 518 Decentralization and Segment Reporting 519 Building a Segmented Income Statement 520 Levels of Segmented Statements 522 Sales and Contribution Margin 524 Traceable and Common Fixed Costs 524 Identifying Traceable Fixed Costs 524 Activity-Based Costing 525 Traceable Costs Can Become Common Costs 525 Segment Margin 526 Segmented Financial Information in External Reports 528 Hindrances to Proper Cost Assignment 528 Omission of Costs 528 Inappropriate Methods for Assigning Traceable Costs among Segments 529 Failure to Trace Costs Directly 529 Inappropriate Allocation Base 529 Arbitrarily Dividing Common Costs among Segments 529



Evaluating Investment Center Performance—Return on Investment 530 The Return on Investment (ROI) Formula 531 Net Operating Income and Operating Assets Defined 531 Understanding ROI 531 Example 1: Increased Sales without Any Increase in Operating Assets 534 Example 2: Decreased Operating Expenses with No Change in Sales or Operating Assets 534 Example 3: Decreased Operating Assets with No Change in Sales or Operating Expenses 534 Example 4: Invest in Operating Assets to Increase Sales 535 ROI and the Balanced Scorecard 535 Criticisms of ROI 536 Residual Income 537 Motivation and Residual Income 538 Divisional Comparison and Residual Income 539

Review Problem 3: Transfer Pricing Glossary (Appendix 12A) 550


Summary 601 Review Problem: Relevant Costs 601 Glossary 602 Questions 603 Exercises 603 Problems 611 Cases 618

543 549

Glossary (Appendix 12B) 556 Questions 557 Exercises 557 Problems 565 Cases 574 Research and Application 576




Capital Budgeting Decisions 625 Capital Budgeting—Planning Investments 626 Typical Capital Budgeting Decisions 626 The Time Value of Money 626

Relevant Costs for Decision Making 577

Cost Concepts for Decision Making 578 Identifying Relevant Costs and Benefits 578 Different Costs for Different Purposes 579 An Example of Identifying Relevant Costs and Benefits 580 Reconciling the Total and Differential Approaches Why Isolate Relevant Costs? 584

Opportunity Cost 591 Special Orders 592 Utilization of a Constrained Resource 594 Contribution Margin per Unit of the Constrained Resource 594 Managing Restraints 596 The Problem of Multiple Constraints 597

Activity-Based Costing and Relevant Costs

Appendix 12B: Service Department Charges 550


The Make or Buy Decision 588 Strategic Aspects of the Make or Buy Decision 589 An Example of Make or Buy 589

Joint Product Costs and the Contribution Approach 597 The Pitfalls of Allocation 598 Sell or Process Further Decisions 599

Summary 540 Review Problem 1: Segmented Statements 540 Review Problem 2: Return on Investment (ROI) and Residual Income 541 Glossary 542 Appendix 12A: Transfer Pricing

Adding and Dropping Product Lines and Other Segments 585 An Illustration of Cost Analysis 585 A Comparative Format 587 Beware of Allocated Fixed Costs 587


Discounted Cash Flows—The Net Present Value Method 627 The Net Present Value Method Illustrated 627 Emphasis on Cash Flows 629 Typical Cash Outflows 629 Typical Cash Inflows 629 Recovery of the Original Investment 630 Simplifying Assumptions 631



Choosing a Discount Rate 631 An Extended Example of the Net Present Value Method 631 Discounted Cash Flows—The Internal Rate of Return Method 633 The Internal Rate of Return Method Illustrated 633 Salvage Value and Other Cash Flows 634 Using the Internal Rate of Return 634 The Cost of Capital as a Screening Tool 634 Comparison of the Net Present Value and the Internal Rate of Return Methods 635 Expanding the Net Present Value Method 635 The Total-Cost Approach 635 The Incremental-Cost Approach 637 Least-Cost Decisions 637 Uncertain Cash Flows 639 An Example 639 Real Options 640 Preference Decisions—The Ranking of Investment Projects 641 Internal Rate of Return Method 641 Net Present Value Method 641 Other Approaches to Capital Budgeting Decisions 642 The Payback Method 642 Evaluation of the Payback Method 643 An Extended Example of Payback 644 Payback and Uneven Cash Flows 645 The Simple Rate of Return Method 646 Criticisms of the Simple Rate of Return 648 Postaudit of Investment Projects 648 Summary 649 Review Problem 1: Basic Present Value Computations 650 Review Problem 2: Comparison of Capital Budgeting Methods 651 Glossary 652 Appendix 14A: The Concept of Present Value 653 Glossary (Appendix 14A) 656 Appendix 14B: Present Value Tables 657 Appendix 14C: Income Taxes in Capital Budgeting Decisions 659 Glossary (Appendix 14C) 663 Questions 663 Exercises 664 Problems 670 Cases 679



“How Well Am I Doing?” Statement of Cash Flows


The Basic Approach to a Statement of Cash Flows 684 Definition of Cash 684 Constructing the Statement of Cash Flows Using Changes in Noncash Balance Sheet Accounts 684 An Example of a Simplified Statement of Cash Flows 686 Constructing a Simplified Statement of Cash Flows 686 The Need for a More Detailed Statement 688 Organization of the Full-Fledged Statement of Cash Flows 689 Operating Activities 689 Investing Activities 690 Financing Activities 690 Other Issues in Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows 691 Cash Flows: Gross or Net? 691 Operating Activities: Direct or Indirect Method? 691 An Example of a Full-Fledged Statement of Cash Flows 692 Eight Basic Steps to Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows 692 Setting Up the Worksheet (Steps 1–4) 694 Adjustments to Reflect Gross, Rather than Net, Amounts (Step 5) 695 Classifying Entries as Operating, Investing, or Financing Activities (Step 6) 696 The Completed Statement of Cash Flows (Steps 7 and 8) 697 Interpretation of the Statement of Cash Flows 698 Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization 699 Summary 699 Review Problem Glossary 702


Appendix 15A: The Direct Method of Determining the Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 703 Questions 704 Exercises 705 Problems 708 Research and Application 715






“How Well Am I Doing?” Financial Statement Analysis 716 Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis Comparison of Financial Data 717 The Need to Look beyond Ratios 717


Pricing Products and Services 753 717

Statement in Comparative and Common-Size Form 718 Dollar and Percentage Changes on Statements 718 Common-Size Statements 721 Ratio Analysis—The Common Stockholder 723 Earnings per Share 723 Price-Earnings Ratio 724 Dividend Payout and Yield Ratios 724 The Dividend Payout Ratio 725 The Dividend Yield Ratio 725 Return on Total Assets 725 Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity 726 Financial Leverage 726 Book Value per Share 726 Ratio Analysis—The Short-Term Creditor 728 Working Capital 728 Current Ratio 728 Acid-Test (Quick) Ratio 729 Accounts Receivable Turnover 730 Inventory Turnover 730

Introduction 754 The Economists’ Approach to Pricing Elasticity of Demand 754 The Profit-Maximizing Price 755

The Absorption Costing Approach to Cost-Plus Pricing 758 Setting a Target Selling Price Using the Absorption Costing Approach 758 Determining the Markup Percentage 759 Problems with the Absorption Costing Approach 760 Target Costing 761 Reasons for Using Target Costing 761 An Example of Target Costing 762 Summary Glossary Questions Exercises Problems

762 763 763 763 764



Profitability Analysis 769

Summary of Ratios and Sources of Comparative Ratio Data 732

Introduction 770 Absolute Profitability 770 Relative Profitability 771 Volume Trade-Off Decisions 773 Managerial Implications 774

Summary 734 Review Problem: Selected Ratios and Financial Leverage 734 Glossary 737 Questions 737 Exercises 737 Problems 742 Research and Application 751

Summary 777 Glossary 777 Questions 777 Exercises 777 Problems 779 Cases 781 Credits 782 Index 783

Ratio Analysis—The Long-Term Creditor 731 Times Interest Earned Ratio 731 Debt-to-Equity Ratio 732



1 Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment


The Role of Management Accounting It is estimated that 95% of all finance professionals work inside corporations, governments, and other organizations, integrating accounting with operations and reporting to the outside world. While some of the effort expended by these people relates to financial accounting, the profession needs to further stress the role management accountants play within organizations supporting decision making, planning, and control. In short, the emphasis in business and the role of accounting should be more about doing business rather than tabulating and reporting historical financial results. Management accounting is undergoing a renaissance in response to technological changes, globalization, and growing risk management concerns. In these challenging times, management accountants help “steady the ship” by acting as their organizations’ interpreters, sage advisors, and ethical “keepers of the numbers.” Managers understand that good business results come from dynamic processes, procedures, and practices that are well designed and properly implemented and managed. Certified Management Accountants are qualified to help their fellow managers achieve good business results because they have earned an advanced certification that addresses all important aspects of accounting inside organizations. ■ Source: Conversation with Paul Sharman, CEO of the Institute of Management Accountants.

Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 1, you should be able to:

LO1 Identify the major differences and similarities between financial and managerial accounting. LO2 Understand the role of management accountants in an organization. LO3 Understand the basic concepts underlying Lean Production, the Theory of Constraints (TOC), and Six Sigma. LO4 Understand the importance of upholding ethical standards.

Chapter 1



anagerial accounting is concerned with providing information to managers—that is, people inside an organization who direct and control its operations. In contrast, financial accounting is concerned with providing information to stockholders, creditors, and others who are outside an organization. Managerial accounting provides the essential data that are needed to run organizations. Financial accounting provides the essential data that are used by outsiders to judge a company’s past financial performance. Managerial accountants prepare a variety of reports. Some reports focus on how well managers or business units have performed—comparing actual results to plans and to benchmarks. Some reports provide timely, frequent updates on key indicators such as orders received, order backlog, capacity utilization, and sales. Other analytical reports are prepared as needed to investigate specific problems such as a decline in the profitability of a product line. And yet other reports analyze a developing business situation or opportunity. In contrast, financial accounting is oriented toward producing a limited set of specific prescribed annual and quarterly financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The chapter begins with discussions of globalization and the meaning of strategy. Next, it describes the information needs of management and how the role of managerial accounting differs from financial accounting. Finally, the chapter provides an overview of the organizational context within which management accounting operates—including discussions of organizational structure, process management, technology in business, the importance of ethics, corporate governance, and enterprise risk management.

Globalization The world has become much more intertwined over the last 20 years. Reductions in tariffs, quotas, and other barriers to free trade; improvements in global transportation systems; explosive expansion in Internet usage; and increasing sophistication in international markets have created a truly global marketplace. Exhibit 1–1 illustrates this tremendous growth in international trade from the standpoint of the United States and some of its key trading partners. Panel A of the exhibit shows the dollar value of imports (stated in billions of dollars) into the United States from six countries; Panel B shows the dollar value of exports from the United States to those same six countries. As you can see, the increase in import and export activity from 1990 to 2004 was huge. In particular, trade with China expanded enormously as did trade with Mexico and Canada, which participate in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In a global marketplace, a company that has been very successful in its local market may suddenly find itself facing competition from halfway around the globe. For example, in the 1980s American automobile manufacturers began losing market share to Japanese competitors who offered American consumers higher quality cars at lower prices. For consumers, this type of heightened international competition promises a greater variety of goods and services, at higher quality and lower prices. However, heightened international competition threatens companies that may have been quite profitable in their own local markets. Although globalization leads to greater competition, it also means greater access to new markets, customers, and workers. For example, the emerging markets of China, India, Russia, and Brazil contain more than 2.5 billion potential customers and workers.1 Many companies such as FedEx, McDonald’s, and Nike are actively seeking to grow


The Economist: Pocket World in Figures 2004, Profile Books Ltd., London, U.K.

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment

Panel A: Imports to the United States (billions of dollars)

E X H I B I T 1–1 United States Global Trade Activity (in billions of U.S. dollars)

Imports to the US (billions)

$300 $250 $200

Canada China Germany Japan Mexico United Kingdom

$150 $100 $50 $0





Panel B: Exports from the United States (billions of dollars) $220 $200 Exports from the US (billions)

$180 $160 $140

Canada China Germany Japan Mexico United Kingdom

$120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0





Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, Data Dissemination Branch, Washington, D.C. 20233.

their sales by investing in emerging markets. In addition, the movement of jobs from the United States and Western Europe to other parts of the world has been notable in recent years. For example, one study estimates that by the end of the decade more than 825,000 financial services and high-tech jobs will transfer from Western Europe to less expensive labor markets such as India, China, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.2


“Job Exports: Europe’s Turn,” BusinessWeek, April 19, 2004, p. 50.


Chapter 1


The Internet fuels the globalization phenomenon by providing companies with greater access to geographically dispersed customers, employees, and suppliers. While the number of Internet users worldwide more than doubled during the first four years of the new millennium, as of 2004, more than 87% of the world’s population was still not connected to the Internet. This suggests that the Internet’s impact on global business has yet to fully develop.

IN BUSINESS THE IMPLICATIONS OF GLOBALIZATION International competition goes hand-in-hand with globalization. China’s entrance into the global marketplace has highlighted this stark reality for many U.S. companies. For example, from 2000 to 2003, China’s wooden bedroom furniture exports to the United States increased by more than 233% to a total of $1.2 billion. During this same time, the number of workers employed by U.S. furniture manufacturers dropped by about a third, or a total of 35,000 workers. However, globalization means more than international competition. It brings opportunities for companies to enter new markets. FedEx has pushed hard to be an important player in the emerging Asian cargo market. FedEx makes 622 weekly flights to and from Asian markets, including service to 224 Chinese cities. FedEx currently has 39% of the U.S.–China express market and it plans to pursue continuous growth in that region of the world. Sources: Ted Fishman, “How China Will Change Your Business,” Inc. magazine, March 2005, pp. 70–84; Matthew Boyle, “Why FedEx is Flying High,” Fortune, November 1, 2004, pp. 145–150.

Strategy Even more than in the past, companies that now face global competition must have a viable strategy for succeeding in the marketplace. A strategy is a “game plan” that enables a company to attract customers by distinguishing itself from competitors. The focal point of a company’s strategy should be its target customers. A company can only succeed if it creates a reason for customers to choose it over a competitor. These reasons, or what are more formally called customer value propositions, are the essence of strategy. Customer value propositions tend to fall into three broad categories—customer intimacy, operational excellence, and product leadership. Companies that adopt a customer intimacy strategy are in essence saying to their target customers, “The reason that you should choose us is because we understand and respond to your individual needs better than our competitors.” Ritz-Carlton, Nordstrom, and Starbucks rely primarily on a customer intimacy value proposition for their success. Companies that pursue the second customer value proposition, called operational excellence, are saying to their target customers, “The reason that you should choose us is because we can deliver products and services faster, more conveniently, and at a lower price than our competitors.” Southwest Airlines, Wal-Mart, and The Vanguard Group are examples of companies that succeed first and foremost because of their operational excellence. Companies pursuing the third customer value proposition, called product leadership, are saying to their target customers, “The reason that you should choose us is because we offer higher quality products than our competitors.” BMW, Cisco Systems, and W.L. Gore (the creator of GORE-TEX® fabrics) are examples of companies that succeed because of their product leadership. Although one company may offer its customers a combination of these three customer value propositions, one usually outweighs the others in terms of importance.3

3 These three customer value propositions were defined by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema in “Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines,” Harvard Business Review, January/February 1993, pp. 84–93.

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment


IN BUSINESS OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE COMES TO THE DIAMOND BUSINESS An average engagement ring purchased from Blue Nile, an Internet diamond retailer, costs $5,200 compared to $9,500 if purchased from Tiffany & Co., a bricks-and-mortar retailer. Why is there such a difference? There are three reasons. First, Blue Nile allows wholesalers to sell directly to customers using its website. In the brick-and-mortar scenario, diamonds change hands as many as seven times before being sold to a customer—passing through various cutters, wholesalers, brokers, and retailers, each of whom demands a profit. Second, Blue Nile carries very little inventory and incurs negligible overhead. Diamonds are shipped directly from wholesalers after they have been purchased by a customer—no retail outlets are necessary. Bricks-and-mortar retailers tie up large amounts of money paying for the inventory and employees on their showroom floors. Third, Blue Nile generates a high volume of transactions by selling to customers anywhere in the world; therefore, it can accept a lower profit margin per transaction than local retailers, who complete fewer transactions with customers within a limited geographic radius. Perhaps you are wondering why customers are willing to trust an Internet retailer when buying an expensive item such as a diamond. The answer is that all of the diamonds sold through Blue Nile’s website are independently certified by the Gemological Institute of America in four categories—carat count, type of cut, color, and clarity. In essence, Blue Nile has turned diamonds into a commodity and is using an operational excellence customer value proposition to generate annual sales of $154 million. Source: Victoria Murphy, “Romance Killer,” Forbes, November 29, 2004, pp. 97–101.

The Work of Management and the Need for Managerial Accounting Information Every organization—large and small—has managers. Someone must be responsible for formulating strategy, making plans, organizing resources, directing personnel, and controlling operations. This is true of the Bank of America, the Peace Corps, the University of Illinois, the Red Cross, and the Coca-Cola Corporation, as well as the local 7-Eleven convenience store. In this chapter, we will use a particular organization—Good Vibrations, Inc.—to illustrate the work of management. What we have to say about the management of Good Vibrations, however, is very general and can be applied to virtually any organization. Good Vibrations runs a chain of retail outlets that sells a full range of music CDs. The chain’s stores are concentrated in Pacific Rim cities such as Sydney, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, and Vancouver. The company has found that the best way to generate sales, and profits, is to create an exciting shopping environment following a customer intimacy strategy. Consequently, the company puts a great deal of effort into planning the layout and decor of its stores—which are often quite large and extend over several floors in key downtown locations. Management knows that different types of clientele are attracted to different kinds of music. The international rock section is generally decorated with bold, brightly colored graphics, and the aisles are purposely narrow to create a crowded feeling much like one would experience at a popular nightclub on Friday night. In contrast, the classical music section is wood-paneled and fully sound insulated, with the rich, spacious feeling of a country club meeting room. Managers at Good Vibrations like managers everywhere, carry out three major activities— planning, directing and motivating, and controlling. Planning involves establishing a basic strategy, selecting a course of action, and specifying how the action will be implemented. Directing and motivating involves mobilizing people to carry out plans and run routine operations. Controlling involves ensuring that the plan is actually carried out and is appropriately modified as circumstances change. Management accounting information plays a vital role in these basic management activities—but most particularly in the planning and control functions.


Chapter 1

Planning An important part of planning is to identify alternatives and then to select from among the alternatives the one that best fits the organization’s strategy and objectives. The basic objective of Good Vibrations is to earn profits for the owners of the company by providing superior service at competitive prices in as many markets as possible. To further this strategy, every year top management carefully considers a range of options, or alternatives, for expanding into new geographic markets. This year management is considering opening new stores in Shanghai, Los Angeles, and Auckland. When making this choice, management must balance the potential benefits of opening a new store against the costs and demands on the company’s resources. Management knows from bitter experience that opening a store in a major new market is a big step that cannot be taken lightly. It requires enormous amounts of time and energy from the company’s most experienced, talented, and busy professionals. When the company attempted to open stores in both Beijing and Vancouver in the same year, resources were stretched too thinly. The result was that neither store opened on schedule, and operations in the rest of the company suffered. Therefore, Good Vibrations plans very carefully before entering a new market. Among other data, top management looks at the sales volumes, profit margins, and costs of the company’s established stores in similar markets. These data, supplied by the management accountant, are combined with projected sales volume data at the proposed new locations to estimate the profits that would be generated by the new stores. In general, virtually all important alternatives considered by management in the planning process impact revenues or costs, and management accounting data are essential in estimating those impacts. After considering all of the alternatives, Good Vibrations’ top management decided to open a store in the booming Shanghai market in the third quarter of the year, but to defer opening any other new stores to another year. As soon as this decision was made, detailed plans were drawn up for all parts of the company that would be involved in the Shanghai opening. For example, the Personnel Department’s travel budget was increased, since it would be providing extensive on-site training to the new personnel hired in Shanghai. As in the case of the Personnel Department, the plans of management are often expressed formally in budgets, and the term budgeting is generally used to describe this part of the planning process. Budgets are usually prepared under the direction of the controller, who is the manager in charge of the Accounting Department. Typically, budgets are prepared annually and represent management’s plans in specific, quantitative terms. In addition to a travel budget, the Personnel Department will be given goals in terms of new hires, courses taught, and detailed breakdowns of expected expenses. Similarly, the store managers will be given targets for sales volume, profit, expenses, pilferage losses, and employee training. Good Vibrations’ management accountants will collect, analyze, and summarize these data in the form of budgets.

Directing and Motivating In addition to planning for the future, managers oversee day-to-day activities and try to keep the organization functioning smoothly. This requires motivating and directing people. Managers assign tasks to employees, arbitrate disputes, answer questions, solve on-the-spot problems, and make many small decisions that affect customers and employees. In effect, directing is that part of a manager’s job that deals with the routine and the here and now. Managerial accounting data, such as daily sales reports, are often used in this type of dayto-day activity.

Controlling In carrying out the control function, managers seek to ensure that the plan is being followed. Feedback, which signals whether operations are on track, is the key to effective control. In sophisticated organizations, this feedback is provided by various detailed reports. One of

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment


these reports, which compares budgeted to actual results, is called a performance report. Performance reports suggest where operations are not proceeding as planned and where some parts of the organization may require additional attention. For example, the manager of the new Shanghai store will be given sales volume, profit, and expense targets. As the year progresses, performance reports will be constructed that compare actual sales volume, profit, and expenses to the targets. If the actual results fall below the targets, top management will be alerted that the Shanghai store requires more attention. Experienced personnel can be flown in to help the new manager, or top management may conclude that its plans need to be revised. As we shall see in later chapters, one of the central purposes of managerial accounting is to provide this kind of feedback to managers.

The End Results of Managers’ Activities When a customer enters a Good Vibrations store, the results of management’s planning, directing and motivating, and controlling activities will be evident in the many details that make the difference between a pleasant and an irritating shopping experience. The store will be clean, fashionably decorated, and logically laid out. Featured artists’ videos will be displayed on TV monitors throughout the store, and the background rock music will be loud enough to send older patrons scurrying for the classical music section. Popular CDs will be in stock, and the latest hits will be available for private listening on earphones. Specific titles will be easy to find. Regional music, such as CantoPop in Hong Kong, will be prominently featured. Checkout clerks will be alert, friendly, and efficient. In short, what the customer experiences doesn’t simply happen; it is the result of the efforts of managers who must visualize and then fit together the processes that are needed to get the job done.

The Planning and Control Cycle Exhibit 1–2 (page 8) depicts the work of management in the form of the planning and control cycle. The planning and control cycle involves the smooth flow of management activities from planning through directing and motivating, controlling, and then back to planning again. All of these activities involve decision making, which is the hub around which the other activities revolve.

Comparison of Financial and Managerial Accounting Financial accounting reports are prepared for external parties such as shareholders and creditors, whereas managerial accounting reports are prepared for managers inside the organization. This contrast in orientation results in a number of major differences between financial and managerial accounting, even though they often rely on the same underlying financial data. Exhibit 1–3 (page 8) summarizes these differences. As shown in Exhibit 1–3, financial and managerial accounting differ not only in their user orientation but also in their emphasis on the past and the future, in the type of data provided to users, and in several other ways. These differences are discussed in the following paragraphs.


Identify the major differences and similarities between financial and managerial accounting.

Emphasis on the Future Since planning is such an important part of the manager’s job, managerial accounting has a strong future orientation. In contrast, financial accounting primarily summarizes past financial transactions. These summaries may be useful in planning, but only to a point. The future is not simply a reflection of what has happened in the past. Changes are constantly taking place in economic conditions, customer needs and desires, competitive conditions, and so on. All of these changes demand that the manager’s planning be based in large part on estimates of what will happen rather than on summaries of what has already happened.

Topic Tackler

PLUS 1–1

Chapter 1


E X H I B I T 1–2 The Planning and Control Cycle

Formulating long- and short-term plans (Planning)

Comparing actual to planned performance (Controlling)

Implementing plans (Directing and Motivating)

Decision Making

Measuring performance (Controlling)

E X H I B I T 1–3 Comparison of Financial and Managerial Accounting

Accounting • Recording • Estimating • Organizing • Summarizing

Financial Accounting

Financial and Operational Data

Managerial Accounting

• Reports to those outside the organization: Owners Lenders Tax authorities Regulators

• Reports to those inside the organization for: Planning Directing and motivating Controlling Performance evaluation

• Emphasizes financial consequences of past activities.

• Emphasizes decisions affecting the future.

• Emphasizes objectivity and verifiability.

• Emphasizes relevance.

• Emphasizes precision.

• Emphasizes timeliness.

• Emphasizes summary data concerning the entire organization.

• Emphasizes detailed segment reports about departments, products, customers, and employees.

• Must follow GAAP.

• Need not follow GAAP.

• Mandatory for external reports.

• Not mandatory.

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment

Relevance of Data Financial accounting data should be objective and verifiable. However, for internal uses managers want information that is relevant even if it is not completely objective or verifiable. By relevant, we mean appropriate for the problem at hand. For example, it is difficult to verify estimated sales volumes for a proposed new store at Good Vibrations, but this is exactly the type of information that is most useful to managers. Managerial accounting should be flexible enough to provide whatever data are relevant for a particular decision.

Less Emphasis on Precision Making sure that dollar amounts are accurate down to the last dollar or penny takes time and effort. While that kind of accuracy is required for external reports, most managers would rather have a good estimate immediately than wait for a more precise answer later. For this reason, managerial accountants often place less emphasis on precision than financial accountants do. For example, in a decision involving hundreds of millions of dollars, estimates that are rounded off to the nearest million dollars are probably good enough. In addition to placing less emphasis on precision than financial accounting, managerial accounting places much more weight on nonmonetary data. For example, data about customer satisfaction may be routinely used in managerial accounting reports.

Segments of an Organization Financial accounting is primarily concerned with reporting for the company as a whole. By contrast, managerial accounting focuses much more on the parts, or segments, of a company. These segments may be product lines, sales territories, divisions, departments, or any other categorization that management finds useful. Financial accounting does require some breakdowns of revenues and costs by major segments in external reports, but this is a secondary emphasis. In managerial accounting, segment reporting is the primary emphasis.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Financial accounting statements prepared for external users must comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). External users must have some assurance that the reports have been prepared in accordance with a common set of ground rules. These common ground rules enhance comparability and help reduce fraud and misrepresentation, but they do not necessarily lead to the type of reports that would be most useful in internal decision making. For example, if management at Good Vibrations is considering selling land to finance a new store, they need to know the current market value of the land. However, GAAP requires that the land be stated at its original, historical cost on financial reports. The more relevant data for the decision—the current market value—is ignored under GAAP. Managerial accounting is not bound by GAAP. Managers set their own rules concerning the content and form of internal reports. The only constraint is that the expected benefits from using the information should outweigh the costs of collecting, analyzing, and summarizing the data. Nevertheless, as we shall see in subsequent chapters, it is undeniably true that financial reporting requirements have heavily influenced management accounting practice.

Managerial Accounting—Not Mandatory Financial accounting is mandatory; that is, it must be done. Various outside parties such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the tax authorities require periodic financial statements. Managerial accounting, on the other hand, is not mandatory. A company is completely free to do as much or as little as it wishes. No regulatory bodies or other outside agencies specify what is to be done, or, for that matter, whether anything is to be done at all. Since managerial accounting is completely optional, the important question is always, “Is the information useful?” rather than, “Is the information required?”


Chapter 1


Organizational Structure Management must accomplish its objectives by working through people. Presidents of companies like Good Vibrations could not possibly execute all of their company’s strategies alone; they must rely on other people. This is done by creating an organizational structure that permits effective decentralization.


Understand the role of management accountants in an organization.

Decentralization Decentralization is the delegation of decision-making authority throughout an organization by giving managers the authority to make decisions relating to their area of responsibility. Some organizations are more decentralized than others. Because of Good Vibrations’ geographic dispersion and the peculiarities of local markets, the company is highly decentralized. Good Vibrations’ president (often synonymous with the term chief executive officer, or CEO) sets the broad strategy for the company and makes major strategic decisions such as opening stores in new markets; however, much of the remaining decision-making authority is delegated to managers at various levels throughout the organization. Each of the company’s numerous retail stores has a store manager as well as a separate manager for each music category such as international rock and classical/jazz. In addition, the company has support departments such as a central Purchasing Department and a Personnel Department.

The Functional View of Organizations Exhibit 1–4 shows Good Vibrations’ organizational structure in the form of an organization chart. The purpose of an organization chart is to show how responsibility is divided among E X H I B I T 1–4 Organization Chart, Good Vibrations, Inc.

Board of Directors


Purchasing Department

Personnel Department

Vice President Operations

Chief Financial Officer

Treasurer Manager Tokyo store

Manager Hong Kong store

Manager Intn’l Rock

Manager Classical/Jazz

Manager Intn’l Rock

Manager Classical/Jazz Manager Karaoke

Manager CantoPop

Other Stores


Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment

managers and to show formal lines of reporting and communication, or chain of command. Each box depicts an area of management responsibility, and the lines between the boxes show the lines of formal authority between managers. The chart tells us, for example, that the store managers are responsible to the operations vice president. In turn, the operations vice president is responsible to the company president, who in turn is responsible to the board of directors. Following the lines of authority and communication on the organization chart, we can see that the manager of the Hong Kong store would ordinarily report to the operations vice president rather than directly to the president of the company. Informal relationships and channels of communication often develop outside the formal reporting relationships on the organization chart as a result of personal contacts between managers. The informal structure does not appear on the organization chart, but it is often vital to effective operations.

Line and Staff Relationships An organization chart also depicts line and staff positions in an organization. A person in a line position is directly involved in achieving the basic objectives of the organization. A person in a staff position, by contrast, is only indirectly involved in achieving those basic objectives. Staff positions provide assistance to line positions or other parts of the organization, but they do not have direct authority over line positions. Refer again to the organization chart in Exhibit 1–4. Because the basic objective of Good Vibrations is to sell recorded music at a profit, those managers whose areas of responsibility are directly related to selling music occupy line positions. These positions, which are shown in a darker color in the exhibit, include the managers of the various music departments in each store, the store managers, the operations vice president, the president, and the board of directors. By contrast, the manager of the central Purchasing Department occupies a staff position, since the only purpose of the Purchasing Department is to serve the line departments by doing their purchasing for them. However, both line and staff managers have authority over the employees in their own departments.

The Chief Financial Officer As previously mentioned, in the United States the manager of the accounting department is often known as the controller. The controller in turn reports to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The Chief Financial Officer is the member of the top management team who is responsible for providing timely and relevant data to support planning and control activities and for preparing financial statements for external users. An effective CFO is considered a key member of the top management team whose advice is sought in all major decisions. The CFO is a highly paid professional who has command over the technical details of accounting and finance, who can provide leadership to other professionals in his or her department, who can analyze new and evolving situations, who can communicate technical data to others in a simple and clear manner, and who is able to work well with top managers from other disciplines. More than ever, the accountants who work under the CFO focus their efforts on supporting the needs of their co-workers in line positions: Growing numbers of management accountants spend the bulk of their time as internal consultants or business analysts within their companies. Technological advances have liberated them from the mechanical aspects of accounting. They spend less time preparing standardized reports and more time analyzing and interpreting information. Many have moved from the isolation of accounting departments to be physically positioned in the operating departments with which they work. Management accountants work on cross-functional teams, have extensive face-to-face communications with people throughout their organizations, and are actively involved in decision making. . . . They are trusted advisors.4 4

Gary Siegel Organization, Counting More, Counting Less: Transformations in the Management Accounting Profession, The 1999 Practice Analysis of Management Accounting, Institute of Management Accountants, Montvale, NJ, August 1999, p. 3.



Chapter 1


WHAT DOES IT TAKE? A controller at McDonald’s describes the characteristics needed by its most successful management accountants as follows: [I]t’s a given that you know your accounting cold. You’re expected to know the tax implications of proposed courses of action. You need to understand cost flows and information flows. You have to be very comfortable with technology and be an expert in the company’s business and accounting software. You have to be a generalist. You need a working knowledge of what people do in marketing, engineering, human resources, and other departments. You need to understand how the processes, departments, and functions work together to run the business. You’ll be expected to contribute ideas at planning meetings, so you have to see the big picture, keep a focus on the bottom line, and think strategically. Source: Gary Siegel, James E. Sorensen, and Sandra B. Richtermeyer, “Becoming a Business Partner: Part 2,” Strategic Finance, October 2003, pp. 37–41. Used with permission from the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), Montvale, N.J., USA,

Process Management LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3

Understand the basic concepts underlying Lean Production, the Theory of Constraints (TOC), and Six Sigma.

Topic Tackler

PLUS 1–2

As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, the last two decades have been a period of tremendous turmoil and change in the business environment. Competition in many industries has become worldwide in scope, and the pace of innovation in products and services has accelerated. This has been good news for consumers, since intensified competition has generally led to lower prices, higher quality, and more choices. However, for businesses intensified global competition has presented serious challenges. More than ever companies are realizing that they must complement the functional view of their operations with a cross-functional orientation that seeks to improve the business processes that deliver customer value. A business process is a series of steps that are followed in order to carry out some task in a business. It is quite common for the linked set of steps comprising a business process to span departmental boundaries. The term value chain is often used when we look at how the functional departments of an organization interact with one another to form business processes. A value chain, as shown in Exhibit 1–5, consists of the major business functions that add value to a company’s products and services. The customer’s needs are most effectively met by coordinating the business processes that span these functions. This section discusses three different approaches to managing and improving business processes—Lean Production, the Theory of Constraints (TOC), and Six Sigma. Although each is unique in certain respects, they all share the common theme of focusing on managing and improving business processes.

E X H I B I T 1–5 Business Functions Making Up the Value Chain

Research and Development

Product Design




Customer Service

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment

Lean Production Traditionally, managers in manufacturing companies have sought to maximize production so as to spread the costs of investments in equipment and other assets over as many units as possible. In addition, managers have traditionally felt that an important part of their jobs was to keep everyone busy on the theory that idleness wastes money. These traditional views, often aided and abetted by traditional management accounting practices, resulted in a number of practices that have come under criticism in recent years. In a traditional manufacturing company, work is pushed through the system in order to produce as much as possible and to keep everyone busy—even if products cannot be immediately sold. This almost inevitably results in large inventories of raw materials, work in process, and finished goods. Raw materials are the materials that are used to make a product. Work in process inventories consist of units of product that are only partially complete and will require further work before they are ready for sale to a customer. Finished goods inventories consist of units of product that have been completed but have not yet been sold to customers. The push process in traditional manufacturing starts by accumulating large amounts of raw material inventories from suppliers so that operations can proceed smoothly even if unanticipated disruptions occur. Next, enough materials are released to workstations to keep everyone busy. When a workstation completes its tasks, the partially completed goods (i.e., work in process) are “pushed” forward to the next workstation regardless of whether that workstation is ready to receive them. The result is that partially completed goods stack up, waiting for the next workstation to become available. They may not be completed for days, weeks, or even months. Additionally, when the units are finally completed, customers may or may not want them. If finished goods are produced faster than the market will absorb, the result is bloated finished goods inventories. Although some may argue that maintaining large amounts of inventory has its benefits, it clearly has its costs. According to experts, in addition to tying up money, maintaining inventories encourages inefficient and sloppy work, results in too many defects, and dramatically increases the amount of time required to complete a product. For example, when partially completed goods are stored for long periods of time before being processed by the next workstation, defects introduced by the preceding workstation go unnoticed. If a machine is out of calibration or incorrect procedures are being followed, many defective units will be produced before the problem is discovered. And when the defects are finally discovered, it may be very difficult to track down the source of the problem. In addition, units may be obsolete or out of fashion by the time they are finally completed. Large inventories of partially completed goods create many other problems that are best discussed in more advanced courses. These problems are not obvious—if they were, companies would have long ago reduced their inventories. Managers at Toyota are credited with the insight that large inventories often create many more problems than they solve. Toyota pioneered what is known today as Lean Production.

The Lean Thinking Model The lean thinking model is a five-step management approach that organizes resources such as people and machines around the flow of business processes and that pulls units through these processes in response to customer orders. The result is lower inventories, fewer defects, less wasted effort, and quicker customer response times. Exhibit 1–6 (page 14) depicts the five stages of the lean thinking model. The first step is to identify the value to customers in specific products and services. The second step is to identify the business process that delivers this value to customers.5 As discussed earlier, the linked set of steps comprising a business process typically span the departmental boundaries that are specified in an organization chart. The third step is to organize work arrangements around the flow of the business process. This is often accomplished by creating what is known as a manufacturing cell. The cellular approach takes employees 5

The Lean Production literature uses the term value stream rather than business process.


Chapter 1


E X H I B I T 1–6 The Lean Thinking Model

Step 1: Identify value in specific products/services

Step 2: Identify the business process that delivers value

Step 3: Organize work arrangements around the flow of the business process

Step 4: Create a pull system that responds to customer orders

Step 5: Continuously pursue perfection in the business process

Source: This exhibit is adapted from James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, Revised and Updated, 2003, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.

and equipment from departments that were previously separated from one another and places them side-by-side in a work space called a cell. The equipment within the cell is aligned in a sequential manner that follows the steps of the business process. Each employee is trained to perform all the steps within his or her own manufacturing cell. The fourth step in the lean thinking model is to create a pull system where production is not initiated until a customer has ordered a product. Inventories are reduced to a minimum by purchasing raw materials and producing units only as needed to meet customer demand. Under ideal conditions, a company operating a pull system would purchase only enough materials each day to meet that day’s needs. Moreover, the company would have no goods still in process at the end of the day, and all goods completed during the day would be shipped immediately to customers. As this sequence suggests, work takes place “just-in-time” in the sense that raw materials are received by each manufacturing cell just in time to go into production, manufactured parts are completed just in time to be assembled into products, and products are completed just in time to be shipped to customers. Not surprisingly, this facet of the lean thinking model is often called just-in-time production, or JIT for short. The change from push to pull production is more profound than it may appear. Among other things, producing only in response to a customer order means that workers will be idle whenever demand falls below the company’s production capacity. This can be an extremely difficult cultural change for an organization. It challenges the core beliefs of many managers and raises anxieties in workers who have become accustomed to being kept busy all of the time. The fifth step of the lean thinking model is to continuously pursue perfection in the business process. In a traditional company, parts and materials are inspected for defects when they are received from suppliers, and assembled units are inspected as they progress along the production line. In a Lean Production system, the company’s suppliers are responsible for the quality of incoming parts and materials. And instead of using quality inspectors, the company’s production workers are directly responsible for spotting defective units. A worker who discovers a defect immediately stops the flow of production. Supervisors and other workers go to the cell to determine the cause of the problem and correct it before any further defective units are produced. This procedure ensures that problems are quickly identified and corrected. The lean thinking model can also be used to improve the business processes that link companies together. The term supply chain management is commonly used to refer to the coordination of business processes across companies to better serve end consumers. For example Procter & Gamble and Costco coordinate their business processes to ensure that Procter & Gamble’s products, such as Bounty, Tide, and Crest, are on Costco’s shelves when customers want them. Both Procter & Gamble and Costco realize that their mutual success depends on working together to ensure Procter & Gamble’s products are available to Costco’s customers.

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment


IN BUSINESS THE POWER OF LEAN Lean thinking can benefit all types of businesses. For example, Dell Inc.’s lean production system can produce a customized personal computer within 36 hours. Even more impressive, Dell doesn’t start ordering components and assembling computers until orders are booked. By ordering right before assembly, Dell’s parts are on average 60 days newer than those of its competitors, which translates into a 6% profit advantage in components alone. In the service arena, Jefferson Pilot Financial (JPF) realized that “[l]ike an automobile on the assembly line, an insurance policy goes through a series of processes, from initial application to underwriting, or risk assessment, to policy issuance. With each step, value is added to the work in progress—just as a car gets doors or a coat of paint.” Given this realization, JPF organized its work arrangements into a cellular layout and synchronized the rate of output to the pace of customer demand. JPF’s lean thinking enabled it to reduce attending physician statement turnaround times by 70%, decrease labor costs 26%, and reduce reissue errors by 40%. Sources: Gary McWilliams, “Whirlwind on the Web,” BusinessWeek, April 7, 1997, p. 134; Stephen Pritchard, “Inside Dell’s Lean Machine,” Works Management, December 2002, pp. 14–16; and Cynthia Karen Swank, “The Lean Service Machine,” Harvard Business Review, October 2003, pp. 123–129.

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) A constraint is anything that prevents you from getting more of what you want. Every individual and every organization faces at least one constraint, so it is not difficult to find examples of constraints. You may not have enough time to study thoroughly for every subject and to go out with your friends on the weekend, so time is your constraint. United Airlines has only a limited number of loading gates available at its busy Chicago O’Hare hub, so its constraint is loading gates. Vail Resorts has only a limited amount of land to develop as homesites and commercial lots at its ski areas, so its constraint is land. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is based on the insight that effectively managing the constraint is a key to success. As an example, long waiting periods for surgery are a chronic problem in the National Health Service (NHS), the government-funded provider of health care in the United Kingdom. The diagram in Exhibit 1–7 illustrates a simplified version of the steps followed by a surgery patient. The number of patients who can be processed through each step in a day is indicated in the exhibit. For example, appointments for outpatient visits can be made for as many as 100 referrals from general practitioners in a day. The constraint, or bottleneck, in the system is determined by the step that has the smallest capacity—in this case surgery. The total number of patients processed through the entire system cannot exceed 15 per day—the maximum number of patients who can be treated in surgery. No matter how hard managers, doctors, and nurses try to improve the processing rate elsewhere in the system, they will never succeed in driving down wait lists until the capacity

E X H I B I T 1–7 Processing Surgery Patients at an NHS Facility (simplified)*

General practitioner referral

Appointment made

Outpatient visit

Add to surgery waiting list


Follow-up visit


100 patients per day

100 patients per day

50 patients per day

150 patients per day

15 patients per day

60 patients per day

140 patients per day

*This diagram originally appeared in the February 1999 issue of the U.K. magazine Health Management.

Chapter 1


of surgery is increased. In fact, improvements elsewhere in the system—particularly before the constraint—are likely to result in even longer waiting times and more frustrated patients and health care providers. Thus, to be effective, improvement efforts must be focused on the constraint. A business process, such as the process for serving surgery patients, is like a chain. If you want to increase the strength of a chain, what is the most effective way to do this? Should you concentrate your efforts on strengthening the strongest link, all the links, or the weakest link? Clearly, focusing your effort on the weakest link will bring the biggest benefit. The procedure to follow to strengthen the chain is clear. First, identify the weakest link, which is the constraint. In the case of the NHS, the constraint is surgery. Second, do not place a greater strain on the system than the weakest link can handle—if you do, the chain will break. In the case of the NHS, more referrals than surgery can accommodate lead to unacceptably long waiting lists. Third, concentrate improvement efforts on strengthening the weakest link. In the case of the NHS, this means finding ways to increase the number of surgeries that can be performed in a day. Fourth, if the improvement efforts are successful, eventually the weakest link will improve to the point where it is no longer the weakest link. At that point, the new weakest link (i.e., the new constraint) must be identified, and improvement efforts must be shifted over to that link. This simple sequential process provides a powerful strategy for optimizing business processes.

IN BUSINESS WATCH WHERE YOU CUT COSTS At one hospital, the emergency room became so backlogged that its doors were closed to the public and patients were turned away for over 36 hours in the course of a single month. It turned out, after investigation, that the constraint was not the emergency room itself; it was the housekeeping staff. To cut costs, managers at the hospital had laid off housekeeping workers. This created a bottleneck in the emergency room because rooms were not being cleaned as quickly as the emergency room staff could process new patients. Thus, laying off some of the lowest paid workers at the hospital had the effect of forcing the hospital to idle some of its most highly paid staff and most expensive equipment!

Source: Tracey Burton-Houle, “AGI Continues to Steadily Make Advances with the Adaptation of TOC into Healthcare,”

Six Sigma Six Sigma is a process improvement method that relies on customer feedback and factbased data gathering and analysis techniques to drive process improvement. Motorola and General Electric are closely identified with the emergence of the Six Sigma movement. Technically, the term Six Sigma refers to a process that generates no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Because this rate of defects is so low, Six Sigma is sometimes associated with the term zero defects. The most common framework used to guide Six Sigma process improvement efforts is known as DMAIC (pronounced: du-may-ik), which stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. As summarized in Exhibit 1–8, the Define stage of the process focuses on defining the scope and purpose of the project, the flow of the current process, and the customer’s requirements. The Measure stage is used to gather baseline performance data concerning the existing process and to narrow the scope of the project to the most important problems. The Analyze stage focuses on identifying the root causes of the problems that were identified during the Measure stage. The Analyze stage often reveals that the process includes many activities that do not add value to the product or service. Activities that customers are not willing to pay for because they add no value are known as non-value-added

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment

17 E X H I B I T 1–8 The Six Sigma DMAIC Framework




Establish the scope and purpose of the project. Diagram the flow of the current process. Establish the customer’s requirements for the process.


Gather baseline performance data related to the existing process. Narrow the scope of the project to the most important problems.


Identify the root cause(s) of the problems identified in the Measure stage.


Develop, evaluate, and implement solutions to the problems.


Ensure that problems remain fixed. Seek to improve the new methods over time.

Source: Peter C. Brewer and Nancy A. Bagranoff, “Near Zero-Defect Accounting with Six Sigma,” Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, January-February 2004, pp. 67–72.

activities and such activities should be eliminated wherever possible. During the Improve stage potential solutions are developed, evaluated, and implemented to eliminate non-value-added activities and any other problems uncovered in the Analyze stage. Finally, the objective in the Control stage is to ensure that the problems remain fixed and that the new methods are improved over time.6 Managers must be very careful when attempting to translate Six Sigma improvements into financial benefits. There are only two ways to increase profits—decrease costs or increase sales. Cutting costs may seem easy—lay off workers who are no longer needed because of improvements such as eliminating non-value-added activities. However, if this approach is taken, employees quickly get the message that process improvements lead to job losses and they will understandably resist further improvement efforts. If improvement is to continue, employees must be convinced that the end result of improvement will be more secure rather than less secure jobs. This can only happen if management uses tools such as Six Sigma to generate more business rather than to cut the workforce.

Technology in Business Technology is being harnessed in many ways by businesses. In this section we will discuss two of these ways—e-commerce and enterprise systems.

E-Commerce E-commerce refers to business that is conducted using the Internet. At the start of the new millennium, e-commerce was riding high. The stock prices of companies (companies that focus on generating revenue exclusively through the Internet) were climbing by leaps and bounds. On January 30, 2000, more than 20 companies, such as and, paid as much as $3 million for 30-second commercials during the Super Bowl. However, by November of that same year, prospects for companies began to worsen as companies such as, and all failed. By the spring of 2001, EToys had folded and monthly statistics for layoffs and closures had peaked at 17,554 and 64, respectively. In short, the collapse was under way.7


Peter C. Brewer, “Six Sigma Helps a Company Create a Culture of Accountability,” Journal of Organizational Excellence, Summer 2004, pp. 45–59. 7 Time line published by BBC News at

Chapter 1


Since the collapse of the bubble in 2001, e-commerce has slowly been rebuilding momentum. Internet advertising is projected to exceed $12 billion per year before the end of the decade.8 And while e-commerce has already had a major impact on the sale of books, music, and airline tickets, it appears that companies such as Blue Nile, eBay,, Lending Tree, and Expedia will continue to disrupt and redefine other markets such as the jewelry, real estate, and hotel industries.9 In addition to companies, established brick-and-mortar companies such as General Electric, Wells Fargo, and Target will undoubtedly continue to expand into cyberspace—both for business-to-business transactions and for retailing. The growth in e-commerce is occurring because the Internet has important advantages over more conventional marketplaces for many kinds of transactions. For example, the Internet is an ideal technology for streamlining the mortgage lending process. Customers can complete loan applications over the Internet rather than tying up the time of a staffperson in an office. And data and funds can be sent back and forth electronically. Nevertheless, while building a successful business remains a tenuous and highrisk proposition, e-commerce is here to stay. The stock prices of companies will rise and fall, but the benefits that the Internet provides to businesses and their customers will ensure that e-commerce grows.

IN BUSINESS INTERNET INNOVATIONS Companies continue to develop new ways of using the Internet to improve their performance. Below is a summary of intriguing Internet applications categorized into four descriptive groups. 1.

Collaboration • Eli Lilly has a website where scientific problems are posed to its global workforce. The best solutions earn cash rewards. • Lockheed Martin used the Internet to help 80 of its suppliers from around the world to collaborate in designing and building a new stealth fighter plane.


Customer Service • General Motors uses the Internet to auction off vehicles with expired leases. • IndyMac Bancorp uses the Internet to link its nationwide network of loan brokers to its central computers. Using these links, the brokers can electronically submit and then monitor their clients’ loan applications.


Management • CareGroup’s approximately 2,500 doctors are rated on 20 criteria related to the care they provide for insured patients. The results are summarized on digital report cards that have helped spot inefficiencies, saving the company $4 million annually. • Bristol-Myers Squibb uses the Internet to speed up drug research and development. The Webbased system has reduced by one-third the time needed to develop new medications.


Cutting Edge • Fresh Direct is an on-line grocer in New York City. Using the Internet to streamline order processing, the company is able to charge prices as much as 35% below its competitors. • eArmyU is a virtual Internet-based university that provides educational opportunities to 40,000 geographically dispersed U.S. soldiers.

Source: Heather Green, “The Web Smart 50,” BusinessWeek, November 24, 2003, pp. 82–106.

8 9

Stephen Baker, “Where the Real Internet Money Is Made,” BusinessWeek, December 27, 2004, p. 99. Timothy J. Mullaney, “E-Biz Strikes Again!” BusinessWeek, May 10, 2004, pp. 80–90.

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment


Enterprise Systems10 Historically, most companies implemented specific software programs to support specific business functions. The accounting department would select its own software applications to meet its needs, while manufacturing would select different software programs to support its needs. The separate systems were not integrated and could not easily pass data back and forth. The end result was data duplication and data inconsistencies coupled with lengthy customer response times and high costs. An enterprise system is designed to overcome these problems by integrating data across an organization into a single software system that enables all employees to have simultaneous access to a common set of data. There are two keys to the data integration inherent in an enterprise system. First, all data are recorded only once in the company’s centralized digital data repository known as a database. When data are added to the database or are changed, the new information is simultaneously and immediately available to everyone across the organization. Second, the unique data elements contained within the database can be linked together. For example, one data element, such as a customer identification number, can be related to other data elements, such as that customer’s address, billing history, shipping history, merchandise returns history, and so on. The ability to forge such relationships among data elements explains why this type of database is called a relational database. Data integration helps employees communicate with one another and it also helps them communicate with their suppliers and customers. For example, consider how the customer relationship management process is improved when enterprise-wide information resides in one location. Whether meeting the customer’s needs requires accessing information related to billing (an accounting function), delivery status (a distribution function), price quotes (a marketing function), or merchandise returns (a customer service function) the required information is readily available to the employee interacting with the customer. Though expensive and risky to install, the benefits of data integration have led many companies to invest in enterprise systems.

IN BUSINESS THE BENEFITS OF DATA INTEGRATION Nike’s old supply-chain system was tenuously connected by 27 different computer systems, most of which could not talk to one another. The results for Nike were predictable—retailers ran out of hot-selling sneakers and were saddled with duds that didn’t sell. Nike spent $500 million to fix the problem and the results have been impressive—the lead time for getting new sneaker styles to retail shelves has been cut from nine to six months. The percentage of shoes that Nike makes without a firm order from a retailer has dropped from 30% to 3%. Agri Beef Company’s enterprise system enables its accounts payable process to accomplish in two check runs what used to require 22 check runs. As Treasurer Kim Stuart commented: “Now we can post transactions straight through to another division’s general ledger account . . . That change alone saves us 200 [labor] hours a month.” Sources: Stanley Holmes, “The New Nike,” BusinessWeek, September 20, 2004, pp. 78–86; Doug Bartholomew, “The ABC’s of ERP,” CFO-IT, Fall 2004, pp. 19–21.

The Importance of Ethics in Business A series of major financial scandals involving Enron, Tyco International, HealthSouth, Adelphia Communications, WorldCom, Global Crossing, Rite Aid, and other companies have raised deep concerns about ethics in business. The managers and companies involved in these scandals have suffered mightily—from huge fines to jail terms and financial 10

Enterprise systems is a broad term that encompasses many enterprise-wide computer applications such as customer relationship management and supply chain management systems. Perhaps the most frequently mentioned type of enterprise system is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.


Understand the importance of upholding ethical standards.

Chapter 1


collapse. And the recognition that ethical behavior is absolutely essential for the functioning of our economy has led to numerous regulatory changes—some of which we will discuss in a later section on corporate governance. But why is ethical behavior so important? This is not a matter of just being “nice.” Ethical behavior is the lubricant that keeps the economy running. Without that lubricant, the economy would operate much less efficiently—less would be available to consumers, quality would be lower, and prices would be higher. Take a very simple example. Suppose that dishonest farmers, distributors, and grocers knowingly tried to sell wormy apples as good apples and that grocers refused to take back wormy apples. What would you do as a consumer of apples? Go to another grocer? But what if all grocers acted this way? What would you do then? You would probably either stop buying apples or you would spend a lot of time inspecting apples before buying them. So would everyone else. Now notice what has happened. Because farmers, distributors, and grocers could not be trusted, sales of apples would plummet and those who did buy apples would waste a lot of time inspecting them minutely. Everyone loses. Farmers, distributors; and grocers make less money; consumers enjoy fewer apples; and consumers waste time looking for worms. In other words, without fundamental trust in the integrity of businesses, the economy would operate much less efficiently. James Surowiecki summed up this point as follows: [F]lourishing economies require a healthy level of trust in the reliability and fairness of everyday transactions. If you assumed every potential deal was a rip-off or that the

IN BUSINESS NO TRUST—NO ENRON Jonathan Karpoff reports on a particularly important, but often overlooked, aspect of the Enron debacle: As we know, some of Enron’s reported profits in the late 1990s were pure accounting fiction. But the firm also had legitimate businesses and actual assets. Enron’s most important businesses involved buying and selling electricity and other forms of energy. [Using Enron as an intermediary, utilities that needed power bought energy from producers with surplus generating capacity.] Now when an electric utility contracts to buy electricity, the managers of the utility want to make darned sure that the seller will deliver the electrons exactly as agreed, at the contracted price. There is no room for fudging on this because the consequences of not having the electricity when consumers switch on their lights are dire. . . . This means that the firms with whom Enron was trading electricity . . . had to trust Enron. And trust Enron they did, to the tune of billions of dollars of trades every year. But in October 2001, when Enron announced that its previous financial statements overstated the firm’s profits, it undermined such trust. As everyone recognizes, the announcement caused investors to lower their valuations of the firm. Less understood, however, was the more important impact of the announcement; by revealing some of its reported earnings to be a house of cards, Enron sabotaged its reputation. The effect was to undermine even its legitimate and (previously) profitable operations that relied on its trustworthiness. This is why Enron melted down so fast. Its core businesses relied on the firm’s reputation. When that reputation was wounded, energy traders took their business elsewhere. . . . Energy traders lost their faith in Enron, but what if no other company could be trusted to deliver on its commitments to provide electricity as contracted? In that case, energy traders would have nowhere to turn. As a direct result, energy producers with surplus generating capacity would be unable to sell their surplus power. As a consequence, their existing customers would have to pay higher prices. And utilities that did not have sufficient capacity to meet demand on their own would have to build more capacity, which would also mean higher prices for their consumers. So a general lack of trust in companies such as Enron would ultimately result in overinvestment in energy-generating capacity and higher energy prices for consumers. Source: Jonathan M. Karpoff, “Regulation vs. Reputation in Preventing Corporate Fraud,” UW Business, Spring 2002, pp. 28–30

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment

products you were buying were probably going to be lemons, then very little business would get done. More important, the costs of the transactions that did take place would be exorbitant, since you’d have to do enormous work to investigate each deal and you’d have to rely on the threat of legal action to enforce every contract. For an economy to prosper, what’s needed is not a Pollyannaish faith that everyone else has your best interests at heart—“caveat emptor” [buyer beware] remains an important truth—but a basic confidence in the promises and commitments that people make about their products and services.11 Thus, for the good of everyone—including profit-making companies—it is vitally important that business be conducted within an ethical framework that builds and sustains trust. The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) of the United States has adopted an ethical code called the Statement of Ethical Professional Practice that describes in some detail the ethical responsibilities of management accountants. Even though the code was specifically developed for management accountants, it has much broader application.

Code of Conduct for Management Accountants The IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice consists of two parts that are presented in full in Exhibit 1–9 (page 22). The first part provides general guidelines for ethical behavior. In a nutshell, a management accountant has ethical responsibilities in four broad areas: first, to maintain a high level of professional competence; second, to treat sensitive matters with confidentiality; third, to maintain personal integrity; and fourth, to disclose information in a credible fashion. The second part of the code specifies what should be done if an individual finds evidence of ethical misconduct. We recommend that you stop at this point and read all of Exhibit 1–9. The IMA’s code of conduct provides sound, practical advice for management accountants and managers. Most of the rules in the code are motivated by a very practical consideration—if these rules were not generally followed in business, then the economy and all of us would suffer. Consider the following specific examples of the consequences of not abiding by the code: •


Suppose employees could not be trusted with confidential information. Then top managers would be reluctant to distribute such information within the company and, as a result, decisions would be based on incomplete information and operations would deteriorate. Suppose employees accepted bribes from suppliers. Then contracts would tend to go to suppliers who pay the highest bribes rather than to the most competent suppliers. Would you like to fly in aircraft whose wings were made by the subcontractor who paid the highest bribe? Would you fly as often? What would happen to the airline industry if its safety record deteriorated due to shoddy workmanship on contracted parts and assemblies? Suppose the presidents of companies routinely lied in their annual reports and financial statements. If investors could not rely on the basic integrity of a company’s financial statements, they would have little basis for making informed decisions. Suspecting the worst, rational investors would pay less for securities issued by companies and may not be willing to invest at all. As a consequence, companies would have less money for productive investments—leading to slower economic growth, fewer goods and services, and higher prices.

James Surowiecki, “A Virtuous Cycle,” Forbes, December 23, 2002, pp. 248–256. Reprinted by Permission of Forbes Magazine©2006 Forbes Inc.


22 E X H I B I T 1–9 IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice

Chapter 1

Members of IMA shall behave ethically. A commitment to ethical professional practice includes: overarching principles that express our values, and standards that guide our conduct. PRINCIPLES IMA’s overarching ethical principles include: Honesty, Fairness, Objectivity, and Responsibility. Members shall act in accordance with these principles and shall encourage others within their organizations to adhere to them. STANDARDS A member’s failure to comply with the following standards may result in disciplinary action. I. COMPETENCE Each member has a responsibility to: 1. Maintain an appropriate level of professional expertise by continually developing knowledge and skills. 2. Perform professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards. 3. Provide decision support information and recommendations that are accurate, clear, concise, and timely. 4. Recognize and communicate professional limitations or other constraints that would preclude responsible judgment or successful performance of an activity. II. CONFIDENTIALITY Each member has a responsibility to: 1. Keep information confidential except when disclosure is authorized or legally required. 2. Inform all relevant parties regarding appropriate use of confidential information. Monitor subordinates’ activities to ensure compliance. 3. Refrain from using confidential information for unethical or illegal advantage. III. INTEGRITY Each member has a responsibility to: 1. Mitigate actual conflicts of interest. Regularly communicate with business associates to avoid apparent conflicts of interest. Advise all parties of any potential conflicts. 2. Refrain from engaging in any conduct that would prejudice carrying out duties ethically. 3. Abstain from engaging in or supporting any activity that might discredit the profession. IV. CREDIBILITY Each member has a responsibility to: 1. Communicate information fairly and objectively. 2. Disclose all relevant information that could reasonably be expected to influence an intended user’s understanding of the reports, analyses, or recommendations. 3. Disclose delays or deficiencies in information, timeliness, processing, or internal controls in conformance with organization policy and/or applicable law. RESOLUTION OF ETHICAL CONFLICT In applying the Standards of Ethical Professional Practice, you may encounter problems identifying unethical behavior or resolving an ethical conflict. When faced with ethical issues, you should follow your organization’s established policies on the resolution of such conflict. If these policies do not resolve the ethical conflict, you should consider the following courses of action: 1. Discuss the issue with your immediate supervisor except when it appears that the supervisor is involved. In that case, present the issue to the next level. If you cannot achieve a satisfactory resolution, submit the issue to the next management level. If your immediate superior is the chief executive officer or equivalent, the acceptable reviewing authority may be a group such as the audit committee, executive committee, board of directors, board of trustees, or owners. Contact with levels above the immediate superior should be initiated only with your superior’s knowledge, assuming he or she is not involved. Communication of such problems to authorities or individuals not employed or engaged by the organization is not considered appropriate, unless you believe there is a clear violation of the law. 2. Clarify relevant ethical issues by initiating a confidential discussion with an IMA Ethics Counselor or other impartial advisor to obtain a better understanding of possible courses of action. 3. Consult your own attorney as to legal obligations and rights concerning the ethical conflict.

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As these examples suggest, if ethical standards were not generally adhered to, everyone would suffer—businesses as well as consumers. Essentially, abandoning ethical standards would lead to a lower standard of living with lower-quality goods and services, less to choose from, and higher prices. In short, following ethical rules such as those in the Statement of Ethical Professional Practice is absolutely essential for the smooth functioning of an advanced market economy.

IN BUSINESS WHO IS TO BLAME? Don Keough, a retired Coca-Cola executive, recalls that, “In my time, CFOs [Chief Financial Officers] were basically tough, smart, and mean. Bringing good news wasn’t their function. They were the truth-tellers.” But that had changed by the late 1990s in some companies. Instead of being truth-tellers, CFOs became corporate spokesmen, guiding stock analysts in their quarterly earnings estimates—and then making sure those earnings estimates were beaten using whatever means necessary, including accounting tricks and in some cases outright fraud. But does the buck stop there? A survey of 179 CFOs published in May 2004 showed that only 38% of those surveyed believed that pressure to use aggressive accounting techniques to improve results had lessened relative to three years earlier. And 20% of those surveyed said the pressure had increased over the past three years. Where did the respondents say the pressure was coming from? Personal greed, weak boards of directors, and overbearing Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) topped the list. Who is to blame? Perhaps that question is less important than focusing on what is needed—greater personal integrity and less emphasis on meeting quarterly earnings estimates. Sources: Jeremy Kahn, “The Chief Freaked Out Officer,” Fortune, December 9, 2002, pp. 197–202, and Don Durfee, “After the Scandals: It’s Better (and Worse) Than You Think,” CFO, May 2004, p. 29.

Company Codes of Conduct Many companies have adopted formal ethical codes of conduct. These codes are generally broad-based statements of a company’s responsibilities to its employees, its customers, its suppliers, and the communities in which the company operates. Codes rarely spell out specific do’s and don’ts or suggest proper behavior in a specific situation. Instead, they give broad guidelines. For example, Exhibit 1–10 (page 24) shows Johnson & Johnson’s code of ethical conduct, which it refers to as a Credo. Johnson & Johnson created its Credo in 1943 and today it is translated into 36 languages. Johnson & Johnson surveys its employees every two to three years to obtain their impressions of how well the company adheres to its ethical principles. If the survey reveals shortcomings, corrective actions are taken.12 It bears emphasizing that establishing a code of ethical conduct, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Credo, is meaningless if employees, and in particular top managers, do not adhere to it when making decisions. If top managers continue to say, in effect, that they will only be satisfied with bottom-line results and will accept no excuses, they are building a culture that implicitly coerces employees to engage in unethical behavior to get ahead. This type of unethical culture is contagious. In fact, one survey showed that “[t]hose who engage in unethical behavior often justify their actions with one or more of the following reasons: (1) the organization expects unethical behavior, (2) everyone else is unethical, and/or (3) behaving unethically is the only way to get ahead.”13

12 Michael K. McCuddy, Karl E. Reichardt, and David Schroeder, “Ethical Pressures: Fact or Fiction?” Management Accounting 74, no. 10, pp. 57–61. 13

Chapter 1

24 E X H I B I T 1–10 The Johnson & Johnson Credo

Johnson & Johnson Credo We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be of high quality. We must constantly strive to reduce our costs in order to maintain reasonable prices. Customers’ orders must be serviced promptly and accurately. Our suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity to make a fair profit. We are responsible to our employees, the men and women who work with us throughout the world. Everyone must be considered as an individual. We must respect their dignity and recognize their merit. They must have a sense of security in their jobs. Compensation must be fair and adequate, and working conditions clean, orderly and safe. We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfill their family responsibilities. Employees must feel free to make suggestions and complaints. There must be equal opportunity for employment, development and advancement for those qualified. We must provide competent management, and their actions must be just and ethical. We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well. We must be good citizens—support good works and charities and bear our fair share of taxes. We must encourage civic improvements and better health and education. We must maintain in good order the property we are privileged to use, protecting the environment and natural resources. Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound profit. We must experiment with new ideas. Research must be carried on, innovative programs developed and mistakes paid for. New equipment must be purchased, new facilities provided and new products launched. Reserves must be created to provide for adverse times. When we operate according to these principles, the stockholders should realize a fair return.

IN BUSINESS WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK? Nearly all executives claim that their companies maintain high ethical standards; however, not all executives walk the talk. Employees usually know when top executives are saying one thing and doing another and they also know that these attitudes spill over into other areas. Working in companies where top managers pay little attention to their own ethical rules can be extremely unpleasant. Several thousand employees in many different organizations were asked if they would recommend their company to prospective employees. Overall, 66% said that they would. Among those employees who believed that their top management strives to live by the company’s stated ethical standards, the number of recommenders jumped to 81%. But among those who believed top management did not follow the company’s stated ethical standards, the number was just 21%. Source: Jeffrey L. Seglin, “Good for Goodness’ Sake,” CFO, October 2002, pp. 75–78.

Codes of Conduct on the International Level The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), governs the activities of all professional accountants throughout the world, regardless of whether they are practicing as independent CPAs, employed in government service, or employed as internal accountants.14 In addition to outlining ethical requirements in matters dealing with integrity and objectivity, resolution of ethical conflicts, competence, and confidentiality, the IFAC’s code also outlines the accountant’s ethical responsibilities in other matters such as those relating to


A copy of this code can be obtained on the International Federation of Accountants’ website

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taxes, independence, fees and commissions, advertising and solicitation, the handling of monies, and cross-border activities. Where cross-border activities are involved, the IFAC ethical requirements must be followed if they are stricter than the ethical requirements of the country in which the work is being performed.

Corporate Governance Effective corporate governance enhances stockholders’ confidence that a company is being run in their best interests rather than in the interests of top managers. Corporate governance is the system by which a company is directed and controlled. If properly implemented, the corporate governance system should provide incentives for the board of directors and top management to pursue objectives that are in the interests of the company’s owners and it should provide for effective monitoring of performance.15 Many would argue that, in addition to protecting the interests of stockholders, an effective corporate governance system also should protect the interests of the company’s many other stakeholders—its customers, creditors, employees, suppliers, and the communities within which it operates. These parties are referred to as stakeholders because their welfare is tied to the company’s performance. Unfortunately, history has repeatedly shown that unscrupulous top managers, if unchecked, can exploit their power to defraud stakeholders. This unpleasant reality became all too clear in 2001 when the fall of Enron kicked off a wave of corporate scandals. These scandals were characterized by financial reporting fraud and misuse of corporate funds at the very highest levels—including CEOs and CFOs. While this was disturbing in itself, it also indicated that the institutions intended to prevent such abuses weren’t working, thus raising fundamental questions about the adequacy of the existing corporate governance system. In an attempt to respond to these concerns, the U.S. Congress passed the most important reform of corporate governance in many decades—The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

IN BUSINESS SPILLED MILK AT PARMALAT Corporate scandals have not been limited to the United States. In 2003, Parmalat, a publicly traded dairy company in Italy, went bankrupt. The CEO, Calisto Tanzi, admitted to manipulating the books for more than a decade so that he could skim off $640 million to cover losses at various of his family businesses. But the story doesn’t stop there. Parmalat’s balance sheet contained $13 billion in nonexistent assets, including a $5 billion Bank of America account that didn’t exist. All in all, Parmalat was the biggest financial fraud in European history. Source: Gail Edmondson, David Fairlamb, and Nanette Byrnes, “The Milk Just Keeps on Spilling,” BusinessWeek, January 26, 2004, pp. 54–58.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was intended to protect the interests of those who invest in publicly traded companies by improving the reliability and accuracy of corporate financial reports and disclosures. We would like to highlight six key aspects of the legislation.16


This definition of corporate governance was adapted from the 2004 report titled OECD Principles of Corporate Governance published by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. 16 A summary of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 can be obtained from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) website

Chapter 1


First, the Act requires that both the CEO and CFO certify in writing that their company’s financial statements and accompanying disclosures fairly represent the results of operations— with possible jail time if a CEO or CFO certifies results that they know are false. This creates very powerful incentives for the CEO and CFO to ensure that the financial statements contain no misrepresentations. Second, the Act established the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to provide additional oversight over the audit profession. The Act authorizes the Board to conduct investigations, to take disciplinary actions against audit firms, and to enact various standards and rules concerning the preparation of audit reports. Third, the Act places the power to hire, compensate, and terminate the public accounting firm that audits a company’s financial reports in the hands of the audit committee of the board of directors. Previously, management often had the power to hire and fire its auditors. Furthermore, the Act specifies that all members of the audit committee must be independent, meaning that they do not have an affiliation with the company they are overseeing, nor do they receive any consulting or advisory compensation from the company. Fourth, the Act places important restrictions on audit firms. Historically, public accounting firms earned a large part of their profits by providing consulting services to the companies that they audited. This provided the appearance of a lack of independence since a client that was dissatisfied with an auditor’s stance on an accounting issue might threaten to stop using the auditor as a consultant. To avoid this possible conflict of interests, the Act prohibits a public accounting firm from providing a wide variety of nonauditing services to an audit client. Fifth, the Act requires that a company’s annual report contain an internal control report. Internal controls are put in place by management to provide assurance to investors that financial disclosures are reliable. The report must state that it is management’s responsibility to establish and maintain adequate internal controls and it must contain an assessment by management of the effectiveness of its internal control structure. The internal control report is accompanied by an opinion from the company’s audit firm as to whether management’s assessment of its internal control over financial reporting is fairly stated.17 Finally, the Act establishes severe penalties of as many as 20 years in prison for altering or destroying any documents that may eventually be used in an official proceeding and as many as 10 years in prison for managers who retaliate against a so-called whistle-blower who goes outside the chain of command to report misconduct. Collectively, these six aspects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 should help reduce the incidence of fraudulent financial reporting.

IN BUSINESS SARBANES-OXLEY: AN EXPENSIVE PIECE OF LEGISLATION You wouldn’t think 169 words could be so expensive! But that is the case with what is known as Section 404 of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 that requires a publicly traded company’s annual report to contain an internal control report certified by its auditors. Estimates indicate that compliance with this provision will cost the Fortune 1000 companies alone about $6 billion annually—much of which will go to public accounting firms in fees. With the increased demand for audit services, public accounting firms such as KPMG, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, and Deloitte are returning to campuses to hire new auditors in large numbers and students are flocking to accounting classes. Source: Holman W. Jenkins Jr., “Thinking Outside the Sarbox,” The Wall Street Journal, November 24, 2004, p. A13.


The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s Auditing Standard No. 2 requires the audit firm to issue a second opinion on whether its client maintained effective internal control over the financial reporting process. This opinion is in addition to the opinion regarding the fairness of management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its own internal controls.

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Enterprise Risk Management Businesses face risks every day. Some risks are foreseeable. For example, a company could reasonably be expected to foresee the possibility of a natural disaster or a fire destroying its centralized data storage facility. Companies respond to this type of risk by maintaining off-site backup data storage facilities. Other risks are unforeseeable. For example, in 1982 Johnson & Johnson never could have imagined that a deranged killer would insert poison into bottles of Tylenol and then place these tainted bottles on retail shelves, ultimately killing seven people.18 Johnson & Johnson—guided by the first line of its Credo (see page 24)— responded to this crisis by acting to reduce the risks faced by its customers and itself. First, it immediately recalled and destroyed 31 million bottles of Tylenol with a retail value of $100 million to reduce the risk of additional fatalities. Second, it developed the tamperresistant packaging that we take for granted today to reduce the risk that the same type of crime could be repeated in the future. Every business strategy or decision involves risks. Enterprise risk management is a process used by a company to proactively identify and manage those risks.

Identifying and Controlling Business Risks Companies should identify foreseeable risks before they occur rather than react to unfortunate events that have already happened. The left-hand column of Exhibit 1–11 (page 28) provides 12 examples of business risks. This list is not exhaustive, rather its purpose is to illustrate the diverse nature of business risks that companies face. Whether the risks relate to the weather, computer hackers, complying with the law, employee theft, financial reporting, or strategic decision making, they all have one thing in common. If the risks are not managed effectively, they can infringe on a company’s ability to meet its goals. Once a company identifies its risks, it can respond to them in various ways such as accepting, avoiding, sharing, or reducing the risk. Perhaps the most common risk management tactic is to reduce risks by implementing specific controls. The right-hand column of Exhibit 1–11 provides an example of a control that could be implemented to help reduce each of the risks mentioned in the left-hand column of the exhibit. In conclusion, a sophisticated enterprise risk management system cannot guarantee that all risks are eliminated. Nonetheless, many companies understand that managing risks is a superior alternative to reacting, perhaps too late, to unfortunate events.

IN BUSINESS MANAGING WEATHER RISK The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration claims that the weather influences one-third of the U.S. gross domestic product. In 2004, the word unseasonable was used by more than 120 publicly traded companies to explain unfavorable financial performance. Indeed, it would be easy to conclude that the weather poses an uncontrollable risk to businesses, right? Wrong! Weather risk management is a growing industry with roughly 80 companies offering weather risk management services to clients. For example, Planalytics is a weather consulting firm that helps Wise Metal Group, a manufacturer of aluminum can sheeting, to manage its natural gas purchases. Wise’s $3 million monthly gas bill fluctuates sharply depending on the weather. Planalytics’ software helps Wise plan its gas purchases in advance of changing temperatures. Beyond influencing natural gas purchases, the weather can also delay the boats that deliver Wise’s raw materials and it can affect Wise’s sales to the extent that cooler weather conditions lead to a decline in canned beverage sales. Source: Abraham Lustgarten, “Getting Ahead of the Weather,” Fortune, February 7, 2005, pp. 87–94.


Tamara Kaplan, “The Tylenol Crisis: How Effective Public Relations Saved Johnson & Johnson,” in Glen Broom, Allen Center, and Scott Cutlip, Effective Public Relations, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Chapter 1

28 E X H I B I T 1–11 Identifying and Controlling Business Risks

Examples of Business Risks

Examples of Controls to Reduce Business Risks

Intellectual assets being stolen from computer files

Products harming customers

Losing market share due to the unforeseen actions of competitors

Poor weather conditions shutting down operations

A website malfunctioning

A supplier strike halting the flow of raw materials

A poorly designed incentive compensation system causing employees to make bad decisions Financial statements unfairly reporting the value of inventory

An employee stealing assets

An employee accessing unauthorized information

Inaccurate budget estimates causing excessive or insufficient production Failing to comply with equal employment opportunity laws

Create firewalls that prohibit computer hackers from corrupting or stealing intellectual property Develop a formal and rigorous new product testing program Develop an approach for legally gathering information about competitors’ plans and practices Develop contingency plans for overcoming weather-related disruptions Thoroughly test the website before going “live” on the Internet Establish a relationship with two companies capable of providing needed raw materials Create a balanced set of performance measures that motivates the desired behavior Count the physical inventory on hand to make sure that it agrees with the accounting records Segregate duties so that the same employee does not have physical custody of an asset and the responsibility of accounting for it Create password-protected barriers that prohibit employees from obtaining information not needed to do their jobs Implement a rigorous budget review process Create a report that tracks key metrics related to compliance with the laws

The Certified Management Accountant (CMA) An individual who possesses the necessary qualifications and who passes a rigorous professional exam earns the right to be known as a Certified Management Accountant (CMA). In addition to the prestige that accompanies a professional designation, CMAs are often given greater responsibilities and higher compensation than those who do not have such a designation. Information about becoming a CMA and the CMA program can be accessed on the Institute of Management Accountants’ (IMA) website or by calling 1-800-638-4427. To become a Certified Management Accountant, the following four steps must be completed: 1. File an Application for Admission and register for the CMA examination. 2. Pass all four parts of the CMA examination within a three-year period. 3. Satisfy the experience requirement of two continuous years of professional experience in management and/or financial accounting prior to or within seven years of passing the CMA examination. 4. Comply with the Statement of Ethical Professional Practice.

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment


IN BUSINESS HOW’S THE PAY? The Institute of Management Accountants has created the following table that allows an individual to estimate what his salary would be as a management accountant. (The table below applies specifically to men. A similar table exists for women.)

Your Calculation Start with this base amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you are top-level management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OR, if you are senior-level management . . . . . . . OR, if you are entry-level management . . . . . . . . ......... Number of years in the field If you have an advanced degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OR, if you have no degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you hold the CMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you hold the CPA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you have had one or more career interruptions Your estimated salary level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


$74,779 $15,893 $6,369 $21,861 $355 $13,861 $19,289 $13,619 $6,832 $13,367


For example, if you make it to top-level management in ten years, have an advanced degree and a CMA, and no career interruptions, your estimated salary would be $121,702 [$74,779 ⫹ $15,893 ⫹ (10 ⫻ $355) ⫹ $13,861 ⫹ $13,619]. Source: David L. Schroeder and Karl E. Reichardt, “2004 Salary Survey,” Strategic Finance, June 2005, pp. 28–43.

Summary Successful companies follow strategies that differentiate themselves from competitors. Strategies often focus on three customer value propositions—customer intimacy, operational excellence, and product leadership. Most organizations rely on decentralization to some degree. Decentralization is formally depicted in an organization chart that shows who works for whom and which units perform line and staff functions. Lean Production, the Theory of Constraints, and Six Sigma are three management approaches that focus on business processes. Lean Production organizes resources around business processes and pulls units through those processes in response to customer orders. The result is lower inventories, fewer defects, less wasted effort, and quicker customer response times. The Theory of Constraints emphasizes the importance of managing an organization’s constraints. Since the constraint is whatever is holding back the organization, improvement efforts usually must be focused on the constraint to be effective. Six Sigma uses the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) framework to eliminate non-value-added activities and to improve processes. E-commerce and enterprise systems are being used to reshape business practices. An enterprise system integrates data across the organization in a single software system that makes the same data available to all managers. Ethical behavior is the foundation of a successful market economy. If we cannot trust others to act ethically in their business dealings with us, we will be inclined to invest less, scrutinize purchases more, and generally waste time and money trying to protect ourselves from the unscrupulous—resulting in fewer goods available to consumers at higher prices and lower quality. Unfortunately, trust in our corporate governance system has been undermined in recent years by numerous high-profile financial reporting scandals. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was passed with the objective of improving the reliability of the financial disclosures provided by publicly traded companies.

Chapter 1


Glossary At the end of each chapter, a list of key terms for review is given, along with the definition of each term. (These terms are printed in boldface where they are defined in the chapter.) Carefully study each term to be sure you understand its meaning. The list for Chapter 1 follows. Budget A detailed plan for the future, usually expressed in formal quantitative terms. (p. 6) Business process A series of steps that are followed to carry out some task in a business. (p. 12) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) The member of the top management team who is responsible for providing timely and relevant data to support planning and control activities and for preparing financial statements for external users. (p. 11) Constraint Anything that prevents an organization or individual from getting more of what it wants. (p. 15) Control The process of instituting procedures and then obtaining feedback to ensure that all parts of the organization are functioning effectively and moving toward overall company goals. (p. 6) Controller The member of the top management team who is responsible for providing relevant and timely data to managers and for preparing financial statements for external users. The controller reports to the CFO. (p. 6) Controlling Ensuring that the plan is actually carried out and is appropriately modified as circumstances change. (p. 5) Corporate governance The system by which a company is directed and controlled. If properly implemented it should provide incentives for top management to pursue objectives that are in the interests of the company and it should effectively monitor performance. (p. 25) Decentralization The delegation of decision-making authority throughout an organization by providing managers with the authority to make decisions relating to their area of responsibility. (p.10) Directing and motivating Mobilizing people to carry out plans and run routine operations. (p. 5) Enterprise system A software system that integrates data from across an organization into a single centralized database that enables all employees to access a common set of data. (p. 19) Enterprise risk management A process used by a company to help identify the risks that it faces and to develop responses to those risks that enable the company to be reasonably assured of meeting its goals. (p. 27) Feedback Accounting and other reports that help managers monitor performance and focus on problems and/or opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. (p. 6) Financial accounting The phase of accounting concerned with providing information to stockholders, creditors, and others outside the organization. (p. 2) Finished goods Units of product that have been completed but have not yet been sold to customers. (p. 13) Just-in-time (JIT) A production and inventory control system in which materials are purchased and units are produced only as needed to meet actual customer demand. (p. 14) Lean thinking model A five-step management approach that organizes resources around the flow of business processes and that pulls units through these processes in response to customer orders. (p. 13) Line A position in an organization that is directly related to the achievement of the organization’s basic objectives. (p. 11) Managerial accounting The phase of accounting concerned with providing information to managers for use inside the organization. (p. 2) Non-value-added activities Activities that consume resources but do not add value for which customers are willing to pay. (p. 16) Organization chart A diagram of a company’s organizational structure that depicts formal lines of reporting, communication, and responsibility between managers. (p. 10) Performance report A detailed report comparing budgeted data to actual data. (p. 7) Planning Selecting a course of action and specifying how the action will be implemented. (p. 5) Planning and control cycle The flow of management activities through planning, directing and motivating, and controlling, and then back to planning again. (p. 7) Raw materials Materials that are used to make a product. (p. 13) Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Legislation enacted to protect the interests of stockholders who invest in publicly traded companies by improving the reliability and accuracy of the disclosures provided to them. (p. 25)

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Segment Any part of an organization that can be evaluated independently of other parts and about which the manager seeks financial data. Examples include a product line, a sales territory, a division, or a department. (p. 9) Six Sigma A method that relies on customer feedback and objective data gathering and analysis techniques to drive process improvement. (p. 16) Staff A position in an organization that is only indirectly related to the achievement of the organization’s basic objectives. Such positions provide service or assistance to line positions or to other staff positions. (p. 11) Strategy A “game plan” that enables a company to attract customers by distinguishing itself from competitors. (p. 4) Supply chain management A management approach that coordinates business processes across companies to better serve end consumers. (p. 14) Theory of Constraints (TOC) A management approach that emphasizes the importance of managing constraints. (p. 15) Value chain The major business functions that add value to a company’s products and services such as research and development, product design, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and customer service. (p. 12) Work in process Units of product that are only partially complete and will require further work before they are ready for sale to a customer. (p. 13)

Questions 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19

What is the basic difference in orientation between financial and managerial accounting? What is meant by a business strategy? Describe the three broad categories of customer value propositions. Describe the three major activities of a manager. What are the four steps in the planning and control cycle? What are the major differences between financial and managerial accounting? Distinguish between line and staff positions in an organization. Describe the basic responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer. What are the three main categories of inventories in a manufacturing company? What are the five steps in the lean thinking model? What are the major benefits from successful implementation of the lean thinking model? Describe what is meant by a “pull” production system. Where does the Theory of Constraints recommend that improvement efforts be focused? Briefly describe Six Sigma. Describe the five stages in the Six Sigma DMAIC Framework. What is an enterprise system supposed to accomplish? Why is adherence to ethical standards important for the smooth functioning of an advanced market economy? Describe what is meant by corporate governance. Briefly describe what is meant by enterprise risk management.

Exercises EXERCISE 1-1 The Roles of Managers and Management Accountants [LO1, LO2]

A number of terms that relate to organizations, the work of management, and the role of managerial accounting are listed below: budgets controller decentralization directing and motivating feedback financial accounting line managerial accounting nonmonetary data planning performance report staff precision Chief Financial Officer


Chapter 1

Choose the term or terms above that most appropriately complete the following statements. is concerned with providing information for the use of those who are 1. is concerned with providing informainside the organization, whereas tion for the use of those who are outside the organization. consists of identifying alternatives, selecting from among the alter2. natives the one that is best for the organization, and specifying what actions will be taken to implement the chosen alternative. , managers oversee day-to-day activities and keep the organiza3. When tion functioning smoothly. 4. The accounting and other reports coming to management that are used in controlling the organi. zation are called 5. The delegation of decision-making authority throughout an organization by allowing managers at various operating levels to make key decisions relating to their area of responsibility is called . 6. A position on the organization chart that is directly related to achieving the basic objectives of an position. organization is called a position provides service or assistance to other parts of the organiza7. A tion and does not directly achieve the basic objectives of the organization. 8. The manager in charge of the accounting department is generally known as the . . 9. The plans of management are expressed formally in 10. A detailed report to management comparing budgeted data to actual data for a specific time . period is called a is the member of the top management team who is responsible for 11. The providing timely and relevant data to support planning and control activities and for preparing financial statements for external users. and more emphasis 12. Managerial accounting places less emphasis on on than financial accounting. EXERCISE 1-2 The Business Environment [LO3]

A number of terms are listed below: value chain supply chain management lean thinking model customer value proposition corporate governance strategy

Six Sigma budget nonconstraint business process Theory of Constraints non-value-added activity

enterprise risk management Internet pulls constraint enterprise system Just-In-Time


Choose the term or terms from the above list that most appropriately completes each of the following statements: is a game plan that enables a company to attract customers by 1. A(n) distinguishing itself from competitors. is a method that relies on customer feedback and objective data gather2. ing and analysis techniques to drive process improvement. is a series of steps that are followed to carry out some task in a 3. A(n) business. . 4. The system by which a company is directed and controlled is called 5. The process used by a company to help identify the risks that it faces and to develop responses to those risks so that the company is reasonably assured of meeting its goals is known as . 6. A production and inventory control system in which materials are purchased and units are pro. duced only as needed to meet actual customer demand is known as fuels the globalization phenomenon by providing companies with 7. The greater access to geographically dispersed customers, employees, and suppliers. is anything that prevents an organization or individual from get8. A(n) ting more of what it wants. as the result of an improvement 9. Increasing the rate of output of a(n) effort is unlikely to have much effect on profits. 10. A(n) consists of business functions that add value to a company’s products and services such as research and development, product design, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and customer service.

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment


11. A(n) integrates data from across an organization into a single centralized database that enables all employees to access a common set of data. 12. A management approach that coordinates business processes across companies to better serve . end consumers is known as is a five-step management approach that organizes resources 13. The units through those proaround the flow of business processes and that cesses in response to customer orders. 14. A company can only succeed if it creates a reason for customers to choose it over a competitor; . in short, a is a detailed plan for the future, usually expressed in formal quan15. A(n) titative terms. consumes resources but does not add value for which customers 16. A(n) are willing to pay. 17. The management approach that emphasizes the importance of managing constraints is known as the . EXERCISE 1-3 Ethics in Business [LO4]

Andy Morio was hired by a popular fast-food restaurant as an order-taker and cashier. Shortly after taking the job, he was shocked to overhear an employee bragging to a friend about shortchanging customers. He confronted the employee who then snapped back: “Mind your own business. Besides, everyone does it and the customers never miss the money.” Andy didn’t know how to respond to this aggressive stance. Required:

What would be the practical consequences on the fast-food industry and on consumers if cashiers generally shortchanged customers at every opportunity?

Problems PROBLEM 1-4 Ethics in Business [LO4]

Paul Sarver is the controller of a corporation whose stock is not listed on a national stock exchange. The company has just received a patent on a product that is expected to yield substantial profits in a year or two. At the moment, however, the company is experiencing financial difficulties; and because of inadequate working capital, it is on the verge of defaulting on a note held by its bank. At the end of the most recent fiscal year, the company’s president instructed Sarver not to record several invoices as accounts payable. Sarver objected since the invoices represented bona fide liabilities. However, the president insisted that the invoices not be recorded until after year-end, at which time it was expected that additional financing could be obtained. After several very strenuous objections—expressed to both the president and other members of senior management—Sarver finally complied with the president’s instructions. Required:

1. 2.

Did Sarver act in an ethical manner? Explain. If the new product fails to yield substantial profits and the company becomes insolvent, can Sarver’s actions be justified by the fact that he was following orders from a superior? Explain.

PROBLEM 1-5 Preparing an Organization Chart [LO2]

Ridell University is a large private school located in the Midwest. The university is headed by a president who has five vice presidents reporting to him. These vice presidents are responsible for auxiliary services, admissions and records, academics, financial services (controller), and the physical plant. In addition, the university has managers who report to these vice presidents. These include managers for central purchasing, the university press, and the university bookstore, all of whom report to the vice president for auxiliary services; managers for computer services and for accounting and finance, who report to the vice president for financial services; and managers for grounds and custodial services and for plant and maintenance, who report to the vice president for the physical plant. The university has four colleges—business, humanities, fine arts, and engineering and quantitative methods—and a law school. Each of these units has a dean who is responsible to the academic vice president. Each college has several departments.


Chapter 1 Required:

1. 2. 3.

Prepare an organization chart for Ridell University. Which of the positions on your chart would be line positions? Why would they be line positions? Which would be staff positions? Why? Which of the positions on your chart would have a need for accounting information? Explain.

PROBLEM 1-6 Ethics in Business [LO4]

Adam Williams was recently hired as assistant controller of GroChem, Inc., which processes chemicals for use in fertilizers. Williams was selected for this position because of his past experience in chemical processing. During his first month on the job, Williams made a point of getting to know the people responsible for the plant operations and learning how things are done at GroChem. During a conversation with the plant supervisor, Williams asked about the company procedures for handling toxic waste materials. The plant supervisor replied that he was not involved with the disposal of wastes and suggested that Williams might be wise to ignore this issue. This response strengthened Williams’ determination to probe this area further to be sure that the company was not vulnerable to litigation. Upon further investigation, Williams discovered evidence that GroChem was using a nearby residential landfill to dump toxic wastes—an illegal activity. It appeared that some members of GroChem’s management team were aware of this situation and may have been involved in arranging for this dumping; however, Williams was unable to determine whether his superior, the controller, was involved. Uncertain how he should proceed, Williams began to consider his options by outlining the following three alternative courses of action: • Seek the advice of his superior, the controller. • Anonymously release the information to the local newspaper. • Discuss the situation with an outside member of the board of directors with whom he is acquainted. Required:




Discuss why Adam Williams has an ethical responsibility to take some action in the matter of GroChem, Inc., and the dumping of toxic wastes. Refer to the specific standards (competence, confidentiality, integrity, and/or credibility) in the Statement of Ethical Professional Practice established by the Institute of Management Accountants to support your answer. For each of the three alternative courses of action that Adam Williams has outlined, explain whether or not the action is appropriate according to the Statement of Ethical Professional Practice established by the Institute of Management Accountants. Assume that Adam Williams sought the advice of his superior, the controller, and discovered that the controller was involved in the dumping of toxic wastes. Describe the steps that Williams should take to resolve this situation. (CMA, adapted)

PROBLEM 1-7 Ethics in Business [LO4]

Consumers and attorney generals in more than 40 states accused a prominent nationwide chain of auto repair shops of misleading customers and selling them unnecessary parts and services, from brake jobs to front-end alignments. Lynn Sharpe Paine reported the situation as follows in “Managing for Organizational Integrity,” Harvard Business Review, March-April, 1994: In the face of declining revenues, shrinking market share, and an increasingly competitive market . . . management attempted to spur performance of its auto centers. . . . The automotive service advisers were given product-specific sales quotas—sell so many springs, shock absorbers, alignments, or brake jobs per shift—and paid a commission based on sales. . . . [F]ailure to meet quotas could lead to a transfer or a reduction in work hours. Some employees spoke of the “pressure, pressure, pressure” to bring in sales. This pressure-cooker atmosphere created conditions under which employees felt that the only way to satisfy top management was by selling products and services to customers that they didn’t really need. Suppose all automotive repair businesses routinely followed the practice of attempting to sell customers unnecessary parts and services. Required:

1. 2.

How would this behavior affect customers? How might customers attempt to protect themselves against this behavior? How would this behavior probably affect profits and employment in the automotive service industry?

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment


PROBLEM 1-8 Line and Staff Positions; Organization Chart [LO2]

The Association of Medical Personnel (AMP) is a membership/educational organization that serves a wide range of individuals who work for medical institutions including hospitals, clinics, and medical practices. The membership is composed of doctors, nurses, medical assistants, and professional administrators. The purpose of the organization is to provide individuals in the medical field with a professional organization that offers educational and training opportunities through local chapters, a monthly magazine (AMP Review), continuing education programs, seminars, self-study courses, and research publications. AMP is governed by a board of directors who are members elected to these positions by the membership. The chairperson of the board is the highest ranking volunteer member and presides over the board; the board establishes policy for the organization. The policies are administered and carried out by AMP’s paid professional staff. The president’s chief responsibility is to manage the operations of the professional staff. Like any organization, the professional staff of AMP is composed of line and staff positions. A partial organization chart of the AMP professional staff is shown in Exhibit A.

EXHIBIT A Partial Organization Chart for the Association of Medical Personnel

Board of Directors

President Staff Liaison to the Chairperson

Meetings Coordinator

Jere Feldon

Vice President, Research

Vice President, Publications

Vice President, Educational Programs

Vice President, Membership

Vice President, Administration

Editor, AMP Review

Director of Continuing Education Programs

Director of Membership Marketing

Director of General Accounting

Director of Seminars and Conferences

Director of Chapter Services

Director of Data Processing

Editor of Special Publications Jesse Paige

Director of Self-Study Programs

Manager of Personnel George Ackers

Lana Dickson


Chapter 1

Four of the positions appearing in the organization chart are described below. Jere Feldon, Staff Liaison to the Chairperson Feldon is assigned to work with the chairperson of AMP by serving as an intermediary between the chairperson and the professional staff. All correspondence to the chairperson is funneled through Feldon. Feldon also works very closely with the president of AMP, especially on any matters that have to be brought to the attention of the chairperson and the board. Lana Dickson, Director of Self-Study Programs Dickson is responsible for developing and marketing the self-study programs offered by AMP. Selfstudy courses consist of cassette tapes and a workbook. Most of the courses are developed by outside contractors who work under her direction. Dickson relies on the director of membership marketing to assist her in marketing these courses. Jesse Paige, Editor of Special Publications Paige is primarily responsible for the publication and sale of any research monographs that are generated by the research department. In addition, he coordinates the publication of any special projects that may be prepared by any other AMP committees or departments. Paige also works with AMP’s Publication Committee which sets policy on the types of publications that AMP should publish. George Ackers, Manager of Personnel Ackers works with all of the departments of AMP in hiring professional and clerical staff. The individual departments screen and interview prospective employees for professional positions, but Ackers is responsible for advertising open positions. Ackers plays a more active role in the hiring of clerical personnel by screening individuals before they are sent to the departments for interviews. In addition, Ackers coordinates the employee performance evaluation program and administers AMP’s salary schedule and fringe benefit program. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Distinguish between line positions and staff positions in an organization by defining each. Include in your discussion the role, purpose, and importance of each. Many times, conflicts will arise between line and staff managers in organizations. Discuss the characteristics of line and staff managers that may cause conflicts between the two. For each of the four individuals identified by name in the text, a. Identify whether the individual’s position is a line or staff position and explain why. b. Identify potential problems that could arise in each individual’s position, either due to the type of position (i.e., line or staff) or to the location of the individual’s position within the organization. (CMA, adapted)


[LO1, LO2, and LO4]

The questions in this exercise are based on one of the fastest growing food retailers in the United States—Whole Foods Market, Inc. To answer the questions, you will need to download Whole Foods Market’s 2004 Annual Report and 10-K/A at In addition, you’ll need to download the company’s mission statement (which it refers to as a Declaration of Interdependence) at and its code of conduct and ethics at You do not need to print these documents in order to answer the questions. Required:


What is Whole Foods Market’s strategy for success in the marketplace? Does the company rely primarily on a customer intimacy, operational excellence, or product leadership customer value proposition? What evidence supports your conclusion?

Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment



4. 5. 6.

What business risks does Whole Foods Market face that may threaten its ability to satisfy stockholder expectations? What are some examples of control activities that the company could use to reduce these risks? (Hint: Focus on pages 11–15 of the 10-K/A.) Create an excerpt of an organization chart for Whole Foods Market. Do not try to create an organization chart for the entire company—it would be overwhelming! Pick a portion of the company and depict how the company organizes itself. (Hint: Study the 2004 Global All-Stars mentioned in the annual report and refer to page 16 of the 10-K/A.) Mention by name three employees that occupy line positions and three employees that occupy staff positions. Compare and contrast Whole Foods Market’s mission statement with the Johnson & Johnson Credo shown on page 24. Compare and contrast Whole Foods Market’s mission statement and its code of conduct and ethics. Is Whole Foods Market’s Annual Report and 10-K/A primarily a financial accounting document or a managerial accounting document? What evidence supports your conclusion? (Hint: Refer to Exhibit 1–2 in the text.)



2 Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 2, you should be able to:

LO1 Identify and give examples of each of the three basic manufacturing cost categories. LO2 Distinguish between product costs and period costs and give examples of each. including calculation of the cost of goods sold.

LO4 Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured. LO5 Understand the differences between variable costs and fixed costs. LO6 Understand the differences between direct and indirect costs. LO7 Define and give examples of cost classifications used in making decisions: differential costs, opportunity costs, and sunk costs. LO8 (Appendix 2A) Properly account for labor costs associated with idle time, overtime, and fringe benefits. LO9 (Appendix 2B) Identify the four types of quality costs and explain how they interact. LO10

(Appendix 2B) Prepare and interpret a quality cost report.

Costs Add Up Understanding costs and how they behave is critical in business. Labor Ready is a company based in Tacoma, Washington, that fills temporary manual labor jobs throughout the United States, Canada, and the UK— issuing over 6 million paychecks each year to more than half a million laborers. For example, food vendors at the Seattle Mariners’ Safeco Field hire Labor Ready workers to serve soft drinks and food at baseball games. Employers are charged about $11 per hour for this service. Since Labor Ready pays its workers only about $6.50 per hour and offers no fringe benefits and has no national competitors, this business would appear to be a gold mine generating about $4.50 per hour in profit. However, the company must maintain 687 hiring offices, each employing a permanent staff of four to five persons. Those costs, together with payroll taxes, workmen’s compensation insurance, and other administrative costs, result in a margin of only about 5%, or a little over 50¢ per hour. ■ Source: Catie Golding, “Short-Term Work, Long-Term Profits,” Washington CEO, January 2000, pp. 10–12.


LO3 Prepare an income statement

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications


s explained in Chapter 1, the work of management focuses on (1) planning, which includes setting objectives and outlining how to attain these objectives; and (2) control, which includes the steps taken to ensure that objectives are realized. To carry out these planning and control responsibilities, managers need information about the organization. This information often relates to the costs of the organization. In managerial accounting, the term cost is used in many different ways. The reason is that there are many types of costs, and these costs are classified differently according to the immediate needs of management. For example, managers may want cost data to prepare external financial reports, to prepare planning budgets, or to make decisions. Each different use of cost data demands a different classification and definition of costs. For example, the preparation of external financial reports requires the use of historical cost data, whereas decision making may require predictions about future costs. In this chapter, we discuss many of the possible uses of cost data and how costs are defined and classified for each use. Our first task is to explain how costs are classified for the purpose of preparing external financial reports—particularly in manufacturing companies. To set the stage for this discussion, we begin the chapter by defining some terms commonly used in manufacturing.

General Cost Classifications All types of organizations incur costs—governmental, not-for-profit, manufacturing, retail, and service. Generally, the kinds of costs that are incurred and the way in which these costs are classified depend on the type of organization. For this reason, we will consider in our discussion the cost characteristics of a variety of organizations—manufacturing, merchandising, and service. Our initial focus in this chapter is on manufacturing companies, since their basic activities include most of the activities found in other types of organizations. Manufacturing companies such as Texas Instruments, Ford, and DuPont are involved in acquiring raw materials, producing finished goods, marketing, distributing, billing, and almost every other business activity. Therefore, an understanding of costs in a manufacturing company can be very helpful in understanding costs in other types of organizations. In this chapter, we introduce cost concepts that apply to diverse organizations including fast-food outlets such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell; movie studios such as Disney, Paramount, and United Artists; consulting firms such as Accenture and McKinsey; and your local hospital. The exact terms used in these industries may not be the same as those used in manufacturing, but the same basic concepts apply. With some slight modifications, these basic concepts also apply to merchandising companies such as Wal-Mart, The Gap, 7-Eleven, Nordstrom, and Tower Records. With that in mind, let’s begin our discussion of manufacturing costs.

Topic Tackler

PLUS 2–1

Manufacturing Costs Most manufacturing companies separate manufacturing costs into three broad categories: direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. A discussion of each of these categories follows.

Direct Materials The materials that go into the final product are called raw materials. This term is somewhat misleading, since it seems to imply unprocessed natural resources like wood pulp or iron ore. Actually, raw materials refer to any materials that are used in the final product; and the finished product of one company can become the raw materials of


Identify and give examples of each of the three basic manufacturing cost categories.


Chapter 2

another company. For example, the plastics produced by Du Pont are a raw material used by Compaq Computer in its personal computers. One study of 37 manufacturing industries found that materials costs averaged about 55% of sales revenues.1 Raw materials may include both direct and indirect materials. Direct materials are those materials that become an integral part of the finished product and whose costs can be conveniently traced to the finished product. This would include, for example, the seats that Airbus purchases from subcontractors to install in its commercial aircraft and the tiny electric motor Panasonic uses in its DVD players. Sometimes it isn’t worth the effort to trace the costs of relatively insignificant materials to end products. Such minor items would include the solder used to make electrical connections in a Sony TV or the glue used to assemble an Ethan Allen chair. Materials such as solder and glue are called indirect materials and are included as part of manufacturing overhead, which is discussed later in this section.

Direct Labor

Direct labor consists of labor costs that can be easily (i.e., physically and conveniently) traced to individual units of product. Direct labor is sometimes called touch labor, since direct labor workers typically touch the product while it is being made. Examples of direct labor include assembly-line workers at Toyota, carpenters at the home builder Kaufman and Broad, and electricians who install equipment on aircraft at Bombardier Learjet. Labor costs that cannot be physically traced to the creation of products, or that can be traced only at great cost and inconvenience, are termed indirect labor. Just like indirect materials, indirect labor is treated as part of manufacturing overhead. Indirect labor includes the labor costs of janitors, supervisors, materials handlers, and night security guards. Although the efforts of these workers are essential to production, it would be either impractical or impossible to accurately trace their costs to specific units of product. Hence, such labor costs are treated as indirect labor.


IS SENDING JOBS OVERSEAS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA? In recent years, many companies have sent jobs from high labor-cost countries such as the United States to lower labor-cost countries such as India and China. But is chasing labor cost savings always the right thing to do? In manufacturing, the answer is no. Typically, total direct labor costs are around 7% to 15% of cost of goods sold. Since direct labor is such a small part of overall costs, the labor savings realized by “offshoring” jobs can easily be overshadowed by a decline in supply chain efficiency that occurs simply because production facilities are located farther from the ultimate customers. The increase in inventory carrying costs and obsolescence costs coupled with slower response to customer orders, not to mention foreign currency exchange risks, can more than offset the benefits of employing geographically dispersed low-cost labor. One manufacturer of casual wear in Los Angeles, California, understands the value of keeping jobs close to home in order to maintain a tightly knit supply chain. The company can fill orders for as many as 160,000 units in 24 hours. In fact, the company carries less than 30 days’ inventory and is considering fabricating clothing only after orders are received from customers rather than attempting to forecast what items will sell and making them in advance. How would they do this? The company’s entire supply chain—including weaving, dyeing, and sewing—is located in downtown Los Angeles, eliminating shipping delays. Source: Robert Sternfels and Ronald Ritter, “When Offshoring Doesn’t Make Sense,” The Wall Street Journal, October 19, 2004, p. B8.


Germain Boer and Debra Jeter, “What’s New About Modern Manufacturing? Empirical Evidence on Manufacturing Cost Changes,” Journal of Management Accounting Research, volume 5, pp. 61–83.


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Major shifts have taken place and continue to take place in the structure of labor costs in some industries. Sophisticated automated equipment, run and maintained by skilled indirect workers, is increasingly replacing direct labor. Indeed, direct labor averages only about 10% of sales revenues in manufacturing. In some companies, direct labor has become such a minor element of cost that it has disappeared altogether as a separate cost category. Nevertheless, the vast majority of manufacturing and service companies throughout the world continue to recognize direct labor as a separate cost category.

Manufacturing Overhead

Manufacturing overhead, the third element of manufacturing cost, includes all costs of manufacturing except direct materials and direct labor. Manufacturing overhead includes items such as indirect materials; indirect labor; maintenance and repairs on production equipment; and heat and light, property taxes, depreciation, and insurance on manufacturing facilities. A company also incurs costs for heat and light, property taxes, insurance, depreciation, and so forth, associated with its selling and administrative functions, but these costs are not included as part of manufacturing overhead. Only those costs associated with operating the factory are included in manufacturing overhead. Across large numbers of manufacturing companies, manufacturing overhead averages about 16% of sales revenues.2 Various names are used for manufacturing overhead, such as indirect manufacturing cost, factory overhead, and factory burden. All of these terms are synonyms for manufacturing overhead.

Nonmanufacturing Costs Nonmanufacturing costs are often divided into two categories: (1) selling costs and (2) administrative costs. Selling costs include all costs that are incurred to secure customer orders and get the finished product to the customer. These costs are sometimes called order-getting and order-filling costs. Examples of selling costs include advertising, shipping, sales travel, sales commissions, sales salaries, and costs of finished goods warehouses. Administrative costs include all executive, organizational, and clerical costs associated with the general management of an organization rather than with manufacturing or selling. Examples of administrative costs include executive compensation, general accounting, secretarial, public relations, and similar costs involved in the overall, general administration of the organization as a whole. Nonmanufacturing costs are also often called selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) costs.

Product Costs versus Period Costs In addition to classifying costs as manufacturing or nonmanufacturing costs, there are other ways to look at costs. For instance, they can also be classified as either product costs or period costs. To understand the difference between product costs and period costs, we must first discuss the matching principle from financial accounting. Generally, costs are recognized as expenses on the income statement in the period that benefits from the cost. For example, if a company pays for liability insurance in advance for


J. Miller, A. DeMeyer, and J. Nakane, Benchmarking Global Manufacturing (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin), Chapter 2. The Boer and Jeter article cited on the previous page contains a similar finding concerning the magnitude of manufacturing overhead.


Distinguish between product costs and period costs and give examples of each.


Chapter 2

two years, the entire amount is not considered an expense of the year in which the payment is made. Instead, one-half of the cost would be recognized as an expense each year. The reason is that both years—not just the first year—benefit from the insurance payment. The unexpensed portion of the insurance payment is carried on the balance sheet as an asset called prepaid insurance. The matching principle is based on the accrual concept that costs incurred to generate a particular revenue should be recognized as expenses in the same period that the revenue is recognized. This means that if a cost is incurred to acquire or make something that will eventually be sold, then the cost should be recognized as an expense only when the sale takes place—that is, when the benefit occurs. Such costs are called product costs.

Product Costs For financial accounting purposes, product costs include all costs involved in acquiring or making a product. In the case of manufactured goods, these costs consist of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. Product costs “attach” to units of product as the goods are purchased or manufactured, and they remain attached as the goods go into inventory awaiting sale. Product costs are initially assigned to an inventory account on the balance sheet. When the goods are sold, the costs are released from inventory as expenses (typically called cost of goods sold) and matched against sales revenue. Since product costs are initially assigned to inventories, they are also known as inventoriable costs. We want to emphasize that product costs are not necessarily treated as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. Rather, as explained above, they are treated as expenses in the period in which the related products are sold. This means that a product cost such as direct materials or direct labor might be incurred during one period but not recorded as an expense until a following period when the completed product is sold.

Period Costs Period costs are all the costs that are not product costs. For example, sales commissions and the rental costs of administrative offices are period costs. Period costs are not included as part of the cost of either purchased or manufactured goods; instead, period costs are expensed on the income statement in the period in which they are incurred using the usual rules of accrual accounting. Keep in mind that the period in which a cost is incurred is not necessarily the period in which cash changes hands. For example, as discussed earlier, the costs of liability insurance are spread across the periods that benefit from the insurance— regardless of the period in which the insurance premium is paid. As suggested above, all selling and administrative expenses are considered to be period costs. Advertising, executive salaries, sales commissions, public relations, and other nonmanufacturing costs discussed earlier are all examples of period costs. They will appear on the income statement as expenses in the period in which they are incurred.

Prime Cost and Conversion Cost Two more cost categories are often used in discussions of manufacturing costs—prime cost and conversion cost. These terms are quite easy to define. Prime cost is the sum of direct materials cost and direct labor cost. Conversion cost is the sum of direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead cost. The term conversion cost is used to describe direct labor and manufacturing overhead because these costs are incurred to convert materials into the finished product. Exhibit 2–1 (page 44) contains a summary of the cost terms that we have introduced so far.


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications


DISSECTING THE VALUE CHAIN United Colors of Benetton, an Italian apparel company headquartered in Ponzano, is unusual in that it is involved in all activities in the “value chain” from clothing design through manufacturing, distribution, and ultimate sale to customers in Benetton retail outlets. Most companies are involved in only one or two of these activities. Looking at this company allows us to see how costs are distributed across the entire value chain. A recent income statement from the company contained the following data:

Millions of Euros

Percent of Revenues

Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Cost of sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Selling and administrative expenses: Payroll and related cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distribution and transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising and promotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation and amortization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

125 30 74 54 78 179

7.4 1.8 4.4 3.2 4.6 10.6

Total selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . .



Even though this company spends large sums on advertising and runs its own shops, the cost of sales is still quite high in relation to the revenue—55.1% of revenue. And despite the company’s lavish advertising campaigns, advertising and promotion costs amounted to only 3.2% of revenue. (Note: One U.S. dollar was worth about 0.7331 euros at the time of this financial report.)

PRODUCT COSTS AND PERIOD COSTS: A LOOK ACROSS INDUSTRIES Cost of goods sold and selling and administrative expenses expressed as a percentage of sales differ across companies and industries. For example, the data below summarize the median cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales and the median selling and administrative expense as a percentage of sales for eight different industries. Why do you think the percentages in each column differ so dramatically?


Cost of Goods Sold ⫼ Sales

Selling and Administrative Expense ⫼ Sales

Aerospace and Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computer Software and Services . . . . . . . . Electrical Equipment and Components. . . . Healthcare Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil and Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pharmaceuticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

79% 52% 34% 64% 82% 90% 31% 78%

9% 34% 38% 21% 6% 3% 41% 8%

Source: Lori Calabro, “Controlling the Flow,” CFO, February 2005, p. 46–50.



Chapter 2

E X H I B I T 2–1 Summary of Cost Terms

Manufacturing Costs (Also called Product Costs or Inventoriable Costs)

Direct Materials

Direct Labor

Materials that can be conveniently traced to a product (such as wood in a table).

Manufacturing Overhead

Labor cost that can be physically and conveniently traced to a product (such as assembly-line workers in a plant). Direct labor is sometimes called touch labor.

Prime Cost

All costs of manufacturing a product other than direct materials and direct labor (such as indirect materials, indirect labor, factory utilities, and depreciation of factory buildings and equipment).

Conversion Cost

Nonmanufacturing Costs (Also called Period Costs or Selling and Administrative Costs)

Selling Costs

Administrative Costs

All costs necessary to secure customer orders and get the finished product or service to the customer (such as sales commissions, advertising, and depreciation of delivery equipment and finished goods warehouses).

All costs associated with the general management of the company as a whole (such as executive compensation, executive travel costs, secretarial salaries, and depreciation of office buildings and equipment).


BLOATED SELLING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Selling and administrative expenses tend to creep up during economic booms—creating problems when the economy falls into recession. Ron Nicol, a partner at the Boston Consulting Group, found that selling and administrative expenses at America’s 1000 largest companies grew at an average rate of 1.7% per year between 1985 and 1996 and then exploded to an average of 10% growth per year between 1997 and 2000. If companies had maintained their historical balance between sales revenues on the one hand and selling and administrative expenses on the other hand, Nicol calculates that selling and administrative expenses would have been about $500 million lower in the year 2000 for the average company on his list. Source: Jon E. Hilsenrath, “The Outlook: Corporate Dieting Is Far from Over,” The Wall Street Journal, July 9, 2001, p. A1.


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Cost Classifications on Financial Statements In this section of the chapter, we compare the cost classifications used on the financial statements of manufacturing and merchandising companies. The financial statements prepared by a manufacturing company are more complex than the statements prepared by a merchandising company because a manufacturing company must produce its goods as well as market them. The production process involves many costs that do not exist in a merchandising company, and these costs must be properly accounted for on the manufacturing company’s financial statements. We begin by explaining how these costs are shown on the balance sheet followed by the income statement.

The Balance Sheet The balance sheet, or statement of financial position, of a manufacturing company is similar to that of a merchandising company. However, their inventory accounts differ. A merchandising company has only one class of inventory—goods purchased from suppliers for resale to customers. In contrast, manufacturing companies have three classes of inventories—raw materials, work in process, and finished goods. Raw materials are the materials that are used to make a product. Work in process consists of units of product that are only partially complete and will require further work before they are ready for sale to a customer. Finished goods consist of completed units of product that have not yet been sold to customers. Ordinarily, the sum total of these three categories of inventories is the only amount shown on the balance sheet in external reports. However, the footnotes to the financial statements often provide more detail. We will use two companies—Graham Manufacturing and Reston Bookstore—to illustrate the concepts discussed in this section. Graham Manufacturing is located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and makes precision brass fittings for yachts. Reston Bookstore is a small bookstore in Reston, Virginia, specializing in books about the Civil War. The footnotes to Graham Manufacturing’s Annual Report reveal the following information concerning its inventories: Graham Manufacturing Corporation Inventory Accounts

Raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Beginning Balance $ 60,000 90,000 125,000

Ending Balance $ 50,000 60,000 175,000

Total inventory accounts . . . . . .



Graham Manufacturing’s raw materials inventory consists largely of brass rods and brass blocks. The work in process inventory consists of partially completed brass fittings. The finished goods inventory consists of brass fittings that are ready to be sold to customers. In contrast, the inventory account at Reston Bookstore consists entirely of the costs of books the company has purchased from publishers for resale to the public. In merchandising companies like Reston, these inventories may be called merchandise inventory. The beginning and ending balances in this account appear as follows: Reston Bookstore Inventory Account

Merchandise Inventory . . . . . . .

Beginning Balance $100,000

Ending Balance $150,000

Topic Tackler

PLUS 2–2


Chapter 2


Prepare an income statement including calculation of the cost of goods sold.

The Income Statement Exhibit 2–2 compares the income statements of Reston Bookstore and Graham Manufacturing. For purposes of illustration, these statements contain more detail about cost of goods sold than you will generally find in published financial statements. At first glance, the income statements of merchandising and manufacturing companies like Reston Bookstore and Graham Manufacturing are very similar. The only apparent difference is in the labels of some of the entries in the computation of the cost of goods sold. In the exhibit, the computation of cost of goods sold relies on the following basic equation for inventory accounts: Basic Equation for Inventory Accounts Beginning Additions Ending Withdrawals ⫹ ⫽ ⫹ balance to inventory balance from inventory The logic underlying this equation, which applies to any inventory account, is illustrated in Exhibit 2–3. The beginning inventory consists of any units that are in the inventory at the beginning of the period. Additions are made to the inventory during the period. The sum of the beginning balance and the additions to the account is the total amount of inventory available. During the period, withdrawals are made from inventory. The ending balance is whatever is left at the end of the period after the withdrawals.

E X H I B I T 2–2 Comparative Income Statements: Merchandising and Manufacturing Companies

Merchandising Company Reston Bookstore


The cost of merchandise inventory purchased from outside suppliers during the period.

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Beginning merchandise inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Purchases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 650,000

Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct: Ending merchandise inventory . . . . . . . .

750,000 150,000

Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Selling expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


600,000 400,000

100,000 200,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

300,000 $ 100,000

Manufacturing Company Graham Manufacturing The manufacturing costs associated with the goods that were finished during the period. (See Exhibit 2–4 for details.)


Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs of goods sold: Beginning finished goods inventory . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Cost of goods manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . .

$125,000 850,000

Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct: Ending finished goods inventory . . . . . . .

975,000 175,000

Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Selling expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


800,000 700,000

250,000 300,000

550,000 $ 150,000


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

E X H I B I T 2–3 Inventory Flows

y tud ic S I Bas ages ti Stra

Basic Study Stratiages II

y y tud tud ic S II ic S II Bas agesBas ages ti ti Stra Stra

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages II

y y tud tud ic S II ic S II Bas agesBas ages ti ti Stra Stra

ⴝ Ending balance

Basic Study Stratiages I

y tud ic S I Bas ages ti Stra

Basic Study Stratiages II

y y tud tud ic S I ic S I Bas agesBas tiages ti Stra Stra

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages I

Basic Study Stratiages I Basic Study Stratiages II

y y y y y y y tud tud tud tud tud tud tud ic S I ic S I ic S I ic S II ic S II ic S II ic S II Bas agesBas agesBas agesBas agesBas agesBas agesBas ages ti ti ti ti ti ti ti Stra Stra Stra Stra Stra Stra Stra

ⴚ Withdrawals

Basic Study Stratiages I

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages I

Basic Study Stratiages I

y y y y tud tud tud tud ic S II ic S II ic S II ic S II Bas agesBas agesBas agesBas ages ti ti ti ti Stra Stra Stra Stra

ⴝ Total available

Basic Study Stratiages I

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages II

y y y tud tud tud ic S I ic S I ic S I Bas agesBas agesBas ages ti ti ti Stra Stra Stra

Basic Study Stratiages II

Basic Study Stratiages I

Basic Study Stratiages I

Basic Study Stratiages I

Beginning balance ⴙ Additions

y y tud tud ic S II ic S II Bas agesBas ages ti ti Stra Stra

These concepts are used to determine the cost of goods sold for a merchandising company like Reston Bookstore as follows: Cost of Goods Sold in a Merchandising Company Beginning Ending Cost of merchandise ⫹ Purchases ⫽ merchandise ⫹ goods sold inventory inventory or Cost of Beginning Ending goods sold ⫽ merchandise ⫹ Purchases ⫺ merchandise inventory inventory To determine the cost of goods sold in a merchandising company, we only need to know the beginning and ending balances in the Merchandise Inventory account and the purchases. Total purchases can be easily determined in a merchandising company by simply adding together all purchases from suppliers. The cost of goods sold for a manufacturing company like Graham Manufacturing is determined as follows: Cost of Goods Sold in a Manufacturing Company Beginning finished Cost of goods Ending finished Cost of ⫹ ⫽ ⫹ goods inventory manufactured goods inventory goods sold or Cost of Beginning finished Cost of goods Ending finished ⫽ ⫹ ⫺ goods sold goods inventory manufactured goods inventory To determine the cost of goods sold in a manufacturing company, we need to know the cost of goods manufactured and the beginning and ending balances in the Finished Goods inventory account. The cost of goods manufactured consists of the manufacturing costs associated with goods that were finished during the period. The cost of goods manufactured for Graham Manufacturing is derived in the schedule of cost of goods manufactured shown in Exhibit 2–4 (page 48).

Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured At first glance, the schedule of cost of goods manufactured in Exhibit 2–4 appears complex and perhaps even intimidating. However, it is all quite logical. The schedule of cost of goods manufactured contains the three elements of product costs that we discussed earlier— direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.


Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured.


Chapter 2

E X H I B I T 2–4 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured

Direct materials: Beginning raw materials inventory* . . . . . . . . $ 60,000 Add: Purchases of raw materials . . . . . . . . . 400,000 Raw materials available for use . . . . . . . . . . 460,000 Deduct: Ending raw materials inventory . . . . 50,000 Raw materials used in production . . . . . . . . .

Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Manufacturing overhead:† Insurance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 Machine rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 Utilities, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,000 Depreciation, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 Property taxes, factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 Total manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . . . .

Total manufacturing cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Beginning work in process inventory . . . . Deduct: Ending work in process inventory . . . . Cost of goods manufactured (see Exhibit 2–2).

Direct materials $410,000


Direct labor

Manufacturing overhead


820,000 90,000 910,000 60,000 $850,000

Cost of goods manufactured

*We assume in this example that the Raw Materials inventory account contains only direct materials and that indirect materials are carried in a separate Supplies account. Using a Supplies account for indirect materials is a common practice. In Chapter 3, we discuss the procedure to be followed if both direct and indirect materials are carried in a single account. † In Chapter 3 we will see that the manufacturing overhead section of the Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured can be considerably simplified by using a predetermined manufacturing overhead rate.

The direct materials cost of $410,000 is not the cost of raw materials purchased during the period—it is the cost of raw materials used during the period. The purchases of raw materials are added to the beginning balance to determine the cost of the materials available for use. The ending raw materials inventory is deducted from this amount to arrive at the cost of raw materials used in production. The sum of the three manufacturing cost elements—materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead—is the total manufacturing cost of $820,000. However, you’ll notice that this is not the same thing as the cost of goods manufactured for the period of $850,000. The subtle distinction between the total manufacturing cost and the cost of goods manufactured is very easy to miss. Some of the materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead costs incurred during the period relate to goods that are not yet completed. As stated above, the cost of goods manufactured consists of the manufacturing costs associated with the goods that were finished during the period. Consequently, adjustments need to be made to the total manufacturing cost of the period for the partially completed goods that were in process at the beginning and at the end of the period. The costs that relate to goods that are not yet completed are shown in the work in process inventory figures at the bottom of the schedule. Note that the beginning work in process inventory must be added to the manufacturing costs of the


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

period, and the ending work in process inventory must be deducted, to arrive at the cost of goods manufactured. Since the Work in Process account declined by $30,000 during the year ($90,000 ⫺ $60,000), this explains the $30,000 difference between the total manufacturing cost and the cost of goods manufactured.

Product Cost Flows Earlier in the chapter, we defined product costs as costs incurred to either purchase or manufacture goods. For manufactured goods, these costs consist of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. It will be helpful at this point to look briefly at the flow of costs in a manufacturing company. This will help us understand how product costs move through the various accounts and how they affect the balance sheet and the income statement. Exhibit 2–5 illustrates the flow of costs in a manufacturing company. Raw materials purchases are recorded in the Raw Materials inventory account. When raw materials are used in production, their costs are transferred to the Work in Process inventory account as direct materials. Notice that direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead cost are added directly to Work in Process. Work in Process can be viewed most simply as products on an assembly line. The direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead costs added to Work in Process in Exhibit 2–5 are the costs needed to complete these products as they move along this assembly line. Notice from the exhibit that as goods are completed, their costs are transferred from Work in Process to Finished Goods. Here the goods await sale to customers. As goods are sold, their costs are transferred from Finished Goods to Cost of Goods Sold. At this point the various costs required to make the product are finally recorded as an expense. Until that point, these costs are in inventory accounts on the balance sheet.

E X H I B I T 2–5 Cost Flows and Classifications in a Manufacturing Company

Costs Balance Sheet

Product costs

Raw materials purchases

Raw Materials inventory Direct materials used in production

Direct labor

Manufacturing overhead

Work in Process inventory Goods completed (Cost of Goods Manufactured)

Income Statement Cost of Goods Sold

Finished Goods inventory

Period costs

Goods sold Selling and administrative

Selling and Administrative Expenses


Chapter 2

Inventoriable Costs As stated earlier, product costs are often called inventoriable costs. The reason is that these costs go directly into inventory accounts as they are incurred (first into Work in Process and then into Finished Goods), rather than going into expense accounts. Thus, they are termed inventoriable costs. This is a key concept because such costs can end up on the balance sheet as assets if goods are only partially completed or are unsold at the end of a period. To illustrate this point, refer again to Exhibit 2–5. At the end of the period, the materials, labor, and overhead costs that are associated with the units in the Work in Process and Finished Goods inventory accounts will appear on the balance sheet as assets. As explained earlier, these costs will not become expenses until the goods are completed and sold. Selling and administrative expenses are not involved in making a product. For this reason, they are not treated as product costs but rather as period costs that are expensed as they are incurred, as shown in Exhibit 2–5.

An Example of Cost Flows To provide an example of cost flows in a manufacturing company, assume that a company’s annual insurance cost is $2,000. Three-fourths of this amount ($1,500) applies to factory operations, and one-fourth ($500) applies to selling and administrative activities. Therefore, $1,500 of the $2,000 insurance cost would be a product (inventoriable) cost and would be added to the cost of the goods produced during the year. This concept is illustrated in Exhibit 2–6, where $1,500 of insurance cost is added to Work in Process.

E X H I B I T 2–6 An Example of Cost Flows in a Manufacturing Company

$1,500 of the insurance goes to support factory operations

Balance Sheet Work in Process inventory

(Manufacturing overhead)

Total insurance cost is $2,000

The $1,500 moves slowly into finished goods inventory as units of the product are completed. Finished Goods inventory

Income Statement Cost of Goods Sold

$500 of the insurance goes to support selling and administration (Selling and administrative)

The $1,500 moves slowly into cost of goods sold as finished goods are sold. Selling and Administrative Expenses


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Purpose of Cost Classification

Cost Classifications

Preparing external financial statements

• Product costs (inventoriable) • Direct materials • Direct labor • Manufacturing overhead • Period costs (expensed) • Nonmanufacturing costs • Selling costs • Administrative costs

Predicting cost behavior in response to changes in activity

• Variable cost (proportional to activity) • Fixed cost (constant in total)

Assigning costs to cost objects such as departments or products

• Direct cost (can be easily traced) • Indirect cost (cannot be easily traced)

Making decisions

• Differential cost (differs between alternatives) • Sunk cost (past cost not affected by a decision) • Opportunity cost (forgone benefit)

Cost of quality (Appendix)

• • • •

E X H I B I T 2–7 Summary of Cost Classifications

Prevention costs Appraisal costs Internal failure costs External failure costs

As shown in the exhibit, this portion of the year’s insurance cost will not become an expense until the goods that are produced during the year are sold—which may not happen until the following year or even later. Until the goods are sold, the $1,500 will be part of inventories—either Work in Process or Finished Goods—along with the other costs of producing the goods. By contrast, the $500 of insurance cost that applies to the company’s selling and administrative activities will be expensed immediately. Thus far, we have been mainly concerned with classifications of manufacturing costs for the purpose of determining inventory valuations on the balance sheet and cost of goods sold on the income statement in external financial reports. However, costs are used for many other purposes, and each purpose requires a different classification of costs. We will consider several different purposes for cost classifications in the remaining sections of this chapter. These purposes and the corresponding cost classifications are summarized in Exhibit 2–7. To help keep the big picture in mind, we suggest that you refer back to this exhibit frequently as you progress through the rest of this chapter.

Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost Behavior Quite frequently, it is necessary to predict how a certain cost will behave in response to a change in activity. For example, a manager at Qwest may want to estimate the impact a 5% increase in long-distance calls would have on the company’s total electric bill. Cost behavior refers to how a cost reacts to changes in the level of activity. As the activity level rises and falls, a particular cost may rise and fall as well—or it may remain constant. For planning purposes, a manager must be able to anticipate which of these will happen; and if a cost can be expected to change, the manager must be able to estimate how much it will change. To help make such distinctions, costs are often categorized as variable or fixed.


Understand the differences between variable costs and fixed costs.


Chapter 2

Variable Cost A variable cost is a cost that varies, in total, in direct proportion to changes in the level of activity. The activity can be expressed in many ways, such as units produced, units sold, miles driven, beds occupied, lines of print, hours worked, and so forth. A good example of a variable cost is direct materials. The cost of direct materials used during a period will vary, in total, in direct proportion to the number of units that are produced. To illustrate this idea, consider the Saturn Division of GM. Each auto requires one battery. As the output of autos increases and decreases, the number of batteries used will increase and decrease proportionately. If auto production goes up 10%, then the number of batteries used will also go up 10%. The concept of a variable cost is shown graphically in Exhibit 2–8. The graph on the left-hand side of Exhibit 2–8 illustrates that the total variable cost rises and falls as the activity level rises and falls. This idea is presented below, assuming that a Saturn’s battery costs $24:

Number of Autos Produced

Cost per Battery

Total Variable Cost— Batteries

$24 $24 $24

$24 $12,000 $24,000

1 ........... 500 . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . .

While total variable costs change as the activity level changes, it is important to note that a variable cost is constant if expressed on a per unit basis. For example, the per unit cost of batteries remains constant at $24 even though the total cost of the batteries increases and decreases with activity. There are many examples of costs that are variable with respect to the products and services provided by a company. In a manufacturing company, variable costs include items such as direct materials, shipping costs, and sales commissions and some elements of manufacturing overhead such as lubricants. We will also usually assume that direct labor is a variable cost, although direct labor may act more like a fixed cost in some situations as we shall see in a later chapter. In a merchandising company, the variable costs

E X H I B I T 2–8 Variable and Fixed Cost Behavior

Variable Cost Behavior

Fixed Cost Behavior $24,000 Total cost of rent

Total cost of batteries







750 1,000

Number of autos produced in a month





1,000 1,500 2,000

Number of lab tests performed in a month


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

of carrying and selling products include items such as cost of goods sold, sales commissions, and billing costs. In a hospital, the variable costs of providing health care services to patients would include the costs of the supplies, drugs, meals, and perhaps nursing services. When we say that a cost is variable, we ordinarily mean that it is variable with respect to the amount of goods or services the organization produces. However, costs can be variable with respect to other things. For example, the wages paid to employees at a Blockbuster Video outlet will depend on the number of hours the store is open and not strictly on the number of videos rented. In this case, we would say that wage costs are variable with respect to the hours of operation. Nevertheless, when we say that a cost is variable, we ordinarily mean it is variable with respect to the amount of goods and services produced. This could be how many Jeep Cherokees are produced, how many videos are rented, how many patients are treated, and so on.

BROWN IS THINKING GREEN United Parcel Service (UPS) truck drivers travel more than 1.3 billion miles annually to deliver more than 4.5 billion packages. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that fuel is a huge variable cost for the company. Even if UPS can shave just a penny of cost from each mile driven, the savings can be enormous. This explains why UPS is so excited about swapping its old diesel powered trucks for diesel-electric hybrid vehicles, which have the potential to cut fuel costs by 50%. Beyond the savings for UPS, the environment would also benefit from the switch since hybrid vehicles cut emissions by 90%. As UPS television commercials ask, “What can Brown do for you?” Thanks to diesel-electric technology, the answer is that Brown can help make the air you breathe a little bit cleaner. Source: Charles Haddad and Christine Tierney, “FedEx and Brown Are Going Green,” BusinessWeek, August 4, 2003, pp. 60–62.

Fixed Cost A fixed cost is a cost that remains constant, in total, regardless of changes in the level of activity. Unlike variable costs, fixed costs are not affected by changes in activity. Consequently, as the activity level rises and falls, total fi xed costs remain constant unless infl uenced by some outside force, such as a price change. Rent is a good example of a fixed cost. Suppose the Mayo Clinic rents a machine for $8,000 per month that tests blood samples for the presence of leukemia cells. The $8,000 monthly rental cost will be incurred regardless of the number of tests that may be performed during the month. The concept of a fi xed cost is shown graphically on the right-hand side of Exhibit 2–8. Very few costs are completely fixed. Most will change if activity changes enough. For example, suppose that the capacity of the leukemia diagnostic machine at the Mayo Clinic is 2,000 tests per month. If the clinic wishes to perform more than 2,000 tests in a month, it would be necessary to rent an additional machine, which would cause a jump in the fixed costs. When we say a cost is fixed, we mean it is fixed within some relevant range. The relevant range is the range of activity within which the assumptions about variable and fixed costs are valid. For example, the assumption that the rent for diagnostic machines is $8,000 per month is valid within the relevant range of 0 to 2,000 tests per month. Fixed costs can create confusion if they are expressed on a per unit basis. This is because the average fixed cost per unit increases and decreases inversely with changes in activity. In the Mayo Clinic, for example, the average cost per test will fall as the number



Chapter 2


FOOD COSTS AT A LUXURY HOTEL The Sporthotel Theresa (, owned and operated by the Egger family, is a four star hotel located in Zell im Zillertal, Austria. The hotel features access to hiking, skiing, biking, and other activities in the Ziller alps as well as its own fitness facility and spa. Three full meals a day are included in the hotel room charge. Breakfast and lunch are served buffet-style while dinner is a more formal affair with as many as six courses. A sample dinner menu appears below:

Tyrolean cottage cheese with homemade bread *** Salad bar *** Broccoli-terrine with saddle of venison and smoked goose-breast Or Chicken-liver parfait with gorgonzola-cheese ravioli and port-wine sauce *** Clear vegetable soup with fine vegetable strips Or Whey-yoghurt juice *** Roulade of pork with zucchini, ham and cheese on pesto ribbon noodles and saffron sauce Or Roasted filet of Irish salmon and prawn with spring vegetables and sesame mash Or Fresh white asparagus with scrambled egg, fresh herbs, and parmesan Or Steak of Tyrolean organic beef *** Strawberry terrine with homemade chocolate ice cream Or Iced Viennese coffee The chef, Stefan Egger, believes that food costs are roughly proportional to the number of guests staying at the hotel; that is, they are a variable cost. He must order food from suppliers two or three days in advance, but he adjusts his purchases to the number of guests who are currently staying at the hotel and their consumption patterns. In addition, guests make their selections from the dinner menu early in the day, which helps Stefan plan which foodstuffs will be required for dinner. Consequently, he is able to prepare just enough food so that all guests are satisfied and yet waste is held to a minimum. Source: Conversation with Stefan Egger, chef at the Sporthotel Theresa.

of tests performed increases because the $8,000 rental cost will be spread over more tests. Conversely, as the number of tests performed in the clinic declines, the average cost per test will rise as the $8,000 rental cost is spread over fewer tests. This concept is illustrated in the table below:

Monthly Rental Cost $8,000 . . . . . . . . . $8,000 . . . . . . . . . $8,000 . . . . . . . . .

Number of Tests Performed

Average Cost per Test

10 500 2,000

$800 $16 $4


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Behavior of the Cost (within the relevant range) Cost Variable cost Fixed cost

In Total Total variable cost increases and decreases in proportion to changes in the activity level. Total fixed cost is not affected by changes in the activity level within the relevant range.

Per Unit

E X H I B I T 2–9 Summary of Variable and Fixed Cost Behavior

Variable cost per unit remains constant. Fixed cost per unit decreases as the activity level rises and increases as the activity level falls.

Note that if the Mayo Clinic performs only 10 tests each month, the rental cost of the equipment will average $800 per test. But if 2,000 tests are performed each month, the average cost will drop to only $4 per test. More will be said later about the misunderstandings created by this variation in average unit costs. Examples of fixed costs include straight-line depreciation, insurance, property taxes, rent, supervisory salaries, administrative salaries, and advertising. A summary of both variable and fixed cost behavior is presented in Exhibit 2–9.



Intel has recently built five new computer chip manufacturing facilities that have put its competitors on the defensive. Each plant can produce chips using a 12-inch wafer that is imprinted with 90-nanometer circuit lines that are 0.1% of the width of a human hair. These plants can produce 1.25 million chips a day, or about 375 million chips a year. Better yet, these new plants slash Intel’s production costs in half since each plant’s volume of output is 2.5 times greater than any of Intel’s seven older plants. Building a computer chip manufacturing facility is a very expensive undertaking due to the required investment in fixed equipment costs. So why are Intel’s competitors on the defensive? Because they are struggling to match Intel’s exceptionally low average fixed cost per unit of output. Or, in an economist’s terms, they are struggling to match Intel’s economies of scale. Source: Cliff Edwards, “Intel,” BusinessWeek, March 8, 2004, pp. 56–64.

Cost Classifications for Assigning Costs to Cost Objects Costs are assigned to cost objects for a variety of purposes including pricing, preparing profitability studies, and controlling spending. A cost object is anything for which cost data are desired—including products, customers, jobs, and organizational subunits. For purposes of assigning costs to cost objects, costs are classified as either direct or indirect.

Direct Cost A direct cost is a cost that can be easily and conveniently traced to a specified cost object. The concept of direct cost extends beyond just direct materials and direct labor. For example, if Reebok is assigning costs to its various regional and national sales offices, then the salary of the sales manager in its Tokyo office would be a direct cost of that office.


Understand the differences between direct and indirect costs.


Chapter 2

Indirect Cost An indirect cost is a cost that cannot be easily and conveniently traced to a specified cost object. For example, a Campbell Soup factory may produce dozens of varieties of canned soups. The factory manager’s salary would be an indirect cost of a particular variety such as chicken noodle soup. The reason is that the factory manager’s salary is incurred as a consequence of running the entire factory—it is not incurred to produce any one soup variety. To be traced to a cost object such as a particular product, the cost must be caused by the cost object. The factory manager’s salary is called a common cost of producing the various products of the factory. A common cost is a cost that is incurred to support a number of cost objects but cannot be traced to them individually. A common cost is a type of indirect cost. A particular cost may be direct or indirect, depending on the cost object. While the Campbell Soup factory manager’s salary is an indirect cost of manufacturing chicken noodle soup, it is a direct cost of the manufacturing division. In the first case, the cost object is chicken noodle soup. In the second case, the cost object is the entire manufacturing division.

Cost Classifications for Decision Making LEARNING OBJECTIVE 7

Define and give examples of cost classifications used in making decisions: differential costs, opportunity costs, and sunk costs.


Costs are an important feature of many business decisions. In making decisions, it is essential to have a firm grasp of the concepts differential cost, opportunity cost, and sunk cost.

Differential Cost and Revenue Decisions involve choosing between alternatives. In business decisions, each alternative will have costs and benefits that must be compared to the costs and benefits of the other available alternatives. A difference in costs between any two alternatives is known as a differential cost. A difference in revenues between any two alternatives is known as differential revenue. A differential cost is also known as an incremental cost, although technically an incremental cost should refer only to an increase in cost from one alternative to another; decreases in cost should be referred to as decremental costs. Differential cost is a broader term, encompassing both cost increases (incremental costs) and cost decreases (decremental costs) between alternatives. The accountant’s differential cost concept can be compared to the economist’s marginal cost concept. In speaking of changes in cost and revenue, the economist uses the terms marginal cost and marginal revenue. The revenue that can be obtained from selling one more unit of product is called marginal revenue, and the cost involved in producing one more unit of product is called marginal cost. The economist’s marginal concept is basically the same as the accountant’s differential concept applied to a single unit of output.

THE COST OF A HEALTHIER ALTERNATIVE McDonald’s is under pressure from critics to address the health implications of its menu. In response, McDonald’s switched from partially hydrogenated vegetable oil to fry foods to a new soybean oil that cuts trans-fat levels by 48% even though the soybean oil is much more expensive than the partially hydrogenated vegetable oil and it lasts only half as long. What were the cost implications of this change? A typical McDonald’s restaurant uses 500 pounds of the relatively unhealthy oil per week at a cost of about $186. In contrast, the same restaurant would need to use 1,000 pounds of the new soybean oil per week at a cost of about $571. This is a differential cost of $385 per restaurant per week. This may seem like a small amount of money until the calculation is expanded to include 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants operating 52 weeks a year. Now, the total tab for a more healthy frying oil rises to about $260 million per year.

Source: Matthew Boyle, “Can You Really Make Fast Food Healthy?” Fortune, August 9, 2004, pp. 134–139.


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Differential costs can be either fixed or variable. To illustrate, assume that Nature Way Cosmetics, Inc., is thinking about changing its marketing method from distribution through retailers to distribution by a network of neighborhood sales representatives. Present costs and revenues are compared to projected costs and revenues in the following table: Retailer Distribution (present)

Sales Representatives (proposed)

Differential Costs and Revenues

Revenues (Variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Cost of goods sold (Variable) . . . . . . . . . Advertising (Fixed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commissions (Variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warehouse depreciation (Fixed) . . . . . . Other expenses (Fixed) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

350,000 80,000 0 50,000 60,000

400,000 45,000 40,000 80,000 60,000

50,000 (35,000) 40,000 30,000 0

Total expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



$ 15,000


According to the above analysis, the differential revenue is $100,000 and the differential costs total $85,000, leaving a positive differential net operating income of $15,000 under the proposed marketing plan. The decision of whether Nature Way Cosmetics should stay with the present retail distribution or switch to sales representatives could be made on the basis of the net operating incomes of the two alternatives. As we see in the above analysis, the net operating income under the present distribution method is $160,000, whereas the net operating income with sales representatives is estimated to be $175,000. Therefore, using sales representatives is preferred, since it would result in $15,000 higher net operating income. Note that we would have arrived at exactly the same conclusion by simply focusing on the differential revenues, differential costs, and differential net operating income, which also show a $15,000 advantage for sales representatives. In general, only the differences between alternatives are relevant in decisions. Those items that are the same under all alternatives and that are not affected by the decision can be ignored. For example, in the Nature Way Cosmetics example above, the “Other expenses” category, which is $60,000 under both alternatives, can be ignored, since it has no effect on the decision. If it were removed from the calculations, the sales representatives would still be preferred by $15,000. This is an extremely important principle in management accounting that we will revisit in later chapters.

USING THOSE EMPTY SEATS Cancer patients who seek specialized or experimental treatments must often travel far from home. Flying on a commercial airline can be an expensive and grueling experience for these patients. Priscilla Blum noted that many corporate jets fly with empty seats and she wondered why these seats couldn’t be used for cancer patients. Taking the initiative, she founded Corporate Angel Network (www., an organization that arranges free flights on some 1,500 jets from over 500 companies. There are no tax breaks for putting cancer patients in empty corporate jet seats, but filling an empty seat with a cancer patient doesn’t involve any significant incremental cost. Since its founding, Corporate Angel Network has provided over 16,000 free flights. Sources: Scott McCormack, “Waste Not, Want Not,” Forbes, July 26, 1999, p. 118. Roger McCaffrey, “A True Tale of Angels in the Sky,” The Wall Street Journal, February, 2002, p. A14. Helen Gibbs, Communication Director, Corporate Angel Network, private communication.



Chapter 2

Opportunity Cost Opportunity cost is the potential benefit that is given up when one alternative is selected over another. To illustrate this important concept, consider the following examples: Example 1 Vicki has a part-time job that pays $200 per week while attending college. She would like to spend a week at the beach during spring break, and her employer has agreed to give her the time off, but without pay. The $200 in lost wages would be an opportunity cost of taking the week off to be at the beach. Example 2 Suppose that Neiman Marcus is considering investing a large sum of money in land that may be a site for a future store. Rather than invest the funds in land, the company could invest the funds in high-grade securities. If the land is acquired, the opportunity cost is the investment income that could have been realized by purchasing the securities instead. Example 3 Steve is employed by a company that pays him a salary of $38,000 per year. He is thinking about leaving the company and returning to school. Since returning to school would require that he give up his $38,000 salary, the forgone salary would be an opportunity cost of seeking further education.

Opportunity costs are not usually found in the accounting records of an organization, but they are costs that must be explicitly considered in every decision a manager makes. Virtually every alternative involves an opportunity cost. In Example 3 above, for instance, the higher income that could be realized in future years as a result of returning to school is an opportunity cost of staying in his present job.

Sunk Cost A sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and that cannot be changed by any decision made now or in the future. Because sunk costs cannot be changed by any decision, they are not differential costs. And because only differential costs are relevant in a decision, sunk costs can and should be ignored. To illustrate a sunk cost, assume that a company paid $50,000 several years ago for a special-purpose machine. The machine was used to make a product that is now obsolete and is no longer being sold. Even though in hindsight purchasing the machine may have been unwise, the $50,000 cost has already been incurred and cannot be undone. And it would be folly to continue making the obsolete product in a misguided attempt to “recover” the original cost of the machine. In short, the $50,000 originally paid for the machine is a sunk cost that should be ignored in current decisions.


THE SUNK COST TRAP Hal Arkes, a psychologist at Ohio University, asked 61 college students to assume they had mistakenly purchased tickets for both a $50 and a $100 ski trip for the same weekend. They could go on only one of the ski trips and would have to throw away the unused ticket. He further asked them to assume that they would actually have more fun on the $50 trip. Most of the students reported that they would go on the less enjoyable $100 trip. The larger cost mattered more to the students than having more fun. However, the sunk costs of the tickets should have been totally irrelevant in this decision. No matter which trip was selected, the actual total cost was $150—the cost of both tickets. And since this cost does not differ between the alternatives, it should be ignored. Like these students, most people have a great deal of difficulty ignoring sunk costs when making decisions. Source: John Gourville and Dilip Soman, “Pricing and the Psychology of Consumption,” Harvard Business Review, September 2002, pp. 92–93.


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Summary In this chapter, we have looked at some of the ways in which managers classify costs. How the costs will be used—for preparing external reports, predicting cost behavior, assigning costs to cost objects, or decision making—will dictate how the costs are classified. For purposes of valuing inventories and determining expenses for the balance sheet and income statement, costs are classified as either product costs or period costs. Product costs are assigned to inventories and are considered assets until the products are sold. At the point of sale, product costs become cost of goods sold on the income statement. In contrast, period costs are taken directly to the income statement as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. In a merchandising company, product cost is whatever the company paid for its merchandise. For external financial reports in a manufacturing company, product costs consist of all manufacturing costs. In both kinds of companies, selling and administrative costs are considered to be period costs and are expensed as incurred. For purposes of predicting how costs will react to changes in activity, costs are classified into two categories—variable and fixed. Variable costs, in total, are strictly proportional to activity. The variable cost per unit is constant. Fixed costs, in total, remain at the same level for changes in activity that occur within the relevant range. The average fixed cost per unit decreases as the number of units increases. For purposes of assigning costs to cost objects such as products or departments, costs are classified as direct or indirect. Direct costs can be conveniently traced to cost objects. Indirect costs cannot be conveniently traced to cost objects. For purposes of making decisions, the concepts of differential cost and revenue, opportunity cost, and sunk cost are vitally important. Differential costs and revenues are the costs and revenues that differ between alternatives. Opportunity cost is the benefit that is forgone when one alternative is selected over another. Sunk cost is a cost that occurred in the past and cannot be altered. Differential costs and opportunity costs should be carefully considered in decisions. Sunk costs are always irrelevant in decisions and should be ignored. These various cost classifications are different ways of looking at costs. A particular cost, such as the cost of cheese in a taco served at Taco Bell, could be a manufacturing cost, a product cost, a variable cost, a direct cost, and a differential cost—all at the same time. Taco Bell is a manufacturer of fast food. The cost of the cheese in a taco is a manufacturing cost and, as such, it would be a product cost as well. In addition, the cost of cheese is variable with respect to the number of tacos served and it is a direct cost of serving tacos. Finally, the cost of the cheese in a taco is a differential cost of making and serving the taco.

Review Problem 1: Cost Terms Many new cost terms have been introduced in this chapter. It will take you some time to learn what each term means and how to properly classify costs in an organization. Consider the following example: Chippen Corporation manufactures furniture, including tables. Selected costs are given below: 1. The tables are made of wood that costs $100 per table. 2. The tables are assembled by workers, at a wage cost of $40 per table. 3. Workers making the tables are supervised by a factory supervisor who is paid $38,000 per year. 4. Electrical costs are $2 per machine-hour. Four machine-hours are required to produce a table. 5. The depreciation on the machines used to make the tables totals $10,000 per year. The machines have no resale value and do not wear out through use. 6. The salary of the president of the company is $100,000 per year. 7. The company spends $250,000 per year to advertise its products. 8. Salespersons are paid a commission of $30 for each table sold. 9. Instead of producing the tables, the company could rent its factory space for $50,000 per year. Required:

Classify these costs according to the various cost terms used in the chapter. Carefully study the classification of each cost. If you don’t understand why a particular cost is classified the way it is, reread the section of the chapter discussing the particular cost term. The terms variable cost and fixed cost refer to how costs behave with respect to the number of tables produced in a year.


Chapter 2

Solution to Review Problem 1

Variable Cost 1. Wood used in a table ($100 per table) . . . . . . . . . . 2. Labor cost to assemble a table ($40 per table) . . . . . 3. Salary of the factory supervisor ($38,000 per year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Cost of electricity to produce tables ($2 per machine-hour) . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Depreciation of machines used to produce tables ($10,000 per year) . . . . . . . . 6. Salary of the company president ($100,000 per year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Advertising expense ($250,000 per year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Commissions paid to salespersons ($30 per table sold) . . . . . . . 9. Rental income forgone on factory space . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fixed Cost

Period (Selling and Administrative) Cost


Direct Materials

Direct Labor

Manufacturing Overhead

Sunk Cost

Opportunity Cost










Product Cost







X X†

*This is a sunk cost because the outlay for the equipment was made in a previous period. † This is an opportunity cost because it represents the potential benefit that is lost or sacrificed as a result of using the factory space to produce tables. Opportunity cost is a special category of cost that is not ordinarily recorded in an organization’s accounting books. To avoid possible confusion with other costs, we will not attempt to classify this cost in any other way except as an opportunity cost.

Review Problem 2: Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured and Income Statement The following information has been taken from the accounting records of Klear-Seal Corporation for last year: Selling expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw materials inventory, January 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw materials inventory, December 31 . . . . . . . . . Utilities, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purchases of raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplies, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process inventory, January 1 . . . . . . . . . . Work in process inventory, December 31 . . . . . . . Finished goods inventory, January 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Finished goods inventory, December 31 . . . . . . . .

$140,000 $90,000 $60,000 $36,000 $150,000 $162,000 $750,000 $2,500,000 $40,000 $15,000 $270,000 $300,000 $87,000 $180,000 $100,000 $260,000 $210,000

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Management wants these data organized in a better format so that financial statements can be prepared for the year. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured as in Exhibit 2–4. Compute the cost of goods sold as in Exhibit 2–2. Prepare an income statement.

Solution to Review Problem 2 1. Klear-Seal Corporation Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured For the Year Ended December 31 Direct materials: Raw materials inventory, January 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Purchases of raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 90,000 750,000

Raw materials available for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct: Raw materials inventory, December 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

840,000 60,000

Raw materials used in production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead: Utilities, factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplies, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 780,000 150,000 36,000 162,000 40,000 15,000 300,000 87,000

Total manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Total manufacturing cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Work in process inventory, January 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1,570,000 180,000

Deduct: Work in process inventory, December 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1,750,000 100,000

Cost of goods manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The cost of goods sold would be computed as follows:

Finished goods inventory, January 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Cost of goods manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 260,000 1,650,000

Goods available for sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct: Finished goods inventory, December 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1,910,000 210,000

Cost of goods sold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3. Klear-Seal Corporation Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold (above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$2,500,000 1,700,000

Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Selling expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$140,000 270,000

410,000 $ 390,000



Chapter 2

Glossary Administrative costs All executive, organizational, and clerical costs associated with the general management of an organization rather than with manufacturing or selling. (p. 41) Common cost A cost that is incurred to support a number of cost objects but that cannot be traced to them individually. For example, the wage cost of the pilot of a 747 airliner is a common cost of all of the passengers on the aircraft. Without the pilot, there would be no flight and no passengers. But no part of the pilot’s wage is caused by any one passenger taking the flight. (p. 56) Conversion cost Direct labor cost plus manufacturing overhead cost. (p. 42) Cost behavior The way in which a cost reacts to changes in the level of activity. (p. 51) Cost object Anything for which cost data are desired. Examples of cost objects are products, customers, jobs, and parts of the organization such as departments or divisions. (p. 55) Cost of goods manufactured The manufacturing costs associated with the goods that were finished during the period. (p. 47) Differential cost A difference in cost between two alternatives. Also see Incremental cost. (p. 56) Differential revenue The difference in revenue between two alternatives. (p. 56) Direct cost A cost that can be easily and conveniently traced to a specified cost object. (p. 55) Direct labor Factory labor costs that can be easily traced to individual units of product. Also called touch labor. (p. 40) Direct materials Materials that become an integral part of a finished product and whose costs can be conveniently traced to it. (p. 40) Finished goods Units of product that have been completed but not yet sold to customers. (p. 45) Fixed cost A cost that remains constant, in total, regardless of changes in the level of activity within the relevant range. If a fixed cost is expressed on a per unit basis, it varies inversely with the level of activity. (p. 53) Incremental cost An increase in cost between two alternatives. Also see Differential cost. (p. 56) Indirect cost A cost that cannot be easily and conveniently traced to a specified cost object. (p. 56) Indirect labor The labor costs of janitors, supervisors, materials handlers, and other factory workers that cannot be conveniently traced to particular products. (p. 40) Indirect materials Small items of material such as glue and nails that may be an integral part of a finished product, but whose costs cannot be easily or conveniently traced to it. (p. 40) Inventoriable costs Synonym for product costs. (p. 42) Manufacturing overhead All manufacturing costs except direct materials and direct labor. (p. 41) Opportunity cost The potential benefit that is given up when one alternative is selected over another. (p. 58) Period costs Costs that are taken directly to the income statement as expenses in the period in which they are incurred or accrued. (p. 42) Prime cost Direct materials cost plus direct labor cost. (p. 42) Product costs All costs that are involved in acquiring or making a product. In the case of manufactured goods, these costs consist of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. Also see Inventoriable costs. (p. 42) Raw materials Any materials that go into the final product. (pp. 39, 45) Relevant range The range of activity within which assumptions about variable and fixed cost behavior are valid. (p. 53) Schedule of cost of goods manufactured A schedule showing the direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead costs incurred during a period and the portion of those costs that are assigned to Work in Process and Finished Goods. (p. 47) Selling costs All costs that are incurred to secure customer orders and get the finished product or service into the hands of the customer. (p. 41) Sunk cost A cost that has already been incurred and that cannot be changed by any decision made now or in the future. (p. 58) Variable cost A cost that varies, in total, in direct proportion to changes in the level of activity. A variable cost is constant per unit. (p. 52) Work in process Units of product that are only partially complete. (p. 45)


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Appendix 2A: Further Classification of Labor Costs Idle time, overtime, and fringe benefits associated with direct labor workers pose particular problems in accounting for labor costs. Are these costs a part of the costs of direct labor or are they something else?

Properly account for labor costs associated with idle time, overtime, and fringe benefits.


THE BIG THREE WRESTLE WITH FRINGE BENEFITS When companies hire employees they have to pay more than just salaries and wages. Providing fringe benefits to employees, such as retirement and medical benefits, can be very costly. The Big Three U. S. automobile manufacturers (Ford, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler) understand the costs associated with providing fringe benefits all too well. DaimlerChrysler’s retirement and medical costs run $450 per vehicle higher than the likes of Toyota and Honda. Worse yet, the same costs for General Motors are $1,200 higher per vehicle than its Japanese rivals. The Big Three combined have approximately $15 billion in annual health and retirement expenses. Source: David Welch, “A Contract the Big Three Can Take to the Bank,” BusinessWeek, September 29, 2003, p. 46.

Idle Time Machine breakdowns, materials shortages, power failures, and the like result in idle time. The labor costs incurred during idle time may be treated as a manufacturing overhead cost rather than as a direct labor cost. This approach spreads such costs over all the production of a period rather than just the jobs that happen to be in process when breakdowns or other disruptions occur. To give an example of how the cost of idle time may be handled, assume that a press operator earns $12 per hour. If the press operator is paid for a normal 40-hour workweek but is idle for 3 hours during a given week due to breakdowns, labor cost would be allocated as follows: Direct labor ($12 per hour ⫻ 37 hours) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead (idle time: $12 per hour ⫻ 3 hours) . . . . . . Total cost for the week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


$444 36 $480

Overtime Premium The overtime premium paid to factory workers (direct labor as well as indirect labor) is usually considered to be part of manufacturing overhead and is not assigned to any particular order. At first glance this may seem strange, since overtime is always spent working on some particular order. Why not charge that order for the overtime cost? The reason is that it would be considered unfair and arbitrary to charge an overtime premium against a particular order simply because the order happened to fall on the tail end of the daily production schedule. To illustrate, assume that two batches of goods, order A and order B, each take three hours to complete. The production run on order A is scheduled early in the day, but the production run on order B is scheduled late in the afternoon. By the time the run on order B is completed, two hours of overtime have been logged. The necessity to work overtime was a result of the fact that total production exceeded the regular time available. Order B was no more responsible for the overtime than was order A. Therefore, managers feel that all


Chapter 2

production should share in the premium charge that resulted. This is considered a more equitable way of handling overtime premium because it doesn’t penalize one run simply because it happens to occur late in the day. Let us again assume that a press operator in a plant earns $12 per hour. She is paid time and a half for overtime (time in excess of 40 hours a week). During a given week, she works 45 hours and has no idle time. Her labor cost for the week would be allocated as follows: Direct labor ($12 per hour ⫻ 45 hours) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead (overtime premium: $6 per hour ⫻ 5 hours) . . . . . . . Total cost for the week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$540 30 $570

Observe from this computation that only the overtime premium of $6 per hour is charged to the overhead account—not the entire $18 earned for each hour of overtime work ($12 regular rate per hour ⫻ 1.5 hours ⫽ $18).

Labor Fringe Benefits Labor fringe benefits are made up of employment-related costs paid by the employer and include the costs of insurance programs, retirement plans, various supplemental unemployment benefits, and hospitalization plans. The employer also pays the employer’s share of Social Security, Medicare, workers’ compensation, federal employment tax, and state unemployment insurance. These costs often add up to as much as 30% to 40% of base pay. Many companies treat all such costs as indirect labor by adding them to manufacturing overhead. Other companies treat the portion of fringe benefits that relates to direct labor as additional direct labor cost. This approach is conceptually superior, since the fringe benefits provided to direct labor workers clearly represent an added cost of their services.

Appendix 2B: Cost of Quality A company may have a product with a high-quality design that uses high-quality components, but if the product is poorly assembled or has other defects, the company will have high warranty repair costs and dissatisfied customers. People who are dissatisfied with a product are unlikely to buy the product again. They are also likely to tell others about their bad experiences. This is the worst possible sort of advertising. To prevent such problems, companies expend a great deal of effort to reduce defects. The objective is to have high quality of conformance.

Quality of Conformance


Identify the four types of quality costs and explain how they interact.

A product that meets or exceeds its design specifications and is free of defects that mar its appearance or degrade its performance is said to have high quality of conformance. Note that if an economy car is free of defects, it can have a quality of conformance that is just as high as a defect-free luxury car. The purchasers of economy cars cannot expect their cars to be as opulently equipped as luxury cars, but they can and do expect them to be free of defects. Preventing, detecting, and dealing with defects causes costs that are called quality costs or the cost of quality. The use of the term quality cost is confusing to some people. It does not refer to costs such as using a higher-grade leather to make a wallet or using 14K gold instead of gold-plating in jewelry. Instead, the term quality cost refers to all of the costs that are incurred to prevent defects or that result from defects in products.


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

IN BUSINESS WHO IS LAUGHING NOW? There was time when Hyundai’s product quality was the laughing stock of the automobile industry. However, in 2004 Hyundai’s vehicles tied Toyota and Honda for the top spot in J.D. Power and Associates’ study of initial vehicle quality. In that same year, Consumer Reports rated Hyundai’s Sonata the most reliable car on the road. Why the dramatic turnabout? The company expanded its quality department to 1,000 employees—a tenfold increase—and required the department to report directly to the company’s chairman, Mong-Koo Chung. Now, employees are paid bonuses for sharing and implementing ideas for improvement. “At Hyundai’s Asian factory outside Seoul, workers have dropped 25,000 ideas into the suggestion box, of which 30% have been adopted.” When test drives revealed a flaw in the Sonata’s front door, it took engineers two months to create a solution that cost 40 cents per car. Had the same problem occurred a few years ago, one manager at Hyundai commented “we’d probably leave it.” Source: Joann Muller and Robyn Meredith, “Last Laugh,” Forbes, April, 18, 2005, pp. 98–104.

Quality costs can be broken down into four broad groups. Two of these groups—known as prevention costs and appraisal costs—are incurred in an effort to keep defective products from falling into the hands of customers. The other two groups of costs—known as internal failure costs and external failure costs—are incurred because defects are produced despite efforts to prevent them. Examples of specific costs involved in each of these four groups are given in Exhibit 2B–1. Several things should be noted about the quality costs shown in the exhibit. First, quality costs don’t relate to just manufacturing; rather, they relate to all the activities in a company from initial research and development (R&D) through customer service. Second, the number

Prevention Costs

Internal Failure Costs

Systems development Quality engineering Quality training Quality circles Statistical process control activities Supervision of prevention activities Quality data gathering, analysis, and reporting Quality improvement projects Technical support provided to suppliers Audits of the effectiveness of the quality system

Net cost of scrap Net cost of spoilage Rework labor and overhead Reinspection of reworked products Retesting of reworked products Downtime caused by quality problems Disposal of defective products Analysis of the cause of defects in production Re-entering data because of keying errors Debugging software errors

Appraisal Costs

External Failure Costs

Test and inspection of incoming materials Test and inspection of in-process goods Final product testing and inspection Supplies used in testing and inspection Supervision of testing and inspection activities Depreciation of test equipment Maintenance of test equipment Plant utilities in the inspection area Field testing and appraisal at customer site

Cost of field servicing and handling complaints Warranty repairs and replacements Repairs and replacements beyond the warranty period Product recalls Liability arising from defective products Returns and allowances arising from quality problems Lost sales arising from a reputation for poor quality

E X H I B I T 2B–1 Typical Quality Costs


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of costs associated with quality is very large; total quality cost can be quite high unless management gives this area special attention. Finally, the costs in the four groupings are quite different. We will now look at each of these groupings more closely.

Prevention Costs Generally, the most effective way to manage quality costs is to avoid having defects in the first place. It is much less costly to prevent a problem from ever happening than it is to find and correct the problem after it has occurred. Prevention costs support activities whose purpose is to reduce the number of defects. Companies employ many techniques to prevent defects including statistical process control, quality engineering, training, and a variety of other Six Sigma tools. Note from Exhibit 2B–1 that prevention costs include activities relating to quality circles and statistical process control. Quality circles consist of small groups of employees that meet on a regular basis to discuss ways to improve quality. Both management and workers are included in these circles. Quality circles are widely used and can be found in manufacturing companies, utilities, health care organizations, banks, and many other organizations. Statistical process control is a technique that is used to detect whether a process is in or out of control. An out-of-control process results in defective units and may be caused by a miscalibrated machine or some other factor. In statistical process control, workers use charts to monitor the quality of units that pass through their workstations. With these charts, workers can quickly spot processes that are out of control and that are creating defects. Problems can be immediately corrected and further defects prevented rather than waiting for an inspector to catch the defects later. Note also from the list of prevention costs in Exhibit 2B–1 that some companies provide technical support to their suppliers as a way of preventing defects. Particularly in just-in-time (JIT) systems, such support to suppliers is vital. In a JIT system, parts are delivered from suppliers just in time and in just the correct quantity to fill customer orders. There are no parts stockpiles. If a defective part is received from a supplier, the part cannot be used and the order for the ultimate customer cannot be filled on time. Hence, every part received from a supplier must be free of defects. Consequently, companies that use JIT often require that their suppliers use sophisticated quality control programs such as statistical process control and that their suppliers certify that they will deliver parts and materials that are free of defects.

Appraisal Costs Any defective parts and products should be caught as early as possible in the production process. Appraisal costs, which are sometimes called inspection costs, are incurred to identify defective products before the products are shipped to customers. Unfortunately, performing appraisal activities doesn’t keep defects from happening again, and most managers now realize that maintaining an army of inspectors is a costly (and ineffective) approach to quality control. The late professor John K. Shank of Dartmouth College once stated, “The old-style approach was to say, ‘We’ve got great quality. We have 40 quality control inspectors in the factory.’ Then somebody realized that if you need 40 inspectors, it must be a lousy factory. So now the trick is to run a factory without any quality control inspectors; each employee is his or her own quality control person.”1 Employees are increasingly being asked to be responsible for their own quality control. This approach, along with designing products to be easy to manufacture properly, allows quality to be built into products rather than relying on inspection to get the defects out.

Internal Failure Costs Failure costs are incurred when a product fails to conform to its design specifications. Failure costs can be either internal or external. Internal failure costs result from identifying 1

Robert W. Casey, “The Changing World of the CEO,” PPM World 24, no. 2, p. 31.


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

defects before they are shipped to customers. These costs include scrap, rejected products, reworking of defective units, and downtime caused by quality problems. In some companies, as little as 10% of the company’s products make it through the production process without rework of some kind. Of course, the more effective a company’s appraisal activities, the greater the chance of catching defects internally and the greater the level of internal failure costs. This is the price that is paid to avoid incurring external failure costs, which can be devastating.

External Failure Costs External failure costs result when a defective product is delivered to a customer. As shown in Exhibit 2B–1, external failure costs include warranty repairs and replacements, product recalls, liability arising from legal action against a company, and lost sales arising from a reputation for poor quality. Such costs can decimate profits. In the past, some managers have taken the attitude, “Let’s go ahead and ship everything to customers, and we’ll take care of any problems under the warranty.” This attitude generally results in high external failure costs, customer ill will, and declining market share and profits.

THE HIGH COST OF EXTERNAL FAILURES IN HEALTH CARE Poor quality management has plagued the American health-care industry for years. At least 100,000 patients are killed every year due to external failures and $500 billion a year is spent on avoidable medical costs. These alarming statistics fueled $27 billion in malpractice costs in 2003. Fortunately, change appears on the horizon. Some hospitals are beginning to measure performance and issue report cards rather than assuming that their doctors’ decisions and practices are always correct. For example, when newly created reports informed managers at Utah’s Intermountain LDS Hospital that their doctors were frequently inducing expectant mothers prematurely for convenience sake, they clamped down by requiring more prudent medical practices. The LDS Hospital is also finding that small investments in prevention are reaping huge savings in money and lives. The hospital’s annual deaths from congestive heart failure have dropped 22% simply by creating and enforcing the use of a checklist to ensure that all patients receive the proper medications before being discharged from the hospital. Source: Robert Langreth, “Fixing Hospitals,” Forbes, June 20, 2005, pp. 68–76.

Distribution of Quality Costs Quality costs for U.S. companies have been found to range between 10% and 20% of total sales, whereas experts say that these costs should be more in the 2% to 4% range. How does a company reduce its total quality cost? The answer lies in how the quality costs are distributed. Refer to the graph in Exhibit 2B–2 (page 68), which shows total quality costs as a function of the quality of conformance. The graph shows that when the quality of conformance is low, total quality cost is high and that most of this cost consists of costs of internal and external failure. A low quality of conformance means that a high percentage of units are defective and hence the company has high failure costs. However, as a company spends more and more on prevention and appraisal, the percentage of defective units drops (the percentage of defect-free units increases). This results in lower internal and external failure costs. Ordinarily, total quality cost drops rapidly as the quality of conformance increases. Thus, a company can reduce its total quality cost by focusing its efforts on prevention and appraisal. The cost savings from reduced defects usually swamp the costs of the additional prevention and appraisal efforts. The graph in Exhibit 2B–2 has been drawn so that the total quality cost is minimized when the quality of conformance is less than 100%. However, some experts contend that the total quality cost is not minimized until the quality of conformance is 100% and there are no



Chapter 2


E X H I B I T 2B–2 Effect of Quality Costs on Quality of Conformance

Costs of internal and external failure

Total quality cost

Costs of prevention and appraisal 0

100 Quality of conformance (percent of output without defects)

defects. Indeed, many companies have found that the total quality costs seem to keep dropping even when the quality of conformance approaches 100% and defect rates get as low as 1 in a million units. Others argue that total quality cost eventually increases as the quality of conformance increases. However, in most companies this does not seem to happen until the quality of conformance is very close to 100% and defect rates are very close to zero. As a company’s quality program becomes more refined and as its failure costs begin to fall, prevention activities usually become more effective than appraisal activities. Appraisal can only find defects, whereas prevention can eliminate them. The best way to prevent defects from happening is to design processes that reduce the likelihood of defects and to continually monitor processes using statistical process control methods.

Quality Cost Reports LEARNING OBJECTIVE 10

Prepare and interpret a quality cost report.

As an initial step in quality improvement programs, companies often construct a quality cost report that provides an estimate of the financial consequences of the company’s current level of defects. A quality cost report details the prevention costs, appraisal costs, and costs of internal and external failures that arise from the company’s current quality control efforts. Managers are often shocked by the magnitude of these costs. A typical quality cost report is shown in Exhibit 2B–3. Several things should be noted from the data in the exhibit. First, Ventura Company’s quality costs are poorly distributed in both years, with most of the costs due to either internal failure or external failure. The external failure costs are particularly high in Year 1 in comparison to other costs. Second, note that the company increased its spending on prevention and appraisal activities in Year 2. As a result, internal failure costs went up in that year (from $2 million in Year 1 to $3 million in Year 2), but external failure costs dropped sharply (from $5.15 million in Year 1 to only $2 million in Year 2). Because of the increase in appraisal activity in Year 2, more defects were caught inside the company before they were shipped to customers. This resulted in more cost for scrap, rework, and so forth, but saved huge amounts in warranty repairs, warranty replacements, and other external failure costs. Third, note that as a result of greater emphasis on prevention and appraisal, total quality cost decreased in Year 2. As continued emphasis is placed on prevention and appraisal in


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications E X H I B I T 2B–3 Quality Cost Report

Ventura Company Quality Cost Report For Years 1 and 2 Year 1 Prevention costs: Systems development . . . . . . . . . . . Quality training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supervision of prevention activities . . Quality improvement projects . . . . . . Total prevention cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appraisal costs: Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supervision of testing and inspection Depreciation of test equipment . . . . . Total appraisal cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal failure costs: Net cost of scrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rework labor and overhead . . . . . . . Downtime due to defects in quality . . Disposal of defective products . . . . . Total internal failure cost . . . . . . . . . . . External failure costs: Warranty repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty replacements . . . . . . . . . . Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of field servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . Total external failure cost . . . . . . . . . . . Total quality cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Year 2





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$ 270,000 130,000 40,000 210,000 650,000

0.54% 0.26% 0.08% 0.42% 1.30%

$ 400,000 210,000 70,000 320,000 1,000,000

0.80% 0.42% 0.14% 0.64% 2.00%

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560,000 420,000 80,000 140,000 1,200,000

1.12% 0.84% 0.16% 0.28% 2.40%

600,000 580,000 120,000 200,000 1,500,000

1.20% 1.16% 0.24% 0.40% 3.00%

. . . . .

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750,000 810,000 100,000 340,000 2,000,000

1.50% 1.62% 0.20% 0.68% 4.00%

900,000 1,430,000 170,000 500,000 3,000,000

1.80% 2.86% 0.34% 1.00% 6.00%

. . . . . .

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900,000 2,300,000 630,000 1,320,000 5,150,000 $9,000,000

1.80% 4.60% 1.26% 2.64% 10.30% 18.00%

400,000 870,000 130,000 600,000 2,000,000 $7,500,000

0.80% 1.74% 0.26% 1.20% 4.00% 15.00%

*As a percentage of total sales. In each year sales totaled $50,000,000.

future years, total quality cost should continue to decrease. That is, future increases in prevention and appraisal costs should be more than offset by decreases in failure costs. Moreover, appraisal costs should also decrease as more effort is placed in prevention.

EXTERNAL FAILURE; IT’S WORSE THAN YOU THINK Venky Nagar and Madhav Rajan investigated quality costs at 11 manufacturing plants of a large U.S. company. They found that total quality costs were about 7% of sales. Moreover, they found that external failure costs as usually measured grossly understate the true impact of external failures on the company’s profits. In addition to the obvious costs of repairing defective products that are under warranty, defective products sold to customers negatively impact the company’s reputation and hence future sales. Statistical analysis of the data from the manufacturing plants indicated that a $1 increase in external failure costs such as warranty repairs was associated with a $26 decrease in cumulative future sales and a $10.40 cumulative decrease in future profits. Source: Venky Nagar and Madhav V. Rajan, “The Revenue Implications of Financial and Operational Measures of Product Quality,” The Accounting Review 76, no. 4, October 2001, pp. 495–513.



Chapter 2

Quality Cost Reports in Graphic Form As a supplement to the quality cost report shown in Exhibit 2B–3, companies frequently prepare quality cost information in graphic form. Graphic presentations include pie charts, bar graphs, trend lines, and so forth. The data for Ventura Company from Exhibit 2B–3 are presented in bar graph form in Exhibit 2B–4. The first bar graph in Exhibit 2B–4 is scaled in terms of dollars of quality cost, and the second is scaled in terms of quality cost as a percentage of sales. In both graphs, the data are “stacked” upward. That is, appraisal costs are stacked on top of prevention costs, internal failure costs are stacked on top of the sum of prevention costs plus appraisal costs, and so forth. The percentage figures in the second graph show that total quality cost equals 18% of sales in Year 1 and 15% of sales in Year 2, the same as reported earlier in Exhibit 2B–3. Data in graphic form help managers to see trends more clearly and to see the magnitude of the various costs in relation to each other. Such graphs are easily prepared using computer graphics and spreadsheet applications.

Uses of Quality Cost Information A quality cost report has several uses. First, quality cost information helps managers see the financial significance of defects. Managers usually are not aware of the magnitude of their quality costs because these costs cut across departmental lines and are not normally tracked and accumulated by the cost system. Thus, when first presented with a quality cost report, managers often are surprised by the amount of cost attributable to poor quality. Second, quality cost information helps managers identify the relative importance of the quality problems faced by their companies. For example, the quality cost report may show that scrap is a major quality problem or that the company is incurring huge warranty costs. With this information, managers have a better idea of where to focus their efforts. Third, quality cost information helps managers see whether their quality costs are poorly distributed. In general, quality costs should be distributed more toward prevention and appraisal activities and less toward failures.




8 7 6

External failure

External failure

5 Internal failure

4 3

Internal failure

2 1 0

Appraisal Appraisal

16 14 12


Internal failure

8 6

Internal failure


Prevention 2

External failure

External failure



Prevention 1

Quality cost as a percentage of sales


Quality cost (in millions)

E X H I B I T 2B–4 Quality Cost Reports in Graphic Form

Appraisal Appraisal Prevention 1


Prevention 2

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Counterbalancing these uses, three limitations of quality cost information should be recognized. First, simply measuring and reporting quality costs does not solve quality problems. Problems can be solved only by taking action. Second, results usually lag behind quality improvement programs. Initially, total quality cost may even increase as quality control systems are designed and installed. Decreases in quality costs may not begin to occur until the quality program has been in effect for some time. And third, the most important quality cost, lost sales arising from customer ill will, is usually omitted from the quality cost report because it is difficult to estimate. Typically, during the initial years of a quality improvement program, the benefits of compiling a quality cost report outweigh the costs and limitations of the reports. As managers gain experience in balancing prevention and appraisal activities, the need for quality cost reports often diminishes.

International Aspects of Quality Many of the tools used in quality management today were developed in Japan after World War II. In statistical process control, Japanese companies borrowed heavily from the work of W. Edwards Deming. However, Japanese companies are largely responsible for quality circles, JIT, the idea that quality is everyone’s responsibility, and the emphasis on prevention rather than on inspection. In the 1980s, quality reemerged as a pivotal factor in the market. Many companies now find that it is impossible to effectively compete without a very strong quality program in place. This is particularly true of companies that wish to compete in the European market.

The ISO 9000 Standards The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), based in Geneva, Switzerland, has established quality control guidelines known as the ISO 9000 standards. Many companies and organizations in Europe will buy only from ISO 9000-certified suppliers. This means that the suppliers must demonstrate to a certifying agency that: 1. A quality control system is in use, and the system clearly defines an expected level of quality. 2. The system is fully operational and is backed up with detailed documentation of quality control procedures. 3. The intended level of quality is being achieved on a sustained, consistent basis. The key to receiving certification under the ISO 9000 standards is documentation. It’s one thing for a company to say that it has a quality control system in operation, but it’s quite a different thing to be able to document the steps in that system. Under ISO 9000, this documentation must be so detailed and precise that if all the employees in a company were suddenly replaced, the new employees could use the documentation to make the product exactly as it was made by the old employees. Even companies with good quality control systems find that it takes up to two years of painstaking work to develop this detailed documentation. But companies often find that compiling this documentation results in improvements in their quality systems. The ISO 9000 standards have become an international measure of quality. Although the standards were developed to control the quality of goods sold in European countries, they have become widely accepted elsewhere as well. Companies in the United States that export to Europe often expect their own suppliers to comply with ISO 9000 standards, since these exporters must document the quality of the materials going into their products as part of their own ISO 9000 certification. The ISO program for certification of quality management programs is not limited to manufacturing companies. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants was the first professional membership organization in the United States to win recognition under an ISO certification program.



Chapter 2


ISO 9000 STANDARDS: WHERE IS THE PAYOFF? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has established over 15,000 standards during its existence. As of 2003, more than 600,000 companies worldwide had received some form of ISO certification. Organizations such as Northrop Grumman, Ford, and some units of the United States government require their suppliers to be ISO certified. Nonetheless, many companies are beginning to question whether the effort expended to become certified is worth it. According to Bill Robinson, who supervised more than 50 ISO certifications at Lucent Technologies, ISO certification “can help drive a company to a plateau level of performance, but it will keep it at that level and, in fact, stifle improvement.” Arunas Chesonis, CEO of Paetec Communications in Rochester, New York, is de-emphasizing ISO in favor of Six Sigma because he believes ISO “is not one of the better systems for process improvement.” Furthermore, research has shown that although ISO 9000 certification may be necessary to maintain current levels of financial performance (in cases where a company’s customers require their suppliers to be certified), it has a very limited effect on improving financial performance. Source: Stephanie Clifford, “So Many Standards to Follow, So Little Payoff,” Inc. magazine, May 2005, pp. 25–27.

Summary (Appendix 2B) Defects cause costs, which can be classified into prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs. Prevention costs are incurred to keep defects from happening. Appraisal costs are incurred to ensure that defective products, once made, are not shipped to customers. Internal failure costs are incurred as a consequence of detecting defective products before they are shipped to customers. External failure costs are the consequences (in terms of repairs, servicing, and lost future business) of delivering defective products to customers. Most experts agree that management effort should be focused on preventing defects. Small investments in prevention can lead to dramatic reductions in appraisal costs and costs of internal and external failure. Quality costs are summarized on a quality cost report. This report shows the types of quality costs being incurred and their significance and trends. The report helps managers understand the importance of quality costs, spot problem areas, and assess the way in which the quality costs are distributed.

Glossary (Appendix 2B) Appraisal costs Costs that are incurred to identify defective products before the products are shipped to customers. (p. 66) External failure costs Costs that are incurred when a product or service that is defective is delivered to a customer. (p. 67) Internal failure costs Costs that are incurred as a result of identifying defective products before they are shipped to customers. (p. 66) ISO 9000 standards Quality control requirements issued by the International Organization for Standardization that relate to products sold in European countries. (p. 71) Prevention costs Costs that are incurred to keep defects from occurring. (p. 66) Quality circles Small groups of employees that meet on a regular basis to discuss ways of improving quality. (p. 66) Quality cost Costs that are incurred to prevent defective products from falling into the hands of customers or that are incurred as a result of defective units. (p. 64) Quality cost report A report that details prevention costs, appraisal costs, and the costs of internal and external failures. (p. 68) Quality of conformance The degree to which a product or service meets or exceeds its design specifications and is free of defects or other problems that mar its appearance or degrade its performance. (p. 64) Statistical process control A charting technique used to monitor the quality of work being done in a workstation for the purpose of immediately correcting any problems. (p. 66)


Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Questions 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7

2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15


2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21

What are the three major elements of product costs in a manufacturing company? Distinguish between the following: (a) direct materials, (b) indirect materials, (c) direct labor, (d) indirect labor, and (e) manufacturing overhead. Explain the difference between a product cost and a period cost. Describe how the income statement of a manufacturing company differs from the income statement of a merchandising company. Describe the schedule of cost of goods manufactured. How does it tie into the income statement? Describe how the inventory accounts of a manufacturing company differ from the inventory account of a merchandising company. Why are product costs sometimes called inventoriable costs? Describe the flow of such costs in a manufacturing company from the point of incurrence until they finally become expenses on the income statement. Is it possible for costs such as salaries or depreciation to end up as assets on the balance sheet? Explain. What is meant by the term cost behavior? “A variable cost is a cost that varies per unit of product, whereas a fixed cost is constant per unit of product.” Do you agree? Explain. How do fixed costs create difficulties in costing units of product? Why is manufacturing overhead considered an indirect cost of a unit of product? Define the following terms: differential cost, opportunity cost, and sunk cost. Only variable costs can be differential costs. Do you agree? Explain. (Appendix 2A) Mary Adams is employed by Acme Company. Last week she worked 34 hours assembling one of the company’s products and was idle 6 hours due to material shortages. Acme’s employees are engaged at their workstations for a normal 40-hour week. Ms. Adams is paid $15 per hour. Allocate her earnings between direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead cost. (Appendix 2A) John Olsen operates a stamping machine on the assembly line of Drake Manufacturing Company. Last week Mr. Olsen worked 45 hours. His basic wage rate is $14 per hour, with time and a half for overtime (time worked in excess of 40 hours per week). Allocate Mr. Olsen’s wages for the week between direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead cost. (Appendix 2B) Costs associated with the quality of conformance can be broken down into four broad groups. What are these four groups and how do they differ? (Appendix 2B) In their efforts to reduce the total cost of quality, should companies generally focus on decreasing prevention costs and appraisal costs? (Appendix 2B) What is probably the most effective way to reduce a company’s total quality costs? (Appendix 2B) What are the main uses of quality cost reports? (Appendix 2B) Why are managers often unaware of the magnitude of quality costs?

Exercises EXERCISE 2-1 Classifying Manufacturing Costs [LO1]

Your Boat, Inc., assembles custom sailboats from components supplied by various manufacturers. The company is very small and its assembly shop and retail sales store are housed in a Gig Harbor, Washington, boathouse. Below are listed some of the costs that are incurred at the company. Required:

For each cost, indicate whether it would most likely be classified as direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing overhead, selling, or an administrative cost. 1. The wages of employees who build the sailboats. 2. The cost of advertising in the local newspapers. 3. The cost of an aluminum mast installed in a sailboat. 4. The wages of the assembly shop’s supervisor. 5. Rent on the boathouse.


Chapter 2

6. 7. 8.

The wages of the company’s bookkeeper. Sales commissions paid to the company’s salespeople. Depreciation on power tools.

EXERCISE 2-2 Classification of Costs as Period or Product Costs [LO2]

Suppose that you have been given a summer job at Fairwings Avionics, a company that manufactures sophisticated radar sets for commercial aircraft. The company, which is privately owned, has approached a bank for a loan to help finance its tremendous growth. The bank requires financial statements before approving such a loan. You have been asked to help prepare the financial statements and were given the following list of costs: 1. The cost of the memory chips used in a radar set. 2. Factory heating costs. 3. Factory equipment maintenance costs. 4. Training costs for new administrative employees. 5. The cost of the solder that is used in assembling the radar sets. 6. The travel costs of the company’s salespersons. 7. Wages and salaries of factory security personnel. 8. The cost of air-conditioning executive offices. 9. Wages and salaries in the department that handles billing customers. 10. Depreciation on the equipment in the fitness room used by factory workers. 11. Telephone expenses incurred by factory management. 12. The costs of shipping completed radar sets to customers. 13. The wages of the workers who assemble the radar sets. 14. The president’s salary. 15. Health insurance premiums for factory personnel. Required:

Classify the above costs as either product (inventoriable) costs or period (noninventoriable) costs for purposes of preparing the financial statements for the bank. EXERCISE 2-3 Constructing an Income Statement [LO3]

Last month Mountain High, a mountain sporting goods retailer, had total sales of $3,200,000, selling expenses of $110,000, and administrative expenses of $470,000. The company had beginning merchandise inventory of $140,000, purchased additional merchandise inventory for $2,550,000, and had ending merchandise inventory of $180,000. Required:

Prepare an income statement for the company for the month. EXERCISE 2-4 Prepare a Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured [LO4]

Mannerman Fabrication manufactures a variety of products in its factory. Data for the most recent month’s operations appear below:

Beginning raw materials inventory . . . . . . . . . . Purchases of raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ending raw materials inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beginning work in process inventory . . . . . . . . Ending work in process inventory . . . . . . . . . . .

$55,000 $440,000 $65,000 $215,000 $380,000 $190,000 $220,000


Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for the company for the month. EXERCISE 2-5 Classification of Costs as Fixed or Variable [LO5]

Below are costs and measures of activity in a variety of organizations. Required:

Classify each cost as variable or fixed with respect to the indicated measure of activity by placing an X in the appropriate column.

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Cost Behavior Cost

Measure of Activity

1. The cost of small glass plates used for lab tests in a medical lab 2. A boutique jewelry store’s cost of leasing retail space in a mall 3. Top management salaries at FedEx 4. Electrical costs of running production equipment at a Toyota factory 5. The cost of insuring a dentist’s office against fire 6. The cost of commissions paid to salespersons at a Honda dealer 7. The cost of heating the intensive care unit at Swedish Hospital 8. The cost of batteries installed in trucks produced at a GM factory 9. The salary of a university professor 10. The costs of cleaning supplies used at a fast-food restaurant to clean the kitchen and dining areas at the end of the day



Number of lab tests performed Dollar sales Total sales Number of vehicles produced Patient-visits Total sales Patient-days Number of trucks produced Number of students taught by the professor Number of customers served

EXERCISE 2-6 Identifying Direct and Indirect Costs [LO6]

The Empire Hotel is a four-star hotel located in downtown Seattle. Required:

For each of the following costs incurred at the Empire Hotel, indicate whether it would most likely be a direct cost or an indirect cost of the specified cost object by placing an X in the appropriate column.

Cost Ex. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Room service beverages The salary of the head chef The salary of the head chef Room cleaning supplies Flowers for the reception desk The wages of the doorman Room cleaning supplies Fire insurance on the hotel building Towels used in the gym

Cost Object A particular hotel guest The hotel’s restaurant A particular restaurant customer A particular hotel guest A particular hotel guest A particular hotel guest The housecleaning department The hotel’s gym The hotel’s gym

Direct Cost

Indirect Cost


EXERCISE 2-7 Differential, Opportunity, and Sunk Costs [LO7]

The Sorrento Hotel is a four-star hotel located in downtown Seattle. The hotel’s operations vice president would like to replace the hotel’s antiquated computer terminals at the registration desk with attractive state-of-the-art flat-panel displays. The new displays would take less space, would consume less power than the old computer terminals, and would provide additional security since they can only be viewed from a restrictive angle. The new computer displays would not require any new wiring. The hotel’s chef believes the funds would be better spent on a new bulk freezer for the kitchen. Required:

For each of the items below, indicate by placing an X in the appropriate column whether it should be considered a differential cost, an opportunity cost, or a sunk cost in the decision to replace the old computer terminals with new flat-panel displays. If none of the categories apply for a particular item, leave all columns blank.



Chapter 2

Differential Cost

Item Ex. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Cost of electricity to run the terminals . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of the new flat-panel displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of the old computer terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rent on the space occupied by the registration desk Wages of registration desk personnel . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits from a new freezer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs of maintaining the old computer terminals . . . Cost of removing the old computer terminals . . . . . . Cost of existing registration desk wiring . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

Opportunity Cost

Sunk Cost


EXERCISE 2-8 (Appendix 2A) Classification of Overtime Cost [LO8]

Several weeks ago you called Jiffy Plumbing Company to have some routine repair work done on the plumbing system in your home. The plumber came about two weeks later, at four o’clock in the afternoon, and spent two hours completing your repair work. When you received your bill from the company, it contained a $75 charge for labor—$30 for the first hour and $45 for the second. When questioned about the difference in hourly rates, the company’s service manager explained that the higher rate for the second hour contained a charge for an “overtime premium,” since the union required that plumbers be paid time and a half for any work in excess of eight hours per day. The service manager further explained that the company was working overtime to “catch up a little” on its backlog of work orders, but still needed to maintain a “decent” profit margin on the plumbers’ time. Required:

1. 2.


Do you agree with the company’s computation of the labor charge on your job? The company pays its plumbers $20 per hour for the first eight hours worked in a day and $30 per hour for any additional time worked. Show how the cost of the plumber’s time for the day (nine hours) should be allocated between direct labor cost and general overhead cost on the company’s books. Under what circumstances might the company be justified in charging an overtime premium for repair work on your home?

EXERCISE 2-9 (Appendix 2B) Classification of Quality Costs [LO9]

Below are listed a number of activities that are part of a company’s quality control system: a. Repairs of goods still under warranty. i. Recalls of defective products. b. Customer returns due to defects. j. Training quality engineers. c. Statistical process control. k. Re-entering data due to typing errors. d. Disposal of spoiled goods. l. Inspecting materials received from suppliers. e. Maintaining testing equipment. m. Audits of the quality system. f. Inspecting finished goods. n. Supervision of testing personnel. g. Downtime caused by quality problems. o. Rework labor. h. Debugging errors in software. Required:

1. 2.

Classify the costs associated with each of these activities into one of the following categories: prevention cost, appraisal cost, internal failure cost, or external failure cost. Which of the four types of costs listed in (1) above are incurred to keep poor quality of conformance from occurring? Which of the four types of costs are incurred because poor quality of conformance has occurred?

EXERCISE 2-10 Product Cost Flows; Product versus Period Costs [LO2, LO3]

Ryser Company was organized on May 1. On that date the company purchased 35,000 plastic emblems, each with a peel-off adhesive backing. The front of the emblems contained the company’s name, accompanied by an attractive logo. Each emblem cost Ryser Company $2. During May, 31,000 emblems were drawn from the Raw Materials inventory account. Of these, 1,000 were taken by the sales manager to an important sales meeting with prospective customers and handed out as an advertising gimmick. The remaining emblems drawn from inventory were affixed to units of the company’s product that were being manufactured during May. Of the units of product having emblems affixed during May, 90% were completed and transferred from Work in Process to Finished Goods. Of the units completed during the month, 75% were sold and shipped to customers.

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications Required:



Determine the cost of emblems that would be in each of the following accounts at May 31: a. Raw Materials. b. Work in Process. c. Finished Goods. d. Cost of Goods Sold. e. Advertising Expense. Specify whether each of the above accounts would appear on the balance sheet or on the income statement at May 31.

EXERCISE 2-11 Preparation of a Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured and Cost of Goods Sold [LO1, LO3, LO4]

The following cost and inventory data for the just completed year are taken from the accounting records of Eccles Company:

Costs incurred: Advertising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purchases of raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rent, factory building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilities, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance, factory equipment . . . . . . . . . . Supplies, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, office equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, factory equipment . . . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 $90,000 $132,000 $80,000 $56,300 $35,000 $9,000 $24,000 $700 $8,000 $40,000

Beginning of Year

End of Year

$8,000 $5,000 $70,000

$10,000 $20,000 $25,000

Inventories: Raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1. 2.

Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured. Prepare the cost of goods sold section of Eccles Company’s income statement for the year.

EXERCISE 2-12 Classification of Costs as Variable or Fixed and as Selling and Administrative or Product [LO2, LO5]

Below are listed various costs that are found in organizations. 1. The costs of turn signal switches used at a General Motors plant. These are one of the parts installed in the steering columns assembled at the plant. 2. Interest expense on CBS’s long-term debt. 3. Salespersons’ commissions at Avon Products, a company that sells cosmetics door to door. 4. Insurance on one of Cincinnati Milacron’s factory buildings. 5. The costs of shipping brass fittings from Graham Manufacturing’s plant in New Hampshire to customers in California. 6. Depreciation on the bookshelves at Reston Bookstore. 7. The costs of X-ray film at the Mayo Clinic’s radiology lab. 8. The cost of leasing an 800 telephone number at L. L. Bean. The monthly charge for the 800 number is independent of the number of calls taken. 9. The depreciation on the playground equipment at a McDonald’s outlet. 10. The cost of mozzarella cheese used at a Pizza Hut outlet.



Chapter 2 Required:

Classify each cost as either variable or fixed with respect to the volume of goods or services produced and sold by the organization. Also classify each cost as a selling and administrative cost or a product cost. Prepare your answer sheet as shown below. Place an X in the appropriate columns to show the proper classifications of each cost. Cost Behavior Cost Item



Selling and Administrative Cost

Product Cost

EXERCISE 2-13 (Appendix 2A) Classification of Labor Costs [LO8]

Fred Austin is employed by White Company where he assembles a component part for one of the company’s products. Fred is paid $12 per hour for regular time, and he is paid time and a half (i.e., $18 per hour) for all work in excess of 40 hours per week. Required:


2. 3.

Assume that during a given week Fred is idle for two hours due to machine breakdowns and that he is idle for four more hours due to material shortages. No overtime is recorded for the week. Allocate Fred’s wages for the week between direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead cost. Assume that during a following week Fred works a total of 50 hours. He has no idle time for the week. Allocate Fred’s wages for the week between direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead cost. Fred’s company provides an attractive package of fringe benefits for its employees. This package includes a retirement program and a health insurance program. Explain two ways that the company could handle the costs of its direct laborers’ fringe benefits in its cost records.

Problems PROBLEM 2-14 Cost Classification [LO2, LO5, LO6]

Listed below are costs found in various organizations. 1. Depreciation, executive jet. 2. Costs of shipping finished goods to customers. 3. Wood used in manufacturing furniture. 4. Sales manager’s salary. 5. Electricity used in manufacturing furniture. 6. Secretary to the company president. 7. Aerosol attachment placed on a spray can produced by the company. 8. Billing costs. 9. Packing supplies for shipping products overseas. 10. Sand used in manufacturing concrete. 11. Supervisor’s salary, factory. 12. Executive life insurance. 13. Sales commissions. 14. Fringe benefits, assembly-line workers. 15. Advertising costs. 16. Property taxes on finished goods warehouses. 17. Lubricants for production equipment. Required:

Prepare an answer sheet with column headings as shown below. For each cost item, indicate whether it would be variable or fixed with respect to the number of units produced and sold; and then whether it would be a selling cost, an administrative cost, or a manufacturing cost. If it is a manufacturing cost, indicate whether it would typically be treated as a direct or indirect cost with respect to units of product. Three sample answers are provided for illustration.

Cost Item

Variable or Fixed

Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Factory rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Selling Cost

Administrative Cost

Manufacturing (Product) Cost Direct




Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications PROBLEM 2-15 (Appendix 2A) Classification of Labor Costs [LO8]

Lynn Bjorland is employed by Southern Laboratories and is directly involved in preparing the company’s leading antibiotic drug. Lynn’s basic wage rate is $24 per hour. The company pays its employees time and a half (i.e., $36 per hour) for any work in excess of 40 hours per week. Required:

1. 2.



Suppose that in a given week Lynn works 45 hours. Compute Lynn’s total wages for the week. How much of this cost would the company allocate to direct labor cost? To manufacturing overhead cost? Suppose in another week that Lynn works 50 hours but is idle for 4 hours during the week due to equipment breakdowns. Compute Lynn’s total wages for the week. How much of this amount would be allocated to direct labor cost? To manufacturing overhead cost? Southern Laboratories has an attractive package of fringe benefits that costs the company $8 for each hour of employee time (either regular time or overtime). During a particular week, Lynn works 48 hours but is idle for 3 hours due to material shortages. Compute Lynn’s total wages and fringe benefits for the week. If the company treats all fringe benefits as part of manufacturing overhead cost, how much of Lynn’s wages and fringe benefits for the week would be allocated to direct labor cost? To manufacturing overhead cost? Refer to the data in (3) above. If the company treats that part of fringe benefits relating to direct labor as added direct labor cost, how much of Lynn’s wages and fringe benefits for the week will be allocated to direct labor cost? To manufacturing overhead cost?

PROBLEM 2-16 Cost Classification [LO1, LO2, LO5, LO7]

Several years ago Medex Company purchased a small building adjacent to its manufacturing plant in order to have room for expansion when needed. Since the company had no immediate need for the extra space, the building was rented out to another company for a rental revenue of $40,000 per year. The renter’s lease will expire next month, and rather than renewing the lease, Medex Company has decided to use the building itself to manufacture a new product. Direct materials cost for the new product will total $40 per unit. It will be necessary to hire a supervisor to oversee production. Her salary will be $2,500 per month. Workers will be hired to manufacture the new product, with direct labor cost amounting to $18 per unit. Manufacturing operations will occupy all of the building space, so it will be necessary to rent space in a warehouse nearby in order to store finished units of product. The rental cost will be $1,000 per month. In addition, the company will need to rent equipment for use in producing the new product; the rental cost will be $3,000 per month. The company will continue to depreciate the building on a straight-line basis, as in past years. Depreciation on the building is $10,000 per year. Advertising costs for the new product will total $50,000 per year. Costs of shipping the new product to customers will be $10 per unit. Electrical costs of operating machines will be $2 per unit. To have funds to purchase materials, meet payrolls, and so forth, the company will have to liquidate some temporary investments. These investments are presently yielding a return of $6,000 per year. Required:

Prepare an answer sheet with the following column headings:

Name of the Cost

Product Cost Variable Cost

Fixed Cost

Direct Materials

Direct Labor

Manufacturing Overhead

Period (Selling and Administrative) Cost

List the different costs associated with the new product decision down the extreme left column (under Name of the Cost). Then place an X under each heading that helps to describe the type of cost involved. There may be X’s under several column headings for a single cost. (For example, a cost may be a fixed cost, a period cost, and a sunk cost; you would place an X under each of these column headings opposite the cost.) PROBLEM 2-17 Classification of Costs as Variable or Fixed and Direct or Indirect [LO5, LO6]

Various costs associated with manufacturing operations are given below: 1. Plastic washers used to assemble autos. 2. Production superintendent’s salary. 3. Wages of workers who assemble a product. 4. Electricity to run production equipment. 5. Janitorial salaries. 6. Clay used to make bricks.

Opportunity Cost

Sunk Cost


Chapter 2

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Rent on a factory building. Wood used to make skis. Screws used to make furniture. A supervisor’s salary. Cloth used to make shirts. Depreciation of cafeteria equipment. Glue used to make textbooks. Lubricants for production equipment. Paper used to make textbooks.


Classify each cost as being either variable or fixed with respect to the number of units produced and sold. Also indicate whether each cost would typically be treated as a direct cost or an indirect cost with respect to units of product. Prepare your answer sheet as shown below:

Cost Behavior Cost Item


Example: Factory insurance


To Units of Product Direct




PROBLEM 2-18 (Appendix 2B) Quality Cost Report [LO9, LO10]

Yedder Enterprises was a pioneer in designing and producing precision surgical lasers. Yedder’s product was brilliantly designed, but the manufacturing process was neglected by management with a consequence that quality problems have been chronic. When customers complained about defective units, Yedder would simply send out a repairperson or replace the defective unit with a new one. Recently, several competitors came out with similar products without Yedder’s quality problems, and as a consequence Yedder’s sales have declined. To rescue the situation, Yedder embarked on an intensive campaign to strengthen its quality control at the beginning of the current year. These efforts met with some success—the downward slide in sales was reversed, and sales grew from $95 million last year to $100 million this year. To help monitor the company’s progress, costs relating to quality and quality control were compiled for last year and for the first full year of the quality campaign this year. The costs, which do not include the lost sales due to a reputation for poor quality, appear below:

Costs (in thousands)

Product recalls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Systems development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net cost of scrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplies used in testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rework labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statistical process control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer returns of defective goods . . . . . . . . Cost of testing equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quality engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Downtime due to quality problems . . . . . . . . . .

Last Year

This Year

$3,500 $120 $1,700 $800 $30 $3,300 $1,400 $0 $3,200 $270 $1,080 $600

$600 $680 $2,770 $1,300 $40 $2,800 $1,600 $270 $200 $390 $1,650 $1,100


1. 2.

Prepare a quality cost report for both this year and last year. Carry percentage computations to two decimal places. Prepare a bar graph showing the distribution of the various quality costs by category.

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications


Prepare a written evaluation to accompany the reports you have prepared in (1) and (2) above. This evaluation should discuss the distribution of quality costs in the company, changes in the distribution over the last year, and any other information you believe would be useful to management.

PROBLEM 2-19 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured; Income Statement; Cost Behavior [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5]

Various cost and sales data for Medco, Inc., are given below for the just completed year:


1. 2. 3.



Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured. Prepare an income statement. Assume that the company produced the equivalent of 10,000 units of product during the year. What was the average cost per unit for direct materials? What was the average cost per unit for factory depreciation? Assume that the company expects to produce 15,000 units of product during the coming year. What average cost per unit and what total cost would you expect the company to incur for direct materials at this level of activity? For factory depreciation? (In preparing your answer, assume that direct materials is a variable cost and that depreciation is a fixed cost; also assume that depreciation is computed on a straight-line basis.) As the manager responsible for production costs, explain to the president any difference in the average costs per unit between (3) and (4) above.

PROBLEM 2-20 Classification of Salary Cost as a Period or Product Cost [LO2]

You have just been hired by EduRom Company, which was organized on January 2 of the current year. The company manufactures and sells a variety of educational DVDs for personal computers. It is your responsibility to supervise the employees who take orders from customers over the phone and to arrange for shipping orders via Federal Express, UPS, and other freight carriers.



Chapter 2

The company is unsure how to classify your annual salary in its cost records. The company’s cost analyst says that your salary should be classified as a manufacturing (product) cost; the controller says that it should be classified as a selling expense; and the president says that it doesn’t matter which way your salary cost is classified. Required:

1. 2.

Which viewpoint is correct? Why? From the point of view of the reported net operating income for the year, is the president correct in saying that it doesn’t matter which way your salary cost is classified? Explain.

PROBLEM 2-21 Classification of Various Costs [LO1, LO2, LO5, LO7]

Frieda Bronkowski has invented a new type of flyswatter. After giving the matter much thought, Frieda has decided to quit her $4,000 per month job with a consulting firm and produce and sell the flyswatters full time. Frieda will rent a garage that will be used as a production plant. The rent will be $150 per month. Frieda will rent production equipment at a cost of $500 per month. The cost of materials for each flyswatter will be $0.30. Frieda will hire workers to produce the flyswatters. They will be paid $0.50 for each completed unit. Frieda will rent a room in the house next door for use as her sales office. The rent will be $75 per month. She has arranged for the telephone company to attach a recording device to her home phone to get off-hours messages from customers. The device will increase her monthly phone bill by $20. Frieda has some money in savings that is earning interest of $1,000 per year. These savings will be withdrawn and used for about a year to get the business going. To sell her flyswatters, Frieda will advertise heavily in the local area. Advertising costs will be $400 per month. In addition, Frieda will pay a sales commission of $0.10 for each flyswatter sold. For the time being, Frieda does not intend to draw any salary from the new company. Frieda has already paid the legal and filing fees to incorporate her business. These fees amounted to $600. Required:


Name of the Cost

Prepare an answer sheet with the following column headings:

Product Cost Variable Cost

Fixed Cost

Direct Materials


Direct Labor

Manufacturing Overhead

Period (Selling and Administrative) Cost

Opportunity Cost

Sunk Cost

List the different costs associated with the new company down the extreme left column (under Name of Cost). Then place an X under each heading that helps to describe the type of cost involved. There may be X’s under several column headings for a single cost. (That is, a cost may be a fixed cost, a period cost, and a sunk cost; you would place an X under each of these column headings opposite the cost.) Under the variable cost column, list only those costs that would be variable with respect to the number of flyswatters that are produced and sold. All of the costs you have listed above, except one, would be differential costs between the alternatives of Frieda producing flyswatters or staying with the consulting firm. Which cost is not differential? Explain.

PROBLEM 2-22 (Appendix 2B) Analyzing a Quality Cost Report [LO10]

Bergen, Inc., produces telephone equipment at its Georgia plant. In recent years, the company’s market share has been eroded by stiff competition from Asian and European competitors. Price and product quality are the two key areas in which companies compete in this market. Two years ago, Jerry Holman, Bergen’s president, decided to devote more resources to improving product quality after learning that his company’s products had been ranked fourth in quality in a survey of telephone equipment users. He believed that Bergen could no longer afford to ignore the importance of product quality. Holman set up a task force that he headed to implement a formal quality improvement program. Included on this task force were representatives from engineering, sales, customer service, production, and accounting. This broad representation was needed because Holman believed that this was a companywide program, and that all employees should share the responsibility for its success.

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

After the first meeting of the task force, Sheila Haynes, manager of sales, asked Tony Reese, production manager, what he thought of the proposed program. Reese replied, “I have reservations. Quality is too abstract to be attaching costs to it and then to be holding you and me responsible for cost improvements. I like to work with goals that I can see and count! I’m nervous about having my annual bonus based on a decrease in quality costs; there are too many variables that we have no control over.” Bergen’s quality improvement program has now been in operation for two years. The company’s most recent quality cost report is shown below.

Bergen, Inc. Quality Cost Report (in thousands) Year 1

Year 2

Prevention costs: Machine maintenance . . . . . . . . . Training suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 215 5 20

$ 160 15 95

Total prevention cost . . . . . . . . . . . .



Appraisal costs: Incoming inspection . . . . . . . . . . . Final testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

45 160

22 94

Total appraisal cost . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Internal failure costs: Rework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

120 68

62 40

Total internal failure cost . . . . . . . . .



External failure costs: Warranty repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer returns . . . . . . . . . . . . .

69 262

23 80

Total external failure cost. . . . . . . . .



Total quality cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 964

$ 591

Total production cost . . . . . . . . . . . .



As they were reviewing the report, Haynes asked Reese what he now thought of the quality improvement program. “The work is really moving through the production department,” Reese replied. “We used to spend time helping the customer service department solve their problems, but they are leaving us alone these days. I have no complaints so far, and I’m relieved to see that the new quality improvement hasn’t adversely affected our bonuses. I’m anxious to see if it increases our bonuses in the future.” Required:


2. 3.

By analyzing the company’s quality cost report, determine if Bergen, Inc.’s quality improvement program has been successful. List specific evidence to support your answer. Show percentage figures in two ways: first, as a percentage of total production cost; and second, as a percentage of total quality cost. Carry all computations to one decimal place. Discuss why Tony Reese’s current reaction to the quality improvement program is more favorable than his initial reaction. Jerry Holman believed that the quality improvement program was essential and that Bergen, Inc., could no longer afford to ignore the importance of product quality. Discuss how Bergen, Inc., could measure the opportunity cost of not implementing the quality improvement program. (CMA, adapted)



Chapter 2 PROBLEM 2-23 Cost Classification and Cost Behavior [LO2, LO5, LO6]

Heritage Company manufactures a beautiful bookcase that enjoys widespread popularity. The company has a backlog of orders that is large enough to keep production going indefinitely at the plant’s full capacity of 4,000 bookcases per year. Annual cost data at full capacity follow:

Direct materials used (wood and glass) . . . . . . . . General office salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Factory supervision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, factory building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, office equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect materials, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Factory labor (cutting and assembly) . . . . . . . . . . Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General office supplies (billing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Property taxes, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilities, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$430,000 $110,000 $70,000 $60,000 $105,000 $2,000 $18,000 $90,000 $100,000 $6,000 $4,000 $20,000 $45,000



Prepare an answer sheet with the column headings shown below. Enter each cost item on your answer sheet, placing the dollar amount under the appropriate headings. As examples, this has been done already for the first two items in the list above. Note that each cost item is classifi ed in two ways: fi rst, as either variable or fixed with respect to the number of units produced and sold; and second, as either a selling and administrative cost or a product cost. (If the item is a product cost, it should also be classified as either direct or indirect as shown.)


Selling or Administrative Cost



Cost Behavior Cost Item


Materials used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General office salaries . . . . . . . . . .


Product Cost Direct



*To units of product.

2. 3.


Total the dollar amounts in each of the columns in (1) above. Compute the average product cost per bookcase. Due to a recession, assume that production drops to only 2,000 bookcases per year. Would you expect the average product cost per bookcase to increase, decrease, or remain unchanged? Explain. No computations are necessary. Refer to the original data. The president’s next-door neighbor has considered making himself a bookcase and has priced the necessary materials at a building supply store. He has asked the president whether he could purchase a bookcase from the Heritage Company “at cost,” and the president has agreed to let him do so. a. Would you expect any disagreement between the two men over the price the neighbor should pay? Explain. What price does the president probably have in mind? The neighbor? b. Since the company is operating at full capacity, what cost term used in the chapter might be justification for the president to charge the full, regular price to the neighbor and still be selling “at cost”? Explain.

PROBLEM 2-24 Variable and Fixed Costs; Subtleties of Direct and Indirect Costs [LO5, LO6]

The Central Area Well-Baby Clinic provides a variety of health services to newborn babies and their parents. The clinic is organized into a number of departments, one of which is the Immunization Center. A number of costs of the clinic and the Immunization Center are listed below.

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Example: The cost of polio immunization tablets a. The salary of the head nurse in the Immunization Center. b. Costs of incidental supplies consumed in the Immunization Center, such as paper towels. c. The cost of lighting and heating the Immunization Center. d. The cost of disposable syringes used in the Immunization Center. e. The salary of the Central Area Well-Baby Clinic’s information systems manager. f. The costs of mailing letters soliciting donations to the Central Area Well-Baby Clinic. g. The wages of nurses who work in the Immunization Center. h. The cost of medical malpractice insurance for the Central Area Well-Baby Clinic. i. Depreciation on the fixtures and equipment in the Immunization Center. Required:

For each cost listed above, indicate whether it is a direct or indirect cost of the Immunization Center, whether it is a direct or indirect cost of immunizing particular patients, and whether it is variable or fixed with respect to the number of immunizations administered. Use the form shown below for your answer.

Item Description Example: The cost of polio immunization tablets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Direct or Indirect Cost of the Immunization Center

Direct or Indirect Cost of Particular Patients

Variable or Fixed with Respect to the Number of Immunizations Administered


Direct Indirect







PROBLEM 2-25 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured; Income Statement [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4]

Skyler Company was organized on November 1 of the previous year. After seven months of start-up losses, management had expected to earn a profit during June, the most recent month. Management was disappointed, however, when the income statement for June also showed a loss. June’s income statement follows:

Skyler Company Income Statement For the Month Ended June 30 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less operating expenses: Selling and administrative salaries . . . . . . . Rent on facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purchases of raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, sales equipment. . . . . . . . . . . Utilities costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, factory equipment . . . . . . . . . Maintenance, factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$600,000 $ 35,000 40,000 190,000 8,000 10,000 50,000 108,000 90,000 12,000 7,000 80,000

630,000 $(30,000)



Chapter 2

After seeing the $30,000 loss for June, Skyler’s president stated, “I was sure we’d be profitable within six months, but after eight months we’re still spilling red ink. Maybe it’s time for us to throw in the towel and accept one of those offers we’ve had for the company. To make matters worse, I just heard that Linda won’t be back from her surgery for at least six more weeks.” Linda is the company’s controller; in her absence, the statement above was prepared by a new assistant who has had little experience in manufacturing operations. Additional information about the company follows: a. Only 80% of the rent on facilities applies to factory operations; the remainder applies to selling and administrative activities. b. Inventory balances at the beginning and end of the month were as follows:

Raw materials. . . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . . . .

June 1

June 30

$17,000 $70,000 $20,000

$42,000 $85,000 $60,000


Some 75% of the insurance and 90% of the utilities cost apply to factory operations; the remaining amounts apply to selling and administrative activities. The president has asked you to check over the above income statement and make a recommendation as to whether the company should continue operations. Required:

1. 2. 3.

As one step in gathering data for a recommendation to the president, prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for June. As a second step, prepare a new income statement for the month. Based on your statements prepared in (1) and (2) above, would you recommend that the company continue operations?

PROBLEM 2-26 Ethics and the Manager [LO2]

The top management of General Electronics, Inc., is well known for “managing by the numbers.” With an eye on the company’s desired growth in overall net profit, the company’s CEO (chief executive officer) sets target profits at the beginning of the year for each of the company’s divisions. The CEO has stated her policy as follows: “I won’t interfere with operations in the divisions. I am available for advice, but the division vice presidents are free to do anything they want so long as they hit the target profits for the year.” In November, Stan Richart, the vice president in charge of the Cellular Telephone Technologies Division, saw that making the current year’s target profit for his division was going to be very difficult. Among other actions, he directed that discretionary expenditures be delayed until the beginning of the new year. On December 30, he was angered to discover that a warehouse clerk had ordered $350,000 of cellular telephone parts earlier in December even though the parts weren’t really needed by the assembly department until January or February. Contrary to common accounting practice, the General Electronics, Inc., Accounting Policy Manual states that such parts are to be recorded as an expense when delivered. To avoid recording the expense, Mr. Richart asked that the order be canceled, but the purchasing department reported that the parts had already been delivered and the supplier would not accept returns. Since the bill had not yet been paid, Mr. Richart asked the accounting department to correct the clerk’s mistake by delaying recognition of the delivery until the bill is paid in January. Required:

1. 2.

Are Mr. Richart’s actions ethical? Explain why they are or are not ethical. Do the general management philosophy and accounting policies at General Electronics encourage or discourage ethical behavior? Explain.

PROBLEM 2-27 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured; Income Statement; Cost Behavior [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5]

The following selected account balances for the year ended December 31 are provided for Valenko Company:

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Advertising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance, factory equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, sales equipment. . . . . . . . . . . Rent, factory building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilities, factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleaning supplies, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, factory equipment . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative salaries. . . . . . . . Maintenance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purchases of raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$215,000 $8,000 $40,000 $90,000 $52,000 $35,000 $6,000 $110,000 $85,000 $74,000 ? $260,000

Inventory balances at the beginning and end of the year were as follows:

Raw materials. . . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . . .

Beginning of Year

End of Year

$50,000 ? $30,000

$40,000 $33,000 ?

The total manufacturing costs for the year were $675,000; the goods available for sale totaled $720,000; and the cost of goods sold totaled $635,000. Required:

1. 2.



Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured and the cost of goods sold section of the company’s income statement for the year. Assume that the dollar amounts given above are for the equivalent of 30,000 units produced during the year. Compute the average cost per unit for direct materials used, and compute the average cost per unit for rent on the factory building. Assume that in the following year the company expects to produce 50,000 units. What average cost per unit and total cost would you expect to be incurred for direct materials? For rent on the factory building? (Assume that direct materials is a variable cost and that rent is a fixed cost.) As the manager in charge of production costs, explain to the president the reason for any difference in the average costs per unit between (2) and (3) above.

PROBLEM 2-28 Working with Incomplete Data from the Income Statement and Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured [LO3, LO4]

Supply the missing data in the four cases below. Each case is independent of the others. Case 1




Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead. . . . . . . . . . Total manufacturing costs. . . . . . . . . Beginning work in process inventory. Ending work in process inventory . . . Cost of goods manufactured . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

$7,000 $2,000 $10,000 ? ? $4,000 $18,000

$9,000 $4,000 ? $25,000 $1,000 $3,500 $ ?

$6,000 ? $7,000 $18,000 $2,000 ? $16,000

$8,000 $3,000 $21,000 ? ? $2,000 $31,500

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

$25,000 $6,000 $18,000 ? $9,000 ? ? $6,000 $ ?

$40,000 ? ? ? $4,000 $26,500 ? ? $5,500

$30,000 $7,000 $16,000 ? ? $18,000 ? ? $3,000

$50,000 $9,000 $31,500 ? $7,000 ? ? $10,000 $ ?

Income Statement Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beginning finished goods inventory . Cost of goods manufactured . . . . . . Goods available for sale. . . . . . . . . . Ending finished goods inventory. . . . Cost of goods sold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gross margin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrating expenses. Net operating income. . . . . . . . . . . .



Chapter 2 PROBLEM 2-29 Income Statement; Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4]

Hickey Corporation is a manufacturer that produces a single product. The following information has been taken from the company’s production, sales, and cost records for the just completed year:

Production in units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales in units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ending finished goods inventory in units . . . . . . . . . . . Sales in dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs: Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw materials purchased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building rent (production uses 80% of the space; administrative and sales offices use the rest) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilities, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Royalty paid for use of production patent, $1 per unit produced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rent for special production equipment, $6,000 per year plus $0.10 per unit produced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other factory overhead costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other selling and administrative expenses. . . . . . . .

Inventories: Raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30,000 ? ? $650,000 $50,000 $80,000 $60,000 $160,000

$50,000 $35,000 ? $25,000

? $140,000 $11,000 $20,000

Beginning of Year

End of Year

$20,000 $30,000 $0

$10,000 $40,000 ?

The finished goods inventory is being carried at the average unit production cost for the year. The selling price of the product is $25 per unit. Required:

1. 2.


Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for the year. Compute the following: a. The number of units in the finished goods inventory at the end of the year. b. The cost of the units in the finished goods inventory at the end of the year. Prepare an income statement for the year.

Cases CASE 2-30 Missing Data; Income Statement; Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4]

“I know I’m a pretty good scientist, but I guess I still have some things to learn about running a business,” said Staci Morales, founder and president of Medical Technology, Inc. “Demand has been so strong for our heart monitor that I was sure we’d be profitable immediately, but just look at the gusher of red ink for the first quarter. At this rate we’ll be out of business in a year.” The data to which Staci was referring are shown below:

Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications

Medical Technology, Inc. Income Statement For the Quarter Ended June 30 Sales (16,000 monitors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less operating expenses: Selling and administrative salaries . . . . . . . . Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleaning supplies, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, office equipment . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw materials purchased . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rental cost, facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, production equipment. . . . . . . Travel, salespersons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 975,000 $ 90,000 200,000 6,000 135,000 18,000 80,000 310,000 47,000 65,000 9,000 40,000 75,000 60,000

Net operating loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1,135,000 $ (160,000)

Medical Technology was organized on April 1 of the current year to produce and market a revolutionary new heart monitor. The company’s accounting system was set up by Staci’s brother-in-law who had taken an accounting course about 10 years ago. “We may not last a year if the insurance company doesn’t pay the $227,000 it owes us for the 4,000 monitors lost in the truck accident last week,” said Staci. “The agent says our claim is inflated, but that’s a lot of baloney.” Just after the end of the quarter, a truck carrying 4,000 monitors wrecked and burned, destroying the entire load. The monitors were part of the 20,000 units completed during the quarter ended June 30. They were in a warehouse awaiting sale at quarter-end and were sold and shipped on July 3 (this sale is not included on the income statement above). The trucking company’s insurer is liable for the cost of the goods lost. Staci’s brother-in-law has determined this cost as follows: Total costs for the quarter ⫽ $1,135,000兾20,000 units ⫽ $56.75 per unit Monitors produced during the quarter 4,000 units ⫻ $56.75 per unit ⫽ $227,000 The following additional information is available on the company’s activities during the quarter ended June 30: a. Inventories at the beginning and end of the quarter were as follows:

Raw materials . . . . . . . . . . Work in process. . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . . .


Beginning of the Quarter

End of the Quarter

$0 $0 $0

$40,000 $30,000 ?

Eighty percent of the rental cost for facilities and 90% of the utilities cost relate to manufacturing operations. The remaining amounts relate to selling and administrative activities.


1. 2. 3. 4.

What conceptual errors, if any, were made in preparing the income statement above? Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for the quarter. Prepare a corrected income statement for the quarter. Your statement should show in detail how the cost of goods sold is computed. Do you agree that the insurance company owes Medical Technology, Inc., $227,000? Explain your answer.

CASE 2-31 Inventory Computations from Incomplete Data [LO3, LO4]

While snoozing at the controls of his Pepper Six airplane, Dunse P. Sluggard leaned heavily against the door; suddenly, the door flew open and a startled Dunse tumbled out. As he parachuted to the



Chapter 2

ground, Dunse watched helplessly as the empty plane smashed into Operex Products’ plant and administrative offices. “The insurance company will never believe this,” cried Mercedes Juliet, the company’s controller, as she watched the ensuing fire burn the building to the ground. “The entire company is wiped out!” “There’s no reason to even contact the insurance agent,” replied Ford Romero, the company’s operations manager. “We can’t file a claim without records, and all we have left is this copy of last year’s annual report. It shows that raw materials at the beginning of this year (January 1) totaled $30,000, work in process totaled $50,000, and finished goods totaled $90,000. But what we need is a record of these inventories as of today, and our records are up in smoke.” “All except this summary page I was working on when the plane hit the building,” said Mercedes. “It shows that our sales to date this year have totaled $1,350,000 and that manufacturing overhead cost has totaled $520,000.” “Hey! This annual report is more helpful than I thought,” exclaimed Ford. “I can see that our gross margin was 40% of sales. I can also see that direct labor cost is one-quarter of the manufacturing overhead cost.” “We may have a chance after all,” cried Mercedes. “My summary sheet lists the sum of direct labor and direct materials at $510,000 for the year, and it says that our goods available for sale to customers this year has totaled $960,000 at cost. Now if we just knew the amount of raw materials purchased so far this year.” “I know that figure,” yelled Ford. “It’s $420,000! The purchasing agent gave it to me in our planning meeting yesterday.” “Fantastic,” shouted Mercedes. “We’ll have our claim ready before the day is over!” To file a claim with the insurance company, Operex Products must determine the amount of cost in its inventories as of the date of the accident. You may assume that all of the materials used in production during the year were direct materials. Required:

Determine the amount of cost in the raw materials, work in process, and finished goods inventories as of the date of the accident. (Hint: One way to proceed would be to reconstruct the various schedules and statements that would have been affected by the company’s inventory accounts during the year.)


[LO1, LO2, LO5, LO6]

To answer the questions in this exercise, you will need to download Dell, Inc.’s 2005 Form 10-K at You can view this document on your computer screen; you do not need to print this document to answer the questions. Required:



3. 4. 5.


7. 8.

What is Dell’s strategy for success in the marketplace? Does the company rely primarily on a customer intimacy, operational excellence, or product leadership customer value proposition? What evidence supports your conclusion? What business risks does Dell face that may threaten its ability to satisfy stockholder expectations? What are some examples of control activities that the company could use to reduce these risks? (Hint: Focus on pages 7–10 of the 10-K.) How has the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 explicitly affected the disclosures contained in Dell’s 10-K report? (Hint: Focus on pages 34–35, 59, and 76–78.) Is Dell a merchandiser or a manufacturer? What information contained in the 10-K supports your answer? What are some examples of direct and indirect inventoriable costs for Dell? Why has Dell’s gross margin (in dollars) steadily increased from 2003 to 2005, yet the gross margin as a percent of net revenue has only increased slightly? What is the inventory balance on Dell’s January 28, 2005 balance sheet? Why is the inventory balance so small compared to the other current asset balances? What competitive advantage does Dell derive from its low inventory levels? Page 27 of Dell’s 10-K reports a figure called the cash conversion cycle. The cash conversion cycle for Dell has consistently been negative. Is this a good sign for Dell or a bad sign? Why? Describe some of the various types of operating expenses incurred by Dell. Why are these expenses treated as period costs? List four different cost objects for Dell. For each cost object, mention one example of a direct cost and an indirect cost.


3 Systems Design: Job-Order Costing


Two College Students Succeeding as Entrepreneurs When the University of Dayton athletic department needed 2,000 customized T-shirts to give away at its first home basketball game of the year, it chose University Tees to provide the shirts. A larger competitor could have been chosen, but University Tees won the order because of its fast customer response time, low price, and high quality. University Tees is a small business that was started in February 2003 by two Miami University seniors—Joe Haddad and Nick Dadas (see the company’s website at The company creates the artwork for customized T-shirts and then relies on carefully chosen suppliers to manufacture the product. Accurately calculating the cost of each potential customer order is critically important to University Tees because the company needs to be sure that the price exceeds the cost associated with satisfying the order. The costs include the cost of the T-shirts themselves, printing costs (which vary depending on the quantity of shirts produced and the number of colors printed per shirt), silk screen costs (which also vary depending on the number of colors included in a design), shipping costs, and the artwork needed to create a design. The company also takes into account its competitors’ pricing strategies when developing its own price quotes. ■ Source: Conversation with Joe Haddad, cofounder of University Tees.

Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 3, you should be able to:

LO1 Distinguish between process costing and job-order costing and identify companies that would use each costing method. LO2 Identify the documents used in a job-order costing system. LO3 Compute predetermined overhead rates and explain why estimated overhead costs (rather than actual overhead costs) are used in the costing process. LO4 Understand the flow of costs in a job-order costing system and prepare appropriate journal entries to record costs. LO5 Apply overhead cost to Work in Process using a predetermined overhead rate. LO6 Prepare schedules of cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold. LO7 Use T-accounts to show the flow of costs in a job-order costing system. LO8 Compute underapplied or overapplied overhead cost and prepare the journal entry to close the balance in Manufacturing Overhead to the appropriate accounts. LO9 (Appendix 3A) Understand the implications of basing the predetermined overhead rate on activity at capacity rather than on estimated activity for the period.


Chapter 3


s discussed in Chapter 2, product costing is the process of assigning costs

to the products and services provided by a company. An understanding of this costing process is vital to managers, because the way in which a product or service is costed can have a substantial impact on reported profits, as well as on key management decisions. The essential purpose of any managerial costing system should be to provide cost data to help managers plan, control, direct, and make decisions. Nevertheless, external financial reporting and tax reporting requirements often heavily influence how costs are accumulated and summarized on managerial reports. This is true of product costing. In this chapter and in Chapter 4, we use absorption costing to determine product costs. This method was also used in Chapter 2. In absorption costing, all manufacturing costs, both fixed and variable, are assigned to units of product—units are said to fully absorb manufacturing costs. Later, in Chapter 7, we look at an alternative to absorption costing known as variable costing. Chapter 7 also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches. Most countries—including the United States—require some form of absorption costing for both external financial reporting and for tax reporting. In addition, the vast majority of companies throughout the world also use absorption costing for managerial accounting purposes. Since absorption costing is the most common approach to product costing, we discuss it first and then deal with alternatives in subsequent chapters.

Process and Job-Order Costing LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1

Distinguish between process costing and job-order costing and identify companies that would use each costing method.

In computing the cost of a product or a service, managers are faced with a difficult problem. Many costs (such as rent) do not change much from month to month, whereas production may change frequently, with production going up in one month and then down in another. In addition to variations in the level of production, several different products or services may be produced in a given period in the same facility. Under these conditions, how is it possible to accurately determine the cost of a product or service? In practice, assigning costs to products and services involves averaging across time and across products. The way in which this averaging is carried out depends heavily on the type of production process. Two costing systems are commonly used in manufacturing and in many service companies; these two systems are known as process costing and joborder costing.

Process Costing A process costing system is used in situations where the company produces many units of a single product for long periods. Examples include producing paper at Weyerhaeuser, refining aluminum ingots at Reynolds Aluminum, mixing and bottling beverages at CocaCola, and making wieners at Oscar Meyer. All of these industries are characterized by an essentially homogeneous product that flows through the production process on a continuous basis. Process costing systems accumulate costs in a particular operation or department for an entire period (month, quarter, year) and then divide this total cost by the number of units produced during the period. The basic formula for process costing is: Unit product cost ⫽

Total manufacturing cost Total units produced


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

Since one unit of product is indistinguishable from any other unit of product, each unit produced during the period is assigned the same average cost. This costing technique results in a broad, average unit cost figure that applies to homogeneous units flowing in a continuous stream out of the production process.

Job-Order Costing A job-order costing system is used in situations where many different products are produced each period. For example, a Levi Strauss clothing factory would typically make many different types of jeans for both men and women during a month. A particular order might consist of 1,000 stonewashed men’s blue denim jeans, style number A312. This order of 1,000 jeans is called a batch or a job. In a job-order costing system, costs are traced and allocated to jobs and then the costs of the job are divided by the number of units in the job to arrive at an average cost per unit. Other examples of situations where job-order costing would be used include large-scale construction projects managed by Bechtel International, commercial aircraft produced by Boeing, greeting cards designed and printed by Hallmark, and airline meals prepared by LSG SkyChefs. All of these examples are characterized by diverse outputs. Each Bechtel project is unique and different from every other—the company may be simultaneously constructing a dam in Zaire and a bridge in Indonesia. Likewise, each airline orders a different type of meal from LSG SkyChefs’ catering service. Job-order costing is also used extensively in service industries. Hospitals, law firms, movie studios, accounting firms, advertising agencies, and repair shops, for example, all use a variation of job-order costing to accumulate costs for accounting and billing purposes. Although the detailed example of job-order costing provided in the following section deals with a manufacturing company, the same basic concepts and procedures are used by many service organizations. The record-keeping and cost assignment problems are more complex when a company sells many different products and services than when it has only a single product. Since the products are different, the costs are typically different. Consequently, cost records must be maintained for each distinct product or job. For example, an attorney in a large criminal law practice would ordinarily keep separate records of the costs of advising and defending each client. And the Levi Strauss factory mentioned above would keep separate track of the costs of filling orders for particular styles of jeans. Thus, a job-order costing system requires more effort than a process costing system. Nevertheless, job-order costing is used by more than half the manufacturers in the United States. In this chapter, we focus on the design of a job-order costing system. In the following chapter, we focus on process costing and also look more closely at the similarities and differences between the two costing methods.

Job-Order Costing—An Overview To introduce job-order costing, we will follow a specific job as it progresses through the manufacturing process. This job consists of two experimental couplings that Yost Precision Machining has agreed to produce for Loops Unlimited, a manufacturer of roller coasters. Couplings connect the cars on the roller coaster and are a critical component in the performance and safety of the ride. Before we begin our discussion, recall from the previous chapter that companies generally classify manufacturing costs into three broad categories: (1) direct materials, (2) direct labor, and (3) manufacturing overhead. As we study the operation of a job-order costing system, we will see how each of these three types of costs is recorded and accumulated. Yost Precision Machining is a small company in Michigan that specializes in fabricating precision metal parts that are used in a variety of applications ranging from deep-sea


Identify the documents used in a job-order costing system.


Chapter 3

exploration vehicles to the inertial triggers in automobile air bags. The company’s top managers gather every morning at 8:00 A.M. in the company’s conference room for the daily planning meeting. Attending the meeting this morning are: Jean Yost, the company’s president; David Cheung, the marketing manager; Debbie Turner, the production manager; and Marcus White, the company controller. The president opened the meeting:


Jean: The production schedule indicates we’ll be starting Job 2B47 today. Isn’t that the special order for experimental couplings, David? David: That’s right. That’s the order from Loops Unlimited for two couplings for their new roller coaster ride for Magic Mountain. Debbie: Why only two couplings? Don’t they need a coupling for every car? David: Yes. But this is a completely new roller coaster. The cars will go faster and will be subjected to more twists, turns, drops, and loops than on any other existing roller coaster. To hold up under these stresses, Loops Unlimited’s engineers had to completely redesign the cars and couplings. They want to thoroughly test the design before proceeding to large-scale production. So they want us to make just two of these new couplings for testing purposes. If the design works, then we’ll have the inside track on the order to supply couplings for the whole ride. Jean: We agreed to take on this initial order at our cost just to get our foot in the door. Marcus, will there be any problem documenting our cost so we can get paid? Marcus: No problem. The contract with Loops stipulates that they will pay us an amount equal to our cost of goods sold. With our job-order costing system, I can tell you that number on the day the job is completed. Jean: Good. Is there anything else we should discuss about this job at this time? No? Well then let’s move on to the next item of business.

Measuring Direct Materials Cost Topic Tackler

PLUS 3–1

Yost Precision Machining will require four G7 Connectors and two M46 Housings to make the two experimental couplings for Loops Unlimited. If this were a standard product, it already would have a bill of materials. A bill of materials is a document that lists the type and quantity of each type of direct material needed to complete a unit of product. In this case, there is no established bill of materials, so Yost’s production staff determined the materials requirements from the blueprints submitted by the customer. Each coupling requires two connectors and one housing, so to make two couplings, four connectors and two housings are required. A production order is issued when an agreement has been reached with the customer concerning the quantities, prices, and shipment date for the order. The Production Department then prepares a materials requisition form similar to the form in Exhibit 3–1. The materials requisition form is a detailed source document that specifies the type and quantity of materials to be drawn from the storeroom and identifies the job that will be charged for the cost of the materials. The form is used to control the flow of materials into production and also for making entries in the accounting records. The Yost Precision Machining materials requisition form in Exhibit 3–1 shows that the company’s Milling Department has requisitioned two M46 Housings and four G7 Connectors for the Loops Unlimited job, which has been designated as Job 2B47. A production worker presents the completed form to the storeroom clerk who then issues the specified materials to the worker. The storeroom clerk is not allowed to release materials without a completed and properly authorized materials requisition form.

Job Cost Sheet After being notified that the production order has been issued, the Accounting Department prepares a job cost sheet like the one presented in Exhibit 3–2. A job cost sheet is a form prepared for a job that records the materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead costs charged to that job.


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

Materials Requistion Number 14873 Job Number to Be Charged 2B47 Department Milling Description


E X H I B I T 3–1 Materials Requisition Form

March 2


Unit Cost

Total Cost

2 4

$124 $103

$248 412 $660

M46 Housing G7 Connector

Authorized Signature

After direct materials are issued, the Accounting Department records their costs directly on the job cost sheet. Note from Exhibit 3–2, for example, that the $660 cost for direct materials shown earlier on the materials requisition form has been charged to Job 2B47 on its job cost sheet. The requisition number 14873 from the materials requisition form is also recorded on the job cost sheet to make it easier to identify the source document for the direct

Job Number


Department Milling Item Special order coupling

E X H I B I T 3–2 Job Cost Sheet

JOB COST SHEET Date Initiated March 2 Date Completed Units Completed

For Stock Direct Materials Req. No. Amount 14873


Direct Labor Ticket Hours Amount 843



Cost Summary Direct Materials

Manufacturing Overhead Hours Rate Amount

Units Shipped $

Direct Labor


Manufacturing Overhead


Total Cost


Unit Product Cost






Chapter 3

materials charge. Job cost sheets serve as a subsidiary ledger to the Work in Process account because the detailed records that they provide for the jobs in process add up to the balance in Work in Process.

Measuring Direct Labor Cost Direct labor cost is handled similarly to direct materials cost. Direct labor consists of labor charges that are easily traced to a particular job. Labor charges that cannot be easily traced directly to any job are treated as part of manufacturing overhead. As discussed in the previous chapter, this latter category of labor costs is called indirect labor and includes tasks such as maintenance, supervision, and cleanup. Workers use time tickets to record the time they spend on each job and task. A completed time ticket is an hour-by-hour summary of the employee’s activities throughout the day. An example of an employee time ticket is shown in Exhibit 3–3. When working on a specific job, the employee enters the job number on the time ticket and notes the amount of time spent on that job. When not assigned to a particular job, the employee records the nature of the indirect labor task (such as cleanup and maintenance) and the amount of time spent on the task. At the end of the day, the time tickets are gathered and the Accounting Department enters the direct labor-hours and costs on individual job cost sheets. (See Exhibit 3–2 for an example of how direct labor costs are entered on the job cost sheet.) The daily time tickets are source documents that are used as the basis for labor cost entries into the accounting records. The system we have just described is a manual method for recording and posting labor costs. Today many companies rely on computerized systems and no longer record labor time by hand on sheets of paper. One computerized approach uses bar codes to capture data. Each employee and each job has a unique bar code. When beginning work on a job, the employee scans three bar codes using a handheld device much like the bar code readers at grocery store check-out stands. The first bar code indicates that a job is being started; the second is the unique bar code on the employee’s identity badge; and the third is the unique bar code of the job itself. This information is fed automatically via an electronic network to a computer that notes the time and records all of the data. When the task is completed, the employee scans a bar code indicating the task is complete, the bar code on his or her identity badge, and the bar code attached to the job. This information is relayed to the computer that again notes the time, and a time ticket is automatically prepared. Since all of the source data is already in computer files, the labor costs can be automatically posted to job cost sheets (or their electronic equivalents). Computers, coupled with technology such as bar codes, can eliminate much of the drudgery involved in routine bookkeeping activities while at the same time increasing timeliness and accuracy.

E X H I B I T 3–3 Employee Time Ticket

Date March 3 Station 4

Time Ticket No. 843 Employee Mary Holden Started 7:00 12:30 2:30 Totals


Ended 12:00 2:30 3:30

Time Completed 5.0 2.0 1.0 8.0

Rate $9 9 9

Amount $45 18 9 $72

Job Number 2B47 2B50 Maintenance


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing



For decades overhead costs have been going up and labor costs have been going down as companies have replaced people with machines. However, at the French automaker Renault, the exact opposite has been happening with its new, no-frills vehicle called the Logan. The Logan was intentionally stripped of costly design elements and unnecessary technology so that the car could be sold for $6,000 in emerging Eastern European markets. The car’s simplified design enables Renault’s manufacturing plant in Romania to assemble the car almost entirely with people instead of robots. The monthly pay for a line worker at Renault’s Romanian plant is $324 versus an average of more than $4,700 per worker in Western European countries. Thanks in part to low-cost labor, Logan’s production costs are estimated to be just $1,089 per unit. The Logan is finding buyers not only in emerging markets but also in more advanced Western European nations where customers have been clamoring for the car. Renault expects sales for the Logan to climb to one million vehicles by 2010—adding $341 million to its profits. Source: Gail Edmondson and Constance Faivre d’Arcier, “Got 5,000 Euros? Need a New Car?” BusinessWeek, July 4, 2005, p. 49.

Application of Manufacturing Overhead Recall that product costs include manufacturing overhead as well as direct materials and direct labor. Therefore, manufacturing overhead also needs to be recorded on the job cost sheet. However, assigning manufacturing overhead to a specific job involves some difficulties. There are three reasons for this: 1. Manufacturing overhead is an indirect cost. This means that it is either impossible or difficult to trace these costs to a particular product or job. 2. Manufacturing overhead consists of many different items ranging from the grease used in machines to the annual salary of the production manager. 3. Even though output may fluctuate due to seasonal or other factors, total manufacturing overhead costs tend to remain relatively constant due to the presence of fixed costs. Given these problems, overhead costs are usually assigned to products using an allocation process. This allocation of overhead costs is accomplished by selecting an allocation base that is common to all of the company’s products and services. An allocation base is a measure such as direct labor-hours (DLH) or machine-hours (MH) that is used to assign overhead costs to products and services. The most widely used allocation bases are direct labor-hours and direct labor cost, with machine-hours and even units of product (where a company has only a single product) also used to some extent. Manufacturing overhead is commonly applied to products using a predetermined overhead rate. The predetermined overhead rate is computed by dividing the total estimated manufacturing overhead cost for the period by the estimated total amount of the allocation base as follows: Predetermined overhead rate ⫽

Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost Estimated total amount of the allocation base

Note that the predetermined overhead rate is based on estimates rather than actual results. This is because the predetermined overhead rate is computed before the period begins and is used to apply overhead cost to jobs throughout the period. The process of assigning overhead cost to jobs is called overhead application. The formula for determining the amount of overhead cost to apply to a particular job is: Overhead applied to Predetermined Amount of the allocation ⫽ ⫻ overhead rate base incurred by the job a particular job

Topic Tackler


Compute predetermined overhead rates and explain why estimated overhead costs (rather than actual overhead costs) are used in the costing process.


Chapter 3

For example, if the predetermined overhead rate is $8 per direct labor-hour, then $8 of overhead cost is applied to a job for each direct labor-hour incurred by the job. When the allocation base is direct labor-hours, the formula becomes: Overhead applied to Predetermined Actual direct labor-hours ⫽ ⫻ overhead rate charged to the job a particular job

Using the Predetermined Overhead Rate

To illustrate the steps involved in computing and using a predetermined overhead rate, let’s return to Yost Precision Machining. The company has estimated its total manufacturing overhead costs will be $320,000 for the year and its total direct labor-hours will be 40,000. Its predetermined overhead rate for the year would be $8 per direct labor-hour, as shown below: Predetermined overhead rate ⫽ ⫽

Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost Estimated total amount of the allocation base $320,000 40,000 direct labor-hours

⫽ $8 per direct labor-hour The job cost sheet in Exhibit 3–4 indicates that 27 direct labor-hours (i.e., DLHs) were charged to Job 2B47. Therefore, a total of $216 of manufacturing overhead cost would be applied to the job: Actual direct labor-hours Overhead applied to Predetermined ⫽ ⫻ charged to Job 2B47 overhead rate Job 2B47 ⫽ $8 per DLH ⫻ 27 DLHs ⫽ $216 of overhead applied to Job 2B47 This amount of overhead has been entered on the job cost sheet in Exhibit 3–4. Note that this is not the actual amount of overhead caused by the job. Actual overhead costs are not assigned to jobs—if that could be done, the costs would be direct costs, not overhead. The overhead assigned to the job is simply a share of the total overhead that was estimated at the beginning of the year. A normal cost system, which we have been describing, applies overhead to jobs by multiplying a predetermined overhead rate by the actual amount of the allocation base incurred by the jobs. Overhead may be applied as direct labor-hours are charged to jobs, or all of the overhead can be applied at once when the job is completed. The choice is up to the company. However, if a job is not completed at the end of the accounting period, overhead should be applied to that job so as to value work in process inventory.

The Need for a Predetermined Rate Instead of using a predetermined rate, a company could wait until the end of the accounting period to compute an actual overhead rate based on the actual total manufacturing costs and the actual total units in the allocation base for the period. However, managers cite several reasons for using predetermined overhead rates instead of actual overhead rates: 1. They would like to know the accounting system’s valuation of completed jobs before the end of the accounting period. Suppose, for example, that Yost Precision Machining waits until the end of the year to compute its overhead rate. Then the cost of goods sold for Job 2B47 would not be known until the close of the year, even though the job was completed and shipped to the customer in March. This problem can be reduced by computing the actual overhead rate more frequently, but that immediately leads to another problem as discussed below. 2. If actual overhead rates are computed frequently, seasonal factors in overhead costs or in the allocation base can produce fluctuations in the overhead rates. For example, the costs


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

E X H I B I T 3–4 A Completed Job Cost Sheet

JOB COST SHEET Date Initiated March 2 Date Completed March 8

Job Number 2B47 Department Milling Item Special order coupling

Units Completed


For Stock Direct Materials Req. No. Amount 14873 14875 14912

$ 660 506 238 $1,404

Direct Labor Ticket Hours Amount 843 846 850 851

5 8 4 10 27

$ 45 60 21 54 $180

Cost Summary

Manufacturing Overhead Hours Rate Amount 27



Units Shipped

Direct Materials





Direct Labor

$ 180

March 8


Manufacturing Overhead $ 216 Total Product Cost


Unit Product Cost

$ 900*

*$1,800 ⫼ 2 units = $900 per unit.

of heating and cooling a production facility in Illinois will be highest in the winter and summer months and lowest in the spring and fall. If an overhead rate were computed each month or each quarter, the predetermined overhead rate would go up in the winter and summer and down in the spring and fall. Two identical jobs, one completed in the winter and one completed in the spring, would be assigned different costs if the overhead rate were computed on a monthly or quarterly basis. Managers generally feel that such fluctuations in overhead rates and costs serve no useful purpose and are misleading. 3. The use of a predetermined overhead rate simplifies record keeping. To determine the overhead cost to apply to a job, the accounting staff at Yost Precision Machining simply multiplies the direct labor-hours recorded for the job by the predetermined overhead rate of $8 per direct labor-hour. For these reasons, most companies use predetermined overhead rates rather than actual overhead rates in their cost accounting systems.

Choice of an Allocation Base for Overhead Cost Ideally, the allocation base used in the predetermined overhead rate should drive the overhead cost. A cost driver is a factor, such as machine-hours, beds occupied, computer time, or flight-hours, that causes overhead costs. If a base is used to compute overhead rates that does not “drive” overhead costs, then the result will be inaccurate overhead rates and distorted product costs. For example, if direct labor-hours is used to allocate overhead, but in reality


Chapter 3

overhead has little to do with direct labor-hours, then products with high direct labor-hour requirements will be overcosted. Most companies use direct labor-hours or direct labor cost as the allocation base for manufacturing overhead. However, as discussed in earlier chapters, major shifts are taking place in the structure of costs. In the past, direct labor accounted for up to 60% of the cost of many products, with overhead cost making up only a portion of the remainder. This situation has been changing for two reasons. First, sophisticated automated equipment has taken over functions that used to be performed by direct labor workers. Since the costs of acquiring and maintaining such equipment are classified as overhead, this increases overhead while decreasing direct labor. Second, products are becoming more sophisticated and complex and are changed more frequently. This increases the need for highly skilled indirect workers such as engineers. As a result of these two trends, direct labor is decreasing relative to overhead as a component of product costs. In companies where direct labor and overhead costs have been moving in opposite directions, it would be difficult to argue that direct labor “drives” overhead costs. Accordingly, managers in some companies use activity-based costing principles to redesign their cost accounting systems. Activity-based costing is designed to more accurately reflect the demands that products, customers, and other cost objects make on overhead resources. The activitybased approach is discussed in more detail in Chapter 8. We hasten to add that although direct labor may not be an appropriate allocation base in some industries, in others it continues to be a significant driver of manufacturing overhead. Indeed, most manufacturing companies in the United States continue to use direct labor as the primary or secondary allocation base for manufacturing overhead. The key point is that the allocation base used by the company should really drive, or cause, overhead costs, and direct labor is not always an appropriate allocation base.


WAIST MANAGEMENT Research from the University of Michigan suggests that a company’s health-care costs are driven to a significant extent by the weight of its employees. Workers who are overweight can cost as much as $1,500 more per year to insure than other workers. So what is a company to do? Park Place Entertainment, a casino operator with more than 7,000 employees, decided to attack the problem by holding a weight-loss contest. Over two years, the company’s workforce dropped 20 tons of weight. After the contest, 12 diabetics were able to stop using medications that cost $13,300 per year per employee. Additionally, the company believes that its contest caused a decline in absenteeism and an increase in productivity. Source: Jill Hecht Maxwell, “Worker Waist Management,” Inc. magazine, August 2004, p. 32; Jessi Hempel, “Dieting for Dollars,” BusinessWeek, November 3, 2003, p. 10.


UNDERSTANDING COST DRIVERS CAN BE TRICKY BUSINESS Conventional wisdom in the health-care industry was that costs could be reduced by reducing a patient’s length of stay in a hospital. It seemed logical that reducing the number of days that a patient spends in the hospital should reduce the cost of treating that patient. However, researchers John Evans, Yuhchang Hwang, and Nandu Nagarajan provide evidence within one hospital that when doctors were motivated to reduce length of stay, it did not reduce costs. Doctors compensated for a reduction in length of stay by increasing the number of procedures performed per patient per day. Thus, any potential savings from reducing one cost driver—length of stay—were offset by cost increases caused by increasing another cost driver—number of procedures performed per patient per day. Source: John H. Evans, Yuhchang Hwang, and Nandu J. Nagarajan, “Management Control and Hospital Cost Reduction: Additional Evidence,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Spring 2001, pp. 73–88.


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

Computation of Unit Costs With the application of Yost Precision Machining’s $216 of manufacturing overhead to the job cost sheet in Exhibit 3–4, the job cost sheet is complete except for two final steps. First, the totals for direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead are transferred to the Cost Summary section of the job cost sheet and added together to obtain the total cost for the job. Then the total product cost ($1,800) is divided by the number of units (2) to obtain the unit product cost ($900). As indicated earlier, this unit product cost is an average cost and should not be interpreted as the cost that would actually be incurred if another unit were produced. Much of the actual overhead costs would not change if another unit were produced, so the incremental cost of an additional unit is something less than the average unit cost of $900. The completed job cost sheet will serve as the basis for valuing unsold units in ending inventory and for determining cost of goods sold.

Summary of Document Flows The sequence of events discussed above is summarized in Exhibit 3–5 (page 102). A careful study of the flow of documents in this exhibit provides a good overview of the overall operation of a job-order costing system. In the 8:00 A.M. daily planning meeting on March 9, Jean Yost, the president of Yost Precision Machining, once again drew attention to Job 2B47, the experimental couplings: Jean: I see Job 2B47 is completed. Let’s get those couplings shipped immediately to Loops Unlimited so they can get their testing program under way. Marcus, how much are we going to bill Loops for those two units? Marcus: Because we agreed to sell the experimental couplings at cost, we will be charging Loops Unlimited just $900 a unit. Jean: Fine. Let’s hope the couplings work out and we make some money on the big order later.


Job-Order Costing—The Flow of Costs We are now ready to take a more detailed look at the flow of costs through the company’s general ledger. To illustrate, we shall consider a single month’s activity for Rand Company, a producer of gold and silver commemorative medallions. Rand Company has two jobs in process during April, the first month of its fiscal year. Job A, a special minting of 1,000 gold medallions commemorating the invention of motion pictures, was started during March. By the end of March, $30,000 in manufacturing costs had been recorded for the job. Job B, an order for 10,000 silver medallions commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall, was started in April.

The Purchase and Issue of Materials On April 1, Rand Company had $7,000 in raw materials on hand. During the month, the company purchased on account an additional $60,000 in raw materials. The purchase is recorded in journal entry (1) below: (1) Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60,000 60,000

As explained in the previous chapter, Raw Materials is an asset account. Thus, when raw materials are purchased, they are initially recorded as an asset—not as an expense.


Understand the flow of costs in a job-order costing system and prepare appropriate journal entries to record costs.

102 E X H I B I T 3–5 The Flow of Documents in a Job-Order Costing System Materials requisition form

Sales order

A sales order is prepared as a basis for issuing a…

Production order

A production order initiates work on a job. Costs are charged through…

Direct labor time ticket

Predetermined overhead rates

These production costs are accumulated on a form, prepared by the accounting department, known as a…

Job cost sheet

The job cost sheet is used to compute unit product costs that in turn are used to value ending inventories and to determine cost of goods sold.


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

Issue of Direct and Indirect Materials

During April, $52,000 in raw materials were requisitioned from the storeroom for use in production. These raw materials included $50,000 of direct and $2,000 of indirect materials. Entry (2) records issuing the materials to the production departments. (2) Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

50,000 2,000 52,000

The materials charged to Work in Process represent direct materials for specific jobs. These costs are also recorded on the appropriate job cost sheets. This point is illustrated in Exhibit 3–6, where $28,000 of the $50,000 in direct materials is charged to Job A’s cost sheet and the remaining $22,000 is charged to Job B’s cost sheet. (In this example, all data are presented in summary form and the job cost sheet is abbreviated.) The $2,000 charged to Manufacturing Overhead in entry (2) represents indirect materials used in production during April. Observe that the Manufacturing Overhead account is separate from the Work in Process account. The purpose of the Manufacturing Overhead account is to accumulate all manufacturing overhead costs as they are incurred during a period. Before leaving Exhibit 3–6 we need to point out one additional thing. Notice from the exhibit that the job cost sheet for Job A contains a beginning balance of $30,000. We stated earlier that this balance represents the cost of work done during March that has been carried forward to April. Also note that the Work in Process account contains the same $30,000 balance. The reason the $30,000 appears in both places is that the Work in Process account is a control account and the job cost sheets form a subsidiary ledger. Thus, the Work in Process account contains a summarized total of all costs appearing on the individual job cost sheets for all jobs in process at any given point in time. (Since Rand Company had only Job A in process at the beginning of April, Job A’s $30,000 balance on that date is equal to the balance in the Work in Process account.)

Labor Cost As work is performed each day employee time tickets are filled out by workers, collected, and forwarded to the Accounting Department. In the Accounting Department, wages are E X H I B I T 3–6 Raw Materials Cost Flows

Work in Process

Raw Materials Bal. 7,000 (2) 52,000 (1) 60,000

Manufacturing Overhead

Bal. 30,000 (2) 50,000

Job Cost Sheet Job A Balance . . . . . . . . . $30,000 Direct materials . . . $28,000

(2) 2,000

Job Cost Sheet Job B Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 Direct materials . . . $22,000

Materials Requisition Forms $52,000

Direct materials

Indirect materials


Chapter 3

E X H I B I T 3–7 Labor Cost Flows

Salaries and Wages Payable (3) 75,000

Manufacturing Overhead

Work in Process

(2) 2,000 (3) 15,000

Bal. 30,000 (2) 50,000 (3) 60,000

Job Cost Sheet Job A Balance . . . . . . . . . $30,000 Direct materials . . . $28,000 Direct labor . . . . . . $40,000

Job Cost Sheet Job B Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 Direct materials . . . $22,000 Direct labor . . . . . . $20,000

Various Time Tickets $75,000

Indirect labor

Direct labor

computed and the resulting costs are classified as either direct or indirect labor. In April, $60,000 was recorded for direct labor and $15,000 for indirect labor. The following entry summarizes those accruals: (3) Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and Wages Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60,000 15,000 75,000

Only the direct labor cost of $60,000 is added to the Work in Process account. At the same time that direct labor costs are added to Work in Process, they are also added to the individual job cost sheets, as shown in Exhibit 3–7. During April, $40,000 of direct labor cost was charged to Job A and the remaining $20,000 was charged to Job B. The labor costs charged to Manufacturing Overhead represent the indirect labor costs of the period, such as supervision, janitorial work, and maintenance.

Manufacturing Overhead Costs Recall that all manufacturing costs other than direct materials and direct labor are classified as manufacturing overhead costs. These costs are entered directly into the Manufacturing Overhead account as they are incurred. To illustrate, assume that Rand Company incurred the following general factory costs during April:

Utilities (heat, water, and power) . . . . . . . . . . . Rent on factory equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous factory overhead costs . . . . . . .

$21,000 16,000 3,000

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

The following entry records the incurrence of these costs: (4) Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 40,000

*Accounts such as Cash may also be credited

In addition, assume that during April, Rand Company recognized $13,000 in accrued property taxes and that $7,000 in prepaid insurance expired on factory buildings and equipment. The following entry records these items: (5) Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Property Taxes Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prepaid Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20,000 13,000 7,000

Finally, assume that the company recognized $18,000 in depreciation on factory equipment during April. The following entry records the accrual of this depreciation: (6) Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

18,000 18,000

In short, all manufacturing overhead costs are recorded directly into the Manufacturing Overhead account as they are incurred. It is important to understand that Manufacturing Overhead is a control account for many—perhaps thousands—of subsidiary accounts such as Indirect Materials, Indirect Labor, Factory Utilities, and so forth. As the Manufacturing Overhead account is debited for costs during a period, the various subsidiary accounts are also debited. In the example above and also in the assignment material for this chapter, for the sake of brevity we omit the entries to the subsidiary accounts.

Applying Manufacturing Overhead Since actual manufacturing costs are charged to the Manufacturing Overhead control account rather than to Work in Process, how are manufacturing overhead costs assigned to Work in Process? The answer is, by means of the predetermined overhead rate. Recall from our discussion earlier in the chapter that a predetermined overhead rate is established at the beginning of each year. The rate is calculated by dividing the estimated total manufacturing overhead cost for the year by the estimated total amount of the allocation base (measured in machine-hours, direct labor-hours, or some other base). The predetermined overhead rate is then used to apply overhead costs to jobs. For example, if direct labor-hours is the allocation base, overhead cost is applied to each job by multiplying the predetermined overhead rate by the number of direct labor-hours charged to the job. To illustrate, assume that Rand Company’s predetermined overhead rate is $6 per machine-hour. Also assume that during April, 10,000 machine-hours were worked on Job A and 5,000 machine-hours were worked on Job B (a total of 15,000 machine-hours). Thus, $90,000 in overhead cost ($6 per machine-hour ⫻ 15,000 machine-hours ⫽ $90,000) would be applied to Work in Process. The following entry records the application of Manufacturing Overhead to Work in Process: (7) Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

90,000 90,000

The flow of costs through the Manufacturing Overhead account is shown in Exhibit 3–8 (page 106).


Apply overhead cost to Work in Process using a predetermined overhead rate.


E X H I B I T 3–8 The Flow of Costs in Overhead Application

Chapter 3

Manufacturing Overhead

Work in Process Bal. 30,000 (2) 50,000 (3) 60,000 (7) 90,000

Actual overhead costs

Balance Job Cost Sheet Job A Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . $28,000 Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40,000 Manufacturing overhead . . . $60,000 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $158,000

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

2,000 (7) 15,000 40,000 20,000 18,000 95,000 5,000


Applied overhead costs


Job Cost Sheet Job B Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 Direct materials. . . . . . . . . . . $22,000 Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 Manufacturing overhead . . . $30,000 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $72,000

Overhead Applied to Work in Process $6 per machine-hour ⫻ 15,000 machine-hours = $90,000

The actual overhead costs in the Manufacturing Overhead account in Exhibit 3–8 are the costs that were added to the account in entries (2)–(6). Observe that the incurrence of these actual overhead costs [entries (2)–(6)] and the application of overhead to Work in Process [entry (7)] represent two separate and entirely distinct processes.

The Concept of a Clearing Account The Manufacturing Overhead account operates as a clearing account. As we have noted, actual factory overhead costs are debited to the account as they are incurred throughout the year. At certain intervals during the year (usually when a job is completed), overhead cost is applied to the job using the predetermined overhead rate, and Work in Process is debited and Manufacturing Overhead is credited. This sequence of events is illustrated below: Manufacturing Overhead (a clearing account) Actual overhead costs are charged to this account as they are incurred throughout the period.

Overhead is applied to Work in Process using the predetermined overhead rate.

As we emphasized earlier, the predetermined overhead rate is based entirely on estimates of what overhead costs are expected to be, and it is established before the year begins. As a result, the overhead cost applied during a year will almost certainly turn out to be more or less than the actual overhead cost incurred. For example, notice from Exhibit 3–8 that Rand Company’s actual overhead costs for the period are $5,000 greater than the overhead cost that has been applied to Work in Process, resulting in a $5,000 debit balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account. We will reserve discussion of what to do with this $5,000 balance until the next section, Problems of Overhead Application. For the moment, we can conclude by noting from Exhibit 3–8 that the cost of a completed job consists of the actual direct materials cost of the job, the actual direct labor cost of

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing


the job, and the manufacturing overhead cost applied to the job. Pay particular attention to the following subtle but important point: Actual overhead costs are not charged to jobs; actual overhead costs do not appear on the job cost sheet nor do they appear in the Work in Process account. Only the applied overhead cost, based on the predetermined overhead rate, appears on the job cost sheet and in the Work in Process account.

Nonmanufacturing Costs In addition to manufacturing costs, companies also incur selling and administrative costs. As explained in the previous chapter, these costs should be treated as period expenses and charged directly to the income statement. Nonmanufacturing costs should not go into the Manufacturing Overhead account. To illustrate the correct treatment of nonmanufacturing costs, assume that Rand Company incurred $30,000 in selling and administrative salary costs during April. The following entry summarizes the accrual of those salaries: (8) Salaries Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and Wages Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30,000 30,000

Assume that depreciation on office equipment during April was $7,000. The entry is as follows: (9) Depreciation Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7,000 7,000

Pay particular attention to the difference between this entry and entry (6) where we recorded depreciation on factory equipment. In journal entry (6), depreciation on factory equipment was debited to Manufacturing Overhead and is therefore a product cost. In journal entry (9) above, depreciation on office equipment is debited to Depreciation Expense. Depreciation on office equipment is considered to be a period expense rather than a product cost. Finally, assume that advertising was $42,000 and that other selling and administrative expenses in April totaled $8,000. The following entry records these items: (10) Advertising Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Selling and Administrative Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

42,000 8,000 50,000

*Other accounts, such as Cash may be credited.

The amounts in entries (8) through (10) all go directly into expense accounts—they have no effect on product costs. The same will be true of any other selling and administrative expenses incurred during April, including sales commissions, depreciation on sales equipment, rent on office facilities, insurance on office facilities, and related costs.

Cost of Goods Manufactured When a job has been completed, the finished output is transferred from the production departments to the finished goods warehouse. By this time, the accounting department will have charged the job with direct materials and direct labor cost, and manufacturing overhead will have been applied using the predetermined overhead rate. A transfer of costs is made within the costing system that parallels the physical transfer of goods to the finished goods warehouse. The costs of the completed job are transferred out of the Work in Process account and into the Finished Goods account. The sum of all amounts transferred between these two accounts represents the cost of goods manufactured for the period.


Prepare schedules of cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold.


Chapter 3

In the case of Rand Company, assume that Job A was completed during April. The following entry transfers the cost of Job A from Work in Process to Finished Goods: (11) Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

158,000 158,000

The $158,000 represents the completed cost of Job A, as shown on the job cost sheet in Exhibit 3–8. Since Job A was the only job completed during April, the $158,000 also represents the cost of goods manufactured for the month. Job B was not completed by the end of the month, so its cost will remain in the Work in Process account and carry over to the next month. If a balance sheet is prepared at the end of April, the cost accumulated thus far on Job B will appear as an asset— “Work in process inventory”.

Cost of Goods Sold As finished goods are shipped to customers, their accumulated costs are transferred from the Finished Goods account to the Cost of Goods Sold account. If an entire job is shipped at one time, then the entire cost appearing on the job cost sheet is transferred into the Cost of Goods Sold account. In most cases, however, only a portion of the units involved in a particular job will be immediately sold. In these situations, the unit product cost must be used to determine how much product cost should be removed from Finished Goods and charged to Cost of Goods Sold. For Rand Company, we will assume 750 of the 1,000 gold medallions in Job A were shipped to customers on account by the end of the month for total sales revenue of $225,000. Since 1,000 units were produced and the total cost of the job from the job cost sheet was $158,000, the unit product cost was $158. The following journal entries would record the sale (all sales were on account): (12) Accounts Receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Use T-accounts to show the flow of costs in a job-order costing system.

(13) Cost of Goods Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (750 units ⫻ $158 per unit ⫽ $118,500)

225,000 225,000

118,500 118,500

Entry (13) completes the flow of costs through the job-order costing system.

Summary of Cost Flows To pull the entire Rand Company example together, journal entries (1) through (13) are summarized in Exhibit 3–9. The flow of costs through the accounts is presented in T-account form in Exhibit 3–10 (page 110). Exhibit 3–11 (page 111) presents a schedule of cost of goods manufactured and a schedule of cost of goods sold for Rand Company. Note particularly from Exhibit 3–11 that the manufacturing overhead cost on the schedule of cost of goods manufactured is the overhead applied to jobs during the month—not the actual manufacturing overhead costs incurred. The reason for this can be traced back to journal entry (7) and the T-account for Work in Process that appears in Exhibit 3–10. Under a normal costing system as illustrated in this chapter, applied—not actual—overhead costs are applied to jobs and thus to Work in Process inventory. In contrast, in Chapter 2 actual overhead costs were assigned to Work in Process and included in the schedule of cost of goods manufactured. This is because we had not introduced the concept of normal costing in that chapter.

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

(1) Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(2) Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

50,000 2,000

(3) Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and Wages Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60,000 15,000

(4) Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






(5) Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Property Taxes Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prepaid Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20,000 13,000 7,000

(6) Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(7) Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(8) Salaries Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and Wages Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





(9) Depreciation Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) Advertising Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Selling and Administrative Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7,000 7,000

42,000 8,000 50,000

(11) Finished Goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(12) Accounts Receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(13) Cost of Goods Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






E X H I B I T 3–9 Summary of Rand Company Journal Entries


Chapter 3

E X H I B I T 3–10 Summary of Cost Flows—Rand Company

Accounts Receivable Bal. (12)

Accounts Payable

XX 225,000

Bal. (1) (4) (10)

Prepaid Insurance Bal.



Retained Earnings




Salaries and Wages Payable Bal. (3) (8)

Raw Materials 7,000 60,000 15,000

XX 60,000 40,000 50,000


XX (5)

Bal. (1) Bal.

Capital Stock


XX 75,000 30,000



52,000 Cost of Goods Sold

Property Taxes Payable Bal. (5)

Work in Process

XX 13,000


118,500 Salaries Expense

Bal. (2) (3) (7) Bal.

30,000 50,000 60,000 90,000 72,000




30,000 Depreciation Expense



Finished Goods Bal. (11) Bal.

10,000 158,000 49,500


Advertising Expense

118,500 (10)

Other Selling and Administrative Expense

Accumulated Depreciation Bal. (6) (9)

XX 18,000 7,000




Manufacturing Overhead (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Bal.

2,000 15,000 40,000 20,000 18,000 5,000



Explanation of entries: (1) Raw materials purchased. (2) Direct and indirect materials issued into production. (3) Direct and indirect factory labor cost incurred. (4) Utilities and other factory costs incurred. (5) Property taxes and insurance incurred on the factory. (6) Depreciation recorded on factory assets. (7) Overhead cost applied to Work in Process.

(8) Administrative salaries expense incurred. (9) Depreciation recorded on office equipment. (10) Advertising and other selling and administrative expense incurred. (11) Cost of goods manufactured transferred into finished goods. (12) Sale of Job A recorded. (13) Cost of goods sold recorded for Job A.


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

Cost of Goods Manufactured Direct materials: Raw materials inventory, beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Purchases of raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 7,000 60,000

Total raw materials available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct: Raw materials inventory, ending . . . . . . . . . . .

67,000 15,000

Raw materials used in production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less indirect materials included in manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

52,000 2,000

E X H I B I T 3–11 Schedules of Cost of Goods Manufactured and Cost of Goods Sold

$ 50,000

Direct labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead applied to work in process . . . .

60,000 90,000

Total manufacturing costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Beginning work in process inventory . . . . . . . . . . . .

200,000 30,000

Deduct: Ending work in process inventory . . . . . . . . . . . .

230,000 72,000

Cost of goods manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Cost of Goods Sold Finished goods inventory, beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Cost of goods manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 10,000 158,000

Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct: Finished goods inventory, ending . . . . . . . . . . . .

168,000 49,500

Unadjusted cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add: Underapplied overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

118,500 5,000

Adjusted cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


*Note that the underapplied overhead is added to cost of goods sold. If overhead were overapplied, it would be deducted from cost of goods sold.

Note also, as shown in Exhibit 3–11, that the cost of goods manufactured for the month ($158,000) agrees with the amount transferred from Work in Process to Finished Goods for the month as recorded earlier in entry (11). Also note that this $158,000 is used in computing the cost of goods sold for the month. An income statement for April is presented in Exhibit 3–12. Observe that the cost of goods sold on this statement ($123,500) is carried down from Exhibit 3–11.

E X H I B I T 3–12 Income Statement

Rand Company Income Statement For the Month Ending April 30 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold ($118,500 ⫹ $5,000) . . . . . . . . . . .

$225,000 123,500

Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Salaries expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$30,000 7,000 42,000 8,000

87,000 $ 14,500


Chapter 3

Problems of Overhead Application LEARNING OBJECTIVE 8

Compute underapplied or overapplied overhead cost and prepare the journal entry to close the balance in Manufacturing Overhead to the appropriate accounts.

We need to consider two complications relating to overhead application: (1) the computation of underapplied and overapplied overhead; and (2) the disposition of any balance remaining in the Manufacturing Overhead account at the end of a period.

Underapplied and Overapplied Overhead Since the predetermined overhead rate is established before the period begins and is based entirely on estimated data, the overhead cost applied to Work in Process will generally differ from the amount of overhead cost actually incurred. In the case of Rand Company, for example, the predetermined overhead rate of $6 per hour was used to apply $90,000 of overhead cost to Work in Process, whereas actual overhead costs for April proved to be $95,000 (see Exhibit 3–8). The difference between the overhead cost applied to Work in Process and the actual overhead costs of a period is called either underapplied or overapplied overhead. For Rand Company, overhead was underapplied because the applied cost ($90,000) was $5,000 less than the actual cost ($95,000). If the situation had been reversed and the company had applied $95,000 in overhead cost to Work in Process while incurring actual overhead costs of only $90,000, then the overhead would have been overapplied. What is the cause of underapplied or overapplied overhead? The causes can be complex, and a full explanation will have to wait for later chapters. Nevertheless, the basic problem is that the method of applying overhead to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate assumes that actual overhead costs will be proportional to the actual amount of the allocation base incurred during the period. If, for example, the predetermined overhead rate is $6 per machinehour, then it is assumed that actual overhead costs incurred will be $6 for every machine-hour that is actually worked. There are at least two reasons why this may not be true. First, much of the overhead often consists of fixed costs that do not change as the number of machinehours incurred goes up or down. Second, spending on overhead items may or may not be under control. If individuals who are responsible for overhead costs do a good job, those costs should be less than were expected at the beginning of the period. If they do a poor job, those costs will be more than expected. As we indicated above, however, a fuller explanation of the causes of underapplied and overapplied overhead will have to wait for later chapters. To illustrate what can happen, suppose that two companies—Turbo Crafters and Black & Howell—have prepared the following estimated data for the coming year:

Allocation base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated manufacturing overhead cost (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated total amount of the allocation base (b) . . . . . . . . Predetermined overhead rate (a) ⫼ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Turbo Crafters

Black & Howell

Machine-hours $300,000 75,000 machine-hours $4 per machine-hour

Direct materials cost $120,000 $80,000 direct materials cost 150% of direct materials cost

Note that when the allocation base is dollars (such as direct materials cost in the case of Black & Howell) the predetermined overhead rate is expressed as a percentage of the allocation base. When dollars are divided by dollars, the result is a percentage. Now assume that because of unexpected changes in overhead spending and changes in demand for the companies’ products, the actual overhead cost and the actual activity recorded during the year in each company are as follows:

Actual manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actual total amount of the allocation base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Turbo Crafters

Black & Howell

$290,000 68,000 machine-hours

$130,000 $90,000 direct materials cost


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

For each company, note that the actual data for both cost and the allocation base differ from the estimates used in computing the predetermined overhead rate. This results in underapplied and overapplied overhead as follows:

Turbo Crafters Actual manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Manufacturing overhead cost applied to Work in Process during the year: Predetermined overhead rate (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actual total amount of the allocation base (b) . . . . . . . . .

$4 per machine-hour 68,000 machine-hours

Black & Howell $130,000

150% of direct materials cost $ 90,000 direct materials cost

Manufacturing overhead applied (a) ⫻ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . .



Underapplied (overapplied) manufacturing overhead . . . . .

$ 18,000

$ (5,000)

For Turbo Crafters, notice that the amount of overhead cost applied to Work in Process ($272,000) is less than the actual overhead cost for the year ($290,000). Therefore, overhead is underapplied. Also, notice that the original estimate of overhead for Turbo Crafters ($300,000) is not directly involved in this computation. Its impact is felt only through the $4 predetermined overhead rate. For Black & Howell, the amount of overhead cost applied to Work in Process ($135,000) is greater than the actual overhead cost for the year ($130,000), so overhead is overapplied. A summary of the concepts discussed above is presented in Exhibit 3–13.

Disposition of Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead Balances The underapplied or overapplied balance remaining in the Manufacturing Overhead account at the end of a period is treated in one of two ways: 1. Closed out to Cost of Goods Sold. 2. Allocated between Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold in proportion to the overhead applied during the current period that is in the ending balances of these accounts.

At the beginning of the period: Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost

Estimated total amount of the allocation base

Predetermined overhead rate

During the period: Predetermined overhead rate

Actual total amount of the allocation base incurred during the period

Total manufacturing overhead applied

At the end of the period: Actual total manufacturing overhead cost

Total manufacturing overhead applied

Underapplied (overapplied) overhead

E X H I B I T 3–13 Summary of Overhead Concepts


Chapter 3

The second method, which allocates the underapplied or overapplied overhead among ending inventories and Cost of Goods Sold, is equivalent to using an “actual” overhead rate and is for that reason considered by many to be more accurate than the first method. Consequently, if the amount of underapplied or overapplied overhead is material, many accountants would insist that the second method be used. In problem assignments, we will always indicate which method you are to use for disposing of underapplied or overapplied overhead.

Closed Out to Cost of Goods Sold As mentioned above, closing out the balance in Manufacturing Overhead to Cost of Goods Sold is simpler than the allocation method. Returning to the example of Rand Company, the entry to close the $5,000 of underapplied overhead to Cost of Goods Sold is as follows: (14) Cost of Goods Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5,000 5,000

Note that because the Manufacturing Overhead account has a debit balance, Manufacturing Overhead must be credited to close out the account. This has the effect of increasing Cost of Goods Sold for April to $123,500: Unadjusted cost of goods sold [from entry (13)] . . . . . . . . . Add underapplied overhead [entry (14) above] . . . . . . . . . .

$118,500 5,000

Adjusted cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


After this adjustment has been made, Rand Company’s income statement for April will appear as shown earlier in Exhibit 3–12.

Allocated between Accounts Allocation of underapplied or overapplied overhead between Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold is more accurate than closing the entire balance into Cost of Goods Sold. This allocation assigns overhead costs to where they would have gone in the first place had it not been for the errors in estimating the predetermined overhead rate. Had Rand Company chosen to allocate the underapplied overhead among the inventory accounts and Cost of Goods Sold, it would first be necessary to determine the amount of overhead that had been applied during April to each of the accounts. The computations would have been as follows: Overhead applied in work in process inventory, April 30 . . . . . . Overhead applied in finished goods inventory, April 30 ($60,000/1,000 units ⫽ $60 per unit) ⫻ 250 units . . . . . . . . . Overhead applied in cost of goods sold, April ($60,000/1,000 units ⫽ $60 per unit) ⫻ 750 units . . . . . . . . .







Total overhead applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Based on the above percentages, the underapplied overhead (i.e., the debit balance in Manufacturing Overhead) would be allocated as shown in the following journal entry: Work in Process (33.33% ⫻ $5,000) . . . Finished Goods (16.67% ⫻ $5,000). . . . Cost of Goods Sold (50.00% ⫻ $5,000) . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

1,666.50 833.50 2,500.00 5,000.00


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

Note that the first step in the allocation was to determine the amount of overhead applied in each of the accounts. For Finished Goods, for example, the total amount of overhead applied to Job A, $60,000, was divided by the total number of units in Job A, 1,000 units, to arrive at the average overhead applied of $60 per unit. Since 250 units from Job A were still in ending finished goods inventory, the amount of overhead applied in the Finished Goods Inventory account was $60 per unit multiplied by 250 units or $15,000 in total. If overhead had been overapplied, the entry above would have been just the reverse, since a credit balance would have existed in the Manufacturing Overhead account.

A General Model of Product Cost Flows Exhibit 3–14 presents a T-account model of the flow of costs in a product costing system. This model applies as much to a process costing system as it does to a job-order costing system. This model can be very helpful in understanding how costs enter a system, flow through it, and finally end up as Cost of Goods Sold on the income statement.

Multiple Predetermined Overhead Rates Our discussion in this chapter has assumed that there is a single predetermined overhead rate for an entire factory called a plantwide overhead rate. This is a fairly common practice— particularly in smaller companies. But in larger companies, multiple predetermined overhead E X H I B I T 3–14 A General Model of Cost Flows

Raw Materials Debited for the cost of materials purchased

Credited for direct materials added to Work in Process Credited for indirect materials added to Manufacturing Overhead

Salaries and Wages Payable Credited for direct labor added to Work in Process Credited for indirect labor added to Manufacturing Overhead

Manufacturing Overhead Debited for actual Credited for overoverhead costs head cost applied incurred to Work in Process Underapplied overhead cost

Overapplied overhead cost

Work in Process Debited for the cost of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead applied

Credited for the cost of goods manufactured

Finished Goods Debited for the cost of goods manufactured

Credited for the cost of goods sold

Cost of Goods Sold Debited for the cost of goods sold


Chapter 3

rates are often used. In a multiple predetermined overhead rate system each production department may have its own predetermined overhead rate. Such a system, while more complex, is more accurate, since it can reflect differences across departments in how overhead costs are incurred. For example, overhead might be allocated based on direct labor-hours in departments that are relatively labor intensive and based on machine-hours in departments that are relatively machine intensive. When multiple predetermined overhead rates are used, overhead is applied in each department according to its own overhead rate as a job proceeds through the department.

Job-Order Costing in Service Companies Job-order costing is also used in service organizations such as law firms, movie studios, hospitals, and repair shops, as well as in manufacturing companies. In a law firm, for example, each client is considered to be a “job,” and the costs of that job are accumulated day by day on a job cost sheet as the client’s case is handled by the firm. Legal forms and similar inputs represent the direct materials for the job; the time expended by attorneys represents the direct labor; and the costs of secretaries, clerks, rent, depreciation, and so forth, represent the overhead. In a movie studio such as Columbia Pictures, each film produced by the studio is a “job,” and costs for direct materials (costumes, props, film, etc.) and direct labor (actors, directors, and extras) are charged to each film’s job cost sheet. A share of the studio’s overhead costs, such as utilities, depreciation of equipment, wages of maintenance workers, and so forth, is also charged to each film. In sum, job-order costing is a versatile and widely used costing method that may be encountered in virtually any organization that provides diverse products or services.


MANAGING JOB COSTS IN A SERVICE BUSINESS IBM has created a software program called Professional Marketplace to match IBM employees with client needs. “Using Marketplace, IBM consultants working for customers can search through 100 job classifications and 10,000 skills, figuring out who inside IBM is available, where they are located and roughly how much it costs the company to use them.” Thus far, the results have been encouraging. IBM has reduced its reliance on outside contractors by 5% to 7% and its consultants spend more of their time in billable work. Furthermore, IBM’s senior consultants can search across the globe for available employees with particular niche skills with the click of a mouse instead of having to rely on numerous time-consuming phone calls and emails. Source: Charles Forelle, “IBM Tool Deploys Employees Efficiently,” The Wall Street Journal, July 14, 2005, p. B3.

Use of Information Technology Earlier in the chapter we discussed how bar code technology can be used to record labor time— reducing the drudgery in that task and increasing accuracy. Bar codes have many other uses. In a company with a well-developed bar code system, the manufacturing cycle begins with the receipt of a customer’s order in electronic form. Until very recently, the order would have been received via electronic data interchange (EDI), which involves a network of computers linking organizations. An EDI network allows companies to electronically exchange business documents and other information that extend into all areas of business activity from ordering raw materials to shipping completed goods. Recently, EDI has been challenged by a far cheaper web-based alternative—XML (Extensible Markup Language), an extension of

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML uses codes to tell your web browser how to display information on your screen, but the computer doesn’t know what the information is—it just displays it. XML provides additional tags that identify the kind of information that is being exchanged. For example, price data might be coded as 14.95 . When your computer reads this data and sees the tags surrounding 14.95, your computer will immediately know that this is a price. XML tags can designate many different kinds of information—customer orders, medical records, bank statements, and so on—and the tags will indicate to your computer how to display, store, and retrieve the information. Office Depot is an early adopter of XML, which it is using to facilitate e-commerce with its big customers. Once an order has been received via EDI or in the form of an XML file, the computer draws up a list of required raw materials and sends out electronic purchase orders to suppliers. When materials arrive at the company’s plant from the suppliers, bar codes that have been applied by the suppliers are scanned to update inventory records and to trigger payment for the materials. The bar codes are scanned again when the materials are requisitioned for use in production. At that point, the computer credits the Raw Materials inventory account for the amount and type of goods requisitioned and charges the Work in Process inventory account. A unique bar code is assigned to each job. This bar code is scanned to update Work in Process records for labor and other costs incurred in the manufacturing process. When goods are completed, another scan is performed to transfer the cost and quantity of goods from the Work in Process inventory account to the Finished Goods inventory account, or to charge Cost of Goods Sold for goods ready to be shipped. Goods ready to be shipped are packed into containers that are bar coded with information that includes the customer number, the type and quantity of goods being shipped, and the order number. This bar code is then used for preparing billing information and for tracking the packed goods until placed on a carrier for shipment to the customer. Some customers require that the packed goods be bar coded with point-of-sale labels that can be scanned at retail check-out counters. These scans allow the retailer to update inventory records, verify price, and generate a customer receipt.

RFID: THE NEXT GENERATION BEYOND BAR CODES Bar code technology has revolutionized how organizations gather data. However, bar code readers cannot read a bar code more than a few feet away nor can they read a bar code that is not visible. This creates inefficiencies when companies attempt to track large amounts of raw materials, finished goods or merchandise inventory. Radio Frequency Identification Systems (RFID) overcome these inherent limitations of bar codes. For example, a tractor trailer full of merchandise with RFID tags can be “read” without even opening the trailer doors. According to Kurt Salmon Associates, RFID technology can lower warehousing and distribution costs by 3% to 5% largely because employees no longer need to scan the bar code on each item. Companies such as Home Depot, Marks & Spencer, Metro AG, Procter & Gamble, and Wal-Mart are moving quickly to adopt RFID technology. In fact, Wal-Mart is requiring its top 100 suppliers to “put RFID tags on all of their pallets, cases, cartons and high margin items.” A survey conducted by PC Magazine indicates that more than half of the companies in the automotive, consumer goods, and transportation and logistics industries plan to adopt RFID. Some experts believe that, once technological advances drop the cost of an RFID tag from 25–30 cents down to 5 cents, this technology will be very widely adopted. Sources: Meredith Levinson, “The RFID Imperative,” CIO Magazine, December 2003 ( 120103/retail.html) and “Here Comes RFID Chips,” PC Magazine, October 18, 2005, pp. 31–33.

In short, bar code technology is being integrated into many areas of business activity. When combined with EDI or XML, it eliminates a lot of clerical drudgery and allows companies to capture and exchange more data and to analyze and report information much more quickly and completely and with less error than with manual systems.



Chapter 3


MANAGING DIVERSITY WITH TECHNOLOGY Andersen Windows, Inc. of Bayport, Minnesota, has a software program that enables it to produce just about any window configuration that a customer might order. The program—which works on most standard Microsoft® Windows platforms—allows customers to select from any of the company’s large selection of standard window and door sizes and styles. Customers can add the features and options they want with an easy “point-and-click” until they’ve configured the desired units. Placing the order after final selections are made is just as easy—the window order can be sent electronically into Andersen’s back office system where it is automatically fulfilled. The entire process is highly automated and very efficient, yet it enables the customer a high degree of flexibility. Source: Andersen® Intelligent Quote, used by permission of Andersen Windows, Inc.

Summary Job-order costing and process costing are widely used to track costs. Job-order costing is used in situations where the organization offers many different products or services, such as in furniture manufacturing, hospitals, and legal firms. Process costing is used where units of product are homogeneous, such as in flour milling or cement production. Materials requisition forms and labor time tickets are used to assign direct materials and direct labor costs to jobs in a job-order costing system. Manufacturing overhead costs are assigned to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate. The predetermined overhead rate is determined before the period begins by dividing the estimated total manufacturing cost for the period by the estimated total amount of the allocation base for the period. The most frequently used allocation bases are direct labor-hours and machine-hours. Overhead is applied to jobs by multiplying the predetermined overhead rate by the actual amount of the allocation base used by the job. Since the predetermined overhead rate is based on estimates, the actual overhead cost incurred during a period may be more or less than the amount of overhead cost applied to production. Such a difference is referred to as underapplied or overapplied overhead. The underapplied or overapplied overhead for a period can be either closed out to Cost of Goods Sold or allocated between Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold. When overhead is underapplied, manufacturing overhead costs have been understated and therefore inventories and/or expenses must be adjusted upwards. When overhead is overapplied, manufacturing overhead costs have been overstated and therefore inventories and/or expenses must be adjusted downwards.

Review Problem: Job-Order Costing Hogle Corporation is a manufacturer that uses job-order costing. On January 1, the beginning of its fiscal year, the company’s inventory balances were as follows: Raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . . . . .

$20,000 $15,000 $30,000

The company applies overhead cost to jobs on the basis of machine-hours worked. For the current year, the company estimated that it would work 75,000 machine-hours and incur $450,000 in manufacturing overhead cost. The following transactions were recorded for the year: a. Raw materials were purchased on account, $410,000. b. Raw materials were requisitioned for use in production, $380,000 ($360,000 direct materials and $20,000 indirect materials).

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

The following costs were accrued for employee services: direct labor, $75,000; indirect labor, $110,000; sales commissions, $90,000; and administrative salaries, $200,000. Sales travel costs were $17,000. Utility costs in the factory were $43,000. Advertising costs were $180,000. Depreciation was recorded for the year, $350,000 (80% relates to factory operations, and 20% relates to selling and administrative activities). Insurance expired during the year, $10,000 (70% relates to factory operations, and the remaining 30% relates to selling and administrative activities). Manufacturing overhead was applied to production. Due to greater than expected demand for its products, the company worked 80,000 machine-hours during the year. Goods costing $900,000 to manufacture according to their job cost sheets were completed during the year. Goods were sold on account to customers during the year for a total of $1,500,000. The goods cost $870,000 to manufacture according to their job cost sheets.


1. 2. 3.


Prepare journal entries to record the preceding transactions. Post the entries in (1) above to T-accounts (don’t forget to enter the beginning balances in the inventory accounts). Is Manufacturing Overhead underapplied or overapplied for the year? Prepare a journal entry to close any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to Cost of Goods Sold. Do not allocate the balance between ending inventories and Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare an income statement for the year.

Solution to Review Problem 1.

a. b.


d. e. f. g.



Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410,000 Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360,000 Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,000 Sales Commissions Expense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 Administrative Salaries Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 Salaries and Wages Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales Travel Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,000 Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,000 Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180,000 Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280,000 Depreciation Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,000 Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 Insurance Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Prepaid Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The predetermined overhead rate for the year would be computed as follows:



475,000 17,000 43,000 180,000



Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost Predetermined ⫽ Estimated total amount of the allocation base overhead rate ⫽

$450,000 75,000 machine-hours

⫽ $6 per machine-hour Based on the 80,000 machine-hours actually worked during the year, the company would have applied $480,000 in overhead cost to production: $6 per machine-hour ⫻ 80,000



Chapter 3

machine-hours ⫽ $480,000. The following entry records this application of overhead cost:

j. k.


Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of Goods Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Accounts Receivable (k)

Manufacturing Overhead


Prepaid Insurance (h)


(b) (c) (e) (g) (h)

20,000 110,000 43,000 280,000 7,000






480,000 20,000




Accumulated Depreciation (g)


30,000 900,000








350,000 Administrative Salaries Expense




(a) (d) (e) (f)

410,000 17,000 43,000 180,000





Sales Travel Expense (d)

Salaries and Wages Payable

Finished Goods Bal. (j)


Sales Commissions Expense

Accounts Payable

15,000 360,000 75,000 480,000

1,500,000 870,000


Work in Process Bal. (b) (c) (i)

900,000 1,500,000

Cost of Goods Sold


20,000 410,000

480,000 900,000


Raw Materials Bal. (a)



Advertising Expense (f)


870,000 Depreciation Expense (g)


Insurance Expense (h)



Manufacturing overhead is overapplied for the year. The entry to close it out to Cost of Goods Sold is as follows: Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of Goods Sold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20,000 20,000


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing


Hogle Corporation Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31 Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold ($870,000 ⫺ $20,000) . . . .

$1,500,000 850,000

Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Sales commissions expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative salaries expense . . . . . . . . . . Sales travel expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 90,000 200,000 17,000 180,000 70,000 3,000

560,000 $


Glossary Absorption costing A costing method that includes all manufacturing costs—direct materials, direct labor, and both variable and fixed manufacturing overhead—in the cost of a product. (p. 92) Allocation base A measure of activity such as direct labor-hours or machine-hours that is used to assign costs to cost objects. (p. 97) Bill of materials A document that shows the quantity of each type of direct material required to make a product. (p. 94) Cost driver A factor, such as machine-hours, beds occupied, computer time, or flight-hours, that causes overhead costs. (p. 99) Job cost sheet A form prepared for a job that records the materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead costs charged to that job. (p. 94) Job-order costing system A costing system used in situations where many different products, jobs, or services are produced each period. (p. 93) Materials requisition form A detailed source document that specifies the type and quantity of materials to be drawn from the storeroom and that identifies the job that will be charged for the cost of those materials. (p. 94) Multiple predetermined overhead rates A costing system with multiple overhead cost pools with a different predetermined overhead rate for each cost pool, rather than a single predetermined overhead rate for the entire company. Each production department is often treated as a separate overhead cost pool. (p. 116) Normal cost system A costing system in which overhead costs are applied to a job by multiplying a predetermined overhead rate by the actual amount of the allocation base incurred by the job. (p. 98) Overapplied overhead A credit balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account that occurs when the amount of overhead cost applied to Work in Process exceeds the amount of overhead cost actually incurred during a period. (p. 112) Overhead application The process of charging manufacturing overhead cost to job cost sheets and to the Work in Process account. (p. 97) Plantwide overhead rate A single predetermined overhead rate that is used throughout a plant. (p. 115) Predetermined overhead rate A rate used to charge manufacturing overhead cost to jobs that is established in advance for each period. It is computed by dividing the estimated total manufacturing overhead cost for the period by the estimated total amount of the allocation base for the period. (p. 97) Process costing system A costing system used in situations where a single, homogeneous product (such as cement or flour) is produced for long periods of time. (p. 92) Time ticket A detailed source document that is used to record the amount of time an employee spends on various activities. (p. 96) Underapplied overhead A debit balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account that occurs when the amount of overhead cost actually incurred exceeds the amount of overhead cost applied to Work in Process during a period. (p. 112)


Chapter 3

Appendix 3A: The Predetermined Overhead Rate and Capacity LEARNING OBJECTIVE 9

Understand the implications of basing the predetermined overhead rate on activity at capacity rather than on estimated activity for the period.

Companies typically base their predetermined overhead rates on the estimated, or budgeted, amount of the allocation base for the upcoming period. This is the method that is used in the chapter, but it is a practice that has come under severe criticism.1 An example will be very helpful in understanding why. Prahad Corporation manufactures music CDs for local recording studios. The company’s CD duplicating machine is capable of producing a new CD every 10 seconds from a master CD. The company leases the CD duplicating machine for $180,000 per year, and this is the company’s only manufacturing overhead cost. With allowances for setups and maintenance, the machine is theoretically capable of producing up to 900,000 CDs per year. However, due to weak retail sales of CDs, the company’s commercial customers are unlikely to order more than 600,000 CDs next year. The company uses machine time as the allocation base for applying manufacturing overhead to CDs. These data are summarized below:

Prahad Corporation Data Total manufacturing overhead cost. . . . . . . . . . . . Allocation base—machine time per CD . . . . . . . . Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Budgeted output for next year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$180,000 per year 10 seconds per CD 900,000 CDs per year 600,000 CDs

If Prahad follows common practice and computes its predetermined overhead rate using estimated or budgeted figures, then its predetermined overhead rate for next year would be $0.03 per second of machine time computed as follows: Predetermined Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost ⫽ Estimated total amount of the allocation base overhead rate ⫽

$180,000 600,000 CDs ⫻ 10 seconds per CD

⫽ $0.03 per second Since each CD requires 10 seconds of machine time, each CD will be charged for $0.30 of overhead cost. Critics charge that there are two problems with this procedure. First, if predetermined overhead rates are based on budgeted activity, then the unit product costs will fluctuate depending on the budgeted level of activity for the period. For example, if the budgeted output for the year was only 300,000 CDs, the predetermined overhead rate would be $0.06 per second of machine time or $0.60 per CD rather than $0.30 per CD. In general, if budgeted output falls, the overhead cost per unit will increase; it will appear that the CDs cost more to make. Managers may then be tempted to increase prices at the worst possible time—just as demand is falling. Second, critics charge that under the traditional approach, products are charged for resources that they don’t use. When the fixed costs of capacity are spread over estimated

1 Institute of Management Accountants, Measuring the Cost of Capacity: Statements on Management Accounting, Number 4Y, Montvale, NJ; Thomas Klammer, ed., Capacity Measurement and Improvement: A Manager’s Guide to Evaluating and Optimizing Capacity Productivity (Chicago: CAM-I, Irwin Professional Publishing); and C. J. McNair, “The Hidden Costs of Capacity,” The Journal of Cost Management (Spring 1994), pp. 12–24.

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing


activity, the units that are produced must shoulder the costs of unused capacity. That is why the applied overhead cost per unit increases as the level of activity falls. The critics argue that products should be charged only for the capacity that they use; they should not be charged for the capacity they don’t use. This can be accomplished by basing the predetermined overhead rate on capacity as follows: Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost at capacity Predetermined overhead ⫽ Estimated total amount of the allocation base at capacity rate based on capacity ⫽

$180,000 900,000 CDs ⫻ 10 seconds per CD

⫽ $0.02 per second Since the predetermined overhead rate is $0.02 per second, the overhead cost applied to each CD would be $0.20. This charge is constant and would not be affected by the level of activity during a period. If output falls, the charge would still be $0.20 per CD. This method will almost certainly result in underapplied overhead. If actual output at Prahad Corporation is 600,000 CDs, then only $120,000 of overhead cost would be applied to products ($0.20 per CD ⫻ 600,000 CDs). Since the actual overhead cost is $180,000, there would be underapplied overhead of $60,000. In another departure from tradition, the critics suggest that the underapplied overhead that results from idle capacity should be separately disclosed on the income statement as the Cost of Unused Capacity—a period expense. Disclosing this cost as a lump sum on the income statement, rather than burying it in Cost of Goods Sold or ending inventories, makes it much more visible to managers. Official pronouncements do not prohibit basing predetermined overhead rates on capacity for external reports.2 Nevertheless, basing the predetermined overhead rate on estimated or budgeted activity is a long-established practice in industry, and some managers and accountants may object to the large amounts of underapplied overhead that would often result from using capacity to determine predetermined overhead rates. And some may insist that the underapplied overhead be allocated among Cost of Goods Sold and ending inventories—which would defeat the purpose of basing the predetermined overhead rate on capacity.

RESOURCE CONSUMPTION ACCOUNTING Clopay Plastic Products Company, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, recently implemented a pilot application of a German cost accounting system known in the United States as Resource Consumption Accounting (RCA). One of the benefits of RCA is that it uses the estimated total amount of the allocation base at capacity to calculate overhead rates and to assign costs to cost objects. This makes idle capacity visible to managers who can react to this information by either growing sales or taking steps to reduce the amount and cost of available capacity. It also ensures that products are only charged for the resources used to produce them. Clopay’s old cost system spread all of the company’s manufacturing overhead costs over the units produced. So, if Clopay’s senior managers decided to discontinue what appeared to be an unprofitable product, the unit costs of the remaining products would increase as the fixed overhead costs of the newly idled capacity were spread over the remaining products. Source: B. Douglas Clinton and Sally A. Webber, “Here’s Innovation in Management Accounting with Resource Consumption Accounting,” Strategic Finance, October 2004, pp. 21–26.


Institute of Management Accountants, Measuring the Cost of Capacity, pp. 46–47.



Chapter 3

Questions 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10

3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14


3-16 3-17 3-18


Why aren’t actual overhead costs traced to jobs just as direct materials and direct labor costs are traced to jobs? When would job-order costing be used instead of process costing? What is the purpose of the job cost sheet in a job-order costing system? What is a predetermined overhead rate, and how is it computed? Explain how a sales order, a production order, a materials requisition form, and a labor time ticket are involved in producing and costing products. Explain why some production costs must be assigned to products through an allocation process. Why do companies use predetermined overhead rates rather than actual manufacturing overhead costs to apply overhead to jobs? What factors should be considered in selecting a base to be used in computing the predetermined overhead rate? If a company fully allocates all of its overhead costs to jobs, does this guarantee that a profit will be earned for the period? What account is credited when overhead cost is applied to Work in Process? Would you expect the amount applied for a period to equal the actual overhead costs of the period? Why or why not? What is underapplied overhead? Overapplied overhead? What disposition is made of these amounts at the end of the period? Provide two reasons why overhead might be underapplied in a given year. What adjustment is made for underapplied overhead on the schedule of cost of goods sold? What adjustment is made for overapplied overhead? Sigma Company applies overhead cost to jobs on the basis of direct labor cost. Job A, which was started and completed during the current period, shows charges of $5,000 for direct materials, $8,000 for direct labor, and $6,000 for overhead on its job cost sheet. Job B, which is still in process at year-end, shows charges of $2,500 for direct materials and $4,000 for direct labor. Should any overhead cost be added to Job B at year-end? Explain. A company assigns overhead cost to completed jobs on the basis of 125% of direct labor cost. The job cost sheet for Job 313 shows that $10,000 in direct materials has been used on the job and that $12,000 in direct labor cost has been incurred. If 1,000 units were produced in Job 313, what is the unit product cost? What is a plantwide overhead rate? Why are multiple overhead rates, rather than a plantwide overhead rate, used in some companies? What happens to overhead rates based on direct labor when automated equipment replaces direct labor? (Appendix 3A) If the plant is operated at less than capacity and the predetermined overhead rate is based on the estimated total units in the allocation base at capacity, will overhead ordinarily be overapplied or underapplied? (Appendix 3A) Rather than netting underapplied overhead against Cost of Goods Sold or Cost of Goods Sold and ending inventories, some critics suggest an alternative way to disclose underapplied overhead. What is this alternative method?

Exercises EXERCISE 3-1 Process Costing and Job-Order Costing [LO1]

Which would be more appropriate in each of the following situations—job-order costing or process costing? a. A custom yacht builder. b. A golf course designer. c. A potato chip manufacturer. d. A business consultant. e. A plywood manufacturer. f. A soft-drink bottler. g. A film studio.

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

h. i. j. k. l.

A firm that supervises bridge construction projects. A manufacturer of fine custom jewelry. A made-to-order clothing factory. A factory making one personal computer model. A fertilizer factory.

EXERCISE 3-2 Job-Order Costing Documents [LO2]

Mountain Gearing Company has incurred the following costs on Job ES34, an order for 40 gearing wheels to be delivered at the end of next month.

Direct materials: On March 5, requisition number 870 was issued for 40 titanium blanks to be used in the special order. The blanks cost $8.00 each. On March 8, requisition number 873 was issued for 960 hardened nibs also to be used in the special order. The nibs cost $0.60 each. Direct labor: On March 9, Harry Kerst worked from 9:00 A.M. until 12:15 P.M. on Job ES34. He is paid $12.00 per hour. On March 21, Mary Rosas worked from 2:15 P.M. until 4:30 P.M. on Job ES34. She is paid $14.00 per hour.


1. 2.

On what documents would these costs be recorded? How much cost should have been recorded on each of the documents for Job ES34?

EXERCISE 3-3 Compute the Predetermined Overhead Rate [LO3]

Logan Products computes its predetermined overhead rate annually on the basis of direct labor-hours. At the beginning of the year it estimated that its total manufacturing overhead would be $586,000 and the total direct labor would be 40,000 hours. Its actual total manufacturing overhead for the year was $713,400 and its actual total direct labor was 41,000 hours. Required:

Compute the company’s predetermined overhead rate for the year. EXERCISE 3-4 Prepare Journal Entries [LO4]

Kirkaid Company recorded the following transactions for the just completed month. a. $86,000 in raw materials were purchased on account. b. $84,000 in raw materials were requisitioned for use in production. Of this amount, $72,000 was for direct materials and the remainder was for indirect materials. c. Total labor wages of $108,000 were incurred. Of this amount, $105,000 was for direct labor and the remainder was for indirect labor. d. Additional manufacturing overhead costs of $197,000 were incurred. Required:

Record the above transactions in journal entries. EXERCISE 3-5 Apply Overhead [LO5]

Westan Corporation uses a predetermined overhead rate of $23.10 per direct labor-hour. This predetermined rate was based on 12,000 estimated direct labor-hours and $277,200 of estimated total manufacturing overhead. The company incurred actual total manufacturing overhead costs of $266,000 and 12,600 total direct labor-hours during the period. Required:

Determine the amount of manufacturing overhead that would have been applied to units of product during the period.



Chapter 3 EXERCISE 3-6 Applying Overhead; Cost of Goods Manufactured [LO5, LO6, LO8]

The following cost data relate to the manufacturing activities of Black Company during the just completed year:

Manufacturing overhead costs: Property taxes, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilities, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance, factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 3,000 5,000 10,000 24,000 6,000

Total actual manufacturing overhead costs . . . . . . . .


Other costs incurred: Purchases of raw materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inventories: Raw materials, beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw materials, ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process, beginning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process, ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$32,000 $40,000 $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $7,500

The company uses a predetermined overhead rate to apply overhead cost to production. The rate for the year was $5 per machine-hour; a total of 10,000 machine-hours was recorded for the year. All raw materials ultimately become direct materials—none are classified as indirect materials. Required:

1. 2.

Compute the amount of underapplied or overapplied overhead cost for the year. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for the year.

EXERCISE 3-7 Prepare T-Accounts [LO7, LO8]

Granger Products recorded the following transactions for the just completed month. The company had no beginning inventories. a. $75,000 in raw materials were purchased for cash. b. $73,000 in raw materials were requisitioned for use in production. Of this amount, $67,000 was for direct materials and the remainder was for indirect materials. c. Total labor wages of $152,000 were incurred and paid. Of this amount, $134,000 was for direct labor and the remainder was for indirect labor. d. Additional manufacturing overhead costs of $126,000 were incurred and paid. e. Manufacturing overhead costs of $178,000 were applied to jobs using the company’s predetermined overhead rate. f. All of the jobs in progress at the end of the month were completed and shipped to customers. g. The underapplied or overapplied overhead for the period was closed out to Cost of Goods Sold. Required:

1. 2.

Post the above transactions to T-accounts. Determine the cost of goods sold for the period.

EXERCISE 3-8 Underapplied and Overapplied Overhead [LO8]

Cretin Enterprises uses a predetermined overhead rate of $21.40 per direct labor-hour. This predetermined rate was based on 8,000 estimated direct labor-hours and $171,200 of estimated total manufacturing overhead. The company incurred actual total manufacturing overhead costs of $172,500 and 8,250 total direct labor-hours during the period. Required:

1. 2.

Determine the amount of underapplied or overapplied manufacturing overhead for the period. Assuming that the entire amount of the underapplied or overapplied overhead is closed out to cost of goods sold, what would be the effect of the underapplied or overapplied overhead on the company’s gross margin for the period?

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing EXERCISE 3-9 Applying Overhead in a Service Company [LO2, LO3, LO5]

Pearson Architectural Design began operations on January 2. The following activity was recorded in the company’s Work in Process account for the first month of operations: Work in Process Costs of subcontracted work Direct staff costs Studio overhead

90,000 200,000 320,000

To completed projects


Pearson Architectural Design is a service firm, so the names of the accounts it uses are different from the names used in manufacturing companies. Costs of Subcontracted Work is comparable to Direct Materials; Direct Staff Costs is the same as Direct Labor; Studio Overhead is the same as Manufacturing Overhead; and Completed Projects is the same as Finished Goods. Apart from the difference in terms, the accounting methods used by the company are identical to the methods used by manufacturing companies. Pearson Architectural Design uses a job-order costing system and applies studio overhead to Work in Process on the basis of direct staff costs. At the end of January, only one job was still in process. This job (the Krimmer Corporation Headquarters project) had been charged with $13,500 in direct staff costs. Required:

1. 2.

Compute the predetermined overhead rate that was in use during January. Complete the following job cost sheet for the partially completed Krimmer Corporation Headquarters project. Job Cost Sheet Krimmer Corporation Headquarters Project As of January 31 Costs of subcontracted work . . . . . . . Direct staff costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Studio overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


? ? ?

Total cost to January 31 . . . . . . . . . . .



EXERCISE 3-10 Journal Entries and T-Accounts [LO4, LO5, LO7]

Foley Company uses a job-order costing system. The following data relate to the month of October, the first month of the company’s fiscal year: a. Raw materials purchased on account, $210,000. b. Raw materials issued to production, $190,000 (80% direct and 20% indirect). c. Direct labor cost incurred, $49,000; and indirect labor cost incurred, $21,000. d. Depreciation recorded on factory equipment, $105,000. e. Other manufacturing overhead costs incurred during October, $130,000 (credit Accounts Payable). f. The company applies manufacturing overhead cost to production on the basis of $4 per machinehour. There were 75,000 machine-hours recorded for October. g. Production orders costing $510,000 according to their job cost sheets were completed during October and transferred to Finished Goods. h. Production orders that had cost $450,000 to complete according to their job cost sheets were shipped to customers during the month. These goods were sold on account at 50% above cost. Required:

1. 2.

Prepare journal entries to record the information given above. Prepare T-accounts for Manufacturing Overhead and Work in Process. Post the relevant information above to each account. Compute the ending balance in each account, assuming that Work in Process has a beginning balance of $35,000.

EXERCISE 3-11 Applying Overhead in a Service Company; Journal Entries [LO4, LO5, LO8]

Heritage Gardens uses a job-order costing system to track the costs of its landscaping projects. The company provides complete garden design and landscaping services. The following table provides data



Chapter 3

concerning the three landscaping projects that were in progress during May. There was no work in process at the beginning of May.


Designer-hours . . . . . . . . . . . Direct materials cost . . . . . . . Direct labor cost . . . . . . . . . . .




200 $4,800 $2,400

80 $1,800 $1,000

120 $3,600 $1,500

Actual overhead costs were $16,000 for May. Overhead costs are applied to projects on the basis of designer-hours since most of the overhead is related to the costs of the garden design studio. The predetermined overhead rate is $45 per designer-hour. The Williams and Chandler projects were completed in May; the Nguyen project was not completed by the end of the month. No other jobs were in process during May. Required:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Compute the amount of overhead cost that would have been charged to each project during May. Prepare a journal entry showing the completion of the Williams and Chandler projects and the transfer of costs to the Completed Projects (i.e., Finished Goods) account. What is the balance in the Work in Process account at the end of the month? What is the balance in the Overhead account at the end of the month? What is this balance called?

EXERCISE 3-12 Varying Predetermined Overhead Rates [LO3, LO5]

Javadi Company makes a composting bin that is subject to wide seasonal variations in demand. Unit product costs are computed on a quarterly basis by dividing each quarter’s manufacturing costs (materials, labor, and overhead) by the quarter’s production in units. The company’s estimated costs, by quarter, for the coming year are given below:

Quarter First




Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$240,000 96,000 228,000

$120,000 48,000 204,000

$ 60,000 24,000 192,000

$180,000 72,000 216,000

Total manufacturing costs . . . . . . . . . . . .





Number of units to be produced . . . . . . . . Estimated unit product cost . . . . . . . . . . .

80,000 $7.05

40,000 $9.30

20,000 $13.80

60,000 $7.80

Management finds the variation in unit product costs to be confusing and difficult to work with. It has been suggested that the problem lies with manufacturing overhead, since it is the largest element of cost. Accordingly, you have been asked to find a more appropriate way of assigning manufacturing overhead cost to units of product. After some analysis, you have determined that the company’s overhead costs are mostly fixed and therefore show little sensitivity to changes in the level of production. Required:

1. 2.

The company uses a job-order costing system. How would you recommend that manufacturing overhead cost be assigned to production? Be specific, and show computations. Recompute the company’s unit product costs in accordance with your recommendations in (1) above.

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing EXERCISE 3-13 Applying Overhead; Journal Entries; Disposition of Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead [LO4, LO7, LO8]

The following information is taken from the accounts of FasGrow Company. The entries in the T-accounts are summaries of the transactions that affected those accounts during the year. Manufacturing Overhead (a)


(b) Bal.


Work in Process Bal.



210,000 115,000 410,000


Bal. Finished Goods Bal. (c)

160,000 760,000






80,000 Cost of Goods Sold




The overhead that had been applied to production during the year is distributed among the ending balances in the accounts as follows: Work in Process, ending . . . . . . . Finished Goods, ending . . . . . . . . Cost of Goods Sold . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 32,800 41,000 336,200

Overhead applied . . . . . . . . . . . . .


For example, of the $80,000 ending balance in Work in Process, $32,800 was overhead that had been applied during the year. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Identify the reasons for entries (a) through (d). Assume that the company closes any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account directly to Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare the necessary journal entry. Assume instead that the company allocates any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to the other accounts in proportion to the overhead applied during the year that is in the ending balance in each account. Prepare the necessary journal entry, with supporting computations.

EXERCISE 3-14 (Appendix 3A) Overhead Rates and Capacity Issues [LO3, LO5, LO8, LO9]

Estate Pension Services helps clients to set up and administer pension plans that are in compliance with tax laws and regulatory requirements. The firm uses a job-order costing system in which overhead is applied to clients’ accounts on the basis of professional staff hours charged to the accounts. Data concerning two recent years appear below:

Estimated professional staff hours to be charged to clients’ accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated overhead cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professional staff hours available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



2,400 $144,000 3,000

2,250 $144,000 3,000

“Professional staff hours available” is a measure of the capacity of the firm. Any hours available that are not charged to clients’ accounts represent unused capacity. Required:


Jennifer Miyami is an established client whose pension plan was set up many years ago. In both 2005 and 2006, only five hours of professional staff time were charged to Ms. Miyami’s account. If the company bases its predetermined overhead rate on the estimated overhead cost and the estimated professional staff hours to be charged to clients, how much overhead cost would have been applied to Ms. Miyami’s account in 2005? In 2006?



Chapter 3




Suppose that the company bases its predetermined overhead rate on the estimated overhead cost and the estimated professional staff hours to be charged to clients as in (1) above. Also suppose that the actual professional staff hours charged to clients’ accounts and the actual overhead costs turn out to be exactly as estimated in both years. By how much would the overhead be underapplied or overapplied in 2005? In 2006? Refer back to the data concerning Ms. Miyami in (1) above. If the company bases its predetermined overhead rate on the estimated overhead cost and the professional staff hours available, how much overhead cost would have been applied to Ms. Miyami’s account in 2005? In 2006? Suppose that the company bases its predetermined overhead rate on the estimated overhead cost and the professional staff hours available as in (3) above. Also suppose that the actual professional staff hours charged to clients’ accounts and the actual overhead costs turn out to be exactly as estimated in both years. By how much would the overhead be underapplied or overapplied in 2005? In 2006?

EXERCISE 3-15 Departmental Overhead Rates [LO2, LO3, LO5]

Diewold Company has two departments, Milling and Assembly. The company uses a job-order cost system and computes a predetermined overhead rate in each department. The Milling Department bases its rate on machine-hours, and the Assembly Department bases its rate on direct labor cost. At the beginning of the year, the company made the following estimates:


Direct labor-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Machine-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . . . Direct labor cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



8,000 60,000 $510,000 $72,000

75,000 3,000 $800,000 $640,000


1. 2.

Compute the predetermined overhead rate to be used in each department. Assume that the overhead rates you computed in (1) above are in effect. The job cost sheet for Job 407, which was started and completed during the year, showed the following:


Direct labor-hours . . . . . . . . . . . Machine-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Materials requisitioned . . . . . . . Direct labor cost . . . . . . . . . . . . .




5 90 $800 $45

20 4 $370 $160

Compute the total overhead cost applied to Job 407. Would you expect substantially different amounts of overhead cost to be charged to some jobs if the company used a plantwide overhead rate based on direct labor cost instead of using departmental rates? Explain. No computations are necessary.

EXERCISE 3-16 Applying Overhead; T-Accounts; Journal Entries [LO3, LO4, LO5, LO7, LO8]

Medusa Products uses a job-order costing system. Overhead costs are applied to jobs on the basis of machine-hours. At the beginning of the year, management estimated that the company would incur $170,000 in manufacturing overhead costs for the year and work 85,000 machine-hours. Required:

1. 2.

Compute the company’s predetermined overhead rate. Assume that during the year the company actually works only 80,000 machine-hours and incurs the following costs in the Manufacturing Overhead and Work in Process accounts:


Systems Design: Job-Order Costing Manufacturing Overhead (Utilities) (Insurance) (Maintenance) (Indirect materials) (Indirect labor) (Depreciation)



14,000 9,000 33,000 7,000 65,000 40,000


Work in Process (Direct materials) (Direct labor) (Overhead)

530,000 85,000 ?

Copy the data in the T-accounts above onto your answer sheet. Compute the amount of overhead cost that would be applied to Work in Process for the year, and make the entry in your T-accounts. Compute the amount of underapplied or overapplied overhead for the year, and show the balance in your Manufacturing Overhead T-account. Prepare a journal entry to close out the balance in this account to Cost of Goods Sold. Explain why the manufacturing overhead was underapplied or overapplied for the year.

EXERCISE 3-17 Applying Overhead; Journal Entries; T-Accounts [LO3, LO4, LO5, LO7]

Custom Metal Works produces castings and other metal parts to customer specifications. The company uses a job-order costing system and applies overhead costs to jobs on the basis of machine-hours. At the beginning of the year, the company estimated that it would work 576,000 machine-hours and incur $4,320,000 in manufacturing overhead cost. The company had no work in process at the beginning of the year. The company spent the entire month of January working on one large order—Job 382, which was an order for 8,000 machined parts. Cost data for January follow: a. Raw materials purchased on account, $315,000. b. Raw materials requisitioned for production, $270,000 (80% direct and 20% indirect). c. Labor cost incurred in the factory, $190,000, of which $80,000 was direct labor and $110,000 was indirect labor. d. Depreciation recorded on factory equipment, $63,000. e. Other manufacturing overhead costs incurred, $85,000 (credit Accounts Payable). f. Manufacturing overhead cost was applied to production on the basis of 40,000 machine-hours actually worked during January. g. The completed job was moved into the finished goods warehouse on January 31 to await delivery to the customer. (In computing the dollar amount for this entry, remember that the cost of a completed job consists of direct materials, direct labor, and applied overhead.) Required:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Prepare journal entries to record items (a) through (f) above. Ignore item (g) for the moment. Prepare T-accounts for Manufacturing Overhead and Work in Process. Post the relevant items from your journal entries to these T-accounts. Prepare a journal entry for item (g) above. Compute the unit product cost that will appear on the job cost sheet for Job 382.

Problems PROBLEM 3-18 Comprehensive Problem [LO3, LO4, LO5, LO7, LO8]

Sovereign Millwork, Ltd., produces reproductions of antique residential moldings at a plant located in Manchester, England. Since there are hundreds of products, some of which are made only to order, the company uses a job-order costing system. On July 1, the start of the company’s fiscal year, inventory account balances were as follows:

Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . .

£10,000 £4,000 £8,000


Chapter 3

The company applies overhead cost to jobs on the basis of machine-hours. For the fiscal year starting July 1, it was estimated that the plant would operate 45,000 machine-hours and incur £99,000 in manufacturing overhead cost. During the year, the following transactions were completed: a. Raw materials purchased on account, £160,000. b. Raw materials requisitioned for use in production, £140,000 (materials costing £120,000 were chargeable directly to jobs; the remaining materials were indirect). c. Costs for employee services were incurred as follows: Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales commissions . . . . . . . . . . Administrative salaries. . . . . . . .

d. e. f. g.

h. i. j.

£90,000 £60,000 £20,000 £50,000

Prepaid insurance expired during the year, £18,000 (£13,000 of this amount related to factory operations, and the remainder related to selling and administrative activities). Utility costs incurred in the factory, £10,000. Advertising costs incurred, £15,000. Depreciation recorded on equipment, £25,000. (£20,000 of this amount was on equipment used in factory operations; the remaining £5,000 was on equipment used in selling and administrative activities.) Manufacturing overhead cost was applied to jobs, £ ? . (The company recorded 50,000 machinehours of operating time during the year.) Goods that had cost £310,000 to manufacture according to their job cost sheets were completed. Sales (all on account) to customers during the year totaled £498,000. These goods had cost £308,000 to manufacture according to their job cost sheets.


1. 2.

3. 4.

Prepare journal entries to record the transactions for the year. Prepare T-accounts for inventories, Manufacturing Overhead, and Cost of Goods Sold. Post relevant data from your journal entries to these T-accounts (don’t forget to enter the opening balances in your inventory accounts). Compute an ending balance in each account. Is Manufacturing Overhead underapplied or overapplied for the year? Prepare a journal entry to close any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare an income statement for the year. (Do not prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured; all of the information needed for the income statement is available in the journal entries and T-accounts you have prepared.)

PROBLEM 3-19 Journal Entries; T-Accounts; Cost Flows [LO4, LO5, LO7]

Ravsten Company uses a job-order costing system. On January 1, the beginning of the current year, the company’s inventory balances were as follows: Raw materials . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . .

$16,000 $10,000 $30,000

The company applies overhead cost to jobs on the basis of machine-hours. For the current year, the company estimated that it would work 36,000 machine-hours and incur $153,000 in manufacturing overhead cost. The following transactions were recorded for the year: a. Raw materials purchased on account, $200,000. b. Raw materials requisitioned for use in production, $190,000 (80% direct and 20% indirect). c. The following costs were incurred for employee services: Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales commissions . . . . . . . . . . Administrative salaries . . . . . . .

d. e.

$160,000 $27,000 $36,000 $80,000

Heat, power, and water costs incurred in the factory, $42,000. Prepaid insurance expired during the year, $10,000 (90% relates to factory operations, and 10% relates to selling and administrative activities).

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

f. g. h. i. j.

Advertising costs incurred, $50,000. Depreciation recorded for the year, $60,000 (85% relates to factory operations, and 15% relates to selling and administrative activities). Manufacturing overhead cost was applied to production. The company recorded 40,000 machinehours for the year. Goods that cost $480,000 to manufacture according to their job cost sheets were transferred to the finished goods warehouse. Sales for the year totaled $700,000 and were all on account. The total cost to manufacture these goods according to their job cost sheets was $475,000.


1. 2.

3. 4.

Prepare journal entries to record the transactions given above. Prepare T-accounts for inventories, Manufacturing Overhead, and Cost of Goods Sold. Post relevant data from your journal entries to these T-accounts (don’t forget to enter the opening balances in your inventory accounts). Compute an ending balance in each account. Is Manufacturing Overhead underapplied or overapplied for the year? Prepare a journal entry to close any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare an income statement for the year. (Do not prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured; all of the information needed for the income statement is available in the journal entries and T-accounts you have prepared.)

PROBLEM 3-20 T-Accounts; Applying Overhead [LO5, LO7, LO8]

Durham Company’s trial balance as of January 1, the beginning of the current year, is given below: Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prepaid Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plant and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capital Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retained Earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 8,000 13,000 7,000 18,000 20,000 4,000 230,000

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


$ 42,000 30,000 150,000 78,000 $300,000

Durham Company uses a job-order costing system. During the year, the following transactions took place: a. Raw materials purchased on account, $45,000. b. Raw materials requisitioned for use in production, $40,000 (80% direct and 20% indirect). c. Factory utility costs incurred, $14,600. d. Depreciation recorded on plant and equipment, $28,000. Three-fourths of the depreciation relates to factory equipment, and the remainder relates to selling and administrative equipment. e. Costs for salaries and wages were incurred as follows: Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales commissions . . . . . . . . . . Administrative salaries . . . . . . .

f. g. h. i.

$40,000 $18,000 $10,400 $25,000

Prepaid insurance expired during the year, $3,000 (80% relates to factory operations, and 20% relates to selling and administrative activities). Miscellaneous selling and administrative expenses incurred, $18,000. Manufacturing overhead was applied to production. The company applies overhead on the basis of 150% of direct labor cost. Goods that cost $130,000 to manufacture according to their job cost sheets were transferred to the finished goods warehouse.



Chapter 3

j. k. l.

Goods that had cost $120,000 to manufacture according to their job cost sheets were sold on account for $200,000. Collections from customers during the year totaled $197,000. Payments to suppliers on account during the year, $100,000; and payments to employees for salaries and wages, $90,000.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Prepare a T-account for each account in the company’s trial balance, and enter the opening balances shown above. Record the transactions above directly into the T-accounts. Prepare new T-accounts as needed. Key your entries to the letters (a) through (l) above. Find the ending balance in each account. Is manufacturing overhead underapplied or overapplied for the year? Make an entry in the T-accounts to close any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare an income statement for the year. (Do not prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured; all of the information needed for the income statement is available in the T-accounts you have prepared.)

PROBLEM 3-21 Cost Flows; T-Accounts; Income Statement [LO3, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8]

Fantastic Props, Inc., designs and fabricates movie props such as mock-ups of star-fighters and cybernetic robots. The company’s balance sheet as of January 1, the beginning of the current year, appears below: Fantastic Props, Inc. Balance Sheet January 1 Assets Current assets: Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inventories: Raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished goods (props awaiting shipment) . . . . . . . .

$ 15,000 40,000 $ 25,000 30,000 45,000

Prepaid insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total current assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buildings and equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less accumulated depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5,000 160,000 500,000 210,000

Total assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Accounts payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capital stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000 Retained earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,000 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


290,000 $450,000

$ 75,000 375,000 $450,000

Since each prop is a unique design and may require anything from a few hours to a month or more to complete, Fantastic Props uses a job-order costing system. Overhead in the fabrication shop is charged to props on the basis of direct labor cost. The company estimated that it would incur $80,000 in manufacturing overhead and $100,000 in direct labor cost during the year. The following transactions were recorded during the year: a. Raw materials, such as wood, paints, and metal sheeting, were purchased on account, $80,000. b. Raw materials were issued to production, $90,000; $5,000 of this amount was for indirect materials. c. Payroll costs incurred and paid: direct labor, $120,000; indirect labor, $30,000; and selling and administrative salaries, $75,000. d. Fabrication shop utilities costs incurred, $12,000. e. Depreciation recorded for the year, $30,000 ($5,000 on selling and administrative assets; $25,000 on fabrication shop assets).

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing


Prepaid insurance expired, $4,800 ($4,000 related to fabrication shop operations, and $800 related to selling and administrative activities). g. Shipping expenses incurred, $40,000. h. Other manufacturing overhead costs incurred, $17,000 (credit Accounts Payable). i. Manufacturing overhead was applied to production. Overhead is applied on the basis of direct labor cost. j. Movie props that cost $310,000 to produce according to their job cost sheets were completed. k. Sales for the year totaled $450,000 and were all on account. The total cost to produce these movie props was $300,000 according to their job cost sheets. l. Collections on account from customers, $445,000. m. Payments on account to suppliers, $150,000. Required:

1. 2. 3.


Prepare a T-account for each account on the company’s balance sheet, and enter the beginning balances. Make entries directly into the T-accounts for the transactions given above. Create new T-accounts as needed. Determine an ending balance for each T-account. Was manufacturing overhead underapplied or overapplied for the year? Assume that the company allocates any overhead balance between the Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold accounts. Prepare a journal entry to show the allocation. (Round allocation percentages to one decimal place.) Prepare an income statement for the year. (Do not prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured; all of the information needed for the income statement is available in the T-accounts.)

PROBLEM 3-22 T-Accounts; Overhead Rates; Journal Entries [LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO7]

Kenworth Company uses a job-order costing system. Only three jobs—Job 105, Job 106, and Job 107—were worked on during November and December. Job 105 was completed on December 10; the other two jobs were still in production on December 31, the end of the company’s operating year. Data from the job cost sheets of the three jobs are given below: Job Cost Sheet

November costs incurred: Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . December costs incurred: Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead . . . . . . .

Job 105

Job 106

Job 107

$16,500 $13,000 $20,800

$9,300 $7,000 $11,200

$0 $0 $0

$0 $4,000 ?

$8,200 $6,000 ?

$21,300 $10,000 ?

The following additional information is available: a. Manufacturing overhead is applied to jobs on the basis of direct labor cost. b. Balances in the inventory accounts at November 30 were as follows: Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . .

$40,000 ? $85,000




Prepare T-accounts for Raw Materials, Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Manufacturing Overhead. Enter the November 30 inventory balances given above; in the case of Work in Process, compute the November 30 balance and enter it into the Work in Process T-account. Prepare journal entries for December as follows: a. Prepare an entry to record the issue of materials into production and post the entry to appropriate T-accounts. (In the case of direct materials, it is not necessary to make a separate entry for each job.) Indirect materials used during December totaled $4,000.



Chapter 3





Prepare an entry to record the incurrence of labor cost and post the entry to appropriate T-accounts. (In the case of direct labor cost, it is not necessary to make a separate entry for each job.) Indirect labor cost totaled $8,000 for December. c. Prepare an entry to record the incurrence of $19,000 in various actual manufacturing overhead costs for December (credit Accounts Payable). Post this entry to the appropriate T-accounts. What apparent predetermined overhead rate does the company use to assign overhead cost to jobs? Using this rate, prepare a journal entry to record the application of overhead cost to jobs for December (it is not necessary to make a separate entry for each job). Post this entry to the appropriate T-accounts. As stated earlier, Job 105 was completed during December. Prepare a journal entry to show the transfer of this job off of the production line and into the finished goods warehouse. Post the entry to the appropriate T-accounts. Determine the balance at December 31 in the Work in Process inventory account. How much of this balance consists of costs charged to Job 106? Job 107?

PROBLEM 3-23 Multiple Departments; Overhead Rates; Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead [LO3, LO5, LO8]

Winkle, Kotter, and Zale is a small law firm that contains 10 partners and 10 support persons. The firm employs a job-order costing system to accumulate costs chargeable to each client, and it is organized into two departments—the Research and Documents Department and the Litigation Department. The firm uses predetermined overhead rates to charge the costs of these departments to its clients. At the beginning of the current year, the firm’s management made the following estimates for the year:


Research-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct attorney-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct attorney cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Departmental overhead cost . . . . . . . .

Research and Documents


20,000 9,000 $18,000 $430,000 $700,000

— 16,000 $5,000 $800,000 $320,000

The predetermined overhead rate in the Research and Documents Department is based on research-hours, and the rate in the Litigation Department is based on direct attorney cost. The costs charged to each client are made up of three elements: materials and supplies used, direct attorney costs incurred, and an applied amount of overhead from each department in which work is performed on the case. Case 618-3 was initiated on February 10 and completed on June 30. During this period, the following costs and time were recorded on the case:


Research-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct attorney-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct attorney cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Research and Documents


18 9 $50 $410

— 42 $30 $2,100


1. 2.

Compute the predetermined overhead rate used during the year in the Research and Documents Department. Compute the rate used in the Litigation Department. Using the rates you computed in (1) above, compute the total overhead cost applied to Case 618-3.

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

3. 4.

What would be the total cost charged to Case 618-3? Show computations by department and in total for the case. At the end of the year, the firm’s records revealed the following actual cost and operating data for all cases handled during the year:


Research-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct attorney-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct attorney cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Departmental overhead cost . . . . . . . .

Research and Documents


23,000 8,000 $19,000 $400,000 $770,000

— 15,000 $6,000 $725,000 $300,000

Determine the amount of underapplied or overapplied overhead cost in each department for the year. PROBLEM 3-24 Journal Entries; T-Accounts; Disposition of Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead; Income Statement [LO3, LO4, LO5, LO7, LO8]

Celestial Displays, Inc., puts together large-scale fireworks displays—primarily for Fourth of July celebrations sponsored by corporations and municipalities. The company assembles and orchestrates complex displays using pyrotechnic components purchased from suppliers throughout the world. The company has built a reputation for safety and for the awesome power and brilliance of its computer-controlled shows. Celestial Displays builds its own launch platforms and its own electronic controls. Because of the company’s reputation, customers order shows up to a year in advance. Since each show is different in terms of duration and components used, Celestial Displays uses a job-order costing system. Celestial Displays’ trial balance as of January 1, the beginning of the current year, is given below:

Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts Receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prepaid Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buildings and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . . . Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and Wages Payable. . . . . . . . Capital Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retained Earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


9,000 30,000 16,000 21,000 38,000 7,000 300,000

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


$128,000 60,000 3,000 200,000 30,000 $421,000

The company charges manufacturing overhead costs to jobs on the basis of direct labor-hours. (Each customer order for a complete fireworks display is a separate job.) Management estimated that the company would incur $135,000 in manufacturing overhead costs in the fabrication and electronics shops and would work 18,000 direct labor-hours during the year. The following transactions occurred during the year: a. Raw materials, consisting mostly of skyrockets, mortar bombs, flares, wiring, and electronic components, were purchased on account, $820,000. b. Raw materials were issued to production, $830,000 ($13,000 of this amount was for indirect materials, and the remainder was for direct materials).



Chapter 3


Fabrication and electronics shop payrolls were accrued, $200,000 (70% direct labor and 30% indirect labor). A total of 20,800 direct labor-hours were worked during the year. d. Sales and administrative salaries were accrued, $150,000. e. The company prepaid additional insurance premiums of $38,000 during the year. Prepaid insurance expiring during the year was $40,000 (only $600 relates to selling and administrative; the other $39,400 relates to the fabrication and electronics shops because of the safety hazards involved in handling fireworks). f. Marketing cost incurred, $100,000. g. Depreciation charges for the year, $40,000 (70% relates to fabrication and electronics shop assets, and 30% relates to selling and administrative assets). h. Property taxes accrued on the shop buildings, $12,600 (credit Accounts Payable). i. Manufacturing overhead cost was applied to jobs. j. Jobs completed during the year had a total production cost of $1,106,000 according to their job cost sheets. k. Revenue (all on account), $1,420,000. Cost of Goods Sold (before any adjustment for underapplied or overapplied overhead), $1,120,000. l. Cash collections on account from customers, $1,415,000. m. Cash payments on accounts payable, $970,000. Cash payments to employees for salaries and wages, $348,000. Required:

1. 2.



Prepare journal entries for the year’s transactions. Prepare a T-account for each account in the company’s trial balance, and enter the opening balances given above. Post your journal entries to the T-accounts. Prepare new T-accounts as needed. Compute the ending balance in each account. Is manufacturing overhead underapplied or overapplied for the year? Prepare the necessary journal entry to close the balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare an income statement for the year. (Do not prepare a statement of cost of goods manufactured; all of the information needed for the income statement is available in the T-accounts.)

PROBLEM 3-25 Multiple Departments; Applying Overhead [LO3, LO5, LO8]

WoodGrain Technology makes home office furniture from fine hardwoods. The company uses a joborder costing system and predetermined overhead rates to apply manufacturing overhead cost to jobs. The predetermined overhead rate in the Preparation Department is based on machine-hours, and the rate in the Fabrication Department is based on direct materials cost. At the beginning of the year, the company’s management made the following estimates for the year:


Machine-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . .



80,000 35,000 $190,000 $280,000 $416,000

21,000 65,000 $400,000 $530,000 $720,000

Job 127 was started on April 1 and completed on May 12. The company’s cost records show the following information concerning the job:


Machine-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



350 80 $940 $710

70 130 $1,200 $980

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing Required:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Compute the predetermined overhead rate used during the year in the Preparation Department. Compute the rate used in the Fabrication Department. Compute the total overhead cost applied to Job 127. What would be the total cost recorded for Job 127? If the job contained 25 units, what would be the unit product cost? At the end of the year, the records of WoodGrain Technology revealed the following actual cost and operating data for all jobs worked on during the year:


Machine-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . .



73,000 30,000 $165,000 $390,000

24,000 68,000 $420,000 $740,000

What was the amount of underapplied or overapplied overhead in each department at the end of the year? PROBLEM 3-26 (Appendix 3A) Predetermined Overhead Rate and Capacity [LO3, LO5, LO8, LO9]

Skid Road Recording, Inc., is a small audio recording studio located in Seattle. The company handles work for advertising agencies—primarily for radio ads—and has a few singers and bands as clients. Skid Road Recording handles all aspects of recording from editing to making a digital master from which CDs can be copied. The competition in the audio recording industry in Seattle has always been tough, but it has been getting even tougher over the last several years. The studio has been losing customers to newer studios that are equipped with more up-to-date equipment and that are able to offer very attractive prices and excellent service. Summary data concerning the last two years of operations follow:

Estimated hours of studio service . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated studio overhead cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actual hours of studio service provided . . . . . . . . Actual studio overhead cost incurred . . . . . . . . . . Hours of studio service at capacity. . . . . . . . . . . .



1,000 $90,000 900 $90,000 1,800

750 $90,000 600 $90,000 1,800

The company applies studio overhead to recording jobs on the basis of the hours of studio service provided. For example, 30 hours of studio time were required to record, edit, and master the Slug Fest music CD for a local band. All of the studio overhead is fixed, and the actual overhead cost incurred was exactly as estimated at the beginning of the year in both 2005 and 2006. Required:



Skid Road Recording computes its predetermined overhead rate at the beginning of each year based on the estimated studio overhead and the estimated hours of studio service for the year. How much overhead would have been applied to the Slug Fest job if it had been done in 2005? In 2006? By how much would overhead have been underapplied or overapplied in 2005? In 2006? The president of Skid Road Recording has heard that some companies in the industry have changed to a system of computing the predetermined overhead rate at the beginning of each year based on the estimated studio overhead for the year and the hours of studio service that could be provided at capacity. He would like to know what effect this method would have on job costs. How much overhead would have been applied using this method to the Slug Fest job if it had been done in 2005? In 2006? By how much would overhead have been underapplied or overapplied in 2005 using this method? In 2006?



Chapter 3

3. 4.

How would you interpret the underapplied or overapplied overhead that results from using studio hours at capacity to compute the predetermined overhead rate? What fundamental business problem is Skid Road Recording facing? Which method of computing the predetermined overhead rate is likely to be more helpful in facing this problem? Explain.

PROBLEM 3-27 T-Account Analysis of Cost Flows [LO3, LO6, LO8]

Selected ledger accounts for Rolm Company are given below for the just completed year:

Raw Materials Bal. 1/1 Debits Bal. 12/31

30,000 420,000

Manufacturing Overhead




Bal. 12/31

Bal. 12/31


70,000 320,000 110,000 400,000


Factory Wages Payable 810,000



Bal. 1/1 Credits Bal. 12/31

10,000 175,000 6,000


Finished Goods Bal. 1/1 Debits



Work in Process Bal. 1/1 Direct materials Direct labor Overhead


40,000 ?


Cost of Goods Sold ?





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What was the cost of raw materials put into production during the year? How much of the materials in (1) above consisted of indirect materials? How much of the factory labor cost for the year consisted of indirect labor? What was the cost of goods manufactured for the year? What was the cost of goods sold for the year (before considering underapplied or overapplied overhead)? If overhead is applied to production on the basis of direct materials cost, what rate was in effect during the year? Was manufacturing overhead underapplied or overapplied? By how much? Compute the ending balance in the Work in Process inventory account. Assume that this balance consists entirely of goods started during the year. If $32,000 of this balance is direct materials cost, how much of it is direct labor cost? Manufacturing overhead cost?

PROBLEM 3-28 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured; Overhead Analysis [LO3, LO5, LO6, LO7]

The Pacific Manufacturing Company operates a job-order costing system and applies overhead cost to jobs on the basis of direct labor cost. In computing an overhead rate for the year, the company’s estimates were: manufacturing overhead cost, $126,000; and direct labor cost, $84,000. The company has provided the following data in the form of an Excel worksheet:

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing


1. 2. 3.



a. Compute the predetermined overhead rate for the year. b. Compute the amount of underapplied or overapplied overhead for the year. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for the year. Compute the cost of goods sold for the year. (Do not include any underapplied or overapplied overhead in your cost of goods sold figure.) What options are available for disposing of underapplied or overapplied overhead? Job 137 was started and completed during the year. What price would have been charged to the customer if the job required $3,200 in materials and $4,200 in direct labor cost, and the company priced its jobs at 40% above the job’s cost according to the accounting system? Direct labor made up $8,000 of the $40,000 ending Work in Process inventory balance. Supply the information missing below:

Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . .


? 8,000 ?

Work in process inventory . . . . . . .


PROBLEM 3-29 Predetermined Overhead Rate; Disposition of Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead [LO3, LO8]

Savallas Company is highly automated and uses computers to control manufacturing operations. The company uses a job-order costing system and applies manufacturing overhead cost to products on the basis of computer-hours. The following estimates were used in preparing the predetermined overhead rate at the beginning of the year:

Computer-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . . .

85,000 $1,530,000



Chapter 3

During the year, a severe economic recession resulted in cutting back production and a buildup of inventory in the company’s warehouse. The company’s cost records revealed the following actual cost and operating data for the year: Computer-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead cost . . . . . . . . Inventories at year-end: Raw materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60,000 $1,350,000 $400,000 $160,000 $1,040,000 $2,800,000


1. 2. 3. 4.


Compute the company’s predetermined overhead rate for the year. Compute the underapplied or overapplied overhead for the year. Assume the company closes any underapplied or overapplied overhead directly to Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare the appropriate entry. Assume that the company allocates any underapplied or overapplied overhead to Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold on the basis of the amount of overhead applied during the year that remains in each account at the end of the year. These amounts are $43,200 for Work in Process, $280,800 for Finished Goods, and $756,000 for Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare the journal entry to show the allocation. How much higher or lower will net operating income be for the year if the underapplied or overapplied overhead is allocated rather than closed directly to Cost of Goods Sold?

PROBLEM 3-30 Comprehensive Problem: Journal Entries; T-Accounts; Financial Statements [LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8]

Southworth Company uses a job-order costing system and applies manufacturing overhead cost to jobs on the basis of the cost of direct materials used in production. At the beginning of the current year, the following estimates were made for the purpose of computing the predetermined overhead rate: manufacturing overhead cost, $248,000; and direct materials cost, $155,000. The following transactions took place during the year (all purchases and services were acquired on account): a. Raw materials purchased, $142,000. b. Raw materials requisitioned for use in production (all direct materials), $150,000. c. Utility bills incurred in the factory, $21,000. d. Costs for salaries and wages were incurred as follows: Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indirect labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative salaries . . . . . . . .

e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

$216,000 $90,000 $145,000

Maintenance costs incurred in the factory, $15,000. Advertising costs incurred, $130,000. Depreciation recorded for the year, $50,000 (90% relates to factory assets, and the remainder relates to selling and administrative assets). Rental cost incurred on buildings, $90,000 (80% of the space is occupied by the factory, and 20% is occupied by sales and administration). Miscellaneous selling and administrative costs incurred, $17,000. Manufacturing overhead cost was applied to jobs, $ ? . Cost of goods manufactured for the year, $590,000. Sales for the year (all on account) totaled $1,000,000. These goods cost $600,000 according to their job cost sheets. The balances in the inventory accounts at the beginning of the year were as follows: Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . Work in Process . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . .

$18,000 $24,000 $35,000

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing Required:

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Prepare journal entries to record the above data. Post your entries to T-accounts. (Don’t forget to enter the opening inventory balances above.) Determine the ending balances in the inventory accounts and in the Manufacturing Overhead account. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured. Prepare a journal entry to close any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to Cost of Goods Sold. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods sold. Prepare an income statement for the year. Job 218 was one of the many jobs started and completed during the year. The job required $3,600 in direct materials and 400 hours of direct labor time at a rate of $11 per hour. If the job contained 500 units and the company billed at 75% above the unit product cost on the job cost sheet, what price per unit would have been charged to the customer?

PROBLEM 3-31 Plantwide versus Departmental Overhead Rates; Underapplied or Overapplied Overhead [LO3, LO5, LO8]

“Don’t tell me we’ve lost another bid!” exclaimed Sandy Kovallas, president of Lenko Products, Inc. “I’m afraid so,” replied Doug Martin, the operations vice president. “One of our competitors underbid us by about $10,000 on the Hastings job.” “I just can’t figure it out,” said Kovallas. “It seems we’re either too high to get the job or too low to make any money on half the jobs we bid any more. What’s happened?” Lenko Products manufactures specialized goods to customers’ specifications and operates a joborder costing system. Manufacturing overhead cost is applied to jobs on the basis of direct labor cost. The following estimates were made at the beginning of the year: Department

Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . .




Total Plant

$300,000 $540,000

$200,000 $800,000

$400,000 $100,000

$900,000 $1,440,000

Jobs require varying amounts of work in the three departments. The Hastings job, for example, would have required manufacturing costs in the three departments as follows: Department

Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . .




Total Plant

$12,000 $6,500 ?

$900 $1,700 ?

$5,600 $13,000 ?

$18,500 $21,200 ?

The company uses a plantwide overhead rate to apply manufacturing overhead cost to jobs. Required:





Assuming the use of a plantwide overhead rate: a. Compute the rate for the current year. b. Determine the amount of manufacturing overhead cost that would have been applied to the Hastings job. Suppose that instead of using a plantwide overhead rate, the company had used a separate predetermined overhead rate in each department. Under these conditions: a. Compute the rate for each department for the current year. b. Determine the amount of manufacturing overhead cost that would have been applied to the Hastings job. Explain the difference between the manufacturing overhead that would have been applied to the Hastings job using the plantwide rate in question 1(b) above and using the departmental rates in question 2(b). Assume that it is customary in the industry to bid jobs at 150% of total manufacturing cost (direct materials, direct labor, and applied overhead). What was the company’s bid price on the Hastings job? What would the bid price have been if departmental overhead rates had been used to apply overhead cost?



Chapter 3


At the end of the year, the company assembled the following actual cost data relating to all jobs worked on during the year: Department

Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead . . . . . . .




Total Plant

$760,000 $320,000 $560,000

$90,000 $210,000 $830,000

$410,000 $340,000 $92,000

$1,260,000 $870,000 $1,482,000

Compute the underapplied or overapplied overhead for the year (a) assuming that a plantwide overhead rate is used, and (b) assuming that departmental overhead rates are used.

Cases CASE 3-32 (Appendix 3A) Ethics; Predetermined Overhead Rate and Capacity [LO5, LO8, LO9]

Melissa Ostwerk, the new controller of TurboDrives, Inc., has just returned from a seminar on the choice of the activity level in the predetermined overhead rate. Even though the subject did not sound exciting at first, she found that there were some important ideas presented that should get a hearing at her company. After returning from the seminar, she arranged a meeting with the production manager, Jan Kingman, and the assistant production manager, Lonny Chan. Melissa: I ran across an idea that I wanted to check out with both of you. It’s about the way we compute predetermined overhead rates. Jan: We’re all ears. Melissa: We compute the predetermined overhead rate by dividing the estimated total factory overhead for the coming year by the estimated total units produced for the coming year. Lonny: We’ve been doing that as long as I’ve been with the company. Jan: And it has been done that way at every other company I’ve worked at, except at most places they divide by direct labor-hours. Melissa: We use units because it is simpler and we basically make one product with minor variations. But, there’s another way to do it. Instead of dividing the estimated total factory overhead by the estimated total units produced for the coming year, we could divide by the total units produced at capacity. Lonny: Oh, the Marketing Department will love that. It will drop the costs on all of our products. They’ll go wild over there cutting prices. Melissa: That is a worry, but I wanted to talk to both of you first before going over to Marketing. Jan: Aren’t you always going to have a lot of underapplied overhead? Melissa: That’s correct, but let me show you how we would handle it. Here’s an example based on our budget for next year.

Budgeted (estimated) production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Budgeted sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total manufacturing overhead cost (all fixed) . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses (all fixed) . . . . . . . . Beginning inventories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

80,000 units 80,000 units 100,000 units $70 per unit $18 per unit $2,000,000 $1,950,000 $0

Traditional approach to computation of the predetermined overhead rate:

Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost Predetermined ⫽ overhead rate Estimated total amount of the allocation base ⫽

$2,000,000 ⫽ $25 per unit 80,000 units

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

Budgeted Income Statement Revenue (80,000 units ⫻ $70 per unit) . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Variable manufacturing (80,000 units ⫻ $18 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead applied (80,000 units ⫻ $25 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . .


$1,440,000 2,000,000


Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . .

2,160,000 1,950,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 210,000

New approach to computation of the predetermined overhead rate using capacity in the denominator:

Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost at capacity Predetermined ⫽ overhead rate Estimated total amount of the allocation base at capacity $2,000,000 ⫽ ⫽ $20 per unit 100,000 units

Budgeted Income Statement Revenue (80,000 units ⫻ $70 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Variable manufacturing (80,000 units ⫻ $18 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead applied (80,000 units ⫻ $20 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


$1,440,000 1,600,000


Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of unused capacity [(100,000 units ⫺ 80,000 units) ⫻ $20 per unit] . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 210,000

400,000 1,950,000

Jan: Whoa!! I don’t think I like the looks of that “Cost of unused capacity.” If that thing shows up on the income statement, someone from headquarters is likely to come down here looking for some people to lay off. Lonny: I’m worried about something else, too. What happens when sales are not up to expectations? Can we pull the “hat trick”? Melissa: I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Jan: Lonny’s talking about something that happens fairly regularly. When sales are down and profits look like they are going to be lower than the president told the owners they were going to be, the president comes down here and asks us to deliver some more profits. Lonny: And we pull them out of our hat. Jan: Yeah, we just increase production until we get the profits we want. Melissa: I still don’t understand. You mean you increase sales? Jan: Nope, we increase production. We’re the production managers, not the sales managers. Melissa: I get it. Since you have produced more, the sales force has more units it can sell. Jan: Nope, the marketing people don’t do a thing. We just build inventories and that does the trick. Required:

In all of the questions below, assume that the predetermined overhead rate under the traditional method is $25 per unit, and under the new method it is $20 per unit. Also assume that under the traditional method any underapplied or overapplied overhead is taken directly to the income statement as an adjustment to Cost of Goods Sold.



Chapter 3



3. 4. 5.

Suppose actual production is 80,000 units. Compute the net operating incomes that would be realized under the traditional and new methods if actual sales are 75,000 units and everything else turns out as expected. How many units would have to be produced under each of the methods in order to realize the budgeted net operating income of $210,000 if actual sales are 75,000 units and everything else turns out as expected? What effect does the new method based on capacity have on the volatility of net operating income? Will the “hat trick” be easier or harder to perform if the new method based on capacity is used? Do you think the “hat trick” is ethical?

CASE 3-33 Critical Thinking; Interpretation of Manufacturing Overhead Rates [LO3, LO5]

Sharpton Fabricators Corporation manufactures a variety of parts for the automotive industry. The company uses a job-order costing system with a plantwide predetermined overhead rate based on direct labor-hours. On December 10, 2006, the company’s controller made a preliminary estimate of the predetermined overhead rate for 2007. The new rate was based on the estimated total manufacturing overhead cost of $2,475,000 and the estimated 52,000 total direct labor-hours for 2007: Predetermined overhead rate ⫽

$2,475,000 52,000 hours

⫽ $47.60 per direct labor-hour This new predetermined overhead rate was communicated to top managers in a meeting on December 11. The rate did not cause any comment because it was within a few pennies of the overhead rate that had been used during 2006. One of the subjects discussed at the meeting was a proposal by the production manager to purchase an automated milling machine center built by Central Robotics. The president of Sharpton Fabricators, Kevin Reynolds, agreed to meet with the regional sales representative from Central Robotics to discuss the proposal. On the day following the meeting, Mr. Reynolds met with Jay Warner, Central Robotics’ sales representative. The following discussion took place: Reynolds: Larry Winter, our production manager, asked me to meet with you since he is interested in installing an automated milling machine center. Frankly, I am skeptical. You’re going to have to show me this isn’t just another expensive toy for Larry’s people to play with. Warner: That shouldn’t be too difficult, Mr. Reynolds. The automated milling machine center has three major advantages. First, it is much faster than the manual methods you are using. It can process about twice as many parts per hour as your present milling machines. Second, it is much more flexible. There are some up-front programming costs, but once those have been incurred, almost no setup is required on the machines for standard operations. You just punch in the code of the standard operation, load the machine’s hopper with raw material, and the machine does the rest. Reynolds: Yeah, but what about cost? Having twice the capacity in the milling machine area won’t do us much good. That center is idle much of the time anyway. Warner: I was getting there. The third advantage of the automated milling machine center is lower cost. Larry Winters and I looked over your present operations, and we estimated that the automated equipment would eliminate the need for about 6,000 direct labor-hours a year. What is your direct labor cost per hour? Reynolds: The wage rate in the milling area averages about $21 per hour. Fringe benefits raise that figure to about $30 per hour. Warner: Don’t forget your overhead. Reynolds: Next year the overhead rate will be about $48 per hour. Warner: So including fringe benefits and overhead, the cost per direct labor-hour is about $78. Reynolds: That’s right. Warner: Since you can save 6,000 direct labor-hours per year, the cost savings would amount to about $468,000 a year. Reynolds: That’s pretty impressive, but you aren’t giving away this equipment are you? Warner: Several options are available, including leasing and outright purchase. Just for comparison purposes, our 60-month lease plan would require payments of only $300,000 per year. Reynolds: Sold! When can you install the equipment?

Shortly after this meeting, Mr. Reynolds informed the company’s controller of the decision to lease the new equipment, which would be installed over the Christmas vacation period. The controller realized that this decision would require a recomputation of the predetermined overhead rate for the year 2007 since the decision would affect both the manufacturing overhead and the

Systems Design: Job-Order Costing

direct labor-hours for the year. After talking with both the production manager and the sales representative from Central Robotics, the controller discovered that in addition to the annual lease cost of $300,000, the new machine would also require a skilled technician/programmer who would have to be hired at a cost of $45,000 per year to maintain and program the equipment. Both of these costs would be included in factory overhead. There would be no other changes in total manufacturing overhead cost, which is almost entirely fixed. The controller assumed that the new machine would result in a reduction of 6,000 direct labor-hours for the year from the levels that had initially been planned. When the revised predetermined overhead rate for the year 2007 was circulated among the company’s top managers, there was considerable dismay. Required:


2. 3. 4.

Recompute the predetermined rate assuming that the new machine will be installed. Explain why the new predetermined overhead rate is higher (or lower) than the rate that was originally estimated for the year 2007. What effect (if any) would this new rate have on the cost of jobs that do not use the new automated milling machine? Why would managers be concerned about the new overhead rate? After seeing the new predetermined overhead rate, the production manager admitted that he probably wouldn’t be able to eliminate all of the 6,000 direct labor-hours. He had been hoping to accomplish the reduction by not replacing workers who retire or quit, but that would not be possible. As a result, the real labor savings would be only about 2,000 hours—one worker. In the light of this additional information, evaluate the original decision to acquire the automated milling machine from Central Robotics.

CASE 3-34 Ethics and the Manager [LO3, LO5, LO8]

Cristin Madsen has recently been transferred to the Appliances Division of Solequin Corporation. Shortly after taking over her new position as divisional controller, she was asked to develop the division’s predetermined overhead rate for the upcoming year. The accuracy of the rate is important because it is used throughout the year and any overapplied or underapplied overhead is closed out to Cost of Goods Sold at the end of the year. Solequin Corporation uses direct labor-hours in all of its divisions as the allocation base for manufacturing overhead. To compute the predetermined overhead rate, Cristin divided her estimate of the total manufacturing overhead for the coming year by the production manager’s estimate of the total direct laborhours for the coming year. She took her computations to the division’s general manager for approval but was quite surprised when he suggested a modification in the base. Her conversation with the general manager of the Appliances Division, Lance Jusic, went like this: Madsen: Here are my calculations for next year’s predetermined overhead rate. If you approve, we can enter the rate into the computer on January 1 and be up and running in the job-order costing system right away this year. Jusic: Thanks for coming up with the calculations so quickly, and they look just fine. There is, however, one slight modification I would like to see. Your estimate of the total direct labor-hours for the year is 110,000 hours. How about cutting that to about 105,000 hours? Madsen: I don’t know if I can do that. The production manager says she will need about 110,000 direct labor-hours to meet the sales projections for next year. Besides, there are going to be over 108,000 direct labor-hours during the current year and sales are projected to be higher next year. Jusic: Cristin, I know all of that. I would still like to reduce the direct labor-hours in the base to something like 105,000 hours. You probably don’t know that I had an agreement with your predecessor as divisional controller to shave 5% or so off the estimated direct labor-hours every year. That way, we kept a reserve that usually resulted in a big boost to net operating income at the end of the fiscal year in December. We called it our Christmas bonus. Corporate headquarters always seemed as pleased as punch that we could pull off such a miracle at the end of the year. This system has worked well for many years, and I don’t want to change it now. Required:



Explain how shaving 5% off the estimated direct labor-hours in the base for the predetermined overhead rate usually results in a big boost in net operating income at the end of the fiscal year. Should Cristin Madsen go along with the general manager’s request to reduce the direct labor-hours in the predetermined overhead rate computation to 105,000 direct labor-hours?



Chapter 3


[LO1, LO2, LO3]

The questions in this exercise are based on Toll Brothers, Inc., one of the largest home builders in the United States. To answer the questions, you will need to download Toll Brothers’ 2004 annual report ( and Form 10-K ( You do not need to print these documents to answer the questions. Required:



3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


What is Toll Brothers’ strategy for success in the marketplace? Does the company rely primarily on a customer intimacy, operational excellence, or product leadership customer value proposition? What evidence supports your conclusion? What business risks does Toll Brothers face that may threaten the company’s ability to satisfy stockholder expectations? What are some examples of control activities that the company could use to reduce these risks? (Hint: Focus on pages 10–11 of the 10-K.) Would Toll Brothers be more likely to use process costing or job-order costing? Why? What are some examples of Toll Brothers’ direct material costs? Would you expect the bill of materials for each of Toll Brothers’ homes to be the same or different? Why? Describe the types of direct labor costs incurred by Toll Brothers. Would Toll Brothers use employee time tickets at their home sites under construction? Why or why not? What are some examples of overhead costs that are incurred by Toll Brothers? Some companies establish prices for their products by marking up their full manufacturing cost (i.e., the sum of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead costs). For example, a company may set prices at 150% of each product’s full manufacturing cost. Does Toll Brothers price its houses using this approach? How does Toll Brothers assign manufacturing overhead costs to cost objects? From a financial reporting standpoint, why does the company need to assign manufacturing overhead costs to cost objects?


4 Systems Design: Process Costing


Costing the “Quicker-Picker-Upper” If you have ever spilled milk, there is a good chance that you used Bounty paper towels to clean up the mess. Procter & Gamble (P&G) manufactures Bounty in two main processing departments—Paper Making and Paper Converting. In the Paper Making Department, wood pulp is converted into paper and then spooled into 2,000 pound rolls. In the Paper Converting Department, two of the 2,000 pound rolls of paper are simultaneously unwound into a machine that creates a two-ply paper towel that is decorated, perforated, and embossed to create texture. The large sheets of paper towels that emerge from this process are wrapped around a cylindrical cardboard core measuring eight feet in length. Once enough sheets wrap around the core, the eight foot roll is cut into individual rolls of Bounty that are sent down a conveyor to be wrapped, packed and shipped. In this type of manufacturing environment, costs cannot be readily traced to individual rolls of Bounty; however, given the homogeneous nature of the product, the total costs incurred in the Paper Making Department can be spread uniformly across its output of 2,000 pound rolls of paper. Similarly, the total costs incurred in the Paper Converting Department (including the cost of the 2,000 pound rolls that are transferred in from the Paper Making Department) can be spread uniformly across the number of cases of Bounty produced. P&G uses a similar costing approach for many of its products such as Tide, Crest toothpaste, and Pringles. ■ Source: Conversation with Brad Bays, formerly a Procter & Gamble financial executive.

Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 4, you should be able to:

LO1 Record the flow of materials, labor, and overhead through a process costing system. LO2 Compute the equivalent units of production using the weighted-average method. LO3 Compute the cost per equivalent unit using the weighted-average method. LO4 Assign costs to units using the weighted-average method. LO5 (Appendix 4A) Compute the equivalent units of production using the FIFO method. LO6 (Appendix 4A) Compute the cost per equivalent unit using the FIFO method. LO7 (Appendix 4A) Assign costs to units using the FIFO method. LO8 (Appendix 4B) Allocate service department costs to operating departments using the direct method. LO9 (Appendix 4B) Allocate service department costs to operating departments using the step-down method.


Chapter 4


s explained in Chapter 3, job-order costing and process costing are two

common methods for determining unit product costs. A job-order costing system is used when many different jobs or products are worked on each period. Examples of industries that use job-order costing include furniture manufacturing, specialorder printing, shipbuilding, and many types of service organizations. By contrast, process costing is most commonly used in industries that convert raw materials into homogeneous (i.e., uniform) products, such as bricks, soda, or paper, on a continuous basis. Examples of companies that would use process costing include Reynolds Aluminum (aluminum ingots), Scott Paper (toilet paper), General Mills (flour), Exxon (gasoline and lubricating oils), Coppertone (sunscreens), and Kellogg (breakfast cereals). In addition, process costing is sometimes used in companies with assembly operations. A form of process costing may also be used in utilities that produce gas, water, and electricity. Our purpose in this chapter is to explain how product costing works in a process costing system.

Comparison of Job-Order and Process Costing In some ways process costing is very similar to job-order costing, and in some ways it is very different. In this section, we focus on these similarities and differences to provide a foundation for the detailed discussion of process costing that follows.

Similarities between Job-Order and Process Costing Much of what you learned in Chapter 3 about costing and cost flows applies equally well to process costing in this chapter. We are not throwing out all that we have learned about costing and starting from “scratch” with a whole new system. The similarities between job-order and process costing can be summarized as follows: 1. Both systems have the same basic purposes—to assign material, labor, and manufacturing overhead costs to products and to provide a mechanism for computing unit product costs. 2. Both systems use the same basic manufacturing accounts, including Manufacturing Overhead, Raw Materials, Work in Process, and Finished Goods. 3. The flow of costs through the manufacturing accounts is basically the same in both systems. As can be seen from this comparison, much of the knowledge that you have already acquired about costing is applicable to a process costing system. Our task now is to refine and extend your knowledge to process costing.

Differences between Job-Order and Process Costing There are three differences between job-order and process costing. First, process costing is used when a company produces a continuous flow of units that are indistinguishable from one another. Job-order costing is used when a company produces many different jobs that have unique production requirements. Second, under process costing, it makes no sense to try to identify materials, labor, and overhead costs with a particular customer order (as we did with job-order costing), since each order is just one of many that are filled from a continuous flow of virtually identical units from the production line. Accordingly, process costing accumulates costs by department (rather than by order) and assigns these costs uniformly to all units that pass through the department during a period. Job cost sheets (which we used for


Systems Design: Process Costing

Job-Order Costing

Process Costing

1. Many different jobs are worked on during each period, with each job having different production requirements. 2. Costs are accumulated by individual job. 3. Unit costs are computed by job on the job cost sheet.

1. A single product is produced either on a continuous basis or for long periods of time. All units of product are identical. 2. Costs are accumulated by department. 3. Unit costs are computed by department.

E X H I B I T 4–1 Differences between Job-Order and Process Costing

job-order costing) are not used to accumulate costs. Third, process costing systems compute unit costs by department. This differs from job-order costing where unit costs are computed by job on the job cost sheet. Exhibit 4–1 summarizes the differences just described.

Cost Flows in Process Costing Before going through a detailed example of process costing, it will be helpful to see how manufacturing costs flow through a process costing system.

Processing Departments A processing department is an organizational unit where work is performed on a product and where materials, labor, or overhead costs are added to the product. For example, a Nalley’s potato chip factory might have three processing departments—one for preparing potatoes, one for cooking, and one for inspecting and packaging. A brick factory might have two processing departments—one for mixing and molding clay into brick form and one for firing the molded brick. Some products and services may go through a number of processing departments, while others may go through only one or two. Regardless of the number of processing departments, they all have two essential features. First, the activity in the processing department must be performed uniformly on all of the units passing through it. Second, the output of the processing department must be homogeneous; in other words, all of the units produced must be identical. Products in a process costing environment, such as bricks or potato chips, typically flow in sequence from one department to another as in Exhibit 4–2.

E X H I B I T 4–2 Sequential Processing Departments

Processing costs

Basic raw material inputs (potatoes)

Processing Department (potato preparation)

Processing costs

Partially completed goods (prepared potatoes)

Processing Department (cooking)

Processing costs

Partially completed goods (cooked potato chips)

Processing Department (inspecting and packing)

Finished goods (packaged potato chips)


Chapter 4


COCA-COLA’S PROCESSING DEPARTMENTS In 2004, the Coca-Cola Company sold more than $21 billion of products in over 200 countries. The company offers a virtual tour of its bottling process at aboutbottling.html. Some of the key processing steps described at this website include washing and rinsing bottles, mixing and blending ingredients, filling and capping bottles, and labeling and packaging bottles. Raw material costs are added at various stages during this process. For example, sugar, filtered water, carbon dioxide, and syrup are added during the mixing and blending stage of the process. Bottle caps are added during the filling and capping step and paper labels are added during the labeling and packaging stage. Coca-Cola’s manufacturing process is well suited for process costing because it produces a continuous stream of identical bottles of soda. The material costs and conversion costs that are incurred at the various stages of the production process can be assigned to products by spreading them evenly over the total volume of production. Sources: The Coca-Cola Company 2004 annual report and

The Flow of Materials, Labor, and Overhead Costs Cost accumulation is simpler in a process costing system than in a job-order costing system. In a process costing system, instead of having to trace costs to hundreds of different jobs, costs are traced to only a few processing departments. A T-account model of materials, labor, and overhead cost flows in a process costing system is shown in Exhibit 4–3. Several key points should be noted from this exhibit. First,

E X H I B I T 4–3 T-Account Model of Process Costing Flows Raw Materials

Wages Payable

Manufacturing Overhead Work in Process— Department A XXX

Work in Process— Department B XXX XXX

Finished Goods XXX Cost of Goods Sold XXX

Systems Design: Process Costing


note that a separate Work in Process account is maintained for each processing department. In contrast, in a job-order costing system the entire company may have only one Work in Process account. Second, note that the completed production of the first processing department (Department A in the exhibit) is transferred to the Work in Process account of the second processing department (Department B). After further work in Department B, the completed units are then transferred to Finished Goods. (In Exhibit 4–3, we show only two processing departments, but a company can have many processing departments.) Finally, note that materials, labor, and overhead costs can be added in any processing department—not just the first. Costs in Department B’s Work in Process account would consist of the materials, labor, and overhead costs incurred in Department B plus the costs attached to partially completed units transferred in from Department A (called transferred-in costs).

Materials, Labor, and Overhead Cost Entries To complete our discussion of cost flows in a process costing system, in this section we show journal entries relating to materials, labor, and overhead costs at Megan’s Classic Cream Soda, a company that has two processing departments—Formulating and Bottling. In the Formulating Department, ingredients are checked for quality and then mixed and injected with carbon dioxide to create bulk cream soda. In the Bottling Department, bottles are checked for defects, filled with cream soda, capped, visually inspected again for defects, and then packed for shipping.

Materials Costs

As in job-order costing, materials are drawn from the storeroom using a materials requisition form. Materials can be added in any processing department, although it is not unusual for materials to be added only in the first processing department, with subsequent departments adding only labor and overhead costs as the partially completed units move along toward completion. At Megan’s Classic Cream Soda, some materials (i.e., water, flavors, sugar, and carbon dioxide) are added in the Formulating Department and some materials (i.e., bottles, caps, and packing materials) are added in the Bottling Department. The journal entry to record the materials used in the first processing department, the Formulating Department, is as follows: Work in Process—Formulating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The journal entry to record the materials used in the second processing department, the Bottling Department, is as follows: Work in Process—Bottling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Labor Costs In process costing, labor costs are traced to departments—not to individual jobs. The following journal entry records the labor costs in the Formulating Department at Megan’s Classic Cream Soda: Work in Process—Formulating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and Wages Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A similar entry would be made to record labor costs in the Bottling Department.

Overhead Costs In process costing, as in job-order costing, predetermined overhead rates are usually used. Manufacturing overhead cost is applied to units of product as they move through the department. The following journal entry records the overhead cost for the Formulating Department: Work in Process—Formulating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Record the flow of materials, labor, and overhead through a process costing system.


Chapter 4

A similar entry would be made to record manufacturing overhead costs in the Bottling Department.

Completing the Cost Flows Once processing has been completed in a department, the units are transferred to the next department for further processing, as illustrated in the T-accounts in Exhibit 4–3. The following journal entry transfers the cost of partially completed units from the Formulating Department to the Bottling Department: Work in Process—Bottling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Formulating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


After processing has been completed in the Bottling Department, the costs of the completed units are transferred to the Finished Goods inventory account: Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Bottling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Finally, when a customer’s order is filled and units are sold, the cost of the units is transferred to Cost of Goods Sold: Cost of Goods Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


To summarize, the cost flows between accounts are basically the same in a process costing system as they are in a job-order costing system. The only difference at this point is that in a process costing system each department has a separate Work in Process account. We now turn our attention to Double Diamond Skis, a company that manufactures a high-performance deep-powder ski, and that uses process costing to determine its unit product costs. The company’s production process is illustrated in Exhibit 4–4. Skis go through a sequence of five processing departments, starting with the Shaping and Milling Department and ending with the Finishing and Pairing Department. The basic idea in process costing is to add together all of the costs incurred in a department during a period and then spread those costs uniformly across the units processed in that department during that period. As we shall see, applying this simple idea involves a few complications.

Equivalent Units of Production Topic Tackler

PLUS 4–1

After materials, labor, and overhead costs have been accumulated in a department, the department’s output must be determined so that unit product costs can be computed. The difficulty is that a department usually has some partially completed units in its ending inventory. It does not seem reasonable to count these partially completed units as equivalent to fully completed units when counting the department’s output. Therefore, these partially completed units are translated into an equivalent number of fully completed units. In process costing, this translation is done using the following formula: Equivalent units ⫽ Number of partially completed units ⫻ Percentage completion As the formula states, equivalent units is defined as the product of the number of partially completed units and the percentage completion of those units. Roughly speaking, the equivalent units is the number of complete units that could have been obtained from the materials and effort that went into the partially complete units. For example, suppose the Molding Department at Double Diamond has 500 units in its ending work in process inventory that are 60% complete. These 500 partially complete units are equivalent to 300 fully complete units (500 ⫻ 60% ⫽ 300). Therefore, the ending work in process inventory contains 300 equivalent units. These equivalent units would be added to any units completed during the period to determine the period’s output for the department— called the equivalent units of production.

E X H I B I T 4–4 The Production Process at Double Diamond Skis* Graphics Application Department


Shaping and Milling Department



A skilled technician selects skis to form a pair and adjusts the skis’ camber.

Finished Goods


*Adapted from Bill Gout, Jesse James Doquilo, and Studio M D, “Capped Crusaders,” Skiing, October 1993, pp. 138–144.


The semi-finished skis are tuned by stone grinding and belt sanding. The ski edges are beveled and polished.

Finishing and Pairing Department



The wooden core and various layers are stacked in a mold, polyurethane foam is injected into the mold, and then the mold is placed in a press that fuses the parts together.


Grinding and Sanding Department

Graphics are applied to the back of clear plastic top sheets using a heattransfer process.


Computer-assisted milling machines shape the wood core and aluminum sheets that serve as the backbone of the ski.




Chapter 4

Equivalent units of production for a period can be computed in different ways. In this chapter, we discuss the weighted-average method. In Appendix 4A, we discuss the FIFO method. The FIFO method of process costing is a method in which equivalent units and unit costs relate only to work done during the current period. In contrast, the weightedaverage method blends together units and costs from the current period with units and costs from the prior period. In the weighted-average method, the equivalent units of production for a department are the number of units transferred to the next department (or to finished goods) plus the equivalent units in the department’s ending work in process inventory.

Weighted-Average Method LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2

Compute the equivalent units of production using the weighted-average method.

Under the weighted-average method, a department’s equivalent units are computed as follows: Weighted-Average Method (a separate calculation is made for each cost category in each processing department) Equivalent units Units transferred to the next Equivalent units in ending of production ⫽ department or to finished goods ⫹ work in process inventory Note that the computation of the equivalent units of production involves adding the number of units transferred out of the department to the equivalent units in the department’s ending inventory. There is no need to compute the equivalent units for the units transferred out of the department—they are 100% complete with respect to the work done in that department or they would not be transferred out. In other words, each unit transferred out of the department is counted as one equivalent unit. Consider the Shaping and Milling Department at Double Diamond. This department uses computerized milling machines to precisely shape the wooden core and metal sheets that will be used to form the backbone of the ski. (See Exhibit 4–4 for an overview of the production process at Double Diamond.) The following activity took place in the department in May. Percent Complete Shaping and Milling Department




Beginning work in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units started into production during May . . . . . . . . . . . Units completed during May and transferred to the next department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ending work in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

200 5,000



4,800 400

100%* 40%

100%* 25%

*It is always assumed that units transferred out of a department are 100% complete with respect to the processing done in that department.

Note the use of the term conversion in the table above. Conversion cost, as defined in Chapter 2, is direct labor cost plus manufacturing overhead cost. In process costing, conversion cost may be treated as a single element of product cost. Note that the beginning work in process inventory was 55% complete with respect to materials costs and 30% complete with respect to conversion costs. This means that 55% of the materials costs required to complete the units in the department had already been incurred. Likewise, 30% of the conversion costs required to complete the units had already been incurred. Two equivalent unit figures must be computed—one for materials and one for conversion. These computations are shown in Exhibit 4–5. Note that the computations in Exhibit 4–5 ignore the fact that the units in the beginning work in process inventory were partially complete. For example, the 200 units in beginning


Systems Design: Process Costing

Shaping and Milling Department



Units transferred to the next department . . . . . . . Ending work in process: Materials: 400 units ⫻ 40% complete . . . . . . . . . Conversion: 400 units ⫻ 25% complete . . . . . . .



Equivalent units of production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


E X H I B I T 4–5 Equivalent Units of Production: Weighted-Average Method

160 100 4,900

inventory were already 30% complete with respect to conversion costs. Nevertheless, the weighted-average method is concerned only with the 4,900 equivalent units that are in ending inventories and in units transferred to the next department; it is not concerned with the fact that the beginning inventory was already partially complete. In other words, the 4,900 equivalent units computed using the weighted-average method include work that was accomplished in prior periods. This is a key point in the weighted-average method and it is easy to overlook. Exhibit 4–6 provides an alternative way of looking at the computation of equivalent units of production. Study this exhibit carefully before going on.


CUTTING CONVERSION COSTS Cemex SA, the world’s third largest cement maker, owns 54 plants. Each of these plants consumes 800 tons of fuel a day heating kilns to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Not surprisingly, energy costs account for 40% of the company’s overall conversion costs. Historically, Cemex relied exclusively on coal to heat its kilns; however, faced with soaring coal prices and shrinking profits, the company desperately needed a cheaper fuel. Cemex turned its attention to an oil industry waste product called petroleum coke that burns hotter than coal and costs half as much. The company spent about $150 million to convert its kilns to burn petroleum coke. Overall, Cemex has cut its energy bills by 17%, helping it earn higher profit margins than its biggest rivals. Source: John Lyons, “Expensive Energy? Burn Other Stuff, One Firm Decides,” The Wall Street Journal, September 1, 2004, pp. A1 and A8.

Beginning work in process

E X H I B I T 4–6 Visual Perspective of Equivalent Units of Production

Double Diamond Skis Shaping and Milling Department Conversion Costs (weighted-average method) 5,000 units started

200 units 30% complete

4,600 units started and completed

4,800 units completed Units completed and transferred 4,800 to next department Ending work in process: 100 400 units ⫻ 25% 4,900 Equivalent units of production

400 units 25% complete

Ending work in process


Chapter 4

Compute and Apply Costs LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3

Compute the cost per equivalent unit using the weighted-average method. E X H I B I T 4–7 Shaping and Milling Department Data for May Operations

In the last section we computed the equivalent units of production for materials and for conversion at Double Diamond Skis. In this section we will compute the cost per equivalent unit for materials and for conversion. We will then use these costs to value ending work in process and finished goods inventories. Exhibit 4–7 displays all of the data concerning May’s operations in the Shaping and Milling Department that we will need to complete these tasks. Work in process, beginning: Units in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stage of completion with respect to materials . . . . . . . . Stage of completion with respect to conversion. . . . . . . Costs in the beginning inventory: Materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total cost in the beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

200 55% 30% $

9,600 5,575 $ 15,175

Units started into production during the period . . . . . . . . . Units completed and transferred out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs added to production during the period: Materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total cost added in the department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5,000 4,800 $368,600 350,900 $719,500

Work in process, ending: Units in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stage of completion with respect to materials . . . . . . . . Stage of completion with respect to conversion. . . . . . .

400 40% 25%

Cost per Equivalent Unit—Weighted-Average Method In the weighted-average method, the cost per equivalent unit is computed as follows: Weighted-Average Method (a separate calculation is made for each cost category in each processing department) Cost of beginning Cost added work in process inventory ⫹ during the period Cost per equivalent unit ⫽ Equivalent units of production Note that the numerator is the sum of the cost of beginning work in process inventory and of the cost added during the period. Thus, the weighted-average method blends together costs from the prior and current periods. That is why it is called the weighted-average method; it averages together units and costs from both the prior and current periods. The costs per equivalent unit for materials and for conversion are computed below for the Shaping and Milling Department for May: Shaping and Milling Department Costs per Equivalent Unit Cost of beginning work in process inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs added during the period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total cost (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Materials $ 9,600 368,600 $378,200

Equivalent units of production (see the computations in the previous section) (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost per equivalent unit (a) ⫼ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4,960 $76.25

Conversion $ 5,575 350,900 $356,475 4,900 $72.75


Systems Design: Process Costing

Applying Costs—Weighted-Average Method


The costs per equivalent unit are used to value units in ending inventory and units that are transferred to the next department. For example, each unit transferred out of Double Diamond’s Shaping and Milling Department to the Graphics Application Department, as depicted in Exhibit 4–4, will carry with it a cost of $149 ($76.25 for materials cost and $72.75 for conversion cost). Since 4,800 units were transferred out in May to the next department, the total cost assigned to those units would be $715,200 (4,800 units ⫻ $149 per unit). A complete accounting of the costs of both ending work in process inventory and the units transferred out appears below:

Assign costs to units using the weighted-average method.

Shaping and Milling Department Costs of Ending Work in Process Inventory and the Units Transferred Out Materials


Ending work in process inventory: Equivalent units of production (materials: 400 units ⫻ 40% complete; conversion: 400 units ⫻ 25% complete) (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost per equivalent unit (see above) (b) . . . . . . . Cost of ending work in process inventory (a) ⫻ (b)

160 $76.25 $12,200

100 $72.75 $7,275

Units completed and transferred out: Units transferred to the next department (a) . . . . Cost per equivalent unit (see above) (b) . . . . . . Cost of units transferred out (a) ⫻ (b) . . . . . . . .

4,800 $76.25 $366,000

4,800 $72.75 $349,200


Topic Tackler


PLUS 4–2


In each case, the equivalent units are multiplied by the cost per equivalent unit to determine the cost assigned to the units. This is done for each cost category—in this case, materials and conversion. The equivalent units for the units completed and transferred out are simply the number of units transferred to the next department because they would not have been transferred unless they were complete. The costs assigned to ending work in process inventory and to the units transferred out reconcile with the costs we started with in Exhibit 4–7 as shown below: Shaping and Milling Department Cost Reconciliation Costs to be accounted for: Cost of beginning work in process inventory (Exhibit 4–7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs added to production during the period (Exhibit 4–7) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 15,175 719,500

Total cost to be accounted for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Costs accounted for as follows: Cost of ending work in process inventory (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of units transferred out (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 19,475 715,200

Total cost accounted for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The $715,200 cost of the units transferred to the next department, Graphics Application, will be accounted for in that department as “costs transferred in.” It will be treated in the process costing system as just another category of costs like materials or conversion costs. The only difference is that the costs transferred in will always be 100% complete with respect to the work done in the Graphics Applications Department. Costs are passed on from one department to the next in this fashion, until they reach the last processing department, Finishing and Pairing. When the products are completed in this last department, their costs are transferred to finished goods.


Chapter 4

Operation Costing The costing systems discussed in Chapters 3 and 4 represent the two ends of a continuum. On one end is job-order costing, which is used by companies that produce many different items—generally to customers’ specifications. On the other end is process costing, which is used by companies that produce homogeneous products in large quantities. Between these two extremes there are many hybrid systems that include characteristics of both job-order and process costing. One of these hybrids is called operation costing. Operation costing is used in situations where products have some common characteristics and some individual characteristics. Shoes, for example, have common characteristics in that all styles involve cutting and sewing that can be done on a repetitive basis, using the same equipment and following the same basic procedures. Shoes also have individual characteristics—some are made of expensive leathers and others may be made using inexpensive synthetic materials. In a situation such as this, where products have some common characteristics but also must be processed individually, operation costing may be used to determine product costs. As mentioned above, operation costing is a hybrid system that employs aspects of both job-order and process costing. Products are typically processed in batches when operation costing is used, with each batch charged for its own specific materials. In this sense, operation costing is similar to job-order costing. However, labor and overhead costs are accumulated by operation or by department, and these costs are assigned to units as in process costing. If shoes are being produced, for example, each shoe is charged the same per unit conversion cost, regardless of the style involved, but it is charged with its specific materials cost. Thus, the company is able to distinguish between styles in terms of materials, but it is able to employ the simplicity of a process costing system for labor and overhead costs. Examples of other products for which operation costing may be used include electronic equipment (such as semiconductors), textiles, clothing, and jewelry (such as rings, bracelets, and medallions). Products of this type are typically produced in batches, but they can vary considerably from model to model or from style to style in terms of the cost of raw material inputs. Therefore, an operation costing system is well suited for providing cost data.

Summary Process costing is used in situations where homogeneous products or services are produced on a continuous basis. Costs flow through the manufacturing accounts in basically the same way in a process costing system as in a job-order costing system. However, costs are accumulated by department rather than by job in process costing. In process costing, the equivalent units of production must be determined for each cost category in each department. Under the weighted-average method, the equivalent units of production equals the number of units transferred out to the next department or to finished goods plus the equivalent units in ending work in process inventory. The equivalent units in ending inventory equals the product of the number of partially completed units in ending work in process inventory and their percentage of completion with respect to the specific cost category. Under the weighted-average method, the cost per equivalent unit for a specific cost category is computed by adding the cost of beginning work in process inventory and the cost added during the period and then dividing the result by the equivalent units of production. The cost per equivalent unit is then used to value the ending work in process inventory and the units transferred out to the next department or to finished goods. Costs are transferred from one department to the next until the last processing department. At that point, the cost of completed units is transferred to finished goods.

Systems Design: Process Costing

Review Problem: Process Cost Flows and Costing Units Luxguard Home Paint Company produces exterior latex paint, which it sells in one-gallon containers. The company has two processing departments—Base Fab and Finishing. White paint, which is used as a base for all the company’s paints, is mixed from raw ingredients in the Base Fab Department. Pigments are then added to the basic white paint, the pigmented paint is squirted under pressure into onegallon containers, and the containers are labeled and packed for shipping in the Finishing Department. Information relating to the company’s operations for April follows: a. Issued raw materials for use in production: Base Fab Department, $851,000; and Finishing Department, $629,000. b. Incurred direct labor costs: Base Fab Department, $330,000; and Finishing Department, $270,000. c. Applied manufacturing overhead cost: Base Fab Department, $665,000; and Finishing Department, $405,000. d. Transferred basic white paint from the Base Fab Department to the Finishing Department, $1,850,000. e. Transferred paint that had been prepared for shipping from the Finishing Department to Finished Goods, $3,200,000. Required:

1. 2.


Prepare journal entries to record items (a) through (e) above. Post the journal entries from (1) above to T-accounts. The balance in the Base Fab Department’s Work in Process account on April 1 was $150,000; the balance in the Finishing Department’s Work in Process account was $70,000. After posting entries to the T-accounts, find the ending balance in each department’s Work in Process account. Determine the cost of ending work in process inventories and of units transferred out of the Base Fab Department in April. The following additional information is available regarding production in the Base Fab Department during April: Production data: Units (gallons) in process, April 1: materials 100% complete, labor and overhead 60% complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units (gallons) started into production during April . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units (gallons) completed and transferred to the Finishing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units (gallons) in process, April 30: materials 50% complete, labor and overhead 25% complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost data: Work in process inventory, April 1: Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30,000 420,000 370,000 80,000


92,000 21,000 37,000

Total cost of work in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 150,000

Cost added during April: Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 851,000 330,000 665,000

Total cost added during April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Solution to Review Problem 1.



Work in Process—Base Fab Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Finishing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Base Fab Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Finishing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and Wages Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

851,000 629,000 1,480,000 330,000 270,000 600,000



Chapter 4


d. e.

Work in Process—Base Fab Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Finishing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Finishing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Base Fab Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Finishing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

665,000 405,000 1,070,000 1,850,000 1,850,000 3,200,000 3,200,000

2. Raw Materials Bal.



Salaries and Wages Payable 1,480,000


Work in Process— Base Fab Department Bal. (a) (b) (c)

150,000 851,000 330,000 665,000




Manufacturing Overhead


(Various actual costs)

Work in Process—Finishing Department


Bal. (a) (b) (c) (d)

70,000 629,000 270,000 405,000 1,850,000








Finished Goods Bal. (e)

XXX 3,200,000

First, we must compute the equivalent units of production for each cost category: Base Fab Department Equivalent Units of Production Materials



Units transferred to the next department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ending work in process inventory (materials: 80,000 units ⫻ 50% complete; labor: 80,000 units ⫻ 25% complete; overhead: 80,000 units ⫻ 25% complete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







Equivalent units of production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







Costs: Cost of beginning work in process inventory . . . . . . . . . . . Costs added during the period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 92,000 851,000

$ 21,000 330,000

$ 37,000 665,000

Total cost (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Equivalent units of production (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost per equivalent unit (a) ⫼ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

410,000 $2.30

390,000 $0.90

390,000 $1.80

Then we must compute the cost per equivalent unit for each cost category: Base Fab Department Costs per Equivalent Unit


Systems Design: Process Costing

The costs per equivalent unit can then be applied to the units in ending work in process inventory and the units transferred out as follows:

Base Fab Department Costs of Ending Work in Process Inventory and the Units Transferred Out Materials Labor Overhead Ending work in process inventory: Equivalent units of production. . . . . . . . . . . . Cost per equivalent unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of ending work in process inventory . . . Units completed and transferred out: Units transferred to the next department . . . Cost per equivalent unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of units completed and transferred out . .


40,000 $2.30 $92,000

20,000 $0.90 $18,000

20,000 $1.80 $36,000


370,000 $2.30 $851,000

370,000 $0.90 $333,000

370,000 $1.80 $666,000


Glossary Conversion cost Direct labor cost plus manufacturing overhead cost. (p. 156) Equivalent units The product of the number of partially completed units and their percentage of completion with respect to a particular cost. Equivalent units are the number of complete whole units one could obtain from the materials and effort contained in partially completed units. (p. 154) Equivalent units of production (weighted-average method) The units transferred to the next department (or to finished goods) during the period plus the equivalent units in the department’s ending work in process inventory. (p. 156) FIFO method A method of accounting for cost flows in a process costing system in which equivalent units and unit costs relate only to work done during the current period. (p. 156) Operation costing A hybrid costing system used when products have some common characteristics and some individual characteristics. (p. 160) Process costing A costing method used when essentially homogeneous products are produced on a continuous basis. (p. 150) Processing department An organizational unit where work is performed on a product and where materials, labor, or overhead costs are added to the product. (p. 151) Weighted-average method A method of process costing that blends together units and costs from both the current and prior periods. (p. 156)

Appendix 4A: FIFO Method The FIFO method of process costing differs from the weighted-average method in two ways: (1) the computation of equivalent units, and (2) the way in which costs of beginning inventory are treated. The FIFO method is generally considered more accurate than the weightedaverage method, but it is more complex. The complexity is not a problem for computers, but the FIFO method is a little more difficult to understand and to learn than the weightedaverage method. LEARNING OBJECTIVE 5

Equivalent Units—FIFO Method The computation of equivalent units under the FIFO method differs from the computation under the weighted-average method in two ways.

Compute the equivalent units of production using the FIFO method.


Chapter 4

First, the “units transferred out” is divided into two parts. One part consists of the units from the beginning inventory that were completed and transferred out, and the other part consists of the units that were both started and completed during the current period. Second, full consideration is given to the amount of work expended during the current period on units in the beginning work in process inventory as well as on units in the ending inventory. Thus, under the FIFO method, both beginning and ending inventories are converted to an equivalent units basis. For the beginning inventory, the equivalent units represent the work done to complete the units; for the ending inventory, the equivalent units represent the work done to bring the units to a stage of partial completion at the end of the period (the same as with the weighted-average method): The formula for computing the equivalent units of production under the FIFO method is more complex than under the weighted-average method: FIFO Method (a separate calculation is made for each cost category in each processing department) Equivalent units of production ⫽ Equivalent units to complete beginning work in process inventory* ⫹ Units started and completed during the period ⫹ Equivalent units in ending work in process inventory


Percentage completion *Equivalent units to Units in beginning complete beginning work ⫽ work in process ⫻ 100% ⫺ of beginning work in process inventory in process inventory inventory


Or, the equivalent units of production can also be determined as follows: Equivalent units of production ⫽ Units transferred out ⫹ Equivalent units in ending work in process inventory ⫺ Equivalent units in beginning work in process inventory To illustrate the FIFO method, refer again to the data for the Shaping and Milling Department at Double Diamond Skis. The department completed and transferred 4,800 units to the Graphics Application Department during May. Since 200 of these units came from the beginning inventory, the Shaping and Milling Department must have started and completed 4,600 units during May. The 200 units in the beginning inventory were 55% complete with respect to materials and only 30% complete with respect to conversion costs when the month started. Thus, to complete these units the department must have added another 45% of materials costs (100% ⫺ 55% ⫽ 45%) and another 70% of conversion costs (100% ⫺ 30% ⫽ 70%). Following this line of reasoning, the equivalent units for the department for May would be computed as shown in Exhibit 4A–1.

Comparison of Equivalent Units of Production under the Weighted-Average and FIFO Methods Stop at this point and compare the data in Exhibit 4A–1 with the data in Exhibit 4–5 in the chapter, which shows the computation of equivalent units under the weightedaverage method. Also refer to Exhibit 4A–2, which compares the two methods. The essential difference between the two methods is that the weighted-average method blends work and costs from the prior period with work and costs in the current period,


Systems Design: Process Costing

Materials To complete beginning work in process: Materials: 200 units ⫻ (100% ⫺ 55%)* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion: 200 units ⫻ (100% ⫺ 30%)*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units started and completed during the period . . . . . . . . . . . Ending work in process: Materials: 400 units ⫻ 40% complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion: 400 units ⫻ 25% complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Equivalent units of production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



E X H I B I T 4A–1 Equivalent Units of Production: FIFO Method

90 140 4,600†

160 100 4,840

*This is the work needed to complete the units in beginning inventory. † 5,000 units started ⫺ 400 units in ending work in process ⫽ 4,600 units started and completed. This can also be computed as 4,800 units completed and transferred to the next department ⫺ 200 units in beginning work in process inventory. The FIFO method assumes that the units in beginning inventory are finished first.

Double Diamond Skis Shaping and Milling Department Conversion Costs

Weighted-Average Method Beginning work in process 200 units 30% complete

E X H I B I T 4A–2 Visual Perspective of Equivalent Units of Production

5,000 units started 4,600 units started and completed

Units completed and transferred to next department Ending work in process: 400 units ⴛ 25% Equivalent units of production

400 units 25% complete

Ending work in process

400 units 25% complete

Ending work in process

4,800 100 4,900

FIFO Method Beginning work in process 200 units 30% complete

5,000 units started 4,600 units started and completed

Beginning work in process: 200 units ⴛ 70%* Units started and completed Ending work in process: 400 units ⴛ 25% Equivalent units of production

140 4,600 100 4,840

* 100% – 30% = 70%. This 70% represents the work needed to complete the units in the beginning inventory.


Chapter 4

whereas the FIFO method separates the two periods. To see this more clearly, consider the following reconciliation of the two calculations of equivalent units:

Shaping and Milling Department



Equivalent units—weighted-average method . . . . . . . . . . . . Less equivalent units in beginning inventory: 200 units ⫻ 55%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 units ⫻ 30%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Equivalent units of production—FIFO method. . . . . . . . . . . .


110 60 4,840

From the above, it is evident that the FIFO method removes the equivalent units that were already in beginning inventory from the equivalent units as defined using the weightedaverage method. Thus, the FIFO method isolates the equivalent units due to work performed during the current period. The weighted-average method blends together the equivalent units already in beginning inventory with the equivalent units due to work performed in the current period.

Cost per Equivalent Unit—FIFO Method LEARNING OBJECTIVE 6

Compute the cost per equivalent unit using the FIFO method.

In the FIFO method, the cost per equivalent unit is computed as follows: FIFO Method (a separate calculation is made for each cost category in each processing department) Cost per equivalent unit ⫽

Cost added during the period Equivalent units of production

Unlike the weighted-average method, in the FIFO method the cost per equivalent unit is based only on the costs incurred in the department in the current period. The costs per equivalent unit for materials and for conversion are computed below for the Shaping and Milling Department for May:

Shaping and Milling Department Costs per Equivalent Unit—FIFO method Cost added during the period (a) . . . . . . . . . Equivalent units of production (b) . . . . . . . . . Cost per equivalent unit (a) ⫼ (b) . . . . . . . . .

Materials $368,600 4,850 $76.00

Conversion $350,900 4,840 $72.50


Assign costs to units using the FIFO method.

Applying Costs—FIFO Method The costs per equivalent unit are used to value units in ending inventory and units that are transferred to the next department. For example, each unit transferred out of the Shaping and Milling Department to the Graphics Application Department will carry with it a cost of $148.50—$76.00 for materials cost and $72.50 for conversion cost. Since 4,800 units were transferred out in May to the next department, the total cost assigned to those units would be $712,800 (4,800 units ⫻ $148.50 per unit). A complete accounting of the costs of both ending work in process inventory and the units transferred out appears below. It is more complicated than the weighted average method. This is because the cost of the units transferred out consists of three separate

Systems Design: Process Costing

components: (1) the cost of beginning work in process inventory; (2) the cost to complete the units in beginning work in process inventory; and (3) the cost of units started and completed during the period. Shaping and Milling Department Costs of Ending Work in Process Inventory and Units Transferred Out—FIFO Method Materials Conversion Ending work in process inventory: Equivalent units of production (see Exhibit 4A–1) (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost per equivalent unit (see above) (b) . . . . . . . . Cost of ending work in process inventory (a) ⫻ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


160 $76.00

100 $72.50






Units transferred out: Cost in beginning work in process inventory . . . $9,600 Cost to complete the units in beginning work in process inventory: Equivalent units of production required to complete the units in beginning inventory (see Exhibit 4A–1) (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Cost per equivalent unit (see above) (b). . . . . . . $76.00 Cost to complete the units in beginning inventory (a) ⫻ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,840 Cost of units started and completed this period: Units started and completed this period (see Exhibit 4A–1) (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,600 Cost per equivalent unit (see above) (b) . . . . . . . . $76.00 Cost of units started and completed this period (a) ⫻ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $349,600

140 $72.50 $10,150


4,600 $72.50 $333,500

Total cost of units transferred out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$683,100 $715,265

Again, note that the cost of the units transferred out consists of three distinct components—the cost of beginning work in process inventory, the cost to complete the units in beginning inventory, and the cost of units started and completed during the period. This is a major difference between the weighted-average and FIFO methods. The costs assigned to ending work in process inventory and to the units transferred out reconcile with the costs we started with in Exhibit 4–7 as shown below: Shaping and Milling Department Cost Reconciliation Costs to be accounted for: Cost of beginning work in process inventory (Exhibit 4–7) . . . . . . . . . Costs added to production during the period (Exhibit 4–7) . . . . . . . . .

$ 15,175 719,500

Total cost to be accounted for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Costs accounted for as follows: Cost of ending work in process inventory (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of units transferred out (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 19,410 715,265

Total cost accounted for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The $715,265 cost of the units transferred to the next department, Graphics Application, will be accounted for in that department as “costs transferred in.” As in the weighted-average



Chapter 4

method, this cost will be treated in the process costing system as just another category of costs like materials or conversion costs. The only difference is that the costs transferred in will always be 100% complete with respect to the work done in the Graphics Applications Department. Costs are passed on from one department to the next in this fashion, until they reach the last processing department, Finishing and Pairing. When the products are completed in this last department, their costs are transferred to finished goods.

A Comparison of Costing Methods In most situations, the weighted-average and FIFO methods will produce very similar unit costs. If there never are any ending inventories, as in an ideal Lean Production environment, the two methods will produce identical results. The reason for this is that without any ending inventories, no costs can be carried forward into the next period and the weighted-average method will base the unit costs on just the current period’s costs—just as in the FIFO method. If there are ending inventories, either erratic input prices or erratic production levels would also be required to generate much of a difference in unit costs under the two methods. This is because the weighted-average method will blend the unit costs from the prior period with the unit costs of the current period. Unless these unit costs differ greatly, the blending will not make much difference. Nevertheless, from the standpoint of cost control, the FIFO method is superior to the weighted-average method. Current performance should be measured in relation to costs of the current period only, and the weighted-average method mixes costs of the current period with costs of the prior period. Thus, under the weighted-average method, the manager’s apparent performance in the current period is influenced by what happened in the prior period. This problem does not arise under the FIFO method because the FIFO method makes a clear distinction between costs of prior periods and costs incurred during the current period. For the same reason, the FIFO method also provides more up-to-date cost data for decisionmaking purposes. On the other hand, the weighted-average method is simpler to apply than the FIFO method, but computers can handle the additional calculations with ease once they have been appropriately programmed.

Appendix 4B: Service Department Allocations Most large organizations have both operating departments and service departments. The central purposes of the organization are carried out in the operating departments. In contrast, service departments do not directly engage in operating activities. Instead, they provide services or assistance to the operating departments. Examples of operating departments include the Surgery Department at Mt. Sinai Hospital, the Geography Department at the University of Washington, the Marketing Department at Allstate Insurance Company, and production departments at manufacturers such as Mitsubishi, Hewlett-Packard, and Michelin. In process costing, the processing departments are all operating departments. Examples of service departments include Cafeteria, Internal Auditing, Human Resources, Cost Accounting, and Purchasing. The overhead costs of operating departments commonly include allocations of costs from the service departments. To the extent that service department costs are classified as production costs, they should be included in unit product costs and thus must be allocated to operating departments in a process costing system. Three approaches are used to allocate the costs of service departments to other departments: the direct method, the step-down method, and the reciprocal method. These three methods are discussed in the following sections. However, before getting into the details of these methods, a few words are in order concerning interdepartmental services.

Systems Design: Process Costing

Interdepartmental Services Many service departments provide services to each other, as well as to operating departments. For example, the Cafeteria Department provides meals for all employees, including those assigned to other service departments, as well as to employees of the operating departments. In turn, the Cafeteria Department may receive services from other service departments, such as from Custodial Services or from Personnel. Services provided between service departments are known as interdepartmental or reciprocal services.



Allocate service department costs to operating departments using the direct method.

Direct Method The direct method is the simplest of the three cost allocation methods. It ignores the services provided by a service department to other service departments (e.g., reciprocal services) and allocates all service department costs directly to operating departments. Even if a service department (such as Personnel) provides a large amount of service to another service department (such as the cafeteria), no allocations are made between the two departments. Rather, all costs are allocated directly to the operating departments, bypassing the other service departments. Hence the term direct method.


GENERAL MOTORS TRIMS SUPPORT STAFF In difficult economic times, companies frequently look to cut costs within their service departments. Because workers in service departments are not directly involved in making the products that their companies sell, they are often viewed as more expendable than their counterparts employed in operating departments. For example, General Motors (GM) responded to a slowdown in vehicle sales by telling many of its service departments to reduce their headcount by 10%. GM’s operating departments were also asked to cut back, but only 3% to 7%. Source: Dave Guilford, “GM Trims 10% in Some Areas,” Automotive News, April 7, 2003, p.1.

For an example of the direct method, consider Mountain View Hospital, which has two service departments and two operating departments as shown below. The hospital allocates its Hospital Administration costs on the basis of employee-hours and its Custodial Services costs on the basis of square feet occupied.

Service Departments

Operating Departments

Hospital Custodial Administration Services Laboratory Departmental costs before allocation . . . . . . . Employee hours . . . . Space occupied— square feet . . . . . .

$360,000 12,000

$90,000 6,000

$261,000 18,000




Patient Care


$689,000 $1,400,000 30,000 66,000 45,000


The direct method of allocating the hospital’s service department costs to the operating departments is shown in Exhibit 4B–1 (page 170). Several things should be noted in this exhibit. First, the employee-hours of the Hospital Administration Department and the Custodial Services Department are ignored when allocating the costs of Hospital Administration using the direct method. Under the direct method, any of the allocation base attributable to the


Chapter 4

E X H I B I T 4B–1 Direct Method of Allocation

Service Departments

Operating Departments

Hospital Administration

Custodial Services


Patient Care


Departmental costs before allocation . . . . . . . . . . . .






Allocation: Hospital Administration costs (18 ⁄48, 30 ⁄48)* . . . . . . . . Custodial Services costs (5 ⁄50, 45 ⁄50)† . . . . . . . . . . . .

(360,000) (90,000)

135,000 9,000

225,000 81,000

Total cost after allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






*Based on the employee-hours in the two operating departments, which are 18,000 hours ⫹ 30,000 hours ⫽ 48,000 hours. † Based on the square feet occupied by the two operating departments, which is 5,000 square feet ⫹ 45,000 square feet ⫽ 50,000 square feet.

service departments themselves is ignored; only the amount of the allocation base attributable to the operating departments is used in the allocation. Note that the same rule is used when allocating the costs of the Custodial Services Department. Even though the Hospital Administration and Custodial Services departments occupy some space, this is ignored when the Custodial Services costs are allocated. Finally, note that after all allocations have been completed, all of the service department costs are contained in the two operating departments. Although the direct method is simple, it is less accurate than the other methods because it ignores interdepartmental services.


Allocate service department costs to operating departments using the step-down method.

Unlike the direct method, the step-down method provides for allocation of a service department’s costs to other service departments, as well as to operating departments. The stepdown method is sequential. The sequence typically begins with the department that provides the greatest amount of service to other service departments. After its costs have been allocated, the process continues, step by step, ending with the department that provides the least amount of services to other service departments. This step procedure is illustrated in graphic form in Exhibit 4B–2. Exhibit 4B–3 shows the details of the step-down method. Note the following three key points about these allocations. First, under Allocation in Exhibit 4B–3, you see two allocations, or steps. In the first step, the costs of Hospital Administration are allocated to another service department (Custodial Services) as well as to the operating departments. In contrast to the direct method, the allocation base for Hospital Administration costs now includes the employee-hours for Custodial Services as well as for the operating departments. However, the allocation base still excludes the employee-hours for Hospital Administration itself. In both the direct and step-down methods, any amount of the allocation base attributable to the service department whose cost is being allocated is always ignored. Second, looking again at Exhibit 4B–3, note that in the second step under the Allocation heading, the cost of Custodial Services is allocated to the two operating departments, and none of the cost is allocated to Hospital Administration even though Hospital Administration occupies space in the building. In the step-down method, any amount of the allocation base that is attributable to a service department whose cost has already been allocated is ignored. After a service department’s costs have been allocated, costs of other service departments are not reallocated back to it. Third, note that the cost of


Systems Design: Process Costing E X H I B I T 4B–2 Graphic Illustration— Step-Down Method

Hospital Administration Costs are allocated to other departments on the basis of employee-hours. Custodial Services Costs are allocated to operating departments on the basis of square feet occupied. Laboratory

Patient Care

Custodial Services allocated to other departments in the second step ($130,000) in Exhibit 4B–3 includes the costs of Hospital Administration that were allocated to Custodial Services in the first step in Exhibit 4B–3.

Reciprocal Method The reciprocal method gives full recognition to interdepartmental services. Under the step-down method discussed above only partial recognition of interdepartmental services is possible. The step-down method always allocates costs forward—never backward. The reciprocal method, by contrast, allocates service department costs in both directions. Thus, since Custodial Services in the prior example provides services for Hospital Administration, part of Custodial Services’ costs will be allocated back to Hospital Administration if the reciprocal method is used. At the same time, part of Hospital Administration’s costs will be allocated forward to Custodial Services. Reciprocal allocation requires the use of simultaneous linear equations and is beyond the scope of this book. Examples of the reciprocal method can be found in more advanced cost accounting texts. E X H I B I T 4B–3 Step-Down Method of Allocation

Service Departments

Operating Departments

Hospital Administration

Custodial Services


Departmental costs before allocation . . . . . . . . . . . .


$ 90,000


Allocation: Hospital Administration costs (6 ⁄54, 18 ⁄54, 30 ⁄54)* . . . . Custodial Services costs (5 ⁄50, 45 ⁄50)† . . . . . . . . . . . .


40,000 (130,000)

120,000 13,000

Total cost after allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Patient Care


$ 689,000 $1,400,000 200,000 117,000 $1,006,000 $1,400,000

*Based on the employee-hours in Custodial Services and the two operating departments, which are 6,000 hours ⫹ 18,000 hours ⫹ 30,000 hours ⫽ 54,000 hours. † As in Exhibit 4B–1, this allocation is based on the square feet occupied by the two operating departments.


Chapter 4

Questions 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5

4-6 4-7 4-8

4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15

Under what conditions would it be appropriate to use a process costing system? In what ways are job-order and process costing similar? Why is cost accumulation easier in a process costing system than it is in a job-order costing system? How many Work in Process accounts are maintained in a company that uses process costing? Assume that a company has two processing departments—Mixing and Firing. Prepare a journal entry to show a transfer of partially completed units from the Mixing Department to the Firing Department. Assume that a company has two processing departments—Mixing followed by Firing. Explain what costs might be added to the Firing Department’s Work in Process account during a period. What is meant by the term equivalent units of production when the weighted-average method is used? Watkins Trophies, Inc., produces thousands of medallions made of bronze, silver, and gold. The medallions are identical except for the materials used in their manufacture. What costing system would you advise the company to use? (Appendix 4A) How does the computation of equivalent units under the FIFO method differ from the computation of equivalent units under the weighted-average method? (Appendix 4A) From the standpoint of cost control, why is the FIFO method superior to the weighted-average method? (Appendix 4B) What is the difference between a service department and an operating department? (Appendix 4B) How are service department costs assigned to products? (Appendix 4B) What are interdepartmental services? (Appendix 4B) How are interdepartmental service costs handled under the direct method? (Appendix 4B) How are service department costs allocated to other departments under the step-down method?

Exercises EXERCISE 4-1 Process Costing Journal Entries [LO1]

Arizona Brick Corporation produces bricks in two processing departments—Molding and Firing. Information relating to the company’s operations in March follows: a. Raw materials were issued for use in production: Molding Department, $28,000; and Firing Department, $5,000. b. Direct labor costs were incurred: Molding Department, $18,000; and Firing Department, $5,000. c. Manufacturing overhead was applied: Molding Department, $24,000; and Firing Department, $37,000. d. Unfired, molded bricks were transferred from the Molding Department to the Firing Department. According to the company’s process costing system, the cost of the unfired, molded bricks was $67,000. e. Finished bricks were transferred from the Firing Department to the finished goods warehouse. According to the company’s process costing system, the cost of the finished bricks was $108,000. f. Finished bricks were sold to customers. According to the company’s process costing system, the cost of the finished bricks sold was $106,000. Required:

Prepare journal entries to record items (a) through (f) above. EXERCISE 4-2 Computation of Equivalent Units—Weighted-Average Method [LO2]

Lindex Company manufactures a product that goes through three processing departments. Information relating to activity in the first department during October is given below: Percent Completed

Work in process, October 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process, October 31 . . . . . . . . . .




50,000 30,000

90% 70%

60% 50%

Systems Design: Process Costing

The department started 390,000 units into production during the month and transferred 410,000 completed units to the next department. Required:

Compute the equivalent units of production for the first department for October, assuming that the company uses the weighted-average method of accounting for units and costs. EXERCISE 4-3 Cost Per Equivalent Unit—Weighted-Average Method [LO3]

Billinstaff Industries uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. Data for the Assembly Department for May appear below:

Work in process, May 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost added during May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equivalent units of production . . . . . . . . . .




$14,550 $88,350 1,200

$23,620 $14,330 1,100

$118,100 $71,650 1,100


Compute the cost per equivalent unit for materials, for labor, for overhead, and in total. EXERCISE 4-4 Applying Costs to Units—Weighted-Average Method [LO4]

Data concerning a recent period’s activity in the Prep Department, the first processing department in a company that uses process costing, appear below:

Materials Equivalent units of production in ending work in process. . . . . . . . Cost per equivalent unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


300 $31.56

100 $9.32

A total of 1,300 units were completed and transferred to the next processing department during the period. Required:

Compute the cost of the units transferred to the next department during the period and the cost of ending work in process inventory. EXERCISE 4-5 (Appendix 4A) Computation of Equivalent Units—FIFO Method [LO5]

QualCon, Inc., produces wine bottles for vintners in a process that starts in the Melt and Mold Department. Data concerning that department’s operations in the most recent period appear below:

Beginning work in process: Units in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stage of completion with respect to materials. . . . . . . . . . . . Stage of completion with respect to conversion . . . . . . . . . . Units started into production during the month. . . . . . . . . . . . . Units completed and transferred out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ending work in process: Units in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stage of completion with respect to materials. . . . . . . . . . . . Stage of completion with respect to conversion . . . . . . . . . .

400 75% 25% 42,600 42,500 500 80% 30%


QualCon uses the FIFO method in its process costing system. Compute the equivalent units of production for the period for the Melt and Mold Department.



Chapter 4 EXERCISE 4-6 (Appendix 4A) Cost per Equivalent Unit—FIFO Method [LO6]

Resprin Company uses the FIFO method in its process costing system. Data for the Assembly Department for May appear below:

Cost added during May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equivalent units of production . . . . . . . . . .




$82,560 16,000

$52,920 14,000

$132,300 14,000


Compute the cost per equivalent unit for materials, for labor, for overhead, and in total. EXERCISE 4-7 (Appendix 4A) Applying Costs to Units—FIFO Method [LO7]

Data concerning a recent period’s activity in the Mixing Department, the first processing department in a company that uses process costing, appear below:

Cost of work in process inventory at the beginning of the period . . . . . . . Equivalent units of production in the ending work in process inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equivalent units of production required to complete the beginning work in process inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost per equivalent unit for the period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







400 $4.40

700 $1.30

A total of 8,000 units were completed and transferred to the next processing department during the period. Beginning work in process inventory consisted of 1,000 units and ending work in process inventory consisted of 2,000 units. Required:

Compute the cost of the units transferred to the next department during the period and the cost of ending work in process inventory. EXERCISE 4-8 (Appendix 4B) Direct Method [LO8]

Ignatius College has provided the following data to be used in its service department cost allocations: Service Departments

Departmental costs before allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Student credit-hours . . . . . . . . Space occupied in square feet . .

Operating Departments


Physical Plant Services

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs





$23,650,000 40,000 250,000

$2,980,000 5,000 50,000


Using the direct method, allocate the costs of the service departments to the two operating departments. Allocate the costs of the Administration Department on the basis of student credit-hours and the costs of the Physical Plant Services Department on the basis of space occupied. EXERCISE 4-9 (Appendix 4B) Step-Down Method [LO9]

University District Co-op, a whole foods grocery and coffee shop, has provided the following data to be used in its service department cost allocations: Service Departments

Departmental costs before allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Employee-hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Space occupied in square feet . . . . . . . .

Operating Departments


Building Services


Coffee Shop

$200,000 480 800

$60,000 320 1,200

$3,860,000 2,720 9,500

$340,000 160 500

Systems Design: Process Costing Required:

Using the step-down method, allocate the costs of the service departments to the two operating departments. Allocate the costs of the Administration Department first on the basis of employee-hours and then the costs of the Building Services Department on the basis of space occupied. EXERCISE 4-10 Process Costing Journal Entries [LO1]

Schneider Brot is a bread-baking company located in Aachen, Germany, near the Dutch border. The company uses a process costing system for its single product—a popular pumpernickel bread. Schneider Brot has two processing departments—Mixing and Baking. The T-accounts below show the flow of costs through the two departments in April (all amounts are in the currency euros): Work in Process—Mixing Balance 4/1 Direct materials Direct labor Overhead

10,000 330,000 260,000 190,000

Transferred out


Work in Process—Baking Balance 4/1 Transferred in Direct labor Overhead

20,000 760,000 120,000 90,000

Transferred out



Prepare journal entries showing the flow of costs through the two processing departments during April. EXERCISE 4-11 Equivalent Units and Cost per Equivalent Unit—Weighted-Average Method [LO2, LO3]

Kalox, Inc., manufactures an antacid product that passes through two departments. Data for May for the first department follow:

Work in process, May 1 . . . . . . . . . . Gallons started in process . . . . . . . . Gallons transferred out . . . . . . . . . . Work in process, May 31 . . . . . . . . . Cost added during May . . . . . . . . . .





80,000 760,000 790,000 50,000







The beginning work in process inventory was 80% complete with respect to materials and 75% complete with respect to labor and overhead. The ending work in process inventory was 60% complete with respect to materials and 20% complete with respect to labor and overhead. Required:

Assume that the company uses the weighted-average method of accounting for units and costs. 1. Compute the equivalent units for May’s activity for the first department. 2. Determine the costs per equivalent unit for May. EXERCISE 4-12 (Appendix 4A) Equivalent Units and Cost per Equivalent Unit—FIFO Method [LO5, LO6]

Refer to the data for Kalox, Inc., in Exercise 4-11. Required:

Assume that the company uses the FIFO method of accounting for units and costs. 1. Compute the equivalent units for May’s activity for the first processing department. 2. Determine the costs per equivalent unit for May.



Chapter 4 EXERCISE 4-13 (Appendix 4A) Equivalent Units; Applying Costs—FIFO Method [LO5, LO6, LO7]

Krollon Company uses the FIFO method in its process costing system. The following data are for the most recent month of operations in one of the company’s processing departments:

Units in beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units started into production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units in ending inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units transferred to the next department . . . . . . . . . . . .

400 4,300 300 4,400

Percentage completion of beginning inventory . . . . . . . Percentage completion of ending inventory . . . . . . . . . .



70% 80%

30% 40%

The cost of beginning inventory according to the company’s costing system was $7,886 of which $4,897 was for materials and the remainder was for conversion cost. The costs added during the month amounted to $181,652. The costs per equivalent unit for the month were:





Cost per equivalent unit . . . . . . . .


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Compute the total cost per equivalent unit for the month. Compute the equivalent units of material and of conversion costs in the ending inventory. Compute the equivalent units of material and of conversion costs that were required to complete the beginning inventory. Determine the number of units started and completed during the month. Determine the costs of ending inventory and units transferred out.

EXERCISE 4-14 Equivalent Units—Weighted-Average Method [LO2]

Gulf Fisheries, Inc., processes tuna for various distributors. Two departments are involved—Cleaning and Packing. Data relating to pounds of tuna processed in the Cleaning Department during May are given below:

Work in process, May 1 . . . . . . . . Work in process, May 31 . . . . . . .

Pounds of Tuna

Percent Completed*

30,000 20,000

55% 90%

*Labor and overhead only.

A total of 480,000 pounds of tuna were started into processing during May. All materials are added at the beginning of processing in the Cleaning Department. Required:

Compute the equivalent units for May for the Cleaning Department, assuming that the company uses the weighted-average method of accounting for units. EXERCISE 4-15 (Appendix 4A) Equivalent Units—FIFO Method [LO5]

Refer to the data for Gulf Fisheries, Inc., in Exercise 4-14. Required:

Compute the equivalent units for May for the Cleaning Department, assuming that the company uses the FIFO method of accounting for units.


Systems Design: Process Costing EXERCISE 4-16 (Appendix 4B) Step-Down Method [LO9]

Arbon Company has three service departments and two operating departments. Selected data concerning the five departments are presented below:

Operating Departments

Service Departments Administrative


Equipment Maintenance

$84,000 80 3,000

$67,800 60 12,000

$36,000 240 10,000

Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Square feet of space occupied . . . . . . . Machine-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




$256,100 600 20,000 10,000

$498,600 300 70,000 30,000

$942,500 1,280 115,000 40,000

The company allocates service department costs by the step-down method in the following order: Administrative (number of employees), Janitorial (space occupied), and Equipment Maintenance (machine-hours). Required:

Using the step-down method, allocate the service department costs to the operating departments. EXERCISE 4-17 (Appendix 4B) Direct Method [LO8]

Refer to the data for Arbon Company in Exercise 4-16. Required:

Assuming that the company uses the direct method rather than the step-down method to allocate service department costs, how much overhead cost would be assigned to each operating department? EXERCISE 4-18 Equivalent Units and Cost per Equivalent Unit—Weighted-Average Method [LO2, LO3, LO4]

Solex Company produces a high-quality insulation material that passes through two production processes. Data for June for the first process follow:

Units Work in process inventory, June 1 . . . . . . . . . Work in process inventory, June 30 . . . . . . . . Materials cost in work in process inventory, June 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion cost in work in process inventory, June 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units started into production. . . . . . . . . . . . . Units transferred to the next process . . . . . . Materials cost added during June . . . . . . . . Conversion cost added during June . . . . . . .

Completion with Respect to Materials

60,000 40,000

75% 50%

Completion with Respect to Conversion 40% 25%

$56,600 $14,900 280,000 300,000 $385,000 $214,500


1. 2. 3.

Assume that the company uses the weighted-average method of accounting for units and costs. Determine the equivalent units for June for the first process. Compute the costs per equivalent unit for June for the first process. Determine the total cost of ending work in process inventory and the total cost of units transferred to the next process in June.


Chapter 4

Problems PROBLEM 4-19 Equivalent Units, Cost per Equivalent Unit, Applying Costs—Weighted-Average Method [LO2, LO3, LO4]

Honeybutter, Inc., manufactures a product that goes through two departments prior to completion. The following information is available about work in the first department, the Mixing Department, during June.


Assume that the company uses the weighted-average method. 1. Determine the equivalent units for June for the first process. 2. Compute the costs per equivalent unit for June for the first process. 3. Determine the total cost of ending work in process inventory and the total cost of units transferred to the next process in June. 4. Prepare a report that reconciles the total costs assigned to the ending work in process inventory and the units transferred out with the costs in beginning inventory and costs added during the period. PROBLEM 4-20 (Appendix 4A) Equivalent Units, Cost per Equivalent Unit, Applying Costs—FIFO Method [LO5, LO6, LO7]

Refer to the data for the Mixing Department in Honeybutter, Inc., in Problem 4-19. Assume that the company uses the FIFO method rather than the weighted-average method in its process costing system. Required:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Determine the equivalent units for June for the first process. Compute the costs per equivalent unit for June for the first process. Determine the total cost of ending work in process inventory and the total cost of units transferred to the next process in June. Prepare a report that reconciles the total costs assigned to the ending work in process inventory and the units transferred out with the costs in beginning inventory and costs added during the period.

Systems Design: Process Costing PROBLEM 4-21 Equivalent Units; Applying Costs—Weighted-Average Method [LO2, LO3, LO4]

The PVC Company manufactures a high-quality plastic pipe in two departments, Cooking and Molding. Materials are introduced at various points during work in the Cooking Department. After the cooking is completed, the materials are transferred into the Molding Department, in which pipe is formed. Selected data relating to the Cooking Department during May are given below: Production data: Pounds in process, May 1: materials 100% complete, conversion 90% complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pounds started into production during May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pounds completed and transferred to Molding . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pounds in process, May 31: materials 75% complete, conversion 25% complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost data: Work in process inventory, May 1: Materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost added during May: Materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

70,000 350,000 ? 40,000

$86,000 $36,000 $447,000 $198,000

The company uses the weighted-average method. Required:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Compute the equivalent units of production. Compute the costs per equivalent unit for May. Determine the cost of ending work in process inventory and of the units transferred to the Molding Department. Prepare a cost reconciliation between the costs determined in part (3) above and the cost of beginning inventory and costs added during the period.

PROBLEM 4-22 (Appendix 4A) Equivalent Units; Applying Costs—FIFO Method [LO5, LO6, LO7]

Reutter Company manufactures a single product and uses process costing. The company’s product goes through two processing departments, Etching and Wiring. The following activity was recorded in the Etching Department during July: Production data: Units in process, July 1: materials 60% complete, conversion 30% complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units started into production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units in process, July 31: materials 80% complete, conversion 40% complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost data: Work in process inventory, July 1: Materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost added during July: Materials cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60,000 510,000 70,000

$27,000 $13,000 $468,000 $357,000

Materials are added at several stages during the etching process. The company uses the FIFO method. Required:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Compute the equivalent units of production. Compute the costs per equivalent unit for July. Determine the cost of ending work in process inventory and of the units transferred to the Wiring Department. Prepare a cost reconciliation between the costs determined in part (3) above and the cost of beginning inventory and costs added during the period.



Chapter 4 PROBLEM 4-23 (Appendix 4B) Step-Down Method [LO9]

Pleasant View Hospital has three service departments—Food Services, Administrative Services, and X-ray Services. The costs of these departments are allocated by the step-down method, using the allocation bases and in the order shown below: Costs Incurred

Service Department Food Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative Services . . . . . . . . . . . . .

X-ray Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Variable Fixed Variable Fixed Variable Fixed

Base for Allocation Meals served Peak-period needs Files processed 10% X-ray Services, 20% Outpatient Clinic, 30% OB Care, and 40% General Hospital X-rays taken Peak-period needs

Estimated cost and operating data for all departments in the hospital for the forthcoming month are presented in the following table: Food Services

Admin. Services

X-Ray Services

Outpatient Clinic

OB Care

General Hospital


Variable costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 73,150 48,000

$ 6,800 33,040

$38,100 59,520

$11,700 26,958

$ 14,850 99,738

$ 53,400 344,744

$198,000 612,000

Total costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .














1% 1,500

17% 900 350 3%

80% 12,000 8,400 84%

100% 17,400 9,950 100%

Meals served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percent of peak-period Food Services needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Files processed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-rays taken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percent of peak-period X-ray Services needs. . .

3,000 1,200 13%

All billing in the hospital is done through the Outpatient Clinic, OB Care, or General Hospital. The hospital’s administrator wants the costs of the three service departments allocated to these three billing centers. Required:

Prepare the cost allocation desired by the hospital administrator. Include under each billing center the direct costs of the center as well as the costs allocated from the service departments. PROBLEM 4-24 Interpreting a Report—Weighted-Average Method [LO2, LO3, LO4]

Bell Computers, Ltd., located in Liverpool, England, assembles a standardized personal computer from parts it purchases from various suppliers. The production process consists of several steps, starting with assembly of the “mother” circuit board, which contains the central processing unit. This assembly takes place in the CPU Assembly Department. The company recently hired a new accountant who prepared the following report for the department for May using the weighted-average method: Quantity Schedule Units to be accounted for: Work in process, May 1 (materials 90% complete; conversion 80% complete) . . . . . . . . Started into production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5,000 29,000

Total units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Units accounted for as follows: Transferred to next department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process, May 31 (materials 75% complete; conversion 50% complete) . . . . . . . . Total units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30,000 4,000 34,000

Systems Design: Process Costing

Cost Reconciliation Cost to be accounted for: Work in process, May 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost added in the department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

£ 13,400 87,800

Total cost to be accounted for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Cost accounted for as follows: Work in process, May 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transferred to next department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total cost accounted for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


8,200 93,000


The company’s management would like some additional information about May’s operation in the CPU Assembly Department. (The currency in England is the pound, which is denoted by the symbol £.) Required:

1. 2. 3.

How many units were started and completed during May? What were the equivalent units for May for materials and conversion costs? What were the costs per equivalent unit for May? The following additional data are available concerning the department’s costs:

Work in process, May 1 . . . . . . . . Costs added during May . . . . . . .

4. 5.




£9,000 £57,000

£4,400 £30,800

£13,400 £87,800

Verify the accountant’s ending work in process inventory figure (£8,200) given in the report. The new manager of the CPU Assembly Department was asked to estimate the incremental cost of processing an additional 1,000 units through the department. He took the unit cost for an equivalent whole unit you computed in (3) above and multiplied this figure by 1,000. Will this method yield a valid estimate of incremental cost? Explain.

PROBLEM 4-25 Analysis of Work in Process T-Account—Weighted-Average Method [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4]

Brady Products manufactures a silicone paste wax that goes through three processing departments—Cracking, Blending, and Packing. All of the raw materials are introduced at the start of work in the Cracking Department. The Work in Process T-account for the Cracking Department for May follows: Work in Process—Cracking Department Inventory, May 1 (35,000 pounds, conversion 4/5 complete) May costs added: Raw materials (280,000 pounds) Conversion costs Inventory, May 31 (45,000 pounds, conversion 2/3 complete)


Completed and transferred to Blending ( ? pounds)


397,600 189,700 ?

The May 1 work in process inventory consists of $43,400 in materials cost and $20,300 in conversion cost. The company uses the weighted-average method. Required:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Determine the equivalent units of production for May. Determine the costs per equivalent unit for May. Determine the cost of the units completed and transferred to Blending during May and the cost of ending work in process inventory. What criticism can be made of the unit costs that you have computed if they are used to evaluate how well costs have been controlled?



Chapter 4 PROBLEM 4-26 Equivalent Units; Costing of Inventories; Journal Entries—Weighted-Average Method [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4]

Zap Rap, Inc., is a manufacturer of audio CDs. The company’s chief financial officer is trying to verify the accuracy of the December 31 work in process and finished goods inventories prior to closing the books for the year. He strongly suspects that the year-end dollar balances are incorrect, but he believes that all the other data are accurate. The year-end balances shown on Zap Rap’s books are as follows:

Work in process, Dec. 31 (materials 100% complete; conversion 50% complete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished goods, Dec. 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



30,000 50,000

$95,000 $201,000

There were no finished goods inventories at the beginning of the year. The company uses the weighted-average method of process costing. There is only one processing department. A review of the company’s inventory and cost records has disclosed the following data:

Costs Units Work in process, Jan. 1 (materials 100% complete; conversion 80% complete) . . . . . . . . Started into production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs added during the year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units completed during the year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20,000 800,000









1. 2. 3. 4.

Determine the equivalent units and the costs per equivalent unit for materials and conversion for the year. Determine the amount of cost that should be assigned to the ending work in process and finished goods inventories. Prepare the necessary correcting journal entry to adjust the work in process and finished goods inventories to the correct balances as of December 31. Determine the cost of goods sold for the year, assuming that there is no underapplied or overapplied overhead. (CPA, adapted)

PROBLEM 4-27 Cost Flows [LO1]

Nature’s Way, Inc., keeps one of its production facilities busy making a perfume called Essence de la Vache. The perfume goes through two processing departments: Blending and Bottling. The following incomplete Work in Process account is provided for the Blending Department for March: Work in Process—Blending March 1 balance Raw materials Direct labor Overhead March 31 balance

32,800 147,600 73,200 481,000 ?

Completed and transferred to Bottling (760,000 ounces)


The $32,800 beginning inventory in the Blending Department consisted of the following elements: raw materials, $8,000; direct labor, $4,000; and overhead applied, $20,800. Costs incurred during March in the Bottling Department were: materials used, $45,000; direct labor, $17,000; and overhead cost applied to production, $108,000.


Systems Design: Process Costing Required:



Prepare journal entries to record the costs incurred in both the Blending Department and Bottling Department during March. Key your entries to items (a) through (g) below: a. Raw materials were issued for use in production. b. Direct labor costs were incurred. c. Manufacturing overhead costs for the entire factory were incurred, $596,000. (Credit Accounts Payable and use a single Manufacturing Overhead control account for the entire factory.) d. Manufacturing overhead was applied to production using a predetermined overhead rate. e. Units that were complete with respect to processing in the Blending Department were transferred to the Bottling Department, $722,000. f. Units that were complete with respect to processing in the Bottling Department were transferred to Finished Goods, $920,000. g. Completed units were sold on account for $1,400,000. The cost of goods sold was $890,000. Post the journal entries from (1) above to T-accounts. The following account balances existed at the beginning of March. (The beginning balance in the Blending Department’s Work in Process account is given above.)

Raw Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in Process—Bottling Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$198,600 $49,000 $20,000

After posting the entries to the T-accounts, find the ending balances in the inventory accounts and the manufacturing overhead account.

Cases CASE 4-28 Ethics and the Manager; Understanding the Impact of Percentage Completion on Profit [LO2, LO3, LO4]

Thad Kostowski and Carol Lee are production managers in the Appliances Division of Mesger Corporation, which has several dozen plants scattered in locations throughout the world. Carol manages the plant located in Kansas City, Missouri, while Thad manages the plant in Roseville, Oregon. Production managers are paid a salary and get an additional bonus equal to 10% of their base salary if the entire division meets or exceeds its target profits for the year. The bonus is determined in March after the company’s annual report has been prepared and issued to stockholders. Late in February, Carol received a phone call from Thad that went like this: Thad: How’s it going, Carol? Carol: Fine, Thad. How’s it going with you? Thad: Great! I just got the preliminary profit figures for the division for last year and we are within $62,500 of making the year’s target profits. All we have to do is to pull a few strings, and we’ll be over the top! Carol: What do you mean? Thad: Well, one thing that would be easy to change is your estimate of the percentage completion of your ending work in process inventories. Carol: I don’t know if I should do that, Thad. Those percentage completion numbers are supplied by Jean Jackson, my lead supervisor. I have always trusted her to provide us with good estimates. Besides, I have already sent the percentage completion figures to the corporate headquarters. Thad: You can always tell them there was a mistake. Think about it, Carol. All of us managers are doing as much as we can to pull this bonus out of the hat. You may not want the bonus check, but the rest of us sure could use it.

The final processing department in Carol’s production facility began the year with no work in process inventories. During the year, 270,000 units were transferred in from the prior processing department and 250,000 units were completed and sold. Costs transferred in from the prior department totaled $49,221,000. No materials are added in the final processing department. A total of $16,320,000 of conversion cost was incurred in the final processing department during the year.


Chapter 4 Required:


2. 3. 4.

Jean Jackson estimated that the units in ending inventory in the final processing department were 25% complete with respect to the conversion costs of the final processing department. If this estimate of the percentage completion is used, what would be the cost of goods sold for the year? Does Thad Kostowski want the estimated percentage completion to be increased or decreased? Explain why. What percentage completion figure would result in increasing the reported net operating income by $62,500 over the net operating income that would be reported if the 25% figure were used? Do you think Carol Lee should go along with the request to alter estimates of the percentage completion? Why or why not?

CASE 4-29 Second Department—Weighted-Average Method [LO2, LO3, LO4]

Durall Company manufactures a plastic gasket that is used in automobile engines. The gaskets go through three processing departments: Mixing, Forming, and Stamping. The company’s accountant (who is very inexperienced) has prepared a summary of production and costs for the Forming Department for October as follows: Forming Department costs: Work in process inventory, October 1, 8,000 units; materials 100% complete; conversion 7兾8 complete . . . . . . . . . . . Costs transferred in from the Mixing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material added during October (added when processing is 50% complete in the Forming Department). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion costs added during October. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 22,420* 81,480 27,600 96,900

Total departmental costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Forming Department costs assigned to: Units completed and transferred to the Stamping Department, 100,000 units at $2.284 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Work in process inventory, October 31, 5,000 units, conversion 2兾5 complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total departmental costs assigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

— $228,400

*Consists of cost transferred in, $8,820; materials cost, $3,400; and conversion costs, $10,200.

After mulling over the data above, Durall’s president commented, “I can’t understand what’s happening here. Despite a concentrated effort at cost reduction, our unit cost actually went up in the Forming Department last month. With that kind of performance, year-end bonuses are out of the question for the people in that department.” The company uses the weighted-average method in its process costing. Required:



Prepare a report for the Forming Department for October showing how much cost should have been assigned to the units completed and transferred to the Stamping Department and to the ending work in process inventory. Explain to the president why the unit cost appearing on the report prepared by the accountant is so high.

CASE 4-30 (Appendix 4A) Second Department—FIFO Method [LO5, LO6, LO7]

Refer to the data for Durall Company in the preceding case. Assume that the company uses the FIFO method. Required:



Prepare a report for the Forming Department for October showing how much cost should have been assigned to the units completed and transferred to the Stamping Department and to the ending work in process inventory. Assume that in order to remain competitive, the company undertook a major cost-cutting program during October. Would the effects of this cost-cutting program tend to show up more under the weighted-average method or under the FIFO method? Explain your answer.

Systems Design: Process Costing CASE 4-31 (Appendix 4B) Step-Down Method versus Direct Method [LO8, LO9]

“I can’t understand what’s happening here,” said Mike Holt, president of Severson Products, Inc. “We always seem to bid too high on jobs that require a lot of labor time in the Finishing Department, and we always seem to get every job we bid on that requires a lot of machine time in the Milling Department. Yet we don’t seem to be making much money on those Milling Department jobs. I wonder if the problem is in our overhead rates.” Severson Products manufactures high-quality wood products to customers’ specifications. Some jobs take a large amount of machine work in the Milling Department, and other jobs take a large amount of hand finishing work in the Finishing Department. In addition to the Milling and Finishing departments, the company has three service departments. The costs of these service departments are allocated to other departments in the order listed below. (For each service department, use the most appropriate allocation base.)

Cafeteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Custodial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . Machinery Maintenance . . . . . . . . . Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total LaborHours

Square Feet of Space Occupied

Number of Employees


Direct LaborHours

16,000 9,000 15,000 30,000 100,000

12,000 3,000 10,000 40,000 20,000

25 40 60 100 300

160,000 40,000

20,000 70,000






Budgeted overhead costs in each department for the current year are as follows: Cafeteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Custodial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . Machinery Maintenance . . . . . . . . Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 320,000* 65,400 93,600 416,000 166,000

Total budgeted cost . . . . . . . . . . .


*This represents the amount of cost subsidized by the company.

The company has always allocated service department costs to the operating departments (Milling and Finishing) using the direct method of allocation, because of its simplicity. Required:


2. 3.

Allocate service department costs to operating departments by the step-down method. Then compute predetermined overhead rates in the operating departments for the current year, using machine-hours as the allocation base in the Milling Department and direct labor-hours as the allocation base in the Finishing Department. Repeat (1) above, this time using the direct method. Again compute predetermined overhead rates in the Milling and Finishing Departments. Assume that during the current year the company bids on a job that requires machine and labor time as follows: MachineDirect Hours Labor-Hours Milling Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finishing Department . . . . . . . . . . .

2,000 800

1,600 13,000

Total hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Chapter 4



Determine the amount of overhead that would be assigned to the job if the company used the overhead rates developed in (1) above. Then determine the amount of overhead that would be assigned to the job if the company used the overhead rates developed in (2) above. Explain to the president why the step-down method provides a better basis for computing predetermined overhead rates than the direct method.



The questions in this exercise are based on Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. The company had almost $15 billion in net sales in 2004. Although the company derives revenue from various sources, we are going to focus on the company’s core business—beer manufacturing. To answer the questions, you will need to download and view an on-line tour of the company’s beer brewing process at Required:

1. 2. 3.


List each of the processing departments in Anheuser-Busch’s brewing process. For each department, identify any raw materials that are added to production within that department,. Would you expect Anheuser-Busch’s brewing process to require fairly large amounts of manufacturing overhead costs? Why or why not? Prepare a T-account model of the process costing flows for Anheuser-Busch that is similar to the one shown in Exhibit 4–3 on page 152. You need not take the diagram beyond the first two processes: Mashing and Straining. Why might Anheuser-Busch use a form of operation costing as described on page 160?


5 Cost Behavior Analysis and Use


The Business of Art Sculpture Shidoni Foundry, located in Tesuque, New Mexico, is a fine art casting and fabrication facility. The process of creating a bronze or other metal sculpture is complex. The artist creates the sculpture using modeling clay and then hires a foundry such as Shidoni to produce the actual metal sculpture. Shidoni craftspeople make a rubber mold from the clay model then use that mold to make a wax version of the original. The wax is in turn used to make a ceramic casting mold, and finally the bronze version is cast. Both the wax and the ceramic casting mold are destroyed in the process of making the metal casting, but the rubber mold is not and can be reused to make additional castings. The surface of the metal sculpture can be treated with various patinas. One of the accompanying photos shows Harry Gold, the shop’s patina artist, applying a patina to a metal sculpture with brush and blowtorch. The other photo shows a finished sculpture with patinas applied. The artist is faced with a difficult business decision. The rubber mold for a small figure such as the seated Indian in the accompanying photo costs roughly $500; the mold for a life-size figure such as the cowboy costs $3,800 to $5,000. This is just for the mold! Fortunately, as discussed above, a number of metal castings can be made from each mold. However, each life-size casting costs $8,500 to $11,000. In contrast, a casting of the much smaller Indian sculpture would cost about $750. Given the fixed costs of the mold and variable costs of the casting, finish treatments, and bases, the artist must decide how many castings to produce and how to price them. The fewer the castings, the greater the rarity factor, and hence the higher the price that can be charged to art lovers. However, in that case, the fixed costs of making the mold must be spread across fewer items. The artist must make sure not to price the sculptures so high that the investment in molds and in the castings cannot be recovered. ■

Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 5, you should be able to:

LO1 Understand how fixed and variable costs behave and how to use them to predict costs. LO2 Use a scattergraph plot to diagnose cost behavior. LO3 Analyze a mixed cost using the high-low method. LO4 Prepare an income statement using the contribution format. LO5 (Appendix 5A) Analyze a mixed cost using the least-squares regression method.

Source: Conversations with Shidoni personnel, including Bill Rogers and Harry Gold, and Shidoni literature. See for more information concerning the company.


Chapter 5


n Chapter 2, we stated that costs can be classified by behavior. Cost behavior

refers to how a cost will change as the level of activity changes. Managers who understand how costs behave can predict how costs will change under various alternatives. Conversely, attempting to make decisions without a thorough understanding of cost behavior patterns can lead to disaster. For example, cutting back production of a product line might result in far less cost savings than managers assume if they confuse fixed costs with variable costs—leading to a drop in profits. To avoid such problems, managers must be able to accurately predict what costs will be at various activity levels. This chapter briefly reviews the definitions of variable and fixed costs and then discusses the behavior of these costs in greater depth than in Chapter 2. The chapter also introduces the concept of a mixed cost, which is a cost that has both variable and fixed cost elements. The chapter concludes by introducing a new income statement format—called the contribution format—in which costs are organized by behavior rather than by the traditional functions of production, sales, and administration.

Types of Cost Behavior Patterns Topic Tackler

PLUS 5–1


In Chapter 2 we mentioned only variable and fixed costs. In this chapter we will examine a third cost behavior pattern, known as a mixed or semivariable cost. All three cost behavior patterns—variable, fixed, and mixed—are found in most organizations. The relative proportion of each type of cost in an organization is known as its cost structure. For example, an organization might have many fixed costs but few variable or mixed costs. Alternatively, it might have many variable costs but few fixed or mixed costs. In this chapter, we will concentrate on gaining a fuller understanding of the behavior of each type of cost. In the next chapter, we explore how cost structure impacts decisions.

COST STRUCTURE: A MANAGEMENT CHOICE Some managers are thriftier than others. Kenneth Iverson built Nucor Steel into the most successful U.S. steel company of recent years by developing a whole new approach to steel-making using costefficient minimills. Iverson ran his company with few layers of management and a commitment to employees that everyone would be treated alike. Workers were “dissuaded from joining a union by high wages and a series of No’s—no management dining rooms, no company yachts, no company planes, no first-class travel for executives, and no support staff to pamper the upper echelons.” Iverson ran the largest steel company in the U.S. with only 20 people in his headquarters. “By responding to market signals, focusing on a single major product line, and treating his employees with respect and compassion, Mr. Iverson contributed immensely to the industrial rebirth in this country.” Source: Donald F. Barnett and Robert W. Crandall, “Remembering a Man of Steel,” The Wall Street Journal, April 23, 2002, p. B4.


Understand how fixed and variable costs behave and how to use them to predict costs.

Variable Costs We explained in Chapter 2 that a variable cost is a cost whose total dollar amount varies in direct proportion to changes in the activity level. If the activity level doubles, the total variable cost also doubles. If the activity level increases by only 10%, then the total variable cost increases by 10% as well.

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use


ADVERTISING ON THE WEB Many companies spend a growing portion of their advertising budgets on web-based contextual advertising. Here is an example of how it works. A tour company specializing in trips to Belize would like to steer consumers interested in Belize vacations to its website. The tour company partners with National Geographic and Quigo Technologies, a software company, to ensure that every time a visitor reads a National Geographic article mentioning the word Belize, a pop-up advertisement contains a link to the tour company’s website. The tour company pays 50 cents each time a visitor clicks on that link. The 50 cents is split between, National Geographic’s on-line business, and Quigo Technologies. For the tour company, this form of advertising is a clear example of a variable cost. The cost per click is constant at 50 cents per unit, but the total advertising cost rises as the number of clicks increases. The challenge for software developers at companies such as Quigo Technologies, Google, and Yahoo is to write programs that intelligently select ads that are relevant to the context of a given web page. Providing superior contextual relevance increases the likelihood that web surfers will click on an advertisement, which in turn increases the revenue generated. Quigo Technologies’ Michael Yavonditte claims that his company’s ads are clicked on 0.7% of the time versus 0.2% for competitors. Source: Chana R. Schoenberger, “Out of Context” Forbes, November 29, 2004, pp. 64–68.

We also found in Chapter 2 that a variable cost remains constant if expressed on a per unit basis. To provide an example, consider Nooksack Expeditions, a small company that provides daylong whitewater rafting excursions on rivers in the North Cascade Mountains. The company provides all of the necessary equipment and experienced guides, and it serves gourmet meals to its guests. The meals are purchased from an exclusive caterer for $30 a person for a daylong excursion. If we look at the cost of the meals on a per person basis, it remains constant at $30. This $30 cost per person will not change, regardless of how many people participate in a daylong excursion. The behavior of this variable cost, on both a per unit and a total basis, is tabulated as follows:

Number of Guests 250 . . . . . . . . . 500 . . . . . . . . . 750 . . . . . . . . . 1,000 . . . . . . . . .


Cost of Meals per Guest

Total Cost of Meals

$30 $30 $30 $30

$7,500 $15,000 $22,500 $30,000

The idea that a variable cost is constant per unit but varies in total with the activity level is crucial to understanding cost behavior patterns. We shall rely on this concept repeatedly in this chapter and in chapters ahead. Exhibit 5–1 (page 190) illustrates variable cost behavior. Note that the graph of the total cost of the meals slants upward to the right. This is because the total cost of the meals is directly proportional to the number of guests. In contrast, the graph of the per unit cost of meals is flat because the cost of the meals per guest is constant at $30.

The Activity Base For a cost to be variable, it must be variable with respect to something. That “something” is its activity base. An activity base is a measure of whatever causes the incurrence of variable cost. An activity base is sometimes referred to as a cost driver. Some of the most common activity bases are direct labor-hours, machine-hours, units produced, and units sold. Other examples of activity bases (cost drivers) include the number of miles driven by salespersons, the number of pounds of laundry cleaned by a hotel, the


Chapter 5

E X H I B I T 5–1 Variable Cost Behavior

Total Cost of Meals

Per Unit Cost of Meals


$60 A variable cost increases, in total, in proportion to activity

A variable cost is constant per unit of activity

$50 Cost of meals per guest

Total cost of meals

$25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000

$40 $30 $20 $10


$0 0

250 500 750 Number of guests


250 500 750 Number of guests


number of calls handled by technical support staff at a software company, and the number of beds occupied in a hospital. People sometimes get the notion that if a cost doesn’t vary with production or with sales, then it is not a variable cost. This is not correct. As suggested by the range of bases listed above, costs are caused by many different activities within an organization. Whether a cost is variable or fixed depends on whether it is caused by the activity under consideration. For example, when analyzing the cost of service calls under a product warranty, the relevant activity measure is the number of service calls made. Those costs that vary in total with the number of service calls made are the variable costs of making service calls. Nevertheless, unless stated otherwise, you can assume that the activity base under consideration is the total volume of goods and services provided by the organization. So, for example, if we ask whether direct materials at Ford is a variable cost, the answer is yes, since the cost of direct materials is variable with respect to Ford’s total volume of output. We will specify the activity base only when it is something other than total output.


COPING WITH THE FALLOUT FROM SEPTEMBER 11 Costs can change for reasons that have nothing to do with changes in volume. Filterfresh is a company that services coffee machines located in commercial offices—providing milk, sugar, cups, and coffee. The company’s operations were profoundly affected by the security measures many companies initiated after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Heightened security at customer locations means that Filterfresh’s 250 deliverymen can no longer casually walk through a customer’s lobby with a load of supplies. Now a guard typically checks the deliveryman’s identification and paperwork at the loading dock and may search the van before permitting the deliveryman access to the customer’s building. These delays have added an average of about an hour per day to each route, which means that Filterfresh needs 24 more delivery people to do the same work it did prior to September 11. That’s a 10% increase in cost without any increase in the amount of coffee sold. Source: Anna Bernasek, “The Friction Economy,” Fortune, February 18, 2002, pp. 104–112.


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

Type of Organization

Costs that Are Normally Variable with Respect to Volume of Output

Merchandising company

Cost of goods (merchandise) sold

Manufacturing company

Direct materials Direct labor* Variable elements of manufacturing overhead: Indirect materials Lubricants Supplies Power

Both merchandising and manufacturing companies

Variable elements of selling and administrative costs: Commissions Shipping costs

Service organizations

Supplies, travel

*Direct labor may or may not be variable in practice. See the discussion later in this chapter.

Extent of Variable Costs

The number and type of variable costs in an organization will depend in large part on the organization’s structure and purpose. A public utility like Florida Power and Light, with large investments in equipment, will tend to have few variable costs. Most of the costs are associated with its plant, and these costs tend to be insensitive to changes in levels of service provided. A manufacturing company like Black and Decker, by contrast, will often have many variable costs; these costs will be associated with both manufacturing and distributing its products to customers. A merchandising company like Wal-Mart or J. K. Gill will usually have a high proportion of variable costs in its cost structure. In most merchandising companies, the cost of merchandise purchased for resale, a variable cost, constitutes a very large component of total cost. Service companies, by contrast, have diverse cost structures. Some service companies, such as the Skippers restaurant chain, have fairly large variable costs because of the costs of their raw materials. On the other hand, service companies involved in consulting, auditing, engineering, dental, medical, and architectural activities have very large fixed costs in the form of expensive facilities and highly trained salaried employees. Some of the more frequently encountered variable costs are listed in Exhibit 5–2 above. This exhibit is not a complete listing of all costs that can be considered variable. Moreover, some of the costs listed in the exhibit may behave more like fixed than variable costs in some organizations and in some circumstances. We will see examples of this later in the chapter. Nevertheless, Exhibit 5–2 provides a useful listing of many of the costs that normally would be considered variable with respect to the volume of output.

True Variable versus Step-Variable Costs Not all variable costs have exactly the same behavior pattern. Some variable costs behave in a true variable or proportionately variable pattern. Other variable costs behave in a stepvariable pattern.

True Variable Costs

Direct materials is a true or proportionately variable cost because the amount used during a period will vary in direct proportion to the level of production activity. Moreover, any amounts purchased but not used can be stored and carried forward to the next period as inventory.

Step-Variable Costs The cost of a resource that is obtainable only in large chunks and that increases or decreases only in response to fairly wide changes in activity is known as a step-variable cost. For example, the wages of skilled repair technicians are often considered

E X H I B I T 5–2 Examples of Variable Costs

Chapter 5

E X H I B I T 5–3 True Variable versus Step-Variable Costs


Direct Materials (true variable)

Repair Technician Wages (step variable)





to be a step-variable cost. Such a technician’s time can only be obtained in large chunks—it is difficult to hire a skilled technician on anything other than a full-time basis. Moreover, any technician’s time not currently used cannot be stored as inventory and carried forward to the next period. If the time is not used effectively, it is gone forever. Furthermore, a repair technician can work at a leisurely pace if pressures are light but intensify his or her efforts if pressures build up. For this reason, small changes in the level of production may have no effect on the number of technicians employed by the company. Exhibit 5–3 contrasts the behavior of a step-variable cost with the behavior of a true variable cost. Notice that the cost of repair technicians changes only with fairly wide changes in volume and that additional technicians come in large, indivisible chunks. Great care must be taken in working with these kinds of costs to prevent “fat” from building up in an organization. There may be a tendency to employ additional help more quickly than needed, and there is a natural reluctance to lay people off when volume declines.


WHAT GOES UP DOESN’T NECESSARILY COME DOWN The traditional view of variable costs is that they behave similarly in response to either increases or decreases in activity. However, the results of a research study using data from 7,629 companies spanning a 20-year period suggests otherwise. In this study, a 1% increase in sales corresponded with a 0.55% increase in selling and administrative costs, while a 1% decrease in sales corresponded with a 0.35% decrease in selling and administrative costs. These results suggest that many costs do not mechanistically increase or decrease in response to changes in the activity base; rather they change in response to managers’ decisions about how to react to changes in the level of the activity base. “When volume falls, managers must decide whether to maintain committed resources and bear the costs of operating with unutilized capacity or reduce committed resources and incur the adjustment costs of retrenching and, if volume is restored, replacing committed resources at a later date.” Managers faced with these choices are less likely to reduce expenses when they perceive that a decrease in activity level is temporary or when the cost of adjusting committed resources is high. Source: Mark C. Anderson, Rajiv D. Banker, and Surya N. Janakiraman, “Are Selling, General, and Administrative Costs ‘Sticky’?” Journal of Accounting Research, March 2003, pp. 47–63.

The Linearity Assumption and the Relevant Range

Except in the case of stepvariable costs, we ordinarily assume a strictly linear relationship between cost and volume. Economists correctly point out that many costs that the accountant classifies as variable actually behave in a curvilinear fashion; that is, the relation between cost and activity is a curve. A curvilinear cost is illustrated in Exhibit 5–4. Although many costs are not strictly linear, a curvilinear cost can be satisfactorily approximated with a straight line within a narrow band of activity known as the relevant range. The relevant range is that range of activity within which the assumptions made about cost behavior


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use


Relevant range

E X H I B I T 5–4 Curvilinear Costs and the Relevant Range

Economist’s curvilinear cost function

Accountant’s straight-line approximation


are reasonably valid. For example, note that the dashed line in Exhibit 5–4 approximates the curvilinear cost with very little loss of accuracy within the shaded relevant range. However, outside of the relevant range this particular straight line is a poor approximation to the curvilinear cost relationship. Managers should always keep in mind that assumptions made about cost behavior may be invalid if activity falls outside of the relevant range.

Fixed Costs In our discussion of cost behavior patterns in Chapter 2, we stated that total fixed costs remain constant within the relevant range of activity. To continue the Nooksack Expeditions example, assume the company rents a building for $500 per month to store its equipment. Within the relevant range, the total amount of rent paid is the same regardless of the number of guests the company takes on its expeditions during any given month. Exhibit 5–5 depicts this cost behavior pattern.

Total Fixed Cost of Renting the Building

E X H I B I T 5–5 Fixed Cost Behavior Per Unit Fixed Cost of Renting the Building $5.00 $4.50

Fixed costs remain constant in total dollar amount through wide ranges of activity. Cost of building rental


$4.00 $3.50 $3.00 Fixed costs decrease on a per unit basis as the activity level increases.

$2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50


$0 0


500 750 1,000 Number of guests



500 750 1,000 Number of guests



Chapter 5

Since fixed costs remain constant in total, the average fixed cost per unit becomes progressively smaller as the level of activity increases. If Nooksack Expeditions has only 250 guests in a month, the $500 fixed rental cost would amount to an average of $2 per guest. If there are 1,000 guests, the fixed rental cost would average only 50 cents per guest. Exhibit 5–5 illustrates this aspect of the behavior of fixed costs. Note that as the number of guests increases, the average fixed cost per unit drops, but it drops at a decreasing rate. The first guests have the biggest impact on the average fixed cost per unit. It is necessary in some contexts to express fixed costs on an average per unit basis. For example, in Chapter 2 we showed how unit product costs computed for use in external financial statements contain both variable and fixed costs. As a general rule, however, we caution against expressing fixed costs on an average per unit basis in internal reports because it creates the false impression that fixed costs are like variable costs and that total fixed costs actually change as the level of activity changes. To avoid confusion in internal reporting and decisionmaking situations, fixed costs should be expressed in total rather than on a per unit basis.


COSTING THE TREK Jackson Hole Llamas is owned and operated by Jill Aanonsen/Hodges and David Hodges. The company provides guided tours to remote areas of Yellowstone National Park and the Jedediah Smith Wilderness, with the llamas carrying the baggage for the multiday treks. Jill and David operate out of their ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, leading about 10 trips each summer season. All food is provided as well as tents and sleeping pads. Based on the number of guests on a trip, Jill and David will decide how many llamas will go on the trip and how many will remain on the ranch. Llamas are transported to the trailhead in a special trailer. The company has a number of costs, some of which are listed below:


Cost Behavior

Food and beverage costs

Variable with respect to the number of guests and the length of the trip in days.

Truck and trailer operating costs

Variable with respect to the number of miles to the trailhead.

Guide wages

Step variable; Jill and David serve as the guides on most trips and hire guides only for larger groups.

Costs of providing tents

Variable with respect to the number of guests and length of the trip in days. Jackson Hole Llamas owns its tents, but they wear out through use and must be repaired or eventually replaced.

Cost of feeding llamas

Variable with respect to the number of guests, and hence the number of llamas, on a trip. [Actually, the cost of feeding llamas may decrease with the number of guests on a trip. When a llama is on a trek, it lives off the land— eating grasses and other vegetation found in meadows and along the trail. When a llama is left on the ranch, it may have to be fed purchased feed.]

Property taxes


Source: Jill Aanonsen/Hodges and David Hodges, owners and operators of Jackson Hole Llamas,

Types of Fixed Costs Fixed costs are sometimes referred to as capacity costs, since they result from outlays made for buildings, equipment, skilled professional employees, and other items needed to provide

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use


the basic capacity for sustained operations. For planning purposes, fixed costs can be viewed as either committed or discretionary.

Committed Fixed Costs

Investments in facilities, equipment, and the basic organization that can’t be significantly reduced even for short periods of time without making fundamental changes are referred to as committed fixed costs. Examples of such costs include depreciation of buildings and equipment, real estate taxes, insurance expenses, and salaries of top management and operating personnel. Even if operations are interrupted or cut back, committed fixed costs remain largely unchanged in the short term. During a recession, for example, a company won’t usually eliminate key executive positions or sell off key facilities—the basic organizational structure and facilities ordinarily are kept intact. The costs of restoring them later are likely to be far greater than any short-run savings that might be realized. Once a decision is made to acquire committed fixed resources, the company may be locked into that decision for many years to come. Consequently, such commitments should be made only after careful analysis of the available alternatives. Investment decisions involving committed fixed costs will be examined in Chapter 14.

Discretionary Fixed Costs Discretionary fixed costs (often referred to as managed fixed costs) usually arise from annual decisions by management to spend on certain fixed cost items. Examples of discretionary fixed costs include advertising, research, public relations, management development programs, and internships for students. Two key differences exist between discretionary fixed costs and committed fixed costs. First, the planning horizon for a discretionary fixed cost is short term—usually a single year. By contrast, committed fixed costs have a planning horizon that encompasses many years. Second, discretionary fixed costs can be cut for short periods of time with minimal damage to the long-run goals of the organization. For example, spending on management development programs can be reduced because of poor economic conditions. Although some unfavorable consequences may result from the cutback, it is doubtful that these consequences would be as great as those that would result if the company decided to economize by laying off key personnel. Whether a particular cost is regarded as committed or discretionary may depend on management’s strategy. For example, during recessions when the level of home building is down, many construction companies lay off most of their workers and virtually disband operations. Other construction companies retain large numbers of employees on the payroll, even though the workers have little or no work to do. While these latter companies may be faced with short-term cash flow problems, it will be easier for them to respond quickly when economic conditions improve. And the higher morale and loyalty of their employees may give these companies a significant competitive advantage. The most important characteristic of discretionary fixed costs is that management is not locked into its decisions regarding such costs. Discretionary costs can be adjusted from year to year or even perhaps during the course of a year if necessary.

A TWIST ON FIXED AND VARIABLE COSTS Mission Controls designs and installs automation systems for food and beverage manufacturers. At most companies, when sales drop and cost cutting is necessary, top managers lay off workers. The founders of Mission Controls decided to do something different when sales drop—they slash their own salaries before they even consider letting any of their employees go. This makes their own salaries somewhat variable, while the wages and salaries of workers act more like fixed costs. The payoff is a loyal and committed workforce. Source: Christopher Caggiano, “Employment, Guaranteed for Life,” Inc. magazine, October 15, 2002, p. 74.



Chapter 5

The Trend toward Fixed Costs

The trend in many industries is toward greater fixed costs relative to variable costs. Chores that used to be performed by hand have been taken over by machines. For example, grocery clerks at stores like Safeway and Kroger used to key in prices by hand on cash registers. Now, most stores are equipped with barcode readers that enter price and other product information automatically. In general, competition has created pressure to give customers more value for their money—a demand that often can only be satisfied by automating business processes. For example, an H & R Block employee used to fill out tax returns for customers by hand and the advice given to a customer largely depended on the knowledge of that particular employee. Now, sophisticated computer software based on the accumulated knowledge of many experts is used to complete tax returns, and the software provides tax planning and other advice tailored to the customer’s needs. As automation intensifies, the demand for “knowledge” workers—those who work primarily with their minds rather than their muscles—has grown tremendously. Since knowledge workers tend to be salaried, highly trained, and difficult to replace, the costs of compensating these workers are often relatively fixed and are committed rather than discretionary.


A NEW TWIST ON SENDING JOBS OFFSHORE SeaCode ( is a San Diego based company that offers a new twist on the popular practice of outsourcing jobs from the United States to foreign countries with lower labor costs. The company houses 600 computer programmers from around the world on a cruise ship three miles off the coast of Los Angeles. This “floating tech factory” is subject to the labor laws of whatever flag the boat chooses to fly rather than to U.S. labor laws. SeaCode pays its “knowledge workers” $1,500 to $1,800 per month, which is below prevailing salaries on the U.S. mainland but exceeds the salaries in many countries. The company claims that it has been inundated with resumes of college graduates from across the globe. SeaCode’s clients get access to highly skilled labor at a lower cost than would have to be paid for similar jobs housed on U.S. soil. In addition, rather than having to fly half way around the world to places such as India or China to oversee projects, U.S. managers can fly to Los Angeles and in a brief time be three miles off the California coast checking on the status of “offshore” operations. Source: Reed Tucker, “Will a Floating Tech Factory Fly?” Fortune, September 5, 2005, p. 28.

Is Labor a Variable or a Fixed Cost? As the preceding discussion suggests, wages and salaries may be fixed or variable. The behavior of wage and salary costs will differ from one country to another, depending on labor regulations, labor contracts, and custom. In some countries, such as France, Germany, and Japan, management has little flexibility in adjusting the labor force to changes in business activity. In countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, management typically has much greater latitude. However, even in these less restrictive environments, managers may choose to treat employee compensation as a fixed cost for several reasons. First, many managers are reluctant to decrease their workforce in response to short-term declines in sales. These managers realize that the success of their businesses hinges on retaining highly skilled and trained employees. If these valuable workers are laid off, it is unlikely that they would ever return or be easily replaced. Furthermore, laying off workers undermines the morale of those employees who remain. Second, managers do not want to be caught with a bloated payroll in an economic downturn. Therefore, managers are reluctant to add employees in response to short-term increases in sales. Instead, more and more companies rely on temporary and part-time workers to take up the slack when their permanent, full-time employees are unable to handle all of the demand for their products and services. In such companies, labor costs are a complex mixture of fixed and variable costs.

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use




Starting with a $10,000 investment in 1966, Herb Kelleher built Southwest Airlines into the most profitable airline in the United States. Prior to stepping down as president and CEO of the airline in 2001, Kelleher wrote: “The thing that would disturb me most to see after I’m no longer CEO is layoffs at Southwest. Nothing kills your company’s culture like layoffs. Nobody has ever been furloughed here, and that is unprecedented in the airline industry. It’s been a huge strength of ours . . . We could have furloughed at various times and been more profitable, but I always thought that was shortsighted. You want to show your people that you value them and you’re not going to hurt them just to get a little money in the short run.” Because of this commitment by management to the company’s employees, all wages and salaries are basically committed fixed costs at Southwest Airlines. Source: Herb Kelleher, “The Chairman of the Board Looks Back,” Fortune, May 28, 2001, pp. 63–76.

Many major companies have undergone waves of downsizing in recent years in which large numbers of employees—particularly managers—have lost their jobs. This downsizing may seem to suggest that even management salaries should be regarded as variable costs, but this would not be a valid conclusion. Downsizing has largely been the result of attempts to reengineer business processes and cut costs rather than a response to a decline in sales activity. This underscores an important, but subtle, point. Fixed costs can change—they just don’t change in response to small changes in activity. In sum, there is no clear-cut answer to the question “Is labor a variable or fixed cost?” It depends on how much flexibility management has to adjust the workforce and management’s strategy. Nevertheless, unless otherwise stated, we will assume in this text that direct labor is a variable cost. This assumption is more likely to be valid for companies in the United States than in countries where employment laws permit much less flexibility.

THE REGULATORY BURDEN The late Peter F. Drucker, a renowned observer of business and society, claimed that “the driving force behind the steady growth of temps [and outsourcing of work] . . . is the growing burden of rules and regulations for employers.” U.S. laws and regulations concerning employees require companies to file multiple reports—and any breach, even if unintentional, can result in punishment. According to the Small Business Administration, the owner of a small or midsize business spends up to a quarter of his or her time on employment-related paperwork and the cost of complying with government regulations (including tax report preparation) is over $5,000 per employee per year. “No wonder that employers . . . complain bitterly that they have no time to work on products and services. . . . They no longer chant the old mantra ‘People are our greatest asset.’ Instead, they claim ‘People are our greatest liability.’” To the extent that the regulatory burden leads to a decline in permanent full-time employees and an increase in the use of temporary employees and outsourcing, labor costs are converted from fixed to variable costs. While this is not the intent of the regulations, it is a consequence. Source: Peter F. Drucker, “They’re Not Employees, They’re People,” Harvard Business Review, February 2002.

Fixed Costs and the Relevant Range The concept of the relevant range, which was introduced in the discussion of variable costs, is also important in understanding fixed costs—particularly discretionary fixed costs. The levels of discretionary fixed costs are typically decided at the beginning of the year and depend on the needs of planned programs such as advertising and training. The scope of these programs will depend, in turn, on the overall anticipated level of activity for the year. At



Chapter 5

very high levels of activity, programs are often broadened or expanded. For example, if the company hopes to increase sales by 25%, it would probably plan for much larger advertising costs than if no sales increase were planned. So the planned level of activity might affect total discretionary fixed costs. However, once the total discretionary fixed costs have been budgeted, they are unaffected by the actual level of activity. For example, once the advertising budget has been established and spent, it will not be affected by how many units are actually sold. Therefore, the cost is fixed with respect to the actual number of units sold. Discretionary fixed costs are easier to adjust than committed fixed costs. They also tend to be less “lumpy.” Committed fixed costs consist of costs such as buildings, equipment, and the salaries of key personnel. It is difficult to buy half a piece of equipment or to hire a quarter of a product-line manager, so the step pattern depicted in Exhibit 5–6 is typical for such costs. The relevant range of activity for a fixed cost is the range of activity over which the graph of the cost is flat as in Exhibit 5–6. As a company expands its level of activity, it may outgrow its present facilities, or the key management team may need to be expanded. The result, of course, will be increased committed fixed costs as larger facilities are built and as new management positions are created. One reaction to the step pattern depicted in Exhibit 5–6 is to conclude that discretionary and committed fixed costs are really just step-variable costs. To some extent this is true, since almost all costs can be adjusted in the long run. There are two major differences, however, between the step-variable costs depicted earlier in Exhibit 5–3 and the fixed costs depicted in Exhibit 5–6. The first difference is that the step-variable costs can often be adjusted quickly as conditions change, whereas once fixed costs have been set, they usually can’t be changed easily. A step-variable cost such as the wages of repair technicians, for example, can be adjusted upward or downward by hiring and laying off technicians. By contrast, once a company has signed a lease for a building, it is locked into that level of lease cost for the life of the contract. The second difference is that the width of the steps depicted for step-variable costs is much narrower than the width of the steps depicted for the fixed costs in Exhibit 5–6. The width of the steps relates to volume or level of activity. For step-variable costs, the width of a step might be 40 hours of activity per week in the case of repair technicians. For fixed costs, however, the width of a step might be thousands or even tens of thousands of hours of activity. In essence, the width of the steps for step-variable costs is generally so narrow that these costs can be treated essentially as variable costs for most purposes. The width of the steps for fixed costs, on the other hand, is so wide that these costs should be treated as entirely fixed within the relevant range.

E X H I B I T 5–6 Fixed Costs and the Relevant Range


Relevant range



Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

Mixed Costs A mixed cost contains both variable and fixed cost elements. Mixed costs are also known as semivariable costs. To continue the Nooksack Expeditions example, the company must pay a license fee of $25,000 per year plus $3 per rafting party to the state’s Department of Natural Resources. If the company runs 1,000 rafting parties this year, then the total fees paid to the state would be $28,000, made up of $25,000 in fixed cost plus $3,000 in variable cost. Exhibit 5–7 depicts the behavior of this mixed cost. Even if Nooksack fails to attract any customers, the company will still have to pay the license fee of $25,000. This is why the cost line in Exhibit 5–7 intersects the vertical cost axis at the $25,000 point. For each rafting party the company organizes, the total cost of the state fees will increase by $3. Therefore, the total cost line slopes upward as the variable cost of $3 per party is added to the fixed cost of $25,000 per year. Since the mixed cost in Exhibit 5–7 is represented by a straight line, the following equation for a straight line can be used to express the relationship between a mixed cost and the level of activity: Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX In this equation, Y ⫽ The total mixed cost a ⫽ The total fixed cost (the vertical intercept of the line) b ⫽ The variable cost per unit of activity (the slope of the line) X ⫽ The level of activity Since the variable cost per unit equals the slope of the straight line, the steeper the slope, the higher the variable cost per unit. In the case of the state fees paid by Nooksack Expeditions, the equation is written as follows: Y ⫽ $25,000 ⫹ $3.00X

Total Total mixed fixed cost cost

Variable cost per unit of activity

Activity level

This equation makes it easy to calculate the total mixed cost for any level of activity within the relevant range. For example, suppose that the company expects to E X H I B I T 5–7 Mixed Cost Behavior

Cost of state license fees

$30,000 $29,000 Slope = Variable cost per unit of activity

$28,000 $27,000

Variable cost element

$26,000 $25,000 Intercept = Total fixed cost

Fixed cost element

$0 0

500 1,000 Number of rafting parties


Chapter 5

organize 800 rafting parties in the next year. The total state fees would be calculated as follows: Y ⫽ $25,000 ⫹ ($3.00 per rafting party ⫻ 800 rafting parties) ⫽ $27,400


COST BEHAVIOR IN THE U.S. AND JAPAN A total of 257 American and 40 Japanese manufacturing companies responded to a questionnaire concerning their management accounting practices. Among other things, the companies were asked whether they classified certain costs as variable, semivariable, or fixed. Some of the results are summarized in Exhibit 5–8. Note that companies do not all classify costs in the same way. For example, roughly 45% of the U.S. companies classify material-handling labor costs as variable, 35% as semivariable, and 20% as fixed. Also note that the Japanese companies are much more likely than U.S. companies to classify labor costs as fixed. Source: NAA Tokyo Affiliate, “Management Accounting in the Advanced Management Surrounding—Comparative Study on Survey in Japan and U.S.A.”

E X H I B I T 5–8 Percentages of Companies Classifying Specific Costs as Variable, Semivariable, or Fixed

Production labor


Repairs and maintenance


Production support


WIP carrying cost


Materialhandling labor






Japan U.S.



Taxes and insurance


Building occupancy



Japan 0

20% Variable

40% Semivariable

60% Fixed




Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

The Analysis of Mixed Costs Mixed costs are very common. For example, the cost of providing X-ray services to patients at the Harvard Medical School Hospital is a mixed cost. The costs of equipment depreciation and radiologists’ and technicians’ salaries are fixed, but the costs of X-ray film, power, and supplies are variable. At Southwest Airlines, maintenance costs are a mixed cost. The company incurs fixed costs for renting maintenance facilities and for keeping skilled mechanics on the payroll, but the costs of replacement parts, lubricating oils, tires, and so forth, are variable with respect to how often and how far the company’s aircraft are flown. The fixed portion of a mixed cost represents the minimum cost of having a service ready and available for use. The variable portion represents the cost incurred for actual consumption of the service, thus it varies in proportion to the amount of service actually consumed. How does management go about actually estimating the fixed and variable components of a mixed cost? The most common methods used in practice are account analysis and the engineering approach. In account analysis, an account is classified as either variable or fixed based on the analyst’s prior knowledge of how the cost in the account behaves. For example, direct materials would be classified as variable and a building lease cost would be classified as fixed because of the nature of those costs. The total fixed cost of an organization is the sum of the costs for the accounts that have been classified as fixed. The variable cost per unit is estimated by dividing the sum of the costs for the accounts that have been classified as variable by the total activity. The engineering approach to cost analysis involves a detailed analysis of what cost behavior should be, based on an industrial engineer’s evaluation of the production methods


OPERATIONS DRIVE COSTS White Grizzly Adventures is a snowcat skiing and snowboarding company in Meadow Creek, British Columbia, that is owned and operated by Brad and Carole Karafil. The company shuttles 12 guests to the top of the company’s steep and tree-covered terrain in a single snowcat. Guests stay as a group at the company’s lodge for a fixed number of days and are provided healthy gourmet meals. Brad and Carole must decide each year when snowcat operations will begin in December and when they will end in early spring, and how many nonoperating days to schedule between groups of guests for maintenance and rest. This decision affects a variety of costs. Examples of costs that are fixed and variable with respect to the number of days of operation at White Grizzly include:

Cost Property taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer road maintenance and tree clearing . . . . . . . Lodge depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snowcat operator and guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooks and lodge help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snowcat depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snowcat fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Food* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cost Behavior—Fixed or Variable with Respect to Days of Operation Fixed Fixed Fixed Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable

*The costs of food served to guests theoretically depend on the number of guests in residence. However, the lodge is almost always filled to its capacity of 12 persons when the snowcat operation is running, so food costs can be considered to be driven by the days of operation. Source: Brad & Carole Karafil, owners and operators of White Grizzly Adventures,



Chapter 5

to be used, the materials specifications, labor requirements, equipment usage, production efficiency, power consumption, and so on. For example, Pizza Hut might use the engineering approach to estimate the cost of preparing and serving a particular take-out pizza. The cost of the pizza would be estimated by carefully costing the specific ingredients used to make the pizza, the power consumed to cook the pizza, and the cost of the container the pizza is delivered in. The engineering approach must be used in those situations where no past experience is available concerning activity and costs. In addition, it is sometimes used together with other methods to improve the accuracy of cost analysis. Account analysis works best when analyzing costs at a fairly aggregated level, such as the cost of serving patients in the emergency room (ER) of Cook County General Hospital. The costs of drugs, supplies, forms, wages, equipment, and so on, can be roughly classified as variable or fixed and a mixed cost formula for the overall cost of the emergency room can be estimated fairly quickly. However, this method does not recognize that some of the accounts may have both fixed and variable cost elements. For example, the cost of electricity for the ER is a mixed cost. Most of the electricity is a fixed cost because it is used for heating and lighting. However, the consumption of electricity increases with activity in the ER since diagnostic equipment, operating theater lights, defibrillators, and so on, all consume electricity. The most effective way to estimate the fixed and variable elements of such a mixed cost may be to analyze past records of cost and activity data. These records should reveal whether electrical costs vary significantly with the number of patients and if so, by how much. The remainder of this section explains how to conduct such an analysis of past cost and activity data. Dr. Derek Chalmers, the chief executive officer of Brentline Hospital, motioned Kinh Nguyen, the chief financial officer of the hospital, into his office. Derek: I wanted to talk to you about our maintenance expenses. They seem to be bouncing around a lot. Over the last half year or so they have been as low as $7,400 and as high as $9,800 per month. Kinh: That type of variation is normal for maintenance expenses. Derek: But we budgeted a constant $8,400 a month. Can’t we do a better job of predicting what these costs are going to be? And how do we know when we’ve spent too much in a month? Shouldn’t there be some explanation for these variations? Kinh: Now that you mention it, we are in the process of tightening up our budgeting process. Our fi rst step is to break all of our costs down into fixed and variable components. Derek: How will that help? Kinh: Well, it will permit us to predict what the level of costs will be. Some costs are fixed and shouldn’t change much. Other costs go up and down as our activity goes up and down. The trick is to figure out what is driving the variable component of the costs. Derek: What about the maintenance costs? Kinh: My guess is that the variations in maintenance costs are being driven by our overall level of activity. When we treat more patients, our equipment is used more intensively, which leads to more maintenance expense. Derek: How would you measure the level of overall activity? Would you use patient-days? Kinh: I think so. Each day a patient is in the hospital counts as one patient-day. The greater the number of patient-days in a month, the busier we are. Besides, our budgeting is all based on projected patient-days. Derek: Okay, so suppose you are able to break the maintenance costs down into fixed and variable components. What will that do for us? Kinh: Basically, I will be able to predict what maintenance costs should be as a function of the number of patient-days. Derek: I can see where that would be useful. We could use it to predict costs for budgeting purposes. Kinh: We could also use it as a benchmark. Based on the actual number of patient-days for a period, I can predict what the maintenance costs should have been. We can compare this to the actual spending on maintenance. Derek: Sounds good to me. Let me know when you get the results.

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use


Diagnosing Cost Behavior with a Scattergraph Plot Kinh Nguyen began his analysis of maintenance costs by collecting cost and activity data for a number of recent months. Those data are displayed below:

Month January . . . . . . . . February . . . . . . . March . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . July . . . . . . . . . . .

Activity Level: Maintenance Patient-Days Cost Incurred 5,600 7,100 5,000 6,500 7,300 8,000 6,200

$7,900 $8,500 $7,400 $8,200 $9,100 $9,800 $7,800

The first step in analyzing the cost and activity data is to plot the data on a scattergraph. This plot immediately reveals any nonlinearities or other problems with the data. The scattergraph of maintenance costs versus patient-days at Brentline Hospital is shown in the top half of Exhibit 5–9 (page 204). Two things should be noted about this scattergraph: 1. The total maintenance cost, Y, is plotted on the vertical axis. Cost is known as the dependent variable, since the amount of cost incurred during a period depends on the level of activity for the period. (That is, as the level of activity increases, total cost will also ordinarily increase.) 2. The activity, X (patient-days in this case), is plotted on the horizontal axis. Activity is known as the independent variable, since it causes variations in the cost. From the scattergraph, it is evident that maintenance costs do increase with the number of patient-days. In addition, the scattergraph reveals that the relation between maintenance costs and patient-days is approximately linear. In other words, the points lie more or less along a straight line. Such a straight line has been drawn using a ruler in the bottom half of Exhibit 5–9. Cost behavior is considered linear whenever a straight line is a reasonable approximation for the relation between cost and activity. Note that the data points do not fall exactly on the straight line. This will almost always happen in practice; the relation is seldom perfectly linear. Note that the straight line in Exhibit 5–9 has been drawn through the point representing 7,300 patient-days and a total maintenance cost of $9,100. Drawing the straight line through one of the data points helps make a quick-and-dirty estimate of variable and fixed costs. The vertical intercept where the straight line crosses the Y axis—in this case, about $3,300—is the rough estimate of the fixed cost. The variable cost can be quickly estimated by subtracting the estimated fixed cost from the total cost at the point lying on the straight line.

Total maintenance cost for 7,300 patient-days (a point falling on the straight line) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less estimated fixed cost (the vertical intercept) . . . . . . . . .

$9,100 3,300

Estimated total variable cost for 7,300 patient-days. . . . . . .


The average variable cost per unit at 7,300 patient-days is computed as follows: Variable cost per unit ⫽ $5,800 ⫼ 7,300 patient-days ⫽ $0.79 per patient-day (rounded)


Use a scattergraph plot to diagnose cost behavior.


Chapter 5

E X H I B I T 5–9 Scattergraph Method of Cost Analysis


Plotting the Data


Maintenance cost

$10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 0




4,000 6,000 Patient-days


X 10,000

Drawing a Straight-line Approximation Relevant range


Maintenance cost

$9,100 $8,000

Slope ⫽ Variable cost: $0.79 per patient-day


$4,000 Intercept ⫽ Fixed cost: $3,300


$0 0




7,300 8,000

X 10,000


Combining the estimate of the fixed cost and the estimate of the variable cost per patientday, we can express the relation between cost and activity as follows: Y ⫽ $3,300 ⫹ $0.79X where X is the number of patient-days. We hasten to add that this is a quick-and-dirty method of estimating the fixed and variable cost elements of a mixed cost; it is seldom used in practice when the financial implications of a decision based on the data are significant. However, setting aside the estimates of the fixed and variable cost elements, plotting the data on a scattergraph is an essential diagnostic step that is too often overlooked. Suppose, for example, we had


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use


E X H I B I T 5–10 More than One Relevant Range



Total nursing wages

$140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 0



4,000 6,000 Patient-days Relevant range



X 10,000

Relevant range


Total nursing wages

$140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 0


4,000 6,000 Patient-days


X 10,000

been interested in the relation between total nursing wages and the number of patientdays at the hospital. The permanent, full-time nursing staff can handle up to 7,000 patientdays in a month. Beyond that level of activity, part-time nurses must be called in to help out. The cost and activity data for nurses are plotted on the scattergraph in Exhibit 5–10. Looking at that scattergraph, it is evident that two straight lines would do a much better job of fitting the data than a single straight line. Up to 7,000 patient-days, total nursing wages are essentially a fixed cost. Above 7,000 patient-days, total nursing wages are a mixed cost. This happens because, as stated above, the permanent, full-time nursing staff can handle up to 7,000 patient-days in a month. Above that level, part-time nurses are called in to help, which adds to the cost. Consequently, two straight lines


Chapter 5

E X H I B I T 5–11 A Diagnostic Scattergraph Plot



Telephone costs

$14,000 $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 0


4,000 6,000 Patient-days


X 10,000

(and two equations) would be used to represent total nursing wages—one for the relevant range of 5,600 to 7,000 patient-days and one for the relevant range of 7,000 to 8,000 patient-days. As another example, suppose that Brentline Hospital’s management is interested in the relation between the hospital’s telephone costs and patient-days. Patients are billed directly for their use of telephones, so those costs do not appear on the hospital’s cost records. Rather, management is concerned about the charges for the staff’s use of telephones. The data for this cost are plotted in Exhibit 5–11. It is evident from that plot that while the telephone costs do vary from month to month, they are not related to patient-days. Something other than patient-days is driving the telephone bills. Therefore, it would not make sense to analyze this cost any further by attempting to estimate a variable cost per patient-day for telephone costs. Plotting the data helps diagnose such situations.


Analyze a mixed cost using the high-low method.

In addition to the quick-and-dirty method described in the preceding section, more precise methods are available for estimating fixed and variable costs. However, it must be emphasized that fixed and variable costs should be computed only if a scattergraph plot confirms that the relation is approximately linear. In the case of maintenance costs at Brentline Hospital, the relation does appear to be linear. In the case of telephone costs, there isn’t any clear relation between telephone costs and patient-days, so there is no point in estimating how much of the cost varies with patient-days. Assuming that the scattergraph plot indicates a linear relation between cost and activity, the fixed and variable cost elements of a mixed cost can be estimated using the high-low method or the least-squares regression method. The high-low method is based on the riseover-run formula for the slope of a straight line. As discussed above, if the relation between cost and activity can be represented by a straight line, then the slope of the straight line is equal to the variable cost per unit of activity. Consequently, the following formula can be used to estimate the variable cost. Variable cost ⫽ Slope of the line ⫽

Rise Y2 ⫺ Y1 ⫽ Run X2 ⫺ X1

To analyze mixed costs with the high-low method, begin by identifying the period with the lowest level of activity and the period with the highest level of activity. The period

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

with the lowest activity is selected as the first point in the above formula and the period with the highest activity is selected as the second point. Consequently, the formula becomes: Variable cost ⫽

Y2 ⫺ Y1 Cost at the high activity level ⫺ Cost at the low activity level ⫽ High activity level ⫺ Low activity level X2 ⫺ X1

or Variable cost ⫽

Change in cost Change in activity

Therefore, when the high-low method is used, the variable cost is estimated by dividing the difference in cost between the high and low levels of activity by the change in activity between those two points. To return to the Brentline Hospital example, using the high-low method, we first identify the periods with the highest and lowest activity—in this case, June and March. We then use the activity and cost data from these two periods to estimate the variable cost component as follows:


Maintenance Cost Incurred

High activity level (June). . . . . . . . Low activity level (March) . . . . . . .

8,000 5,000

$9,800 7,400

Change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Variable cost ⫽

Change in cost $2,400 ⫽ ⫽ $0.80 per patient-day Change in activity 3,000 patient-days

Having determined that the variable maintenance cost is 80 cents per patient-day, we can now determine the amount of fixed cost. This is done by taking the total cost at either the high or the low activity level and deducting the variable cost element. In the computation below, total cost at the high activity level is used in computing the fixed cost element: Fixed cost element ⫽ Total cost ⫺ Variable cost element ⫽ $9,800 ⫺ ($0.80 per patient-day ⫻ 8,000 patient-days) ⫽ $3,400 Both the variable and fixed cost elements have now been isolated. The cost of maintenance can be expressed as $3,400 per month plus 80 cents per patient-day or as: Y ⫽ $3,400 ⫹ $0.80X

Total maintenance cost

Total patient-days

The data used in this illustration are shown graphically in Exhibit 5–12 (page 208). Notice that a straight line has been drawn through the points corresponding to the low and high levels of activity. In essence, that is what the high-low method does—it draws a straight line through those two points. Sometimes the high and low levels of activity don’t coincide with the high and low amounts of cost. For example, the period that has the highest level of activity may not have the highest amount of cost. Nevertheless, the costs at the highest and lowest levels of activity are always used to analyze a mixed cost under the high-low method. The reason is that the analyst would like to use data that reflect the greatest possible variation in activity.



Chapter 5

E X H I B I T 5–12 High-Low Method of Cost Analysis

Activity Patient- Maintenance Level Days Cost

$12,000 $10,000

Maintenance cost

High Low


8,000 5,000

$9,800 $7,400 Slope ⫽ Variable cost: $0.80 per patient-day

Point relating to the low activity level

$8,000 Point relating to the high activity level $6,000 $4,000 Intercept ⫽ Fixed cost: $3,400

$2,000 $0


4,000 6,000 Patient-days


X 10,000

The high-low method is very simple to apply, but it suffers from a major (and sometimes critical) defect—it utilizes only two data points. Generally, two data points are not enough to produce accurate results. Additionally, the periods with the highest and lowest activity tend to be unusual. A cost formula that is estimated solely using data from these unusual periods may misrepresent the true cost behavior during normal periods. Such a distortion is evident in Exhibit 5–12. The straight line should probably be shifted down somewhat so that it is closer to more of the data points. For these reasons, other methods of cost analysis that use all of the data will generally be more accurate than the high-low method. A manager who chooses to use the high-low method should do so with a full awareness of its limitations. Fortunately, computer software makes it very easy to use sophisticated statistical methods, such as least-squares regression, that use all of the data and that are capable of providing much more information than just the estimates of variable and fixed costs. The details of these statistical methods are beyond the scope of this text, but the basic approach is discussed below. Nevertheless, even if the least-squares regression approach is used, it is always a good idea to plot the data in a scattergraph. By simply looking at the scattergraph, you can quickly verify whether it makes sense to fit a straight line to the data using leastsquares regression or some other method.

The Least-Squares Regression Method The least-squares regression method, unlike the high-low method, uses all of the data to separate a mixed cost into its fixed and variable components. A regression line of the form Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX is fitted to the data, where a represents the total fixed cost and b represents the variable cost per unit of activity. The basic idea underlying the least-squares regression method is illustrated in Exhibit 5–13 using hypothetical data points. Notice from the exhibit that the deviations from the plotted points to the regression line are measured vertically on the graph. These vertical deviations are called the regression errors. There is nothing mysterious about the least-squares regression method. It simply computes the regression line that minimizes the sum of these squared errors. The formulas


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

E X H I B I T 5–13 The Concept of LeastSquares Regression



Actual Y Estimated Y


Regression line Y = a + bX

X Level of activity

that accomplish this are fairly complex and involve numerous calculations, but the principle is simple. Fortunately, computers are adept at carrying out the computations required by the leastsquares regression formulas. The data—the observed values of X and Y—are entered into the computer, and software does the rest. In the case of the Brentline Hospital maintenance cost data, a statistical software package on a personal computer can calculate the following least-squares regression estimates of the total fixed cost (a) and the variable cost per unit of activity (b): a ⫽ $3,431 b ⫽ $0.759 Therefore, using the least-squares regression method, the fixed element of the maintenance cost is $3,431 per month and the variable portion is 75.9 cents per patient-day. In terms of the linear equation Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX, the cost formula can be written as Y ⫽ $3,431 ⫹ $0.759X where activity (X) is expressed in patient-days. While a statistical software application was used in this example to calculate the values of a and b, the estimates can also be computed using a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft® Excel. In Appendix 5A to this chapter, we show how this can be done. In addition to estimates of the intercept (fixed cost) and slope (variable cost per unit), least-squares regression software ordinarily provides a number of other very useful statistics. One of these statistics is the R2, which is a measure of “goodness of fit.” The R2 tells us the percentage of the variation in the dependent variable (cost) that is explained by variation in the independent variable (activity). The R2 varies from 0% to 100%, and the higher the percentage, the better. In the case of the Brentline Hospital maintenance cost data, the R2 is 0.90, which indicates that 90% of the variation in maintenance costs is explained by the variation in patient-days. This is reasonably high and is an indication of a good fit. On the other hand, a low R2 would be an indication of a poor fit. You should always plot the data in a scattergraph, but it is particularly important to check the data visually when the R2 is low. A quick look at the scattergraph can reveal that there is little relation between the cost and the activity or that the relation is something other than a simple straight line. In such cases, additional analysis would be required.


Chapter 5

After completing the analysis of maintenance costs, Kinh Nguyen met with Dr. Derek Chalmers to discuss the results. MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING IN ACTION The Wrap-up

Kinh: We used least-squares regression analysis to estimate the fixed and variable components of maintenance costs. According to the results, the fixed cost per month is $3,431 and the variable cost per patient-day is 75.9 cents. Derek: Okay, so if we plan for 7,800 patient-days next month, what is your estimate of the maintenance costs? Kinh: That will take just a few seconds to figure out. [Kinh wrote the following calculations on a pad of paper.] Fixed costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable costs: 7,800 patient-days ⫻ $0.759 per patient-day . . . . . . .


Total expected maintenance costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Derek: Nine thousand three hundred and fifty one dollars; isn’t that a bit too precise? Kinh: Sure. I don’t really believe the maintenance costs will be exactly this figure. However, based on the information we have, this is the best estimate we can come up with. Derek: This type of estimate will be a lot better than just guessing like we have done in the past. Thanks. I hope to see more of this kind of analysis.

Multiple Regression Analysis In the discussion thus far, we have assumed that a single factor such as patient-days drives the variable cost component of a mixed cost. This assumption is acceptable for many mixed costs, but in some situations the variable cost element may be driven by a number of factors. For example, shipping costs may depend on both the number of units shipped and the weight of the units. In a situation such as this, multiple regression is necessary. Multiple regression is an analytical method that is used when the dependent variable (i.e., cost) is caused by more than one factor. Although adding more factors, or variables, makes the computations more complex, the principles involved are the same as in the simple least-squares regressions discussed above.

The Contribution Format Income Statement LEARNING OBJECTIVE 4

Prepare an income statement using the contribution format.

Separating costs into fixed and variable elements helps to predict costs and provide benchmarks. As we will see in later chapters, separating costs into fixed and variable elements is also often crucial in making decisions. This crucial distinction between fixed and variable costs is at the heart of the contribution approach to constructing income statements. The unique thing about the contribution approach is that it provides managers with an income statement that clearly distinguishes between fixed and variable costs and therefore facilitates planning, control, and decision making.

Why a New Income Statement Format? An income statement prepared using the traditional approach, as illustrated in Chapter 2, is organized in a “functional” format—emphasizing the functions of production, administration, and sales. No attempt is made to distinguish between fixed and variable costs. Under the heading “Administrative expense,” for example, both variable and fixed costs are lumped together. Although an income statement prepared in the functional format may be useful for external reporting purposes, it has serious limitations when used for internal purposes. Internally, managers need cost data organized in a format that will facilitate planning, control,


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

and decision making. As we shall see in chapters ahead, these tasks are much easier when cost data are available in a fixed and variable format. The contribution format income statement has been developed in response to these needs.

The Contribution Approach

Topic Tackler

Exhibit 5–14 uses a simple example to compare a contribution approach income statement to the traditional approach discussed in Chapter 2. Notice that the contribution approach separates costs into fixed and variable categories, first deducting variable expenses from sales to obtain the contribution margin. The contribution margin is the amount remaining from sales revenues after variable expenses have been deducted. This amount contributes toward covering fixed expenses and then toward profits for the period. The contribution format income statement is used as an internal planning and decisionmaking tool. Its emphasis on cost behavior facilitates cost-volume-profit analysis (such as we shall be doing in the next chapter), management performance appraisals, and budgeting. Moreover, the contribution approach helps managers organize data pertinent to numerous decisions such as product-line analysis, pricing, use of scarce resources, and make or buy analysis. All of these topics are covered in later chapters.

PLUS 5–2

E X H I B I T 5–14 Comparison of the Contribution Income Statement with the Traditional Income Statement (the data are given)

Traditional Approach (costs organized by function) Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Selling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . .

Contribution Approach (costs organized by behavior) $12,000 6,000* 6,000

$3,100* 1,900*

5,000 $ 1,000

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses: Variable production . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable administrative . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses: Fixed production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed administrative . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$12,000 $2,000 600 400

3,000 9,000

4,000 2,500 1,500

8,000 $ 1,000

*Contains both variable and fixed expenses. This is the income statement for a manufacturing company; thus, when the income statement is placed in the contribution format, the “cost of goods sold” is divided between variable production costs and fixed production costs. If this were the income statement for a merchandising company (which simply purchases completed goods from a supplier), then the cost of goods sold would be all variable.

Summary As we shall see in later chapters, the ability to predict how costs respond to changes in activity is critical for making decisions, controlling operations, and evaluating performance. Three major classifications of costs were discussed in this chapter—variable, fixed, and mixed. Mixed costs consist of variable and fixed elements and can be expressed in equation form as Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX, where X is the activity, Y is the cost, a is the fixed cost element, and b is the variable cost per unit of activity. Several methods can be used to estimate the fixed and variable cost components of a mixed cost using past records of cost and activity. If the relation between cost and activity appears to be linear based on a scattergraph plot, then the variable and fixed components of the mixed cost can


Chapter 5

be estimated using the quick-and-dirty method, the high-low method, or the least-squares regression method. The quick-and-dirty method is based on drawing a straight line and then using the slope and the intercept of the straight line to estimate the variable and fixed cost components of the mixed cost. The high-low method implicitly draws a straight line through the points of lowest activity and highest activity. In most situations, the least-squares regression method is preferred to both the quick-and-dirty and high-low methods. Computer software is widely available for using the least-squares regression method. These software applications provide a variety of useful statistics along with estimates of the intercept (fixed cost) and slope (variable cost per unit). Nevertheless, even when least-squares regression is used, the data should be plotted to confirm that the relationship is really a straight line. Managers use costs organized by behavior to help make many decisions. The contribution format income statement can aid decision making because it classifies costs by cost behavior (i.e., variable versus fixed) rather than by the functions of production, administration, and sales.

Review Problem 1: Cost Behavior Neptune Rentals operates a boat rental service. Consider the following costs of the company over the relevant range of 5,000 to 8,000 hours of operating time for its boats: Hours of Operating Time 5,000




Total costs: Variable costs . . . . . . . . . Fixed costs . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 20,000 168,000


? ?


? ?


? ?

Total costs . . . . . . . . . . . . .








Cost per hour: Variable cost . . . . . . . . . . Fixed cost . . . . . . . . . . . .


? ?


? ?


? ?


? ?

Total cost per hour . . . . . . .










Compute the missing amounts, assuming that cost behavior patterns remain unchanged within the relevant range of 5,000 to 8,000 hours.

Solution to Review Problem 1 The variable cost per hour can be computed as follows: $20,000 ⫼ 5,000 hours ⫽ $4 per hour Therefore, the missing amounts are as follows: Hours of Operating Time 5,000




Total costs: Variable costs (@ $4 per hour) . . . . . Fixed costs . . . . . . . . . .

$ 20,000 168,000

$ 24,000 168,000

$ 28,000 168,000

$ 32,000 168,000

Total costs . . . . . . . . . . . .





Cost per hour: Variable cost . . . . . . . . . Fixed cost . . . . . . . . . . .


4.00 33.60


4.00 28.00


4.00 24.00


4.00 21.00

Total cost per hour . . . . . .









Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

Observe that the total variable costs increase in proportion to the number of hours of operating time, but that these costs remain constant at $4 if expressed on a per hour basis. In contrast, the total fixed costs do not change with changes in the level of activity. They remain constant at $168,000 within the relevant range. With increases in activity, however, the fixed cost per hour decreases, dropping from $33.60 per hour when the boats are operated 5,000 hours a period to only $21.00 per hour when the boats are operated 8,000 hours a period. Because of this troublesome aspect of fixed costs, they are most easily (and most safely) dealt with on a total basis, rather than on a unit basis, in cost analysis work.

Review Problem 2: High-Low Method The administrator of Azalea Hills Hospital would like a cost formula linking the administrative costs involved in admitting patients to the number of patients admitted during a month. The admitting department’s costs and the number of patients admitted during the immediately preceding eight months are given in the following table:


Number of Patients Admitted

Admitting Department Costs

1,800 1,900 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,300 1,100 1,500

$14,700 $15,200 $13,700 $14,000 $14,300 $13,100 $12,800 $14,600

May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . . . . . . September . . . . . . . . . October . . . . . . . . . . . November . . . . . . . . . December . . . . . . . . . Required:

1. 2.

Use the high-low method to establish the fixed and variable components of admitting costs. Express the fixed and variable components of admitting costs as a cost formula in the form Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX.

Solution to Review Problem 2 1.

The first step in the high-low method is to identify the periods of the lowest and highest activity. Those periods are November (1,100 patients admitted) and June (1,900 patients admitted). The second step is to compute the variable cost per unit using those two data points: Number of Patients Admitted

Admitting Department Costs

High activity level (June) . . . . . . . . . . . Low activity level (November) . . . . . . .

1,900 1,100

$15,200 12,800

Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


$ 2,400


Variable cost ⫽

$2,400 Change in cost ⫽ $3 per patient admitted ⫽ Change in activity 800 patients admitted

The third step is to compute the fixed cost element by deducting the variable cost element from the total cost at either the high or low activity. In the computation below, the high point of activity is used: Fixed cost element ⫽ Total cost ⫺ Variable cost element ⫽ $15,200 ⫺ ($3 per patient admitted ⫻ 1,900 patients admitted) ⫽ $9,500 2.

The cost formula is Y ⫽ $9,500 ⫹ $3X.



Chapter 5

Glossary Account analysis A method for analyzing cost behavior in which an account is classified as either variable or fixed based on the analyst’s prior knowledge of how the cost in the account behaves. (p. 201) Activity base A measure of whatever causes the incurrence of a variable cost. For example, the total cost of X-ray film in a hospital will increase as the number of X-rays taken increases. Therefore, the number of X-rays is the activity base that explains the total cost of X-ray film. (p. 189) Committed fixed costs Investments in facilities, equipment, and basic organizational structure that can’t be significantly reduced even for short periods of time without making fundamental changes. (p. 195) Contribution approach An income statement format that organizes costs by their behavior. Costs are separated into variable and fixed categories rather than being separated according to organizational functions. (p. 210) Contribution margin The amount remaining from sales revenues after all variable expenses have been deducted. (p. 211) Cost structure The relative proportion of fixed, variable, and mixed costs in an organization. (p. 188) Dependent variable A variable that responds to some causal factor; total cost is the dependent variable, as represented by the letter Y, in the equation Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX. (p. 203) Discretionary fixed costs Those fixed costs that arise from annual decisions by management to spend on certain fixed cost items, such as advertising and research. (p. 195) Engineering approach A detailed analysis of cost behavior based on an industrial engineer’s evaluation of the inputs that are required to carry out a particular activity and of the prices of those inputs. (p. 201) High-low method A method of separating a mixed cost into its fixed and variable elements by analyzing the change in cost between the high and low activity levels. (p. 206) Independent variable A variable that acts as a causal factor; activity is the independent variable, as represented by the letter X, in the equation Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX. (p. 203) Least-squares regression method A method of separating a mixed cost into its fi xed and variable elements by fitting a regression line that minimizes the sum of the squared errors. (p. 208) Linear cost behavior Cost behavior is said to be linear whenever a straight line is a reasonable approximation for the relation between cost and activity. (p. 203) Mixed cost A cost that contains both variable and fixed cost elements. (p. 199) Multiple regression An analytical method required when variations in a dependent variable are caused by more than one factor. (p. 210) R 2 A measure of goodness of fit in least-squares regression analysis. It is the percentage of the variation in the dependent variable that is explained by variation in the independent variable. (p. 209) Relevant range The range of activity within which assumptions about variable and fixed cost behavior are reasonably valid. (p. 192) Step-variable cost The cost of a resource that is obtainable only in large chunks and that increases and decreases only in response to fairly wide changes in activity. (p. 191)

Appendix 5A: Least-Squares Regression Using Microsoft® Excel LEARNING OBJECTIVE 5

Analyze a mixed cost using the least-squares regression method.

The least-squares regression method for estimating a linear relationship is based on the equation for a straight line: Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX As explained in the chapter, least-squares regression selects the values for the intercept a and the slope b that minimize the sum of the squared errors. The following formulas, which are derived in statistics and calculus texts, accomplish that objective:


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use


n(兺XY) ⫺ (兺X )(兺Y) n(兺X 2) ⫺ (兺X)2


(兺Y) ⫺ b(兺X) n

where: X ⫽ The level of activity (independent variable) Y ⫽ The total mixed cost (dependent variable) a ⫽ The total fixed cost (the vertical intercept of the line) b ⫽ The variable cost per unit of activity (the slope of the line) n ⫽ Number of observations 兺 ⫽ Sum across all n observations Manually performing the calculations required by the formulas is tedious at best. Fortunately, statistical software packages are widely available that perform the calculations automatically. Spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft® Excel, can also be used to do least-squares regression—although it requires a little more work than using a specialized statistical application. To illustrate how Excel can be used to calculate the intercept a, the slope b, and the R2, we will use the Brentline Hospital data for maintenance costs on page 203. The worksheet in Exhibit 5A–1 contains the data and the calculations. As you can see, the X values (the independent variable) have been entered in cells B4 through B10. The Y values (the dependent variable) have been entered in cells C4 through C10. The slope, intercept, and R2 are computed using the Excel functions INTERCEPT, SLOPE, and RSQ. You must specify the range of cells for the Y values and for the X values.

E X H I B I T 5A–1 The Least-Squares Regression Worksheet for Brentline Hospital


Chapter 5

E X H I B I T 5A–2 A Scattergraph Plot of the Brentline Hospital Data



Maintenance cost

$10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 0


4,000 6,000 Patient-days


X 10,000

In Exhibit 5A–1, cell B12 contains the formula ⫽INTERCEPT(C4:C10,B4:B10); cell B13 contains the formula ⫽SLOPE(C4:C10,B4:B10); and cell B14 contains the formula ⫽RSQ(C4:C10,B4:B10). According to the calculations carried out by Excel, the fixed maintenance cost (the intercept) is $3,431 per month and the variable cost (the slope) is $0.759 per patient-day. Therefore, the cost formula for maintenance cost is: Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX Y ⫽ $3,431 ⫹ $0.759X Note that the R2 (i.e., RSQ) is 0.90, which—as previously discussed—is quite good and indicates that 90% of the variation in maintenance costs is explained by the variation in patient-days. Plotting the data is easy in Excel. Select the range of values that you would like to plot—in this case, cells B4:C10. Then select the Chart Wizard tool on the toolbar and make the appropriate choices in the various dialogue boxes that appear. When you are finished, you should have a scattergraph that looks like the plot in Exhibit 5A–2. Note that the relation between cost and activity is approximately linear, so it is reasonable to fit a straight line to the data as we have implicitly done with the least-squares regression.

Questions 5-1 5-2

5-3 5-4 5-5

Distinguish between (a) a variable cost, (b) a fixed cost, and (c) a mixed cost. What effect does an increase in volume have on— a. Unit fixed costs? b. Unit variable costs? c. Total fixed costs? d. Total variable costs? Define the following terms: (a) cost behavior and (b) relevant range. What is meant by an activity base when dealing with variable costs? Give several examples of activity bases. Distinguish between (a) a variable cost, (b) a mixed cost, and (c) a step-variable cost. Plot the three costs on a graph, with activity plotted horizontally and cost plotted vertically.


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

5-6 5-7 5-8

5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15

Managers often assume a strictly linear relationship between cost and volume. How can this practice be defended in light of the fact that many costs are curvilinear? Distinguish between discretionary fixed costs and committed fixed costs. Classify the following fixed costs as normally being either committed or discretionary: a. Depreciation on buildings. b. Advertising. c. Research. d. Long-term equipment leases. e. Pension payments to the company’s retirees. f. Management development and training. Does the concept of the relevant range apply to fixed costs? Explain. What is the major disadvantage of the high-low method? Give the general formula for a mixed cost. Which term represents the variable cost? The fixed cost? What is meant by the term least-squares regression? What is the difference between ordinary least-squares regression analysis and multiple regression analysis? What is the difference between a contribution approach income statement and a traditional approach income statement? What is the contribution margin?

Exercises EXERCISE 5-1 Fixed and Variable Cost Behavior [LO1]

Koffee Express operates a number of espresso coffee stands in busy suburban malls. The fixed weekly expense of a coffee stand is $1,100 and the variable cost per cup of coffee served is $0.26. Required:


Fill in the following table with your estimates of total costs and cost per cup of coffee at the indicated levels of activity for a coffee stand. Round off the cost of a cup of coffee to the nearest tenth of a cent.

Cups of Coffee Served in a Week 1,800



? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

Fixed cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost per cup of coffee served . . . . . . . . . . .


Does the cost per cup of coffee served increase, decrease, or remain the same as the number of cups of coffee served in a week increases? Explain.

EXERCISE 5-2 Scattergraph Analysis [LO2]

The data below have been taken from the cost records of the Atlanta Processing Company. The data relate to the cost of operating one of the company’s processing facilities at various levels of activity:

Month January . . . . . . . . February. . . . . . . . March . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . . .

Units Processed

Total Cost

8,000 4,500 7,000 9,000 3,750 6,000 3,000 5,000

$14,000 $10,000 $12,500 $15,500 $10,000 $12,500 $8,500 $11,500


Chapter 5 Required:

1. 2.

Prepare a scattergraph using the above data. Plot cost on the vertical axis and activity on the horizontal axis. Fit a line to your plotted points using a ruler. Using the quick-and-dirty method, what is the approximate monthly fixed cost? The approximate variable cost per unit processed? Show your computations.

EXERCISE 5-3 High-Low Method [LO3]

The Edelweiss Hotel in Vail, Colorado, has accumulated records of the total electrical costs of the hotel and the number of occupancy-days over the last year. An occupancy-day represents a room rented out for one day. The hotel’s business is highly seasonal, with peaks occurring during the ski season and in the summer.

Month January . . . . . . . . . . February. . . . . . . . . . March. . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . . . . . September . . . . . . . . October . . . . . . . . . . November . . . . . . . . December . . . . . . . .


Electrical Costs

2,604 2,856 3,534 1,440 540 1,116 3,162 3,608 1,260 186 1,080 2,046

$6,257 $6,550 $7,986 $4,022 $2,289 $3,591 $7,264 $8,111 $3,707 $1,712 $3,321 $5,196




Using the high-low method, estimate the fixed cost of electricity per month and the variable cost of electricity per occupancy-day. Round off the fixed cost to the nearest whole dollar and the variable cost to the nearest whole cent. What other factors other than occupancy-days are likely to affect the variation in electrical costs from month to month?

EXERCISE 5-4 Contribution Format Income Statement [LO4]

Haaki Shop, Inc., is a large retailer of water sports equipment. An income statement for the company’s surfboard department for a recent quarter is presented below:

The Haaki Shop, Inc. Income Statement—Surfboard Department For the Quarter Ended May 31 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$800,000 300,000

Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Selling expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative expenses. . . . . . . .


Net operating income. . . . . . . . . . . .

$250,000 160,000

410,000 $ 90,000

The surfboards sell, on the average, for $400 each. The department’s variable selling expenses are $50 per surfboard sold. The remaining selling expenses are fixed. The administrative expenses are 25% variable and 75% fixed. The company purchases its surfboards from a supplier at a cost of $150 per surfboard.

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use Required:

1. 2.

Prepare an income statement for the quarter using the contribution approach. What was the contribution toward fixed expenses and profits from each surfboard sold during the quarter? (State this figure in a single dollar amount per surfboard.)

EXERCISE 5-5 (Appendix 5A) Least-Squares Regression [LO5]

EZ Rental Car offers rental cars in an off-airport location near a major tourist destination in Florida. Management would like to better understand the behavior of the company’s costs. One of those costs is the cost of washing cars. The company operates its own car wash facility in which each rental car that is returned is thoroughly cleaned before being released for rental to another customer. Management believes that the costs of operating the car wash should be related to the number of rental returns. Accordingly, the following data have been compiled:

Month January . . . . . . . . . . February. . . . . . . . . . March . . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . . . . . September . . . . . . . . October . . . . . . . . . . November. . . . . . . . . December . . . . . . . .

Rental Returns

Car Wash Costs

2,310 2,453 2,641 2,874 3,540 4,861 5,432 5,268 4,628 3,720 2,106 2,495

$10,113 $12,691 $10,905 $12,949 $15,334 $21,455 $21,270 $19,930 $21,860 $18,383 $9,830 $11,081


Using least-squares regression, estimate the fixed cost and variable cost elements of monthly car wash costs. The fixed cost element should be estimated to the nearest dollar and the variable cost element to the nearest cent. EXERCISE 5-6 Cost Behavior; Contribution Format Income Statement [LO1, LO4]

Parker Company manufactures and sells a single product. A partially completed schedule of the company’s total and per unit costs over a relevant range of 60,000 to 100,000 units produced and sold each year is given below:

Units Produced and Sold 60,000



Total costs: Variable costs . . . . . . . . . Fixed costs . . . . . . . . . . .

$150,000 360,000

? ?

? ?

Total costs . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Cost per unit: Variable cost . . . . . . . . . . Fixed cost . . . . . . . . . . . .

? ?

? ?

? ?

Total cost per unit. . . . . . . .





1. 2.

Complete the schedule of the company’s total and unit costs above. Assume that the company produces and sells 90,000 units during the year at the selling price of $7.50 per unit. Prepare a contribution format income statement for the year.



Chapter 5 EXERCISE 5-7 High-Low Method; Scattergraph Analysis [LO2, LO3]

Zerbel Company, a wholesaler of large, custom-built air conditioning units for commercial buildings, has noticed considerable fluctuation in its shipping expense from month to month, as shown below:

Month January . . . . . . . . February. . . . . . . . March . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . . . . .

Units Shipped

Total Shipping Expense

4 7 5 2 3 6 8

$2,200 $3,100 $2,600 $1,500 $2,200 $3,000 $3,600


1. 2.


Using the high-low method, estimate the cost formula for shipping expense. The president has no confidence in the high-low method and would like you to “check out” your results using the scattergraph method. Do the following: a. Prepare a scattergraph using the data given above. Plot cost on the vertical axis and activity on the horizontal axis. Use a ruler to fit a straight line to your plotted points. b. Using your scattergraph, estimate the approximate variable cost per unit shipped and the approximate fixed cost per month with the quick-and-dirty method. What factors, other than the number of units shipped, are likely to affect the company’s shipping expense? Explain.

EXERCISE 5-8 (Appendix 5A) Least-Squares Regression [LO5]

Refer to the data for Zerbel Company in Exercise 5-7. Required:

1. 2.

Using the least-squares regression method, estimate the cost formula for shipping expense. If you also completed Exercise 5-7, prepare a simple table comparing the variable and fixed cost elements of shipping expense as computed under the quick-and-dirty scattergraph method, the high-low method, and the least-squares regression method.

EXERCISE 5-9 Cost Behavior; High-Low Method [LO1, LO3]

Speedy Parcel Service operates a fleet of delivery trucks in a large metropolitan area. A careful study by the company’s cost analyst has determined that if a truck is driven 120,000 miles during a year, the average operating cost is 11.6 cents per mile. If a truck is driven only 80,000 miles during a year, the average operating cost increases to 13.6 cents per mile. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Using the high-low method, estimate the variable and fixed cost elements of the annual cost of truck operation. Express the variable and fixed costs in the form Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX. If a truck were driven 100,000 miles during a year, what total cost would you expect to be incurred?

EXERCISE 5-10 High-Low Method; Predicting Cost [LO1, LO3]

The number of X-rays taken and X-ray costs over the last nine months in Beverly Hospital are given below: Month January . . . . . . . . . February. . . . . . . . . March . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . . . . September . . . . . . .

X-Rays Taken

X-Ray Costs

6,250 7,000 5,000 4,250 4,500 3,000 3,750 5,500 5,750

$28,000 $29,000 $23,000 $20,000 $22,000 $17,000 $18,000 $24,000 $26,000


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use Required:

1. 2.

Using the high-low method, estimate the cost formula for X-ray costs. Using the cost formula you derived above, what X-ray costs would you expect to be incurred during a month in which 4,600 X-rays are taken?

EXERCISE 5-11 Scattergraph Analysis; High-Low Method [LO2, LO3]

Refer to the data in Exercise 5-10 for Beverly Hospital. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Prepare a scattergraph using the data from Exercise 5-10. Plot cost on the vertical axis and activity on the horizontal axis. Using a ruler, fit a line to your plotted points. Using the quick-and-dirty method, what is the approximate monthly fixed cost for X-rays? The approximate variable cost per X-ray taken? Scrutinize the points on your graph, and explain why the high-low method would or would not yield an accurate cost formula in this situation.

EXERCISE 5-12 High-Low Method; Predicting Cost [LO1, LO3]

Resort Inns, Inc., has a total of 2,000 rooms in its nationwide chain of motels. On average, 70% of the rooms are occupied each day. The company’s operating costs are $21 per occupied room per day at this occupancy level, assuming a 30-day month. This $21 figure contains both variable and fixed cost elements. During October, the occupancy rate dropped to only 45%. A total of $792,000 in operating cost was incurred during October. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Estimate the variable cost per occupied room per day. Estimate the total fixed operating costs per month. Assume that the occupancy rate increases to 60% during November. What total operating costs would you expect the company to incur during November?

EXERCISE 5-13 (Appendix 5A) Least-Squares Regression [LO1, LO5]

One of Varic Company’s products goes through a glazing process. The company has observed glazing costs as follows over the last six weeks:


Units Produced

Total Glazing Cost

1 2 3 4 5 6

8 5 10 4 6 9

$270 $200 $310 $190 $240 $290

......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........

For planning purposes, the company’s management must know the amount of variable glazing cost per unit and the total fixed glazing cost per week. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Using the least-squares regression method, estimate the variable and fixed elements of the glazing cost. Express the cost data in (1) above in the form Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX. If the company processes seven units next week, what would be the expected total glazing cost?

Problems PROBLEM 5-14 (Appendix 5A) Scattergraph; Cost Behavior; Least-Squares Regression Method [LO1, LO2, LO5]

Amanda King has just been appointed director of recreation programs for Highland Park, a rapidly growing community in Connecticut. In the past, the city has sponsored a number of softball leagues in


Chapter 5

the summer months. From the city’s cost records, Amanda has found the following total costs associated with the softball leagues over the last five years:

Each league requires its own paid supervisor and paid umpires as well as printed schedules and other copy work. Therefore, Amanda knows that some variable costs are associated with the leagues. She would like to know the amount of variable cost per league and the total fixed cost per year associated with the softball program. This information would help her for planning purposes. Required:

1. 2. 3.


Using the least-squares regression method, estimate the variable cost per league and the total fixed cost per year for the softball program. Express the cost data derived in (1) above in the form Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX. Assume that Amanda would like to expand the softball program during the coming year to involve a total of seven leagues. Compute the expected total cost for the softball program. Can you see any problem with using the cost formula from (2) above to derive this total cost figure? Explain. Prepare a scattergraph, and fit a line to the plotted points using the cost formula expressed in (2) above.

PROBLEM 5-15 Contribution Format versus Traditional Income Statement [LO4]

House of Organs, Inc., purchases organs from a well-known manufacturer and sells them at the retail level. The organs sell, on the average, for $2,500 each. The average cost of an organ from the manufacturer is $1,500. House of Organs, Inc., has always kept careful records of its costs. The costs that the company incurs in a typical month are presented below in the form of a spreadsheet: Costs Selling: Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delivery of organs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales salaries and commissions . . . . . . . . Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation of sales facilities . . . . . . . . . . Administrative: Executive salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation of office equipment . . . . . . . . Clerical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cost Formula $950 per month $60 per organ sold $4,800 per month, plus 4% of sales $650 per month $5,000 per month $13,500 per month $900 per month $2,500 per month, plus $40 per organ sold $700 per month

During November, the company sold and delivered 60 organs. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Prepare an income statement for November using the traditional format with costs organized by function. Redo (1) above, this time using the contribution format with costs organized by behavior. Show costs and revenues on both a total and a per unit basis down through contribution margin. Refer to the income statement you prepared in (2) above. Why might it be misleading to show the fixed costs on a per unit basis?

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use PROBLEM 5-16 Cost Behavior; High-Low Method; Contribution Format Income Statement [LO1, LO3, LO4]

Frankel Ltd., a British merchandising company, is the exclusive distributor of a product that is gaining rapid market acceptance. The company’s revenues and expenses (in British pounds) for the last three months are given below: Frankel Ltd. Comparative Income Statements For the Three Months Ended June 30 April



Sales in units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Sales revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

£420,000 168,000

£525,000 210,000

£630,000 252,000

Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Selling and administrative expenses: Shipping expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation expense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

44,000 70,000 107,000 9,000 42,000

50,000 70,000 125,000 9,000 42,000

56,000 70,000 143,000 9,000 42,000

Total selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . .




£ (20,000) £ 19,000

£ 58,000

Net operating income (loss) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Note: Frankel Ltd.’s income statement has been recast in the functional format common in the United States. The British currency is the pound, denoted by £.) Required:

1. 2. 3.

Identify each of the company’s expenses (including cost of goods sold) as either variable, fixed, or mixed. Using the high-low method, separate each mixed expense into variable and fixed elements. State the cost formula for each mixed expense. Redo the company’s income statement at the 4,500-unit level of activity using the contribution format.

PROBLEM 5-17 Identifying Cost Behavior Patterns [LO1]

A number of graphs displaying cost behavior patterns are shown below. The vertical axis on each graph represents total cost and the horizontal axis represents the level of activity (volume).















Chapter 5 Required:


For each of the following situations, identify the graph that illustrates the cost behavior pattern involved. Any graph may be used more than once. a. Electricity bill—a flat fixed charge, plus a variable cost after a certain number of kilowatthours are used. b. City water bill, which is computed as follows: First 1,000,000 gallons or less . . . . . . . . Next 10,000 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Next 10,000 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Next 10,000 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Etc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$1,000 flat fee $0.003 per gallon used $0.006 per gallon used $0.009 per gallon used Etc.



Depreciation of equipment, where the amount is computed by the straight-line method. When the depreciation rate was established, it was anticipated that the obsolescence factor would be greater than the wear and tear factor. d. Rent on a factory building donated by the city, where the agreement calls for a fixed fee payment unless 200,000 labor-hours or more are worked, in which case no rent need be paid. e. Cost of raw materials, where the cost starts at $7.50 per unit and then decreases by 5 cents per unit for each of the first 100 units purchased, after which it remains constant at $2.50 per unit. f. Salaries of maintenance workers, where one maintenance worker is needed for every 1,000 hours of machine-hours or less (that is, 0 to 1,000 hours requires one maintenance worker, 1,001 to 2,000 hours requires two maintenance workers, etc.). g. Cost of raw material used. h. Rent on a factory building donated by the county, where the agreement calls for rent of $100,000 less $1 for each direct labor-hour worked in excess of 200,000 hours, but a minimum rental payment of $20,000 must be paid. i. Use of a machine under a lease, where a minimum charge of $1,000 is paid for up to 400 hours of machine time. After 400 hours of machine time, an additional charge of $2 per hour is paid up to a maximum charge of $2,000 per period. How would a knowledge of cost behavior patterns such as those above be of help to a manager in analyzing the cost structure of his or her company? (CPA, adapted)

PROBLEM 5-18 High-Low and Scattergraph Analysis [LO2, LO3]

Sebolt Wire Company heats copper ingots to very high temperatures by placing the ingots in a large heat coil. The heated ingots are then run through a shaping machine that shapes the soft ingot into wire. Due to the long heat-up time, the coil is never turned off. When an ingot is placed in the coil, the temperature is raised to an even higher level, and then the coil is allowed to drop to the “waiting” temperature between ingots. Management needs to know the variable cost of power involved in heating an ingot and the fixed cost of power during “waiting” periods. The following data on ingots processed and power costs are available: Month January . . . . . . . . . . February. . . . . . . . . . March . . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . . . . . September . . . . . . . . October . . . . . . . . . .


Power Cost

110 90 80 100 130 120 70 60 50 40

$5,500 $4,500 $4,400 $5,000 $6,000 $5,600 $4,000 $3,200 $3,400 $2,400


1. 2.

Using the high-low method, estimate a cost formula for power cost. Express the formula in the form Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX. Prepare a scattergraph by plotting ingots processed and power cost on a graph. Fit a straight line to the plotted points using a ruler, and estimate a cost formula for power cost using the quick-anddirty method.

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use PROBLEM 5-19 (Appendix 5A) Least-Squares Regression Method [LO5]

Refer to the data for Sebolt Wire Company in Problem 5-18. Required:

1. 2.

Using the least-squares regression method, estimate a cost formula for power cost. (Round the variable cost to the nearest cent and the fixed cost to the nearest dollar.) Prepare a table showing the total fixed cost per month and the variable cost per ingot under each of the three methods used in Problems 5-18 and 5-19. Then comment on the accuracy and usefulness of the data derived by each method.

PROBLEM 5-20 (Appendix 5A) Least-Squares Regression Analysis; Contribution Format Income Statement [LO4, LO5]

Alden Company has decided to use a contribution approach income statement for internal planning purposes. The company has analyzed its expenses and has developed the following cost formulas: Cost

Cost Formula

Cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising expense. . . . . . . . . . Sales commissions . . . . . . . . . . Administrative salaries . . . . . . . . Shipping expense . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation expense . . . . . . . .

$20 per unit sold $170,000 per quarter 5% of sales $80,000 per quarter ? $50,000 per quarter

Management has concluded that shipping expense is a mixed cost, containing both variable and fixed cost elements. Units sold and the related shipping expense over the last eight quarters are given below:


Units Sold (000)

Shipping Expense

16 18 23 19

$160,000 $175,000 $210,000 $180,000

17 20 25 22

$170,000 $190,000 $230,000 $205,000

Year 1: First . . . . . . . . . . Second . . . . . . . . Third . . . . . . . . . . Fourth . . . . . . . . . Year 2: First . . . . . . . . . . Second . . . . . . . . Third . . . . . . . . . . Fourth . . . . . . . . .

Management would like a cost formula derived for shipping expense so that a budgeted income statement using the contribution approach can be prepared for the next quarter. Required:



Using the least-squares regression method, estimate a cost formula for shipping expense. (Since the Units Sold above are in thousands of units, the variable cost you compute will also be in thousands of units. It can be left in this form, or you can convert your variable cost to a per unit basis by dividing it by 1,000.) In the first quarter of Year 3, the company plans to sell 21,000 units at a selling price of $50 per unit. Prepare a contribution format income statement for the quarter.

PROBLEM 5-21 High-Low Method; Predicting Cost [LO1, LO3]

Golden Company’s total overhead cost at various levels of activity are presented below:

Month March . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . .


Total Overhead Cost

50,000 40,000 60,000 70,000

$194,000 $170,200 $217,800 $241,600



Chapter 5

Assume that the overhead cost above consists of utilities, supervisory salaries, and maintenance. The breakdown of these costs at the 40,000 machine-hour level of activity is as follows: Utilities (variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supervisory salaries (fixed) . . . . . . . . Maintenance (mixed) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 52,000 60,000 58,200

Total overhead cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The company wants to break down the maintenance cost into its variable and fixed cost elements. Required:


2. 3. 4.

Estimate how much of the $241,600 of overhead cost in June was maintenance cost. (Hint: To do this, it may be helpful to first determine how much of the $241,600 consisted of utilities and supervisory salaries. Think about the behavior of variable and fixed costs within the relevant range.) Using the high-low method, estimate a cost formula for maintenance. Express the company’s total overhead cost in the form Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX. What total overhead cost would you expect to be incurred at an activity level of 45,000 machinehours?

PROBLEM 5-22 High-Low Method; Cost of Goods Manufactured [LO1, LO3]

NuWay, Inc., manufactures a single product. Selected data from the company’s cost records for two recent months are given below: Level of Activity

Number of units produced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work in process inventory, beginning . . . . . . . Work in process inventory, ending . . . . . . . . . . Direct materials cost per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor cost per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing overhead cost, total . . . . . . . . .



9,000 $285,000 $14,000 $25,000 $15 $6 ?

12,000 $390,000 $22,000 $15,000 $15 $6 ?

The company’s manufacturing overhead cost consists of both variable and fixed cost elements. To have data available for planning, management wants to determine how much of the overhead cost is variable with units produced and how much of it is fixed per year. Required:


2. 3.

For both July and October, estimate the amount of manufacturing overhead cost added to production. The company had no underapplied or overapplied overhead in either month. (Hint: A useful way to proceed might be to construct a schedule of cost of goods manufactured.) Using the high-low method, estimate a cost formula for manufacturing overhead. Express the variable portion of the formula in terms of a variable rate per unit of product. If 9,500 units are produced during a month, what would be the cost of goods manufactured? (Assume that the company’s beginning work in process inventory for the month is $16,000 and that its ending work in process inventory is $19,000. Also assume that there is no underapplied or overapplied overhead cost for the month.)

PROBLEM 5-23 High-Low Method; Predicting Cost [LO1, LO3]

Echeverria SA is an Argentinian manufacturing company whose total factory overhead costs fluctuate somewhat from year to year according to the number of machine-hours worked in its production facility. These costs (in Argentinian pesos) at high and low levels of activity over recent years are given below: Level of Activity Low Machine-hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total factory overhead costs. . . . . . . .

60,000 274,000 pesos

High 80,000 312,000 pesos


Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

The factory overhead costs above consist of indirect materials, rent, and maintenance. The company has analyzed these costs at the 60,000 machine-hours level of activity as follows: Indirect materials (variable) . . . . . . . . . Rent (fixed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance (mixed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

90,000 pesos 130,000 54,000

Total factory overhead costs . . . . . . . .

274,000 pesos

For planning purposes, the company wants to break down the maintenance cost into its variable and fixed cost elements. Required:


2. 3.

Estimate how much of the factory overhead cost of 312,000 pesos at the high level of activity consists of maintenance cost. (Hint: To do this, it may be helpful to first determine how much of the 312,000 pesos cost consists of indirect materials and rent. Think about the behavior of variable and fixed costs.) Using the high-low method, estimate a cost formula for maintenance. What total overhead costs would you expect the company to incur at an operating level of 65,000 machine-hours?

Cases CASE 5-24 Scattergraph Analysis; Selection of an Activity Base [LO2]

Mapleleaf Sweepers of Toronto manufactures replacement rotary sweeper brooms for the large sweeper trucks that clear leaves and snow from city streets. The business is seasonal, with the largest demand during and just preceding the fall and winter months. Since there are so many different kinds of sweeper brooms used by its customers, Mapleleaf Sweepers makes all of its brooms to order. The company has been analyzing its overhead accounts to determine fixed and variable components for planning purposes. Below are data for the company’s janitorial labor costs over the last nine months. (Cost data are in Canadian dollars.)

January . . . . . . . . . . February. . . . . . . . . . March . . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . . . . . September . . . . . . . .

Number of Units Produced

Number of Janitorial Workdays

Janitorial Labor Cost

115 109 102 76 69 108 77 71 127

21 19 23 20 23 22 16 14 21

$3,840 $3,648 $4,128 $3,456 $4,320 $4,032 $2,784 $2,688 $3,840

The number of workdays varies from month to month due to the number of weekdays, holidays, days of vacation, and sick leave taken in the month. The number of units produced in a month varies depending on demand and the number of workdays in the month. There are two janitors who each work an eight-hour shift each workday. They each can take up to 10 days of paid sick leave each year. Their wages on days they call in sick and their wages during paid vacations are charged to miscellaneous overhead rather than to the janitorial labor cost account. Required:

1. 2.

Plot the janitorial labor cost and units produced on a scattergraph. (Place cost on the vertical axis and units produced on the horizontal axis.) Plot the janitorial labor cost and number of workdays on a scattergraph. (Place cost on the vertical axis and the number of workdays on the horizontal axis.)


Chapter 5


Which measure of activity—number of units produced or janitorial workdays—should be used as the activity base for explaining janitorial labor cost?

CASE 5-25 (Appendix 5A) Least-Squares Regression; Scattergraph; Comparison of Activity Bases [LO2, LO5]

The Hard Rock Mining Company is developing cost formulas for management planning and decisionmaking purposes. The company’s cost analyst has concluded that utilities cost is a mixed cost, and he is attempting to find a base with which the cost might be closely correlated. The controller has suggested that tons mined might be a good base to use in developing a cost formula. The production superintendent disagrees; she thinks that direct labor-hours would be a better base. The cost analyst has decided to try both bases and has assembled the following information:

Quarter Year 1: First . . . . . . . . . . Second . . . . . . . . Third . . . . . . . . . . Fourth . . . . . . . . . Year 2: First . . . . . . . . . . Second . . . . . . . . Third . . . . . . . . . . Fourth . . . . . . . . .

Tons Mined (000)

Direct Labor-Hours (000)

Utilities Cost

15 11 21 12

5 3 4 6

$50,000 $45,000 $60,000 $75,000

18 25 30 28

10 9 8 11

$100,000 $105,000 $85,000 $120,000



2. 3.

Using tons mined as the independent (X) variable: a. Determine a cost formula for utilities cost using the least-squares regression method. (The variable cost you compute will be in thousands of tons. It can be left in this form, or you can convert your variable cost to a per ton basis by dividing it by 1,000.) b. Prepare a scattergraph and plot the tons mined and utilities cost. (Place cost on the vertical axis and tons mined on the horizontal axis.) Fit a straight line to the plotted points using the cost formula determined in (a) above. Using direct labor-hours as the independent (X) variable, repeat the computations in (a) and (b) above. Would you recommend that the company use tons mined or direct labor-hours as a base for planning utilities cost?

CASE 5-26 (Appendix 5A) Analysis of Mixed Costs, Job-Order Costing, and Activity-Based Costing [LO1, LO2, LO5]

Ruedi Bärlach PLC, a company located in Gümligen, Switzerland, manufactures custom-designed high-precision industrial tools. The company has a traditional job-order costing system in which direct labor and direct materials costs are assigned directly to jobs, but factory overhead is applied to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate based on direct labor-hours. Management uses this job cost data for valuing cost of goods sold and inventories for external reports. For internal decision-making, management has largely ignored this cost data since direct labor costs are basically fixed and management believes overhead costs actually have little to do with direct labor-hours. Recently, management has become interested in activity-based costing (ABC) as a way of estimating job costs and other costs for decision-making purposes. Management assembled a cross-functional team to design a prototype ABC system. Electrical costs were among the first factory overhead costs investigated by the team. Electricity is used to provide light, to power equipment, and to heat the building in the winter. The ABC team proposed allocating electrical costs to jobs based on machine-hours since running the machines consumes significant amounts of electricity. Data assembled by the team concerning actual direct labor-hours, machinehours, and electrical costs over a recent eight-week period have been entered into the spreadsheet that appears below. (The Swiss currency is the Swiss franc, which is denoted by SFr.)

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Total

Direct Electrical Labor- MachineHours Costs Hours 8,910 7,700 SFr 84,600 8,920 8,600 81,800 8,870 8,600 81,000 8,840 8,500 80,800 8,990 7,600 79,400 8,940 7,100 82,800 8,870 6,000 73,100 8,910 6,800 80,800 71,250 60,900 SFr 644,300

To help assess the effect of the proposed change to machine-hours as the allocation base, the above eight-week totals were converted to annual figures by multiplying them by six.

Estimated annual total (eight-week total above ⫻ 6) . . . . . . .

Direct LaborHours


Electrical Costs



SFr 3,865,800





4. 5. 6.

Assume that the estimated annual totals shown above are used to compute the company’s predetermined overhead rate. What would be the predetermined overhead rate for electrical costs if the allocation base is direct labor-hours? machine-hours? Management intends to bid on a job for a set of custom tools for a watchmaker that would require 30 direct labor-hours and 25 machine-hours. How much electrical cost would be charged to this job using the predetermined overhead rate computed in part (1) above if the allocation base is direct labor-hours? machine-hours? Prepare a scattergraph in which you plot direct labor-hours on the horizontal axis and electrical costs on the vertical axis. Prepare another scattergraph in which you plot machine-hours on the horizontal axis and electrical costs on the vertical axis. Do you agree with the ABC team that machine-hours is a better allocation base for electrical costs than direct labor-hours? Why? Using machine-hours as the measure of activity and the least-squares regression method, estimate the fixed and variable components of electrical costs. How much electrical cost do you think would actually be caused by the custom tool job for the toolmaker in part (2) above? Explain. What factors, apart from direct labor-hours and machine-hours, are likely to affect consumption of electrical power in the company?

CASE 5-27 Analysis of Mixed Costs in a Pricing Decision [LO1, LO2 or LO3 or LO5]

Jasmine Lee owns a catering company that serves food and beverages at exclusive parties and business functions. Lee’s business is seasonal, with a heavy schedule during the summer months and holidays and a lighter schedule at other times.



Chapter 5

One of the major events that Lee’s customers request is a cocktail party. She offers a standard cocktail party and has estimated the cost per guest for this party as follows: Food and beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor (0.5 hour @ $10.00 per hour) . . . . . . . . . . . Overhead (0.5 hour @ $18.63 per hour) . . . . . . . .

$17.00 5.00 9.32

Total cost per guest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


This standard cocktail party lasts three hours and Lee hires one worker for every six guests, which is one-half hour of labor per guest. These workers are hired only as needed and are paid only for the hours they actually work. Lee ordinarily charges $45 per guest. She is confident about her estimates of the costs of food and beverages and labor, but is not as comfortable with the estimate of overhead cost. The $18.63 overhead cost per labor-hour was determined by dividing total overhead expenses for the last 12 months by total labor-hours for the same period. Monthly data concerning overhead costs and labor-hours appear below: Labor Hours

Overhead Expenses

January . . . . . . . . . . February. . . . . . . . . . March . . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . . . . . September . . . . . . . . October . . . . . . . . . . November. . . . . . . . . December . . . . . . . .

1,500 1,680 1,800 2,520 2,700 3,300 3,900 4,500 4,200 2,700 1,860 3,900

$ 44,000 47,200 48,000 51,200 53,600 56,800 59,200 61,600 60,000 54,400 49,600 58,400

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Lee has received a request to bid on a 120-guest fund-raising cocktail party to be given next month by an important local charity. (The party would last the usual three hours.) She would like to win this contract because the guest list for this charity event includes many prominent individuals that she would like to land as future clients. Lee is confident that these potential customers would be favorably impressed by her company’s services at the charity event. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Estimate the contribution to profit of a standard 120-guest cocktail party if Lee charges her usual price of $45 per guest. (In other words, by how much would her overall profit increase?) How low could Lee bid for the charity event, in terms of a price per guest, and still not lose money on the event itself? The individual who is organizing the charity’s fund-raising event has indicated that he has already received a bid under $42 from another catering company. Do you think Lee should bid below her normal $45 per guest price for the charity event? Why or why not? (CMA, adapted)


[LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5]

The questions in this exercise are based on Blue Nile, Inc. To answer the questions, you will need to download Blue Nile’s 2004 Form 10-K at irol-reportsAnnual. You do not need to print this document to answer the questions. You will need the information at the top of the next page to answer the questions.

Cost Behavior: Analysis and Use


Net sales . . . . . . . . . Cost of sales . . . . . . Gross profit . . . . . . . Selling, general, and administrative expense . . . . . . . . Operating income. . .


Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

$44,116 $34,429 $9,687

$43,826 $33,836 $9,990

$5,308 ?

$5,111 ?

$5,033 ?

$7,343 ?

$6,123 $3,564

$6,184 $3,806




3. 4.





What is Blue Nile’s strategy for success in the marketplace? Does the company rely primarily on a customer intimacy, operational excellence, or product leadership customer value proposition? What evidence from the 10-K supports your conclusion? What business risks does Blue Nile face that may threaten its ability to satisfy stockholder expectations? What are some examples of control activities that the company could use to reduce these risks? (Hint: Focus on pages 8–19 of the 10-K.) Are some of the risks faced by Blue Nile difficult to reduce through control activities? Explain. Is Blue Nile a merchandiser or a manufacturer? What information contained in the 10-K supports your answer? Using account analysis, would you label cost of sales and selling, general, and administrative expense as variable, fixed, or mixed costs? Why? (Hint: focus on pages 24–26 and 38 of the 10-K.) Cite one example of a variable cost, step-variable cost, discretionary fixed cost, and committed fixed cost for Blue Nile. Fill in the blanks in the table above based on information contained in the 10-K. Using the highlow method, estimate the variable and fixed cost elements of the quarterly selling, general, and administrative expense. Express Blue Nile’s variable and fixed selling, general, and administrative expenses in the form Y ⫽ a ⫹ bX. Using the least-squares regression method, estimate a cost formula for selling, general, and administrative expense. Are these estimates the same or different from those obtained using the high-low method? Why? Prepare a contribution format income statement for the third quarter of 2005 assuming that Blue Nile’s net sales were $45,500 and its cost of sales as a percentage of net sales remained unchanged from the prior quarter. How would you describe Blue Nile’s cost structure? Is Blue Nile’s cost of sales as a percentage of sales higher or lower than competitors with bricks and mortar jewelry stores?



6 Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 6, you should be able to:

LO1 Explain how changes in activity affect contribution margin and net operating income. LO2 Prepare and interpret a costvolume-profit (CVP) graph.

LO4 Show the effects on contribution margin of changes in variable costs, fixed costs, selling price, and volume. LO5 Compute the break-even point in unit sales and sales dollars. LO6 Determine the level of sales needed to achieve a desired target profit. LO7 Compute the margin of safety and explain its significance. LO8 Compute the degree of operating leverage at a particular level of sales and explain how it can be used to predict changes in net operating income. LO9 Compute the break-even point for a multiproduct company and explain the effects of shifts in the sales mix on contribution margin and the break-even point.

What Happened to the Profit? Chip Conley is CEO of Joie de Vivre Hospitality, a company that owns and operates 28 hospitality businesses in northern California. Conley summed up the company’s experience after the crash and 9/11 as follows: “In the history of American hotel markets, no hotel market has ever seen a drop in revenues as precipitous as the one in San Francisco and Silicon Valley in the last two years. On average, hotel revenues . . . dropped 40% to 45%. . . . We’ve been fortunate that our breakeven point is lower than our competition’s. . . . But the problem is that the hotel business is a fixed-cost business. So in an environment where you have those precipitous drops and our costs are moderately fixed, our net incomes—well, they’re not incomes anymore, they’re losses.” ■ Source: Karen Dillon, “Shop Talk,” Inc magazine, December 2002, pp. 111–114.


LO3 Use the contribution margin ratio (CM ratio) to compute changes in contribution margin and net operating income resulting from changes in sales volume.

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is a powerful tool that helps managers understand the relationships among cost, volume, and profit. CVP analysis focuses on how profits are affected by the following five factors:

Selling prices. Sales volume. Unit variable costs. Total fixed costs. Mix of products sold.

Because CVP analysis helps managers understand how profits are affected by these key factors, it is a vital tool in many business decisions. These decisions include what products and services to offer, what prices to charge, what marketing strategy to use, and what cost structure to implement. To help understand the role of CVP analysis in business decisions, consider the case of Acoustic Concepts, Inc., a company founded by Prem Narayan. Prem, who was a graduate student in engineering at the time, started Acoustic Concepts to market a radical new speaker he had designed for automobile sound systems. The speaker, called the Sonic Blaster, uses an advanced microprocessor and proprietary software to boost amplification to awesome levels. Prem contracted with a Taiwanese electronics manufacturer to produce the speaker. With seed money provided by his family, Prem placed an order with the manufacturer and ran advertisements in auto magazines. The Sonic Blaster was an almost immediate success, and sales grew to the point that Prem moved the company’s headquarters out of his apartment and into rented quarters in a nearby industrial park. He also hired a receptionist, an accountant, a sales manager, and a small sales staff to sell the speakers to retail stores. The accountant, Bob Luchinni, had worked for several small companies where he had acted as a business advisor as well as accountant and bookkeeper. The following discussion occurred soon after Bob was hired:


Prem: Bob, I’ve got a lot of questions about the company’s finances that I hope you can help answer. Bob: We’re in great shape. The loan from your family will be paid off within a few months. Prem: I know, but I am worried about the risks I’ve taken on by expanding operations. What would happen if a competitor entered the market and our sales slipped? How far could sales drop without putting us into the red? Another question I’ve been trying to resolve is how much our sales would have to increase to justify the big marketing campaign the sales staff is pushing for. Bob: Marketing always wants more money for advertising. Prem: And they are always pushing me to drop the selling price on the speaker. I agree with them that a lower price will boost our volume, but I’m not sure the increased volume will offset the loss in revenue from the lower price. Bob: It sounds like these questions are all related in some way to the relationships among our selling prices, our costs, and our volume. I shouldn’t have a problem coming up with some answers. Prem: Can we meet again in a couple of days to see what you have come up with? Bob: Sounds good. By then I’ll have some preliminary answers for you as well as a model you can use for answering similar questions in the future.

The Basics of Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis Bob Luchinni’s preparation for his forthcoming meeting with Prem begins where our study of cost behavior in the preceding chapter left off—with the contribution income statement. The contribution income statement emphasizes the behavior of costs and therefore is extremely helpful to managers in judging the impact on profits of changes in selling price,


Chapter 6

cost, or volume. Bob will base his analysis on the following contribution income statement he prepared last month: Acoustic Concepts, Inc. Contribution Income Statement For the Month of June Sales (400 speakers) . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total $100,000 60,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 35,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . .


Per Unit $250 150 $100


Notice that sales, variable expenses, and contribution margin are expressed on a per unit basis as well as in total on this contribution income statement. The per unit figures will be very helpful to Bob in some of his calculations. Note that this contribution income statement has been prepared for management’s use inside the company and would not ordinarily be made available to those outside the company.

Contribution Margin LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1

Explain how changes in activity affect contribution margin and net operating income.

As explained in the previous chapter, contribution margin is the amount remaining from sales revenue after variable expenses have been deducted. Thus, it is the amount available to cover fixed expenses and then to provide profits for the period. Notice the sequence here—contribution margin is used first to cover the fixed expenses, and then whatever remains goes toward profits. If the contribution margin is not sufficient to cover the fixed expenses, then a loss occurs for the period. To illustrate with an extreme example, assume that Acoustic Concepts sells only one speaker during a particular month. The company’s income statement would appear as follows: Contribution Income Statement Sales of 1 Speaker Total 250 150

Per Unit $250 150

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

100 35,000


Net operating loss . . . . . . . . . .


Sales (1 speaker) . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . .


For each additional speaker the company sells during the month, $100 more in contribution margin becomes available to help cover the fixed expenses. If a second speaker is sold, for example, then the total contribution margin will increase by $100 (to a total of $200) and the company’s loss will decrease by $100, to $34,800: Contribution Income Statement Sales of 2 Speakers Total 500 300

Per Unit $250 150

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

200 35,000


Net operating loss . . . . . . . . . .


Sales (2 speakers) . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . .


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

If enough speakers can be sold to generate $35,000 in contribution margin, then all of the fixed expenses will be covered and the company will break even for the month—that is, it will show neither profit nor loss but just cover all of its costs. To reach the break-even point, the company will have to sell 350 speakers in a month, since each speaker sold yields $100 in contribution margin:

Contribution Income Statement Sales of 350 Speakers Sales (350 speakers) . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

Total $87,500 52,500

Per Unit $250 150

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . .

35,000 35,000


Net operating income . . . . . . . . .


Computation of the break-even point is discussed in detail later in the chapter; for the moment, note that the break-even point is the level of sales at which profit is zero. Once the break-even point has been reached, net operating income will increase by the amount of the unit contribution margin for each additional unit sold. For example, if 351 speakers are sold in a month, then the net operating income for the month will be $100, since the company will have sold 1 speaker more than the number needed to break even:

Contribution Income Statement Sales of 351 Speakers Sales (351 speakers) . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

Total $87,750 52,650

Per Unit $250 150

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . .

35,100 35,000


Net operating income . . . . . . . . .



If 352 speakers are sold (2 speakers above the break-even point), the net operating income for the month will be $200. If 353 speakers are sold (3 speakers above the breakeven point), the net operating income for the month will be $300, and so forth. To estimate the profit at any sales volume above the break-even point, simply multiply the number of units sold in excess of the break-even point by the unit contribution margin. The result represents the anticipated profits for the period. Or, to estimate the effect of a planned increase in sales on profits, simply multiply the increase in units sold by the unit contribution margin. The result will be the expected increase in profits. To illustrate, if Acoustic Concepts is currently selling 400 speakers per month and plans to increase sales to 425 speakers per month, the anticipated impact on profits can be computed as follows:

Increased number of speakers to be sold . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin per speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25 ⫻ $100

Increase in net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Chapter 6

These calculations can be verified as follows: Sales Volume 400 Speakers

425 Speakers

Difference (25 Speakers)

Per Unit

Sales (@ $250 per speaker) . . . . . . . Variable expenses (@ $150 per speaker) . . . . . . . . . .









Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 35,000

42,500 35,000

2,500 0




Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . .




To summarize, if sales are zero, the company’s loss would equal its fixed expenses. Each unit that is sold reduces the loss by the amount of the unit contribution margin. Once the break-even point has been reached, each additional unit sold increases the company’s profit by the amount of the unit contribution margin.

CVP Relationships in Graphic Form LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2

Prepare and interpret a costvolume-profit (CVP) graph.

The relationships among revenue, cost, profit, and volume are illustrated on a cost-volumeprofit (CVP) graph. A CVP graph highlights CVP relationships over wide ranges of activity. To help explain his analysis to Prem Narayan, Bob Luchinni decided to prepare a CVP graph for Acoustic Concepts.

Preparing the CVP Graph

In a CVP graph (sometimes called a break-even chart), unit volume is represented on the horizontal (X ) axis and dollars on the vertical (Y ) axis. Preparing a CVP graph involves three steps as depicted in Exhibit 6–1: 1. Draw a line parallel to the volume axis to represent total fixed expense. For Acoustic Concepts, total fixed expenses are $35,000.

E X H I B I T 6–1 Preparing the CVP Graph

$175,000 Step 3 (total sales revenue)

$150,000 $125,000

Step 2 (total expense)

$100,000 $75,000 Step 1 (fixed expense)

$50,000 $25,000 $0 0


200 300 400 500 600 Volume in speakers sold




Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

2. Choose some volume of unit sales and plot the point representing total expense (fixed and variable) at the activity level you have selected. In Exhibit 6–1, Bob Luchinni chose a volume of 600 speakers. Total expense at that activity level is: Fixed expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expense (600 speakers ⫻ $150 per speaker) . . . . . . . . .

$35,000 90,000

Total expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


After the point has been plotted, draw a line through it back to the point where the fixed expense line intersects the dollars axis. 3. Again choose some volume of unit sales and plot the point representing total sales dollars at the activity level you have selected. In Exhibit 6–1, Bob Luchinni again chose a volume of 600 speakers. Sales at that activity level total $150,000 (600 speakers ⫻ $250 per speaker). Draw a line through this point back to the origin. The interpretation of the completed CVP graph is given in Exhibit 6–2. The anticipated profit or loss at any given level of sales is measured by the vertical distance between the total revenue line (sales) and the total expense line (variable expense plus fixed expense). The break-even point is where the total revenue and total expense lines cross. The breakeven point of 350 speakers in Exhibit 6–2 agrees with the break-even point computed earlier. As discussed earlier, when sales are below the break-even point—in this case, 350 units— the company suffers a loss. Note that the loss (represented by the vertical distance between the total expense and total revenue lines) gets bigger as sales decline. When sales are above the break-even point, the company earns a profit and the size of the profit (represented by the vertical distance between the total revenue and total expense lines) increases as sales increase. E X H I B I T 6–2 The Completed CVP Graph

$175,000 Total revenue $150,000


Break-even point: 350 speakers or $87,500 in sales


Total expense



Variable expense at $150 per speaker

Profit area

Total fixed expense, $35,000

Loss area


$0 0



300 400 500 Volume in speakers sold





Use the contribution margin ratio (CM ratio) to compute changes in contribution margin and net operating income resulting from changes in sales volume.

Chapter 6

Contribution Margin Ratio (CM Ratio) In the previous section, we explored how cost-volume-profit relationships can be visualized. In this section, we show how the contribution margin ratio can be used in cost-volume-profit calculations. As the first step, we have added a column to Acoustic Concepts’ contribution format income statement in which sales revenues, variable expenses, and contribution margin are expressed as a percentage of sales:

Sales (400 speakers) . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . .


Per Unit

Percent of Sales

$100,000 60,000 40,000 35,000 $ 5,000

$250 150 $100

100% 60% 40%

The contribution margin as a percentage of sales is referred to as the contribution margin ratio (CM ratio). This ratio is computed as follows: CM ratio ⫽

Contribution margin Sales

For Acoustic Concepts, the computations are: CM ratio ⫽

$40,000 Total contribution margin ⫽ 40% ⫽ $100,000 Total sales

In a company such as Acoustic Concepts that has only one product, the CM ratio can also be computed on a per unit basis as follows: CM ratio ⫽

Unit contribution margin $100 ⫽ 40% ⫽ $250 Unit selling price

The CM ratio shows how the contribution margin will be affected by a change in total sales. Acoustic Concepts’ CM ratio of 40% means that for each dollar increase in sales, total contribution margin will increase by 40 cents ($1 sales ⫻ CM ratio of 40%). Net operating income will also increase by 40 cents, assuming that fixed costs are not affected by the increase in sales. As this illustration suggests, the impact on net operating income of any given dollar change in total sales can be computed by simply applying the CM ratio to the dollar change. For example, if Acoustic Concepts plans a $30,000 increase in sales during the coming month, the contribution margin should increase by $12,000 ($30,000 increase in sales ⫻ CM ratio of 40%). As we noted above, net operating income will also increase by $12,000 if fixed costs do not change. This is verified by the following table: Sales Volume Present



Percent of Sales

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 60,000

$130,000 78,000*

$30,000 18,000

100% 60%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 35,000

52,000 35,000

12,000 0



$ 17,000


Net operating income . . . . . . . . .


*$130,000 expected sales ⫼ $250 per unit ⫽ 520 units. 520 units ⫻ $150 per unit ⫽ $78,000.

The CM ratio is particularly valuable in situations where the dollar sales of one product must be traded off against the dollar sales of another product. In this situation,


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

products that yield the greatest amount of contribution margin per dollar of sales should be emphasized.

Some Applications of CVP Concepts Bob Luchinni, the accountant at Acoustic Concepts, wanted to demonstrate to the company’s president Prem Narayan how the concepts developed on the preceding pages can be used in planning and decision making. Bob gathered the following basic data:

Per Unit

Percent of Sales

Selling price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . .

$250 150

100% 60%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . .




Show the effects on contribution margin of changes in variable costs, fixed costs, selling price, and volume.

Recall that fixed expenses are $35,000 per month. Bob Luchinni will use these data to show the effects of changes in variable costs, fixed costs, sales price, and sales volume on the company’s profitability in a variety of situations.

Change in Fixed Cost and Sales Volume

Acoustic Concepts is currently selling 400 speakers per month at $250 per speaker for total monthly sales of $100,000. The sales manager feels that a $10,000 increase in the monthly advertising budget would increase monthly sales by $30,000 to a total of 520 units. Should the advertising budget be increased? The following table shows the financial impact of the proposed change in the monthly advertising budget:

Current Sales

Sales with Additional Advertising Budget


Percent of Sales

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 60,000

$130,000 78,000*

$30,000 18,000

100% 60%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 35,000

52,000 45,000†

12,000 10,000



$ 2,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . .




*520 units ⫻ $150 per unit ⫽ $78,000. † $35,000 ⫹ additional $10,000 monthly advertising budget ⫽ $45,000.

Assuming no other factors need to be considered, the increase in the advertising budget should be approved because it would increase net operating income by $2,000. There are two shorter ways to arrive at this solution. The first alternative solution follows:

Alternative Solution 1 Expected total contribution margin: $130,000 ⫻ 40% CM ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Present total contribution margin: $100,000 ⫻ 40% CM ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Topic Tackler

$52,000 40,000


Incremental contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change in fixed expenses: Less incremental advertising expense . . . . . . . . .



Increased net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 2,000



Chapter 6

Because in this case only the fixed costs and the sales volume change, the solution can be presented in an even shorter format, as follows:

Alternative Solution 2 Incremental contribution margin: $30,000 ⫻ 40% CM ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less incremental advertising expense . . . . . . . . .

$12,000 10,000

Increased net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 2,000

Notice that this approach does not depend on knowledge of previous sales. Also note that it is unnecessary under either shorter approach to prepare an income statement. Both of the alternative solutions involve an incremental analysis—they consider only those items of revenue, cost, and volume that will change if the new program is implemented. Although in each case a new income statement could have been prepared, the incremental approach is simpler and more direct and focuses attention on the specific changes that would occur as a result of the decision.

Change in Variable Costs and Sales Volume

Refer to the original data. Recall that Acoustic Concepts is currently selling 400 speakers per month. Prem is considering the use of higher-quality components, which would increase variable costs (and thereby reduce the contribution margin) by $10 per speaker. However, the sales manager predicts that using higher-quality components would increase sales to 480 speakers per month. Should the higher-quality components be used? The $10 increase in variable costs would decrease the unit contribution margin by $10—from $100 down to $90.

Solution Expected total contribution margin with higher-quality components: 480 speakers ⫻ $90 per speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43,200 Present total contribution margin: 400 speakers ⫻ $100 per speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 Increase in total contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 3,200

According to this analysis, the higher-quality components should be used. Since fixed costs would not change, the $3,200 increase in contribution margin shown above should result in a $3,200 increase in net operating income.


GROWING SALES AT AMAZON.COM was deciding between two tactics for growing sales and profits. The first approach was to invest in television advertising. The second approach was to offer free shipping on larger orders. To evaluate the first option, invested in television ads in two markets—Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Portland, Oregon. The company quantified the profit impact of this choice by subtracting the increase in fixed advertising costs from the increase in contribution margin. The profit impact of television advertising paled in comparison to the free “super saver shipping” program, which the company introduced on orders over $99. In fact, the free shipping option proved to be so popular and profitable that within two years dropped its qualifying threshold to $49 and then again to a mere $25. At each stage of this progression, used cost-volume-profit analysis to determine whether the extra volume from liberalizing the free shipping offer more than offset the associated increase in shipping costs. Source: Rob Walker, “Because ‘Optimism is Essential,’ ” Inc. magazine, April 2004 pp. 149–150.

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships


Change in Fixed Cost, Sales Price, and Sales Volume Refer to the original data and recall again that Acoustic Concepts is currently selling 400 speakers per month. To increase sales, the sales manager would like to cut the selling price by $20 per speaker and increase the advertising budget by $15,000 per month. The sales manager believes that if these two steps are taken, unit sales will increase by 50% to 600 speakers per month. Should the changes be made? A decrease in the selling price of $20 per speaker would decrease the unit contribution margin by $20 down to $80. Solution Expected total contribution margin with lower selling price: 600 speakers ⫻ $80 per speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Present total contribution margin: 400 speakers ⫻ $100 per speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$48,000 40,000

Incremental contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change in fixed expenses: Less incremental advertising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8,000 15,000

Reduction in net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ (7,000)

According to this analysis, the changes should not be made. The $7,000 reduction in net operating income that is shown above can be verified by preparing comparative income statements as follows: Present 400 Speakers per Month

Expected 600 Speakers per Month


Per Unit


Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . .

$100,000 60,000

$250 150

$138,000 90,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 35,000


Net operating income (loss)



48,000 50,000*

Per Unit


$230 150

$38,000 30,000

$ 80

8,000 15,000

$ (2,000)

$ (7,000)

*35,000 ⫹ Additional monthly advertising budget of $15,000 ⫽ $50,000.

DELTA ATTEMPTS TO BOOST TICKET SALES The United States Transportation Department ranked the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CNK) as the second most expensive airport in the country. Because of its high ticket prices, CNK airport officials estimated that they were losing 28% of Cincinnati-area travelers—about 2,500 people per day—to five surrounding airports that offered lower fares. Delta Airlines, which has 90% of the traffic at CNK, attempted to improve the situation by introducing SimpliFares. The program, which Delta touted with a $2 million media campaign, not only lowered fares but also reduced the ticket change fee from $100 to $50. From a cost-volume-profit standpoint, Delta was hoping that the increase in discretionary fixed advertising costs and the decrease in sales revenue realized from lower ticket prices would be more than offset by an increase in sales volume. Source: James Pilcher, “New Delta Fares Boost Ticket Sales,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, September 3, 2004, pp. A1 and A12.



Chapter 6

Change in Variable Cost, Fixed Cost, and Sales Volume

Refer to Acoustic Concepts’ original data. As before, the company is currently selling 400 speakers per month. The sales manager would like to pay salespersons a sales commission of $15 per speaker sold, rather than the flat salaries that now total $6,000 per month. The sales manager is confident that the change would increase monthly sales by 15% to 460 speakers per month. Should the change be made?

Solution Changing the sales staff’s compensation from salaries to commissions would affect both fixed and variable expenses. Fixed expenses would decrease by $6,000, from $35,000 to $29,000. Variable expenses per unit would increase by $15, from $150 to $165, and the unit contribution margin would decrease from $100 to $85. Expected total contribution margin with sales staff on commissions: 460 speakers ⫻ $85 per speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,100 Present total contribution margin: 400 speakers ⫻ $100 per speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 Decrease in total contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change in fixed expenses: Add salaries avoided if a commission is paid . . . . . . . . .

(900) 6,000

Increase in net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 5,100

According to this analysis, the changes should be made. Again, the same answer can be obtained by preparing comparative income statements: Present 400 Speakers per Month

Expected 460 Speakers per Month


Per Unit


Per Unit

Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 60,000

$250 150

$115,000 75,900

$250 165

Contribution margin. . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 35,000


39,100 29,000

$ 85

Net operating income . . . . . .



$ 10,100

Difference $15,000 15,900 900 (6,000)* $ 5,100

*Note: A reduction in fixed expenses has the effect of increasing net operating income.

Change in Selling Price Refer to the original data where Acoustic Concepts is currently selling 400 speakers per month. The company has an opportunity to make a bulk sale of 150 speakers to a wholesaler if an acceptable price can be negotiated. This sale would not disturb the company’s regular sales and would not affect the company’s total fixed expenses. What price per speaker should be quoted to the wholesaler if Acoustic Concepts wants to increase its total monthly profits by $3,000? Solution Variable cost per speaker . . . . . . . Desired profit per speaker: $3,000 ⫼ 150 speakers . . . . . . .


Quoted price per speaker. . . . . . . .



Notice that fixed expenses are not included in the computation. This is because fixed expenses are not affected by the bulk sale, so all of the additional contribution margin increases the company’s profits.


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

Break-Even Analysis Break-even analysis is an aspect of CVP analysis that is designed to answer questions such as how far could sales drop before the company begins to lose money?

Topic Tackler


Break-Even Computations Earlier in the chapter we defined the break-even point as the level of sales at which the company’s profit is zero. The break-even point can be computed using either the equation method or the contribution margin method—the two methods are equivalent.

The Equation Method

The equation method translates the contribution format income statement illustrated earlier in the chapter into equation form as follows: Profits ⫽ (Sales ⫺ Variable expenses) ⫺ Fixed expenses

Rearranging this equation slightly yields the following equation, which is widely used in CVP analysis: Sales ⫽ Variable expenses ⫹ Fixed expenses ⫹ Profits At the break-even point, profits are zero. Therefore, the break-even point can be computed by finding the point where sales equal the total of the variable expenses plus the fixed expenses. For Acoustic Concepts, the break-even point in unit sales, Q, can be computed as follows: Sales ⫽ Variable expenses ⫹ Fixed expenses ⫹ Profits $250Q ⫽ $150Q ⫹ $35,000 ⫹ $0 $100Q ⫽ $35,000 Q ⫽ $35,000 ⫼ $100 per speaker Q ⫽ 350 speakers where: Q ⫽ Quantity of speakers sold $250 ⫽ Unit selling price $150 ⫽ Unit variable expenses $35,000 ⫽ Total fixed expenses The break-even point in total sales dollars can be computed by multiplying the breakeven level of unit sales by the selling price per unit: 350 speakers ⫻ $250 per speaker ⫽ $87,500 The break-even point in total sales dollars, X, can also be computed as follows: Sales ⫽ Variable expenses ⫹ Fixed expenses ⫹ Profits X ⫽ 0.60X ⫹ $35,000 ⫹ $0 0.40X ⫽ $35,000 X ⫽ $35,000 ⫼ 0.40 X ⫽ $87,500


Compute the break-even point in unit sales and sales dollars.


Chapter 6

where: X ⫽ Total sales dollars 0.60 ⫽ Variable expense ratio (Variable expenses ⫼ Sales) $35,000 ⫽ Total fixed expenses Note that in the above analysis the variable expense ratio is used. The variable expense ratio is the ratio of variable expense to sales. It can be computed by dividing the total variable expense by the total sales, or in a single product analysis, it can be computed by dividing the variable cost per unit by the unit selling price. Also note that the use of the ratios in the above analysis yields a break-even point expressed in sales dollars rather than in units sold. If desired, the break-even point in units sold can be computed as follows: $87,500 ⫼ $250 per speaker ⫽ 350 speakers

The Contribution Margin Method The contribution margin method is a shortcut version of the equation method already described. The approach centers on the idea discussed earlier that each unit sold provides a certain amount of contribution margin that goes toward covering fixed costs. To find how many units must be sold to break even, divide the total fixed expenses by the unit contribution margin: Break-even point in units sold ⫽

Fixed expenses Unit contribution margin

Each speaker generates a contribution margin of $100 ($250 selling price, less $150 variable expenses). Since the total fixed expenses are $35,000, the break-even point in unit sales is computed as follows: $35,000 Fixed expenses ⫽ 350 speakers ⫽ $100 per speaker Unit contribution margin A variation of this method uses the CM ratio instead of the unit contribution margin. The result is the break-even point in total sales dollars rather than in total units sold. Break-even point in total sales dollars ⫽

Fixed expenses CM ratio

In the Acoustic Concepts example, the calculation is as follows: Fixed expenses $35,000 ⫽ $87,500 ⫽ 0.40 CM ratio LEARNING OBJECTIVE 6

Determine the level of sales needed to achieve a desired target profit.

This approach, based on the CM ratio, is particularly useful when a company has multiple products and wishes to compute a single break-even point for the company as a whole. More is said on this point later in the chapter.

Target Profit Analysis CVP formulas can be used to determine the sales volume needed to achieve a target profit. Suppose that Prem Narayan of Acoustic Concepts wishes to earn a target profit of $40,000 per month. How many speakers would have to be sold?

The CVP Equation One approach is to use the equation method. Instead of solving for the unit sales where profits are zero, solve for the unit sales where profits are $40,000. Sales ⫽ Variable expenses ⫹ Fixed expenses ⫹ Profits $250Q ⫽ $150Q ⫽ $35,000 ⫽ $40,000 $100Q ⫽ $75,000 Q ⫽ $75,000 ⫼ $100 per speaker Q ⫽ 750 speakers

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships


where: Q ⫽ Quantity of speakers sold $250 ⫽ Unit selling price $150 ⫽ Unit variable expenses $35,000 ⫽ Total fixed expenses $40,000 ⫽ Target profit Thus, the target profit can be achieved by selling 750 speakers per month, which represents $187,500 in total sales ($250 per speaker ⫻ 750 speakers).


COSTS ON THE INTERNET The company eToys, which sells toys over the Internet, lost $190 million in 1999 on sales of $151 million. One big cost was advertising. eToys spent about $37 on advertising for each $100 of sales. (Other e-tailers were spending even more—in some cases, up to $460 on advertising for each $100 in sales!) eToys did have some advantages relative to bricks-and-mortar stores such as Toys “R” Us. eToys had much lower inventory costs since it only needed to keep on hand one or two of a slow-moving item, whereas a traditional store has to fully stock its shelves. And bricks-and-mortar retail spaces in malls and elsewhere do cost money—on average, about 7% of sales. However, e-tailers such as eToys have their own set of disadvantages. Customers “pick and pack” their own items at a bricks-and-mortar outlet, but e-tailers have to pay employees to carry out this task. This costs eToys about $33 for every $100 in sales. And the technology to sell over the Internet is not free. eToys spent about $29 on its website and related technology for every $100 in sales. However, many of these costs of selling over the Internet are fixed. Toby Lenk, the CEO of eToys, estimated that the company would pass its breakeven point somewhere between $750 and $900 million in sales—representing less than 1% of the market for toys. eToys did not make this goal and laid off 70% of its employees in January 2001. Subsequently, eToys was acquired by Sources: Erin Kelly, “The Last e-Store on the Block,” Fortune, September 18, 2000, pp. 214–220; Jennifer Couzin, The Industry Standard, January 4, 2001.

The Contribution Margin Approach

A second approach involves expanding the contribution margin formula to include the target profit: Unit sales to attain the target profit ⫽ ⫽

Fixed expenses ⫹ Target profit Unit contribution margin $35,000 ⫹ $40,000 $100 per speaker

⫽ 750 speakers This approach gives the same answer as the equation method because it is simply a shortcut version of the equation method. Similarly, the dollar sales needed to attain the target profit can be computed as follows: Dollar sales to attain target profit ⫽ ⫽

Fixed expenses ⫹ Target profit CM ratio $35,000 ⫹ $40,000 0.40

⫽ $187,500


Chapter 6

The Margin of Safety LEARNING OBJECTIVE 7

Compute the margin of safety and explain its significance.

The margin of safety is the excess of budgeted (or actual) sales dollars over the break-even volume of sales dollars. It is the amount by which sales can drop before losses are incurred. The higher the margin of safety, the lower the risk of not breaking even and incurring a loss. The formula for its calculation is: Margin of safety ⫽ Total budgeted (or actual) sales ⫺ Break-even sales The margin of safety can also be expressed in percentage form by dividing the margin of safety in dollars by total dollar sales: Margin of safety percentage ⫽

Margin of safety in dollars Total budgeted (or actual) sales in dollars

The calculation of the margin of safety for Acoustic Concepts is: Sales (at the current volume of 400 speakers) (a) . . . . . . . . . Break-even sales (at 350 speakers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 87,500

Margin of safety (in dollars) (b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 12,500

Margin of safety as a percentage of sales, (b) ⫼ (a) . . . . . . .


This margin of safety means that at the current level of sales and with the company’s current prices and cost structure, a reduction in sales of $12,500, or 12.5%, would result in just breaking even. In a single-product company like Acoustic Concepts, the margin of safety can also be expressed in terms of the number of units sold by dividing the margin of safety in dollars by the selling price per unit. In this case, the margin of safety is 50 speakers ($12,500 ⫼ $250 per speaker ⫽ 50 speakers).


COMPUTING MARGIN OF SAFETY FOR A SMALL BUSINESS Sam Calagione owns Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, a microbrewery in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware. He charges distributors as much as $100 per case for his premium beers such as World Wide Stout. The high-priced microbrews bring in $800,000 in operating income on revenue of $7 million. Calagione reports that his raw ingredients and labor costs for one case of World Wide Stout are $30 and $16, respectively. Bottling and packaging costs are $6 per case. Gas and electric costs are about $10 per case. If we assume that World Wide Stout is representative of all Dogfish microbrews, then we can compute the company’s margin of safety in five steps. First, variable cost as a percentage of sales is 62% [($30 ⫹ $16 ⫹ $6 ⫹ $10)/$100]. Second, the contribution margin ratio is 38% (1 ⫺ 0.62). Third, Dogfish’s total fixed cost is $1,860,000 [($7,000,000 ⫻ 0.38) ⫺ $800,000]. Fourth, the break-even point in sales dollars is $4,894,737 ($1,860,000/0.38). Fifth, the margin of safety is $2,105,263 ($7,000,000 ⫺ $4,894,737). Source: Patricia Huang, “Château Dogfish,” Forbes, February 28, 2005, pp. 57–59.


Prem Narayan and Bob Luchinni met to discuss the results of Bob’s analysis. Prem: Bob, everything you have shown me is pretty clear. I can see what impact some of the sales manager’s suggestions would have on our profits. Some of those suggestions are quite good and others are not so good. I am concerned that our margin of safety is only 50 speakers. What can we do to increase this number? Bob: Well, we have to increase total sales or decrease the break-even point or both. Prem: And to decrease the break-even point, we have to either decrease our fixed expenses or increase our unit contribution margin?

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

Bob: Exactly. Prem: And to increase our unit contribution margin, we must either increase our selling price or decrease the variable cost per unit? Bob: Correct. Prem: So what do you suggest? Bob: Well, the analysis doesn’t tell us which of these to do, but it does indicate we have a potential problem here. Prem: If you don’t have any immediate suggestions, I would like to call a general meeting next week to discuss ways we can work on increasing the margin of safety. I think everyone will be concerned about how vulnerable we are to even small downturns in sales.

CVP Considerations in Choosing a Cost Structure Cost structure refers to the relative proportion of fixed and variable costs in an organization. Managers often have some latitude in trading off between these two types of costs. For example, fixed investments in automated equipment can reduce variable labor costs. In this section, we discuss the choice of a cost structure. We introduce the concept of operating leverage, which plays a key role in determining the impact of cost structure on profit stability.

Cost Structure and Profit Stability Which cost structure is better—high variable costs and low fixed costs, or the opposite? No single answer to this question is possible; each approach has its advantages. To show what we mean, refer to the income statements given below for two blueberry farms. Bogside Farm depends on migrant workers to pick its berries by hand, whereas Sterling Farm has invested in expensive berry-picking machines. Consequently, Bogside Farm has higher variable costs, but Sterling Farm has higher fixed costs: Bogside Farm

Sterling Farm





Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 60,000

100% 60%

$100,000 30,000

100% 30%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 30,000


70,000 60,000


Net operating income . . . . . . .

$ 10,000

$ 10,000

Which farm has the better cost structure? The answer depends on many factors, including the long-run trend in sales, year-to-year fluctuations in the level of sales, and the attitude of the owners toward risk. If sales are expected to exceed $100,000 in the future, then Sterling Farm probably has the better cost structure. The reason is that its CM ratio is higher, and its profits will therefore increase more rapidly as sales increase. To illustrate, assume that each farm experiences a 10% increase in sales without any increase in fixed costs. The new income statements would be as follows: Bogside Farm

Sterling Farm





Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . .

$110,000 66,000

100% 60%

$110,000 33,000

100% 30%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

44,000 30,000


77,000 60,000


Net operating income . . . . . . .

$ 14,000

$ 17,000



Chapter 6

Sterling Farm has experienced a greater increase in net operating income due to its higher CM ratio even though the increase in sales was the same for both farms. What if sales drop below $100,000? What are the farms’ break-even points? What are their margins of safety? The computations needed to answer these questions are shown below using the contribution margin method:

Bogside Farm

Sterling Farm

Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 30,000 ⫼ 0.40

$ 60,000 ⫼ 0.70

Break-even in total sales dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 75,000

$ 85,714

Total current sales (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Break-even sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 75,000

$100,000 85,714

Margin of safety in sales dollars (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 25,000

$ 14,286

Margin of safety as a percentage of sales, (b) ⫼ (a) . . . . . . .



Bogside Farm’s margin of safety is greater and its contribution margin ratio is lower than Sterling Farm. Therefore Bogside Farm is less vulnerable to downturns than Sterling Farm. Due to its lower contribution margin ratio, Bogside Farm will not lose contribution margin as rapidly as Sterling Farm when sales decline. Thus, Bogside Farm’s profit will be less volatile. We saw earlier that this is a drawback when sales increase, but it provides more protection when sales drop. And because its break-even point is lower, Bogside Farm can suffer a larger sales decline before losses emerge. To summarize, without knowing the future, it is not obvious which cost structure is better. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Sterling Farm, with its higher fixed costs and lower variable costs, will experience wider swings in net operating income as sales fluctuate, with greater profits in good years and greater losses in bad years. Bogside Farm, with its lower fixed costs and higher variable costs, will enjoy greater profit stability and will be more protected from losses during bad years, but at the cost of lower net operating income in good years.


A LOSING COST STRUCTURE Both JetBlue and United Airlines use an Airbus 235 to fly from Dulles International Airport near Washington, DC, to Oakland, California. Both planes have a pilot, copilot, and four flight attendants. That is where the similarity ends. Based on 2002 data, the pilot on the United flight earned $16,350 to $18,000 a month compared to $6,800 per month for the JetBlue pilot. United’s senior flight attendants on the plane earned more than $41,000 per year; whereas the JetBlue attendants were paid $16,800 to $27,000 per year. Largely because of the higher labor costs at United, its costs of operating the flight were more than 60% higher than JetBlue’s costs. Due to intense fare competition from JetBlue and other low-cost carriers, United was unable to cover its higher operating costs on this and many other flights. Consequently, United went into bankruptcy at the end of 2002. Source: Susan Carey, “Costly Race in the Sky,” The Wall Street Journal, September 9, 2002, pp. B1 and B3.

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships


Operating Leverage A lever is a tool for multiplying force. Using a lever, a massive object can be moved with only a modest amount of force. In business, operating leverage serves a similar purpose. Operating leverage is a measure of how sensitive net operating income is to a given percentage change in dollar sales. Operating leverage acts as a multiplier. If operating leverage is high, a small percentage increase in sales can produce a much larger percentage increase in net operating income. Operating leverage can be illustrated by returning to the data for the two blueberry farms. We previously showed that a 10% increase in sales (from $100,000 to $110,000 in each farm) results in a 70% increase in the net operating income of Sterling Farm (from $10,000 to $17,000) and only a 40% increase in the net operating income of Bogside Farm (from $10,000 to $14,000). Thus, for a 10% increase in sales, Sterling Farm experiences a much greater percentage increase in profits than does Bogside Farm. Therefore, Sterling Farm has greater operating leverage than Bogside Farm. The degree of operating leverage at a given level of sales is computed by the following formula: Degree of operating leverage ⫽

Contribution margin Net operating income

The degree of operating leverage is a measure, at a given level of sales, of how a percentage change in sales volume will affect profits. To illustrate, the degree of operating leverage for the two farms at $100,000 sales would be computed as follows: Bogside Farm:

$40,000 ⫽4 $10,000

Sterling Farm:

$70,000 ⫽7 $10,000

Since the degree of operating leverage for Bogside Farm is 4, the farm’s net operating income grows four times as fast as its sales. Similarly, Sterling Farm’s net operating income grows seven times as fast as its sales. Thus, if sales increase by 10%, then we can expect the net operating income of Bogside Farm to increase by four times this amount, or by 40%, and the net operating income of Sterling Farm to increase by seven times this amount, or by 70%.

Bogside Farm . . . . . . . Sterling Farm . . . . . . .



Percent Increase in Sales

Degree of Operating Leverage

Percent Increase in Net Operating Income (1) ⫻ (2)

10% 10%

4 7

40% 70%

What is responsible for the higher operating leverage at Sterling Farm? The only difference between the two farms is their cost structure. If two companies have the same total revenue and same total expense but different cost structures, then the company with the higher proportion of fixed costs in its cost structure will have higher operating leverage. Referring back to the original example on page 247, when both farms have sales of $100,000 and total expenses of $90,000, one-third of Bogside Farm’s costs are fixed but two-thirds of Sterling Farm’s costs are fixed. As a consequence, Sterling’s degree of operating leverage is higher than Bogside’s. The degree of operating leverage is not a constant; it is greatest at sales levels near the break-even point and decreases as sales and profits rise. The following table shows the degree of operating leverage for Bogside Farm at various sales levels. (Data used earlier for Bogside Farm are shown in color.)


Compute the degree of operating leverage at a particular level of sales and explain how it can be used to predict changes in net operating income.


Chapter 6

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . .

$75,000 45,000

$80,000 48,000

$100,000 60,000

$150,000 90,000

$225,000 135,000

Contribution margin (a). . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

30,000 30,000

32,000 30,000

40,000 30,000

60,000 30,000

90,000 30,000

$ 2,000

$ 10,000

$ 30,000

$ 60,000





Net operating income (b) . . . . Degree of operating leverage, (a) ⫼ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


0 ⬁

Thus, a 10% increase in sales would increase profits by only 15% (10% ⫻ 1.5) if sales were previously $225,000, as compared to the 40% increase we computed earlier at the $100,000 sales level. The degree of operating leverage will continue to decrease the farther the company moves from its break-even point. At the break-even point, the degree of operating leverage is infinitely large ($30,000 contribution margin ⫼ $0 net operating income ⫽ ⬁).


OPERATING LEVERAGE: A KEY TO PROFITABLE E-COMMERCE Did you ever wonder why Expedia and eBay were among the first Internet companies to become profitable? One big reason is because they sell information products rather than physical products. For example, when somebody buys a physical product, such as a book from, the company needs to purchase a copy of the book from the publisher, process it, and ship it; hence,’s gross margins are around 26%. However, once Expedia covers its fixed overhead costs, the extra expense incurred to provide service to one more customer is practically zero; therefore, the incremental revenue provided by that customer “falls to the bottom line.” In the first quarter of 2002, Expedia doubled its sales to $116 million and reported net income of $5.7 million compared to a loss of $17.6 million in the first quarter of 2001. This is the beauty of having a high degree of operating leverage. Sales growth can quickly translate to profit growth when variable costs are negligible. Of course, operating leverage has a dark side—if Expedia’s sales plummet, its profits will nosedive as well. Source: Timothy J. Mullaney and Robert D. Hof, “Finally, the Pot of Gold,” BusinessWeek, June 24, 2002, pp. 104–106.

The degree of operating leverage can be used to quickly estimate what impact various percentage changes in sales will have on profits, without the necessity of preparing detailed income statements. As shown by our examples, the effects of operating leverage can be dramatic. If a company is near its break-even point, then even small percentage increases in sales can yield large percentage increases in profits. This explains why management will often work very hard for only a small increase in sales volume. If the degree of operating leverage is 5, then a 6% increase in sales would translate into a 30% increase in profits.

Structuring Sales Commissions Companies usually compensate salespeople by paying them a commission based on sales, a salary, or a combination of the two. Commissions based on sales dollars can lead to lower profits. To illustrate, consider Pipeline Unlimited, a producer of surfing equipment. Salespeople for the company sell the company’s products to retail sporting goods stores throughout


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

North America and the Pacific Basin. Data for two of the company’s surfboards, the XR7 and Turbo models, appear below: Model XR7


Selling price . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . .

$695 344

$749 410

Contribution margin . . . . . . .



Which model will salespeople push hardest if they are paid a commission of 10% of sales revenue? The answer is the Turbo, since it has the higher selling price and hence the larger commission. On the other hand, from the standpoint of the company, profits will be greater if salespeople steer customers toward the XR7 model since it has the higher contribution margin. To eliminate such conflicts, commissions can be based on contribution margin rather than on selling price. If this is done, the salespersons will want to sell the mix of products that maximizes contribution margin. Providing that fixed costs are not affected by the sales mix, maximizing the contribution margin will also maximize the company’s profit.1 In effect, by maximizing their own compensation, salespersons will also maximize the company’s profit.



Thrive Networks, located in Concord, Massachusetts, used to pay its three salesmen based on individually earned commissions. This system seemed to be working fine as indicated by the company’s sales growth from $2.7 million in 2002 to $3.6 million in 2003. However, the company felt there was a better way to motivate and compensate its salesmen. It pooled commissions across the three salesmen and compensated them collectively. The new approach was designed to build teamwork and leverage each salesman’s individual strengths. Jim Lippie, the director of business development, was highly skilled at networking and generating sales leads. John Barrows, the sales director, excelled at meeting with prospective clients and producing compelling proposals. Nate Wolfson, the CEO and final member of the sales team, was the master at closing the deal. The new approach has worked so well that Wolfson plans to use three-person sales teams in his offices nationwide. Source: Cara Cannella, “Kill the Commissions,” Inc. magazine, August 2004, p. 38.

Sales Mix Before concluding our discussion of CVP concepts, we need to consider the impact of changes in sales mix on a company’s profit.

The Definition of Sales Mix The term sales mix refers to the relative proportions in which a company’s products are sold. The idea is to achieve the combination, or mix, that will yield the greatest amount of profits. Most companies have many products, and often these products are not equally profitable. 1

This also assumes the company has no production constraint. If it does, the sales commissions should be modified. See the Profitability Appendix at the end of the book.


Compute the break-even point for a multiproduct company and explain the effects of shifts in the sales mix on contribution margin and the break-even point.


Chapter 6

Hence, profits will depend to some extent on the company’s sales mix. Profits will be greater if high-margin rather than low-margin items make up a relatively large proportion of total sales. Changes in the sales mix can cause perplexing variations in a company’s profits. A shift in the sales mix from high-margin items to low-margin items can cause total profits to decrease even though total sales may increase. Conversely, a shift in the sales mix from lowmargin items to high-margin items can cause the reverse effect—total profits may increase even though total sales decrease. It is one thing to achieve a particular sales volume; it is quite another to sell the most profitable mix of products.


KODAK: GOING DIGITAL Kodak dominates the film industry in the U.S., selling two out of every three rolls of film. It also processes 40% of all film dropped off for developing. Unfortunately for Kodak, this revenue stream is rapidly declining due to competition from digital cameras, which do not use film at all. To counter this threat, Kodak has moved into the digital market with its own line of digital cameras and various services, but sales of digital products undeniably cut into the company’s film business. “Chief Financial Officer Robert Brust has ‘stress-tested’ profit models based on how quickly digital cameras may spread. If half of homes go digital, . . . Kodak’s sales would rise 10% a year—but profits would go up only 8% a year. Cost cuts couldn’t come fast enough to offset a slide in film sales and the margin pressure from selling cheap digital cameras.” The sales mix is moving in the wrong direction, given the company’s current cost structure and competitive prices. Source: Bruce Upbin, “Kodak’s Digital Moment,” Forbes, August 21, 2000, pp. 106–112.

Sales Mix and Break-Even Analysis If a company sells more than one product, break-even analysis is more complex than discussed to this point. The reason is that different products will have different selling prices, different costs, and different contribution margins. Consequently, the break-even point depends on the mix in which the various products are sold. To illustrate, consider Sound Unlimited, a small company that imports DVDs from France. At present, the company sells two DVDs: the Le Louvre DVD, a multimedia free-form tour of the famous art museum in Paris; and the Le Vin DVD, which features the wines and wine-growing regions of France. The company’s September sales, expenses, and break-even point are shown in Exhibit 6–3. As shown in the exhibit, the break-even point is $60,000 in sales, which was computed by dividing the company’s fixed expenses of $27,000 by its overall CM ratio of 45%. However, this is the break-even only if the company’s sales mix does not change. Currently, the Le Louvre DVD is responsible for 20% and the Le Vin DVD for 80% of the company’s dollar sales. Assuming this sales mix does not change, if total sales are $60,000, the sales of the Le Louvre DVD would be $12,000 (20% of $60,000) and the sales of the Le Vin DVD would be $48,000 (80% of $60,000). As shown in Exhibit 6–3, at these levels of sales, the company would indeed break even. But $60,000 in sales represents the break-even point for the company only if the sales mix does not change. If the sales mix changes, then the breakeven point will also usually change. This is illustrated by the results for October in which the sales mix shifted away from the more profitable Le Vin DVD (which has a 50% CM ratio) toward the less profitable Le Louvre CD (which has a 25% CM ratio). These results appear in Exhibit 6–4. Although sales have remained unchanged at $100,000, the sales mix is exactly the reverse of what it was in Exhibit 6–3, with the bulk of the sales now coming from the less profitable Le Louvre DVD. Notice that this shift in the sales mix has caused both the overall CM ratio and total profits to drop sharply from the prior month even though total sales are the same. The overall CM ratio has dropped from 45% in September to only 30% in October, and net operating income has dropped from $18,000 to only $3,000. In addition, with the


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships E X H I B I T 6–3 Multiproduct Break-Even Analysis

Sound Unlimited Contribution Income Statement For the Month of September Le Louvre DVD Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Le Vin DVD

Amount $20,000 15,000

Percent 100% 75%

Amount $80,000 40,000

Percent 100% 50%

$ 5,000




Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Amount $100,000 55,000 45,000 27,000

Percent 100% 55% 45%

$ 18,000

Computation of the break-even point: Fixed expenses $27,000 ⫽ $60,000 ⫽ 0.45 Overall CM ratio Verification of the break-even point: Current dollar sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percentage of total dollar sales . . . .

Le Louvre DVD $20,000 20%

Sales at the break-even point . . . . .


Le Vin DVD $80,000 80% $48,000

Le Louvre DVD Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total $100,000 100% $60,000 Le Vin DVD

Amount $12,000 9,000

Percent 100% 75%

Amount $48,000 24,000

Percent 100% 50%

$ 3,000




Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Amount $ 60,000 33,000 27,000 27,000 $

Percent 100% 55% 45%

E X H I B I T 6–4 Multiproduct Break-Even Analysis: A Shift in Sales Mix (see Exhibit 6–3)

Sound Unlimited Contribution Income Statement For the Month of October Le Louvre DVD Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Le Vin DVD

Amount $80,000 60,000

Percent 100% 75%

Amount $20,000 10,000

Percent 100% 50%





Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Amount $100,000 70,000 30,000 27,000 $

Computation of the break-even point: Fixed expenses $27,000 ⫽ $90,000 ⫽ 0.30 Overall CM ratio


Percent 100% 70% 30%


Chapter 6

drop in the overall CM ratio, the company’s break-even point is no longer $60,000 in sales. Since the company is now realizing less average contribution margin per dollar of sales, it takes more sales to cover the same amount of fixed costs. Thus, the break-even point has increased from $60,000 to $90,000 in sales per year. In preparing a break-even analysis, some assumption must be made concerning the sales mix. Usually the assumption is that it will not change. However, if the sales mix is expected to change, then this must be explicitly considered in any CVP computations.


PLAYING THE CVP GAME In 2002, General Motors (GM) gave away almost $2,600 per vehicle in customer incentives such as price cuts and 0% financing. “The pricing sacrifices have been more than offset by volume gains, most of which have come from trucks and SUVs, like the Chevy Suburban and the GMC Envoy, which generate far more profit for the company than cars. Lehman Brothers analysts estimate that GM will sell an additional 395,000 trucks and SUVs and an extra 75,000 cars in 2002. The trucks, however, are the company’s golden goose, hauling in an average [contribution margin] . . . of about $7,000, compared with just $4,000 for the cars. All told, the volume gains could bring in an additional $3 billion [in profits].” Source: Janice Revell, “GM’s Slow Leak,” Fortune, October 28, 2002, pp. 105–110.

Assumptions of CVP Analysis A number of assumptions commonly underlie CVP analysis: 1. Selling price is constant. The price of a product or service will not change as volume changes. 2. Costs are linear and can be accurately divided into variable and fixed elements. The variable element is constant per unit, and the fixed element is constant in total over the entire relevant range. 3. In multiproduct companies, the sales mix is constant. 4. In manufacturing companies, inventories do not change. The number of units produced equals the number of units sold. While these assumptions may be violated in practice, the results of CVP analysis are often “good enough” to be quite useful. Perhaps the greatest danger lies in relying on simple CVP analysis when a manager is contemplating a large change in volume that lies outside of the relevant range. For example, a manager might contemplate increasing the level of sales far beyond what the company has ever experienced before. However, even in these situations the model can be adjusted as we have done in this chapter to take into account anticipated changes in selling prices, fixed costs, and the sales mix that would otherwise violate the assumptions mentioned above. For example, in a decision that would affect fixed costs, the change in fixed costs can be explicitly taken into account as illustrated earlier in the chapter in the Acoustic Concepts example on pages 239–242.

Summary CVP analysis is based on a simple model of how profits respond to prices, costs, and volume. This model can be used to answer a variety of critical questions such as what is the company’s break-even volume, what is its margin of safety, and what is likely to happen if specific changes are made in prices, costs, and volume. A CVP graph depicts the relationships between sales volume in units on the one hand and fixed expenses, variable expenses, total expenses, total sales, and profits on the other hand. The CVP graph is useful for developing intuition about how costs and profits respond to changes in sales volume.

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

The contribution margin ratio is the ratio of the total contribution margin to total sales. This ratio can be used to quickly estimate what impact a change in total sales would have on net operating income. The ratio is also useful in break-even analysis. The break-even point is the level of sales (in units or in dollars) at which the company just breaks even. The break-even point can be computed using several different techniques that are all based on the simple CVP model. With slight modifications, the same techniques can be used to compute the level of sales required to attain a target profit. The margin of safety is the amount by which the company’s current sales exceeds break-even sales. The degree of operating leverage allows quick estimation of what impact a given percentage change in sales would have on the company’s net operating income. The higher the degree of operating leverage, the greater is the impact on the company’s profits. The degree of operating leverage is not constant—it depends on the company’s current level of sales. The profits of a multiproduct company are affected by its sales mix. Changes in the sales mix can affect the break-even point, margin of safety, and other critical factors.

Review Problem: CVP Relationships Voltar Company manufactures and sells a specialized cordless telephone for high electromagnetic radiation environments. The company’s contribution format income statement for the most recent year is given below: Total

Per Unit

Percent of Sales

Sales (20,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$1,200,000 900,000

$60 45

100% ?%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

300,000 240,000



Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .



Management is anxious to increase the company’s profit and has asked for an analysis of a number of items. Required:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


Compute the company’s CM ratio and variable expense ratio. Compute the company’s break-even point in both units and sales dollars. Use the equation method. Assume that sales increase by $400,000 next year. If cost behavior patterns remain unchanged, by how much will the company’s net operating income increase? Use the CM ratio to compute your answer. Refer to the original data. Assume that next year management wants the company to earn a profit of at least $90,000. How many units will have to be sold to meet this target profit? Refer to the original data. Compute the company’s margin of safety in both dollar and percentage form. a. Compute the company’s degree of operating leverage at the present level of sales. b. Assume that through a more intense effort by the sales staff, the company’s sales increase by 8% next year. By what percentage would you expect net operating income to increase? Use the degree of operating leverage to obtain your answer. c. Verify your answer to (b) by preparing a new contribution format income statement showing an 8% increase in sales. In an effort to increase sales and profits, management is considering the use of a higher-quality speaker. The higher-quality speaker would increase variable costs by $3 per unit, but management could eliminate one quality inspector who is paid a salary of $30,000 per year. The sales manager estimates that the higher-quality speaker would increase annual sales by at least 20%. a. Assuming that changes are made as described above, prepare a projected contribution format income statement for next year. Show data on a total, per unit, and percentage basis. b. Compute the company’s new break-even point in both units and dollars of sales. Use the contribution margin method. c. Would you recommend that the changes be made?



Chapter 6

Solution to Review Problem 1. CM ratio ⫽ Variable expense ratio ⫽ 2.

Unit contribution margin $15 ⫽ ⫽ 25% Selling price $60 Variable expense $45 ⫽ 75% ⫽ Selling price $60

Sales ⫽ Variable expenses ⫹ Fixed expenses ⫹ Profits $60Q ⫽ $45Q ⫹ $240,000 ⫹ $0 $15Q ⫽ $240,000 Q ⫽ $240,000 ⫼ $15 per unit Q ⫽ 16,000 units; or at $60 per unit, $960,000 Alternative solution: X ⫽ 0.75X ⫹ $240,000 ⫹ $0 0.25X ⫽ $240,000 X ⫽ $240,000 ⫼ 0.25 X ⫽ $960,000; or at $60 per unit, 16,000 units


Increase in sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiply by the CM ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$400,000 ⫻ 25%

Expected increase in contribution margin . . . . . . . . . .


Since the fixed expenses are not expected to change, net operating income will increase by the entire $100,000 increase in contribution margin computed above. 4.

Equation method: Sales ⫽ Variable expenses ⫹ Fixed expenses ⫹ Profits $60Q ⫽ $45Q ⫹ $240,000 ⫹ $90,000 $15Q ⫽ $330,000 Q ⫽ $330,000 ⫼ $15 per unit Q ⫽ 22,000 units Contribution margin method: Fixed expenses ⫹ Target profit $240,000 ⫹ $90,000 ⫽ ⫽ 22,000 units Contribution margin per unit $15 per unit


Margin of safety in dollars ⫽ Total sales ⫺ Break-even sales ⫽ $1,200,000 ⫺ $960,000 ⫽ $240,000 Margin of safety percentage ⫽


a. b.

Margin of safety in dollars $240,000 ⫽ ⫽ 20% Total sales $1,200,000

Degree of operating leverage ⫽

Contribution margin $300,000 ⫽ ⫽5 Net operating income $60,000

Expected increase in sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Degree of operating leverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8% ⫻5

Expected increase in net operating income . . . . . . . . . . .


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships


If sales increase by 8%, then 21,600 units (20,000 ⫻ 1.08 ⫽ 21,600) will be sold next year. The new contribution format income statement would be as follows: Total

Per Unit

Percent of Sales

Sales (21,600 units) . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$1,296,000 972,000

$60 45

100% 75%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

324,000 240,000



Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .



Thus, the $84,000 expected net operating income for next year represents a 40% increase over the $60,000 net operating income earned during the current year: $84,000 ⫺ $60,000 $24,000 ⫽ ⫽ 40% increase $60,000 $60,000 Note from the income statement above that the increase in sales from 20,000 to 21,600 units has increased both total sales and total variable expenses. It is a common error to overlook the increase in variable expenses when preparing a projected contribution format income statement. 7.


A 20% increase in sales would result in 24,000 units being sold next year: 20,000 units ⫻ 1.20 ⫽ 24,000 units.

Sales (24,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .


Per Unit

Percent of Sales

$1,440,000 1,152,000

$60 48*

100% 80%



Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .

288,000 210,000† $


*$45 ⫹ $3 ⫽ $48; $48 ⫼ $60 ⫽ 80%. † $240,000 ⫺ $30,000 ⫽ $210,000.

Note that the change in per unit variable expenses results in a change in both the per unit contribution margin and the CM ratio. b.

Break-even point in unit sales ⫽ ⫽ Break-even point in dollar sales ⫽ ⫽


Fixed expenses Unit contribution margin $210,000 ⫽ 17,500 units $12 per unit Fixed expenses CM ratio $210,000 ⫽ $1,050,000 0.20

Yes, based on these data the changes should be made. The changes increase the company’s net operating income from the present $60,000 to $78,000 per year. Although the changes also result in a higher break-even point (17,500 units as compared to the present 16,000 units), the company’s margin of safety actually becomes greater than before: Margin of safety in dollars ⫽ Total sales ⫺ Break-even sales ⫽ $1,440,000 ⫺ $1,050,000 ⫽ $390,000

As shown in (5) above, the company’s present margin of safety is only $240,000. Thus, several benefits will result from the proposed changes.



Chapter 6

Glossary Break-even point The level of sales at which profit is zero. The break-even point can also be defined as the point where total sales equals total expenses or as the point where total contribution margin equals total fixed expenses. (p. 235) Contribution margin method A method of computing the break-even point in which the fixed expenses are divided by the contribution margin per unit. (p. 244) Contribution margin ratio (CM ratio) A ratio computed by dividing contribution margin by dollar sales. (p. 238) Cost-volume-profit (CVP) graph A graphical representation of the relationships between an organization’s revenues, costs, and profits on the one hand and its sales volume on the other hand. (p. 236) Degree of operating leverage A measure, at a given level of sales, of how a percentage change in sales will affect profits. The degree of operating leverage is computed by dividing contribution margin by net operating income. (p. 249) Equation method A method of computing the break-even point that relies on the equation Sales ⫽ Variable expenses ⫹ Fixed expenses ⫹ Profits. (p. 243) Incremental analysis An analytical approach that focuses only on those costs and revenues that change as a result of a decision. (p. 240) Margin of safety The excess of budgeted (or actual) dollar sales over the break-even dollar sales. (p. 246) Operating leverage A measure of how sensitive net operating income is to a given percentage change in dollar sales. (p. 249) Sales mix The relative proportions in which a company’s products are sold. Sales mix is computed by expressing the sales of each product as a percentage of total sales. (p. 251) Variable expense ratio A ratio computed by dividing variable expenses by dollar sales (p. 244)

Questions 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7

6-8 6-9 6-10

What is meant by a product’s contribution margin ratio? How is this ratio useful in planning business operations? Often the most direct route to a business decision is an incremental analysis. What is meant by an incremental analysis? Company A’s costs are mostly variable, whereas Company B’s costs are mostly fixed. When sales increase, which company will tend to realize the greatest increase in profits? Explain. What is meant by the term operating leverage? What is meant by the term break-even point? Name three approaches to break-even analysis. Briefly explain how each approach works. In response to a request from your immediate supervisor, you have prepared a CVP graph portraying the cost and revenue characteristics of your company’s product and operations. Explain how the lines on the graph and the break-even point would change if (a) the selling price per unit decreased, (b) fixed cost increased throughout the entire range of activity portrayed on the graph, and (c) variable cost per unit increased. What is meant by the margin of safety? What is meant by the term sales mix? What assumption is usually made concerning sales mix in CVP analysis? Explain how a shift in the sales mix could result in both a higher break-even point and a lower net income.

Exercises EXERCISE 6-1 Preparing a Contribution Format Income Statement [LO1]

Wheeler Corporation’s most recent income statement follows:

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships


Per Unit

Sales (8,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$208,000 144,000

$26.00 18.00

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

64,000 56,000

$ 8.00

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .




Prepare a new contribution format income statement under each of the following conditions (consider each case independently): 1. The sales volume increases by 50 units. 2. The sales volume declines by 50 units. 3. The sales volume is 7,000 units. EXERCISE 6-2 Prepare a Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Graph [LO2]

Katara Enterprises distributes a single product whose selling price is $36 and whose variable cost is $24 per unit. The company’s monthly fixed expense is $12,000. Required:

1. 2.

Prepare a cost-volume-profit graph for the company up to a sales level of 2,000 units. Estimate the company’s break-even point in unit sales using your cost-volume-profit graph.

EXERCISE 6-3 Computing and Using the CM Ratio [LO3]

Last month when Harrison Creations, Inc., sold 40,000 units, total sales were $300,000, total variable expenses were $240,000, and total fixed expenses were $45,000. Required:

1. 2.

What is the company’s contribution margin (CM) ratio? Estimate the change in the company’s net operating income if it were to increase its total sales by $1,500.

EXERCISE 6-4 Changes in Variable Costs, Fixed Costs, Selling Price, and Volume [LO4]

Data for Herron Corporation are shown below:

Per Unit

Percent of Sales

Selling price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

$75 45

100% 60%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . .



Fixed expenses are $75,000 per month and the company is selling 3,000 units per month. Required:

1. 2.

The marketing manager argues that an $8,000 increase in the monthly advertising budget would increase monthly sales by $15,000. Should the advertising budget be increased? Refer to the original data. Management is considering using higher-quality components that would increase the variable cost by $3 per unit. The marketing manager believes the higher-quality product would increase sales by 15% per month. Should the higher-quality components be used?

EXERCISE 6-5 Compute the Break-Even Point [LO5]

Maxson Products distributes a single product, a woven basket whose selling price is $8 and whose variable cost is $6 per unit. The company’s monthly fixed expense is $5,500. Required:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Solve for the company’s break-even point in unit sales using the equation method. Solve for the company’s break-even point in sales dollars using the equation method and the CM ratio. Solve for the company’s break-even point in unit sales using the contribution margin method. Solve for the company’s break-even point in sales dollars using the contribution margin method and the CM ratio.



Chapter 6 EXERCISE 6-6 Compute the Level of Sales Required to Attain a Target Profit [LO6]

Liman Corporation has a single product whose selling price is $140 and whose variable cost is $60 per unit. The company’s monthly fixed expense is $40,000. Required:

1. 2.

Using the equation method, solve for the unit sales that are required to earn a target profit of $6,000. Using the contribution margin approach, solve for the dollar sales that are required to earn a target profit of $8,000.

EXERCISE 6-7 Compute the Margin of Safety [LO7]

Mohan Corporation is a distributor of a sun umbrella used at resort hotels. Data concerning the next month’s budget appear below: Selling price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expense . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expense . . . . . . . . . . . . Unit sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$25 per unit $15 per unit $8,500 per month 1,000 units per month


1. 2.

Compute the company’s margin of safety. Compute the company’s margin of safety as a percentage of its sales.

EXERCISE 6-8 Compute and Use the Degree of Operating Leverage [LO8]

Eneliko Company installs home theater systems. The company’s most recent monthly contribution format income statement appears below:


Percent of Sales

$120,000 84,000

100% 70%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

36,000 24,000


Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .

$ 12,000

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .


1. 2. 3.

Compute the company’s degree of operating leverage. Using the degree of operating leverage, estimate the impact on net operating income of a 10% increase in sales. Verify your estimate from part (2) above by constructing a new contribution format income statement for the company assuming a 10% increase in sales.

EXERCISE 6-9 Compute the Break-Even Point for a Multiproduct Company [LO9]

Lucky Products markets two computer games: Predator and Runway. A contribution format income statement for a recent month for the two games appears below: Predator



Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 25,000

$50,000 5,000

$150,000 30,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 75,000


120,000 90,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .

$ 30,000


1. 2. 3.

Compute the overall contribution margin (CM) ratio for the company. Compute the overall break-even point for the company in sales dollars. Verify the overall break-even point for the company by constructing a contribution format income statement showing the appropriate levels of sales for the two products.

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships EXERCISE 6-10 Break-Even Analysis; Target Profit; Margin of Safety; CM Ratio [LO1, LO3, LO5, LO6, LO7]

Pringle Company distributes a single product. The company’s sales and expenses for a recent month follow: Total

Per Unit

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$600,000 420,000

$40 28

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

180,000 150,000


Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .

$ 30,000


1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

What is the monthly break-even point in units sold and in sales dollars? Without resorting to computations, what is the total contribution margin at the break-even point? How many units would have to be sold each month to earn a target profit of $18,000? Use the contribution margin method. Verify your answer by preparing a contribution format income statement at the target level of sales. Refer to the original data. Compute the company’s margin of safety in both dollar and percentage terms. What is the company’s CM ratio? If monthly sales increase by $80,000 and there is no change in fixed expenses, by how much would you expect monthly net operating income to increase?

EXERCISE 6-11 Break-Even Analysis and CVP Graphing [LO2, LO4, LO5]

Chi Omega Sorority is planning its annual Riverboat Extravaganza. The Extravaganza committee has assembled the following expected costs for the event: Dinner (per person) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Favors and program (per person) . . . . . . . . . . . . Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tickets and advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riverboat rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floorshow and strolling entertainers . . . . . . . . . .

$7 $3 $1,500 $700 $4,800 $1,000

The committee members would like to charge $30 per person for the evening’s activities. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Compute the break-even point for the Extravaganza (in terms of the number of persons that must attend). Assume that only 250 persons attended the Extravaganza last year. If the same number attend this year, what price per ticket must be charged to break even? Refer to the original data ($30 ticket price per person). Prepare a CVP graph for the Extravaganza from zero tickets up to 600 tickets sold.

EXERCISE 6-12 Using a Contribution Format Income Statement [LO1, LO4]

Porter Company’s most recent contribution format income statement is shown below: Total

Per Unit

Sales (30,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$150,000 90,000

$5 3

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60,000 50,000


Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .

$ 10,000


Prepare a new contribution format income statement under each of the following conditions (consider each case independently): 1. The number of units sold increases by 15%. 2. The selling price decreases by 50 cents per unit, and the number of units sold increases by 20%.



Chapter 6

3. 4.

The selling price increases by 50 cents per unit, fixed expenses increase by $10,000, and the number of units sold decreases by 5%. Variable expenses increase by 20 cents per unit, the selling price increases by 12%, and the number of units sold decreases by 10%.

EXERCISE 6-13 Missing Data; Basic CVP Concepts [LO1, LO9]

Fill in the missing amounts in each of the eight case situations below. Each case is independent of the others. (Hint: One way to find the missing amounts would be to prepare a contribution format income statement for each case, enter the known data, and then compute the missing items.) a. Assume that only one product is being sold in each of the four following case situations:

Case 1 2 3 4


. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

Units Sold


Variable Expenses

Contribution Margin per Unit

9,000 ? 20,000 5,000

$270,000 $350,000 ? $160,000

$162,000 ? $280,000 ?

$ ? $15 $6 ?

Fixed Expenses

Net Operating Income (Loss)

$90,000 $170,000 ? $82,000

$ ? $40,000 $35,000 ($12,000)

Assume that more than one product is being sold in each of the four following case situations:

Case 1 2 3 4

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .


Variable Expenses

Average Contribution Margin (Percent)

$450,000 $200,000 ? $300,000

$ ? $130,000 ? $90,000

40% ? 80% ?

Fixed Expenses

Net Operating Income (Loss)

$ ? $60,000 $470,000 ?

$65,000 ? $90,000 ($15,000)

EXERCISE 6-14 Break-Even and Target Profit Analysis [LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6]

Super Sales Company is the exclusive distributor for a revolutionary bookbag. The product sells for $60 per unit and has a CM ratio of 40%. The company’s fixed expenses are $360,000 per year. Required:

1. 2.


What are the variable expenses per unit? Using the equation method: a. What is the break-even point in units and in sales dollars? b. What sales level in units and in sales dollars is required to earn an annual profit of $90,000? c. Assume that through negotiation with the manufacturer the Super Sales Company is able to reduce its variable expenses by $3 per unit. What is the company’s new break-even point in units and in sales dollars? Repeat (2) above using the contribution margin method.

EXERCISE 6-15 Operating Leverage [LO4, LO8]

Superior Door Company sells prehung doors to home builders. The doors are sold for $60 each. Variable costs are $42 per door, and fixed costs total $450,000 per year. The company is currently selling 30,000 doors per year. Required:

1. 2.

Prepare a contribution format income statement for the company at the present level of sales and compute the degree of operating leverage. Management is confident that the company can sell 37,500 doors next year (an increase of 7,500 doors, or 25%, over current sales). Compute the following: a. The expected percentage increase in net operating income for next year. b. The expected net operating income for next year. (Do not prepare an income statement; use the degree of operating leverage to compute your answer.)


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships EXERCISE 6-16 Break-Even and Target Profit Analysis [LO4, LO5, LO6]

Reveen Products sells camping equipment. One of the company’s products, a camp lantern, sells for $90 per unit. Variable expenses are $63 per lantern, and fixed expenses associated with the lantern total $135,000 per month. Required:

1. 2. 3.


Compute the company’s break-even point in number of lanterns and in total sales dollars. If the variable expenses per lantern increase as a percentage of the selling price, will it result in a higher or a lower break-even point? Why? (Assume that the fixed expenses remain unchanged.) At present, the company is selling 8,000 lanterns per month. The sales manager is convinced that a 10% reduction in the selling price will result in a 25% increase in the number of lanterns sold each month. Prepare two contribution income statements, one under present operating conditions, and one as operations would appear after the proposed changes. Show both total and per unit data on your statements. Refer to the data in (3) above. How many lanterns would have to be sold at the new selling price to yield a minimum net operating income of $72,000 per month?

EXERCISE 6-17 Multiproduct Break-Even Analysis [LO9]

Okabee Enterprises is the distributor for two products, Model A100 and Model B900. Monthly sales and the contribution margin ratios for the two products follow: Product

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin ratio . . . . . . . . . .

Model A100

Model B900


$700,000 60%

$300,000 70%

$1,000,000 ?

The company’s fixed expenses total $598,500 per month. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Prepare a contribution format income statement for the company as a whole. Compute the break-even point for the company based on the current sales mix. If sales increase by $50,000 per month, by how much would you expect net operating income to increase? What are your assumptions?

Problems PROBLEM 6-18 Basic CVP Analysis [LO1, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO8]

Stratford Company distributes a lightweight lawn chair that sells for $15 per unit. Variable costs are $6 per unit, and fixed costs total $180,000 annually. Required:

Answer the following independent questions: 1. What is the product’s CM ratio? 2. Use the CM ratio to determine the break-even point in sales dollars. 3. The company estimates that sales will increase by $45,000 during the coming year due to increased demand. By how much should net operating income increase? 4. Assume that the operating results for last year were as follows:

a. b. 5.

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$360,000 144,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

216,000 180,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .

$ 36,000

Compute the degree of operating leverage at the current level of sales. The president expects sales to increase by 15% next year. By how much should net operating income increase? Refer to the original data. Assume that the company sold 28,000 units last year. The sales manager is convinced that a 10% reduction in the selling price, combined with a $70,000 increase in


Chapter 6


advertising expenditures, would cause annual sales in units to increase by 50%. Prepare two contribution format income statements, one showing the results of last year’s operations and one showing what the results of operations would be if these changes were made. Would you recommend that the company do as the sales manager suggests? Refer to the original data. Assume again that the company sold 28,000 units last year. The president feels that it would be unwise to change the selling price. Instead, he wants to increase the sales commission by $2 per unit. He thinks that this move, combined with some increase in advertising, would cause annual sales to double. By how much could advertising be increased with profits remaining unchanged? Do not prepare an income statement; use the incremental analysis approach.

PROBLEM 6-19 Basics of CVP Analysis; Cost Structure [LO1, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6]

Memofax, Inc., produces memory enhancement kits for fax machines. Sales have been very erratic, with some months showing a profit and some months showing a loss. The company’s contribution format income statement for the most recent month is given below: Sales (13,500 units at $20 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$270,000 189,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

81,000 90,000

Net operating loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ (9,000)


1. 2.




Compute the company’s CM ratio and its break-even point in both units and dollars. The sales manager feels that an $8,000 increase in the monthly advertising budget, combined with an intensified effort by the sales staff, will result in a $70,000 increase in monthly sales. If the sales manager is right, what will be the effect on the company’s monthly net operating income or loss? (Use the incremental approach in preparing your answer.) Refer to the original data. The president is convinced that a 10% reduction in the selling price, combined with an increase of $35,000 in the monthly advertising budget, will cause unit sales to double. What will the new contribution format income statement look like if these changes are adopted? Refer to the original data. The company’s advertising agency thinks that a new package would help sales. The new package being proposed would increase packaging costs by $0.60 per unit. Assuming no other changes, how many units would have to be sold each month to earn a profit of $4,500? Refer to the original data. By automating certain operations, the company could slash its variable expenses in half. However, fixed costs would increase by $118,000 per month. a. Compute the new CM ratio and the new break-even point in both units and dollars. b. Assume that the company expects to sell 20,000 units next month. Prepare two contribution format income statements, one assuming that operations are not automated and one assuming that they are. c. Would you recommend that the company automate its operations? Explain.

PROBLEM 6-20 Sales Mix; Multiproduct Break-Even Analysis [LO9]

Marlin Company, a wholesale distributor, has been operating for only a few months. The company sells three products—sinks, mirrors, and vanities. Budgeted sales by product and in total for the coming month are shown below: Product Sinks




Percentage of total sales . . . . . . . . . . Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

48% $240,000 72,000

100% 30%

20% $100,000 80,000

100% 80%

32% $160,000 88,000

100% 55%

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



$ 20,000


$ 72,000


100% $500,000 240,000

100% 48%



Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 36,400

Break-even point in sales dollars ⫽

Fixed expenses $223,600 ⫽ ⫽ $430,000 CM ratio 0.52

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

As shown by these data, net operating income is budgeted at $36,400 for the month, and breakeven sales at $430,000. Assume that actual sales for the month total $500,000 as planned. Actual sales by product are: sinks, $160,000; mirrors, $200,000; and vanities, $140,000. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Prepare a contribution format income statement for the month based on actual sales data. Present the income statement in the format shown above. Compute the break-even point in sales dollars for the month, based on your actual data. Considering the fact that the company met its $500,000 sales budget for the month, the president is shocked at the results shown on your income statement in (1) above. Prepare a brief memo for the president explaining why both the operating results and the break-even point in sales dollars are different from what was budgeted.

PROBLEM 6-21 Basic CVP Analysis; Graphing [LO1, LO2, LO4, LO5]

Shirts Unlimited operates a chain of shirt stores around the country. The stores carry many styles of shirts that are all sold at the same price. To encourage sales personnel to be aggressive in their sales efforts, the company pays a substantial sales commission on each shirt sold. Sales personnel also receive a small basic salary. The following worksheet contains cost and revenue data for Store 36. These data are typical of the company’s many outlets:

Shirts Unlimited is a fairly new organization. The company has asked you, as a member of its planning group, to assist in some basic analysis of its stores and company policies. Required:

1. 2. 3.

Calculate the annual break-even point in dollar sales and in unit sales for Store 36. Prepare a CVP graph showing cost and revenue data for Store 36 from zero shirts up to 30,000 shirts sold each year. Clearly indicate the break-even point on the graph. If 19,000 shirts are sold in a year, what would be Store 36’s net operating income or loss?



Chapter 6




The company is considering paying the store manager of Store 36 an incentive commission of $3 per shirt (in addition to the salespersons’ commissions). If this change is made, what will be the new break-even point in dollar sales and in unit sales? Refer to the original data. As an alternative to (4) above, the company is considering paying the store manager a $3 commission on each shirt sold in excess of the break-even point. If this change is made, what will be the store’s net operating income or loss if 23,500 shirts are sold in a year? Refer to the original data. The company is considering eliminating sales commissions entirely in its stores and increasing fixed salaries by $107,000 annually. a. If this change is made, what will be the new break-even point in dollar sales and in unit sales in Store 36? b. Would you recommend that the change be made? Explain.

PROBLEM 6-22 Break-Even Analysis; Pricing [LO1, LO4, LO5]

Detmer Holdings AG of Zurich, Switzerland, has just introduced a new fashion watch for which the company is trying to find an optimal selling price. Marketing studies suggest that the company can increase sales by 5,000 units for each SFr2 per unit reduction in the selling price. (SFr2 denotes 2 Swiss francs.) The company’s present selling price is SFr90 per unit, and variable expenses are SFr60 per unit. Fixed expenses are SFr840,000 per year. The present annual sales volume (at the SFr90 selling price) is 25,000 units. Required:

1. 2. 3.


What is the present yearly net operating income or loss? What is the present break-even point in units and in Swiss franc sales? Assuming that the marketing studies are correct, what is the maximum profit that the company can earn yearly? At how many units and at what selling price per unit would the company generate this profit? What would be the break-even point in units and in Swiss franc sales using the selling price you determined in (3) above (i.e., the selling price at the level of maximum profits)? Why is this break-even point different from the break-even point you computed in (2) above?

PROBLEM 6-23 Graphing; Incremental Analysis; Operating Leverage [LO2, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO8]

Teri Hall has recently opened Sheer Elegance, Inc., a store specializing in fashionable stockings. Ms. Hall has just completed a course in managerial accounting, and she believes that she can apply certain aspects of the course to her business. She is particularly interested in adopting the cost-volumeprofit (CVP) approach to decision making. Thus, she has prepared the following analysis: Sales price per pair of stockings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expense per pair of stockings . . . . . . . . . . . .

$2.00 0.80

Contribution margin per pair of stockings . . . . . . . . . .


Fixed expense per year: Building rental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$12,000 3,000 30,000 15,000

Total fixed expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



1. 2. 3. 4.

How many pairs of stockings must be sold to break even? What does this represent in total dollar sales? Prepare a CVP graph for the store from zero pairs up to 70,000 pairs of stockings sold each year. Indicate the break-even point on the graph. How many pairs of stockings must be sold to earn a $9,000 target profit for the first year? Ms. Hall now has one full-time and one part-time salesperson working in the store. It will cost her an additional $8,000 per year to convert the part-time position to a full-time position. Ms. Hall believes that the change would bring in an additional $20,000 in sales each year. Should she convert the position? Use the incremental approach. (Do not prepare an income statement.)

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships


Refer to the original data. Actual operating results for the first year are as follows:

a. b.

Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$125,000 50,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

75,000 60,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .

$ 15,000

What is the store’s degree of operating leverage? Ms. Hall is confident that with some effort she can increase sales by 20% next year. What would be the expected percentage increase in net operating income? Use the degree of operating leverage concept to compute your answer.

PROBLEM 6-24 Break-Even and Target Profit Analysis [LO5, LO6]

The Marbury Stein Shop sells steins from all parts of the world. The owner of the shop, Clint Marbury, is thinking of expanding his operations by hiring local college students, on a commission basis, to sell steins at the local college. The steins will bear the school emblem. These steins must be ordered from the manufacturer three months in advance, and because of the unique emblem of each college, they cannot be returned. The steins would cost Mr. Marbury $15 each with a minimum order of 200 steins. Any additional steins would have to be ordered in increments of 50. Since Mr. Marbury’s plan would not require any additional facilities, the only costs associated with the project would be the cost of the steins and the cost of sales commissions. The selling price of the steins would be $30 each. Mr. Marbury would pay the students a commission of $6 for each stein sold. Required:



To make the project worthwhile in terms of his own time, Mr. Marbury would require a $7,200 profit for the first six months of the venture. What level of sales in units and dollars would be required to attain this target net operating income? Show all computations. Assume that the venture is undertaken and an order is placed for 200 steins. What would be Mr. Marbury’s break-even point in units and in sales dollars? Show computations, and explain the reasoning behind your answer.

PROBLEM 6-25 Sales Mix; Break-Even Analysis; Margin of Safety [LO7, LO9]

Puleva Milenario SA, a company located in Toledo, Spain, manufactures and sells two models of luxuriously finished cutlery—Alvaro and Bazan. Present revenue, cost, and unit sales data for the two products appear below. All currency amounts are stated in terms of euros, which are indicated by the symbol ᇾ.

Selling price per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of units sold monthly . . . . . . . . . .



ᇾ4.00 ᇾ2.40 200 units

ᇾ6.00 ᇾ1.20 80 units

Fixed expenses are ᇾ660 per month. Required:



Assuming the sales mix above, do the following: a. Prepare a contribution format income statement showing both euro and percent columns for each product and for the company as a whole. b. Compute the break-even point in euros for the company as a whole and the margin of safety in both euros and percent of sales. The company has developed another product, Cano, that the company plans to sell for ᇾ8 each. At this price, the company expects to sell 40 units per month of the product. The variable expense would be ᇾ6 per unit. The company’s fixed expenses would not change. a. Prepare another contribution format income statement, including sales of Cano (sales of the other two products would not change). b. Compute the company’s new break-even point in euros for the company as a whole and the new margin of safety in both euros and percent of sales.



Chapter 6


The president of the company was puzzled by your analysis. He did not understand why the break-even point has gone up even though there has been no increase in fixed expenses and the addition of the new product has increased the total contribution margin. Explain to the president what has happened.

PROBLEM 6-26 Sales Mix; Multiproduct Break-Even Analysis [LO9]

Topper Sports, Inc., produces high-quality sports equipment. The company’s Racket Division manufactures three tennis rackets—the Standard, the Deluxe, and the Pro—that are widely used in amateur play. Selected information on the rackets is given below:

Selling price per racket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses per racket: Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling (5% of selling price) . . . . . . . . . .







$22.00 $2.00

$27.00 $3.00

$31.50 $4.50

All sales are made through the company’s own retail outlets. The Racket Division has the following fixed costs:

Per Month Fixed production costs . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative salaries . . . . . . . . . . .

$120,000 100,000 50,000

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sales, in units, over the past two months have been as follows:

April . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . .





2,000 8,000

1,000 1,000

5,000 3,000

8,000 12,000



Using the contribution approach, prepare an income statement for April and an income statement for May, with the following headings:

Standard Amount


Deluxe Amount


Pro Amount


Total Amount


Sales . . . Etc. . . . .


3. 4.

Place the fixed expenses only in the Total column. Do not show percentages for the fixed expenses. Upon seeing the income statements in (1) above, the president stated, “I can’t believe this! We sold 50% more rackets in May than in April, yet profits went down. It’s obvious that costs are out of control in that division.” What other explanation can you give for the drop in net operating income? Compute the Racket Division’s break-even point in dollar sales for April. Has May’s break-even point in dollar sales gone up or down from April’s break-even point? Explain without computing a break-even point for May.

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships


Assume that sales of the Standard racket increase by $20,000. What would be the effect on net operating income? What would be the effect if Pro racket sales increased by $20,000? Do not prepare income statements; use the incremental analysis approach in determining your answer.

PROBLEM 6-27 Various CVP Questions: Break-Even Point; Cost Structure; Target Sales [LO1, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO8]

Tyrene Products manufactures recreational equipment. One of the company’s products, a skateboard, sells for $37.50. The skateboards are manufactured in an antiquated plant that relies heavily on direct labor workers. Thus, variable costs are high, totaling $22.50 per skateboard. Over the past year the company sold 40,000 skateboards, with the following operating results:

Sales (40,000 skateboards) . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$1,500,000 900,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

600,000 480,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 120,000

Management is anxious to maintain and perhaps even improve its present level of income from the skateboards. Required:

1. 2.





Compute (a) the CM ratio and the break-even point in skateboards, and (b) the degree of operating leverage at last year’s level of sales. Due to an increase in labor rates, the company estimates that variable costs will increase by $3 per skateboard next year. If this change takes place and the selling price per skateboard remains constant at $37.50, what will be the new CM ratio and the new break-even point in skateboards? Refer to the data in (2) above. If the expected change in variable costs takes place, how many skateboards will have to be sold next year to earn the same net operating income ($120,000) as last year? Refer again to the data in (2) above. The president has decided that the company may have to raise the selling price of its skateboards. If Tyrene Products wants to maintain the same CM ratio as last year, what selling price per skateboard must it charge next year to cover the increased labor costs? Refer to the original data. The company is considering the construction of a new, automated plant. The new plant would slash variable costs by 40%, but it would cause fixed costs to increase by 90%. If the new plant is built, what would be the company’s new CM ratio and new breakeven point in skateboards? Refer to the data in (5) above. a. If the new plant is built, how many skateboards will have to be sold next year to earn the same net operating income, $120,000, as last year? b. Assume that the new plant is constructed and that next year the company manufactures and sells 40,000 skateboards (the same number as sold last year). Prepare a contribution format income statement, and compute the degree of operating leverage. c. If you were a member of top management, would you have been in favor of constructing the new plant? Explain.

PROBLEM 6-28 Interpretive Questions on the CVP Graph [LO2, LO5]

A CVP graph, as illustrated on the next page, is a useful technique for showing relationships between an organization’s costs, volume, and profits. Required:

1. 2.

Identify the numbered components in the CVP graph. State the effect of each of the following actions on line 3, line 9, and the break-even point. For line 3 and line 9, state whether the action will cause the line to: Remain unchanged. Shift upward. Shift downward.



Chapter 6

Have a steeper slope (i.e., rotate upward). Have a flatter slope (i.e., rotate downward). Shift upward and have a steeper slope.


6 1

4 3


7 5

2 Shift upward and have a flatter slope. Shift downward and have a steeper slope. Shift downward and have a flatter slope. In the case of the break-even point, state whether the action will cause the break-even point to: Remain unchanged. Increase. Decrease. Probably change, but the direction is uncertain. Treat each case independently. x. Example. Fixed costs are increased by $20,000 each period. Answer (see choices above): Line 3: Shift upward. Line 9: Remain unchanged. Break-even point: Increase. a. The unit selling price is decreased from $30 to $27. b. The per unit variable costs are increased from $12 to $15. c. The total fixed costs are reduced by $40,000. d. Five thousand fewer units are sold during the period than were budgeted. e. Due to purchasing a robot to perform a task that was previously done by workers, fixed costs are increased by $25,000 per period, and variable costs are reduced by $8 per unit. f. As a result of a decrease in the cost of materials, both unit variable costs and the selling price are decreased by $3. g. Advertising costs are increased by $50,000 per period, resulting in a 10% increase in the number of units sold. h. Due to paying salespersons a commission rather than a flat salary, fixed costs are reduced by $21,000 per period, and unit variable costs are increased by $6. PROBLEM 6-29 Changes in Fixed and Variable Costs; Break-Even and Target Profit Analysis [LO4, LO5, LO6]

Novelties, Inc., produces and sells highly faddish products directed toward the preteen market. A new product has come onto the market that the company is anxious to produce and sell. Enough capacity exists in the company’s plant to produce 30,000 units each month. Variable costs to manufacture and sell one unit would be $1.60, and fixed costs would total $40,000 per month. The Marketing Department predicts that demand for the product will exceed the 30,000 units that the company is able to produce. Additional production capacity can be rented from another company at a fixed cost of $2,000 per month. Variable costs in the rented facility would total $1.75 per unit, due to somewhat less efficient operations than in the main plant. The product would sell for $2.50 per unit.


Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships Required:

1. 2. 3.

Compute the monthly break-even point for the new product in units and in total dollar sales. Show all computations in good form. How many units must be sold each month to make a monthly profit of $9,000? If the sales manager receives a bonus of 15 cents for each unit sold in excess of the break-even point, how many units must be sold each month to earn a return of 25% on the monthly investment in fixed costs?

PROBLEM 6-30 Changes in Cost Structure; Break-Even Analysis; Operating Leverage; Margin of Safety [LO4, LO5, LO7, LO8]

Frieden Company’s contribution format income statement for the most recent month is given below: Sales (40,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .

$800,000 560,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

240,000 192,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . .

$ 48,000

The industry in which Frieden Company operates is quite sensitive to cyclical movements in the economy. Thus, profits vary considerably from year to year according to general economic conditions. The company has a large amount of unused capacity and is studying ways of improving profits. Required:





New equipment has come on the market that would allow Frieden Company to automate a portion of its operations. Variable costs would be reduced by $6 per unit. However, fixed costs would increase to a total of $432,000 each month. Prepare two contribution format income statements, one showing present operations and one showing how operations would appear if the new equipment is purchased. Show an Amount column, a Per Unit column, and a Percent column on each statement. Do not show percentages for the fixed costs. Refer to the income statements in (1) above. For both present operations and the proposed new operations, compute (a) the degree of operating leverage, (b) the break-even point in dollars, and (c) the margin of safety in both dollar and percentage terms. Refer again to the data in (1) above. As a manager, what factor would be paramount in your mind in deciding whether to purchase the new equipment? (You may assume that ample funds are available to make the purchase.) Refer to the original data. Rather than purchase new equipment, the marketing manager argues that the company’s marketing strategy should be changed. Instead of paying sales commissions, which are included in variable expenses, the marketing manager suggests that salespersons be paid fixed salaries and that the company invest heavily in advertising. The marketing manager claims that this new approach would increase unit sales by 50% without any change in selling price; the company’s new monthly fixed expenses would be $240,000; and its net operating income would increase by 25%. Compute the break-even point in dollar sales for the company under the new marketing strategy. Do you agree with the marketing manager’s proposal?

Cases CASE 6-31 Break-Evens for Individual Products in a Multiproduct Company [LO5, LO9]

Jasmine Park encountered her boss, Rick Gompers, at the pop machine in the lobby. Rick is the vice president of marketing at Down South Lures Corporation. Jasmine was puzzled by some calculations she had been doing, so she asked him: Jasmine: “Rick, I’m not sure how to go about answering the questions that came up at the meeting with the president yesterday.” Rick: “What’s the problem?” Jasmine: “The president wanted to know the break even for each of the company’s products, but I am having trouble figuring them out.” Rick: “I’m sure you can handle it, Jasmine. And, by the way, I need your analysis on my desk tomorrow morning at 8:00 sharp so I can look at it before the follow-up meeting at 9:00.”


Chapter 6

Down South Lures makes three fishing lures in its manufacturing facility in Alabama. Data concerning these products appear below.

Normal annual sales volume . . . . . . . . . . . Unit selling price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable cost per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




100,000 $2.00 $1.20

200,000 $1.40 $0.80

300,000 $0.80 $0.50

Total fixed expenses for the entire company are $282,000 per year. All three products are sold in highly competitive markets, so the company is unable to raise its prices without losing unacceptable numbers of customers. The company has no work in process or finished goods inventories due to an extremely effective just-in-time manufacturing system. Required:

1. 2.

What is the company’s overall break-even point in total sales dollars? Of the total fixed costs of $282,000, $18,000 could be avoided if the Frog lure product were dropped, $96,000 if the Minnow lure product were dropped, and $60,000 if the Worm lure product were dropped. The remaining fixed costs of $108,000 consist of common fixed costs such as administrative salaries and rent on the factory building that could be avoided only by going out of business entirely. a. What is the break-even point in units for each product? b. If the company sells exactly the break-even quantity of each product, what will be the overall profit of the company? Explain this result.

CASE 6-32 Cost Structure; Break-Even Point; Target Profits [LO4, LO5, LO6]

Marston Corporation manufactures disposable thermometers that are sold to hospitals through a network of independent sales agents located in the United States and Canada. These sales agents sell a variety of products to hospitals in addition to Marston’s disposable thermometer. The sales agents are currently paid an 18% commission on sales, and this commission rate was used when Marston’s management prepared the following budgeted income statement for the upcoming year.

Marston Corporation Budgeted Income Statement Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed advertising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed administrative expense . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$30,000,000 $17,400,000 2,800,000

20,200,000 9,800,000

5,400,000 800,000 3,200,000

9,400,000 $


Since the completion of the above statement, Marston’s management has learned that the independent sales agents are demanding an increase in the commission rate to 20% of sales for the upcoming year. This would be the third increase in commissions demanded by the independent sales agents in five years. As a result, Marston’s management has decided to investigate the possibility of hiring its own sales staff to replace the independent sales agents. Marston’s controller estimates that the company will have to hire eight salespeople to cover the current market area, and the total annual payroll cost of these employees will be about $700,000, including fringe benefits. The salespeople will also be paid commissions of 10% of sales. Travel and entertainment expenses are expected to total about $400,000 for the year. The company will also have to hire a sales manager and support staff whose salaries and fringe benefits will come to $200,000 per

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

year. To make up for the promotions that the independent sales agents had been running on behalf of Marston, management believes that the company’s budget for fixed advertising expenses should be increased by $500,000. Required:







Assuming sales of $30,000,000, construct a budgeted contribution format income statement for the upcoming year for each of the following alternatives: a. The independent sales agents’ commission rate remains unchanged at 18%. b. The independent sales agents’ commission rate increases to 20%. c. The company employs its own sales force. Calculate Marston Corporation’s break-even point in sales dollars for the upcoming year assuming the following: a. The independent sales agents’ commission rate remains unchanged at 18%. b. The independent sales agents’ commission rate increases to 20%. c. The company employs its own sales force. Refer to your answer to (1)(b) above. If the company employs its own sales force, what volume of sales would be necessary to generate the net operating income the company would realize if sales are $30,000,000 and the company continues to sell through agents (at a 20% commission rate)? Determine the volume of sales at which net operating income would be equal regardless of whether Marston Corporation sells through agents (at a 20% commission rate) or employs its own sales force. Prepare a graph on which you plot the profits for both of the following alternatives. a. The independent sales agents’ commission rate increases to 20%. b. The company employs its own sales force. On the graph, use total sales revenue as the measure of activity. Write a memo to the president of Marston Corporation in which you make a recommendation as to whether the company should continue to use independent sales agents (at a 20% commission rate) or employ its own sales force. Fully explain the reasons for your recommendation in the memo. (CMA, adapted)

CASE 6-33 Break-Even Analysis with Step Fixed Costs [LO5, LO6]

The Cardiac Care Department at St. Andrew’s General Hospital has a capacity of 70 beds and operates 24 hours a day year-around. The measure of activity in the department is patient-days, where one patient-day represents one patient occupying a bed for one day. The average revenue per patient-day is $480 and the average variable cost per patient-day is $180. The fixed cost of the department (not including personnel costs) is $2,740,000. The only personnel directly employed by the Cardiac Care Department are aides, nurses, and supervising nurses. The hospital has minimum staffing requirements for the department based on total annual patient-days in Cardiac Care. Hospital requirements, beginning at the minimum expected level of activity, follow: Annual Patient-Days 10,000–12,000 . . . . . . . . . . 12,001–13,750 . . . . . . . . . . 13,751–16,500 . . . . . . . . . . 16,501–18,250 . . . . . . . . . . 18,251–20,750 . . . . . . . . . . 20,751–23,000 . . . . . . . . . .



Supervising Nurses

7 8 9 10 10 11

15 15 16 16 17 18

3 3 4 4 5 5

These staffing levels represent full-time equivalents, and it should be assumed that the Cardiac Care Department always employs only the minimum number of required full-time equivalent personnel. Average annual salaries for each class of employee are: aides, $36,000; nurses, $58,000; and supervising nurses, $76,000. Required:


Compute the total fixed costs (including the salaries of aides, nurses, and supervising nurses) in the Cardiac Care Department for each level of activity shown above (i.e., total fixed costs at the 10,000–12,000 patient-day level of activity, total fixed costs at the 12,001–13,750 patient-day level of activity, etc.).



Chapter 6

2. 3.

Compute the minimum number of patient-days required for the Cardiac Care Department to break even. Determine the minimum number of patient-days required for the Cardiac Care Department to earn an annual “profit” of $720,000. (CPA, adapted)


[LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8, LO9]

The questions in this exercise are based on the Benetton Group, a company headquartered in Italy and known in the United States primarily for one of its brands of fashion apparel—United Colors of Benetton. To answer the questions, you will need to download the Benetton Group’s 2004 Annual Report at You do not need to print this document to answer the questions. Required:


2. 3.

4. 5. 6.



How do the formats of the income statements shown on pages 33 and 50 of Benetton’s annual report differ from one another (disregard everything beneath the line titled “income from operations”)? Which expenses shown on page 50 appear to have been reclassified as variable selling costs on page 33? Why do you think cost of sales is included in the computation of contribution margin on page 33? Perform two separate computations of Benetton’s break-even point in euros. For the first computation, use data from 2003. For the second computation, use data from 2004. Why do the numbers that you computed differ from one another? What sales volume would have been necessary in 2004 for Benetton to attain a target income from operations of ᇾ300 million? Compute Benetton’s margin of safety using data from 2003 and 2004. Why do your answers for the two years differ from one another? What is Benetton’s degree of operating leverage in 2004? If Benetton’s sales in 2004 had been 6% higher than what is shown in the annual report, what income from operations would the company have earned? What percentage increase in income from operations does this represent? What income from operations would Benetton have earned in 2004 if it had invested an additional ᇾ10 million in advertising and promotions and realized a 3% increase in sales? As an alternative, what income from operations would Benetton have earned if it not only invested an additional ᇾ10 million in advertising and promotions but also raised its sales commission rate to 6% of sales, thereby generating a 5% increase in sales? Which of these two scenarios would have been preferable for Benetton? Assume that total sales in 2004 remained unchanged at ᇾ1,686 million (as shown on pages 33 and 50); however, the Casual sector sales were ᇾ1,554 million, the Sportswear and Equipment sector sales were ᇾ45million, and the Manufacturing and Other sector sales were ᇾ87 million. What income from operations would Benetton have earned with this sales mix? (Hint: look at pages 36 and 37 of the annual report.) Why is the income from operations under this scenario different from what is shown in the annual report?


7 Variable Costing: A Tool for Management


IBM’s $2.5 Billion Investment in Technology When it comes to state-of-the-art in automation, IBM’s $2.5 billion semiconductor manufacturing facility in East Fishkill, New York, is tough to beat. The plant uses wireless networks, 600 miles of cable, and more than 420 servers to equip itself with what IBM claims is more computing power than NASA uses to launch a space shuttle. Each batch of 25 wafers (one wafer can be processed into 1,000 computer chips) travels through the East Fishkill plant’s manufacturing process without ever being touched by human hands. A computer system “looks at orders and schedules production runs . . . adjusts schedules to allow for planned maintenance and . . . feeds vast reams of production data into enterprise-wide management and financial-reporting systems.” The plant can literally run itself as was the case a few years ago when a snowstorm hit and everyone went home while the automated system continued to manufacture computer chips until it ran out of work. In a manufacturing environment such as this, labor costs are insignificant and fixed overhead costs are huge. There is a strong temptation to build inventories and increase profits without increasing sales. How can this be done you ask? It would seem logical that producing more units would have no impact on profits unless the units were sold, right? Wrong! As we will discover in this chapter, absorption costing—the most widely used method of determining product costs—can artificially increase profits by increasing the quantity of units produced. ■ Source: Ghostwriter, “Big Blue’s $2.5 Billion Sales Tool,” Fortune, September 19, 2005, pp. 316F–316J.

Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 7, you should be able to:

LO1 Explain how variable costing differs from absorption costing and compute unit product costs under each method. LO2 Prepare income statements using both variable and absorption costing. LO3 Reconcile variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes and explain why the two amounts differ. LO4 Understand the advantages and disadvantages of both variable and absorption costing.


Chapter 7


wo general approaches are used in manufacturing companies for cost-

ing products for the purposes of valuing inventories and cost of goods sold. One approach, called absorption costing, was discussed in Chapter 3. Absorption costing is generally used for external financial reports. The other approach, called variable costing, is preferred by some managers for internal decision making and must be used when an income statement is prepared in the contribution format. Ordinarily, absorption costing and variable costing produce different figures for net operating income, and the difference can be quite large. In addition to showing how these two methods differ, we will consider the arguments for and against each costing method and we will show how management decisions can be affected by the costing method chosen.

Overview of Absorption and Variable Costing LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1

Explain how variable costing differs from absorption costing and compute unit product costs under each method.

As discussed in the last two chapters, the contribution format income statement and cost-volumeprofit (CVP) analysis are valuable management tools. Both of these tools emphasize cost behavior and require that managers carefully distinguish between variable and fixed costs. Absorption costing, which was discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, assigns both variable and fixed manufacturing costs to products—mingling them in a way that makes it difficult for managers to distinguish between them. In contrast, variable costing focuses on cost behavior—clearly separating fixed from variable costs. One of the strengths of variable costing is that it harmonizes with both the contribution approach and the CVP concepts discussed in the preceding chapter.

Absorption Costing As discussed in Chapter 3, absorption costing treats all manufacturing costs as product costs, regardless of whether they are variable or fixed. The cost of a unit of product under the absorption costing method consists of direct materials, direct labor, and both variable and fixed manufacturing overhead. Thus, absorption costing allocates a portion of fixed manufacturing overhead cost to each unit of product, along with the variable manufacturing costs. Because absorption costing includes all manufacturing costs in product costs, it is frequently referred to as the full cost method.

Variable Costing Under variable costing, only those manufacturing costs that vary with output are treated as product costs. This would usually include direct materials, direct labor, and the variable portion of manufacturing overhead. Fixed manufacturing overhead is not treated as a product cost under this method. Rather, fixed manufacturing overhead is treated as a period cost and, like selling and administrative expenses, it is expensed in its entirety each period. Consequently, the cost of a unit of product in inventory or in cost of goods sold under the variable costing method does not contain any fixed manufacturing overhead cost. Variable costing is sometimes referred to as direct costing or marginal costing.

Selling and Administrative Expense To complete this summary comparison of absorption and variable costing, we need to briefly consider the handling of selling and administrative expenses. These expenses are never treated as product costs, regardless of the costing method. Thus, under absorption and variable costing, variable and fixed selling and administrative expenses are always treated as period costs and are expensed as incurred. Exhibit 7–1 summarizes the classification of costs under both absorption and variable costing.


Variable Costing: A Tool for Management

Absorption Costing

    

Period costs

      

Product costs

E X H I B I T 7–1 Cost Classifications— Absorption versus Variable Costing

Variable Costing Direct materials Direct labor Variable manufacturing overhead Fixed manufacturing overhead Variable selling and administrative expenses Fixed selling and administrative expenses

   Product  costs       Period   costs  

Unit Cost Computations To illustrate the computation of unit product costs under both absorption and variable costing, consider Boley Company, a small company that produces a single product and that has the following cost structure:

Number of units produced each year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Variable costs per unit: Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . .

$2 $4 $1 $3

Fixed costs per year: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . .

$30,000 $10,000

Topic Tackler

PLUS Required:


1. Compute the unit product cost under absorption costing. 2. Compute the unit product cost under variable costing.

Solution Absorption Costing Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 2 4 1

Total variable manufacturing cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed manufacturing overhead ($30,000 ⫼ 6,000 units of product) . . . . . . . .

7 5

Unit product cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Variable Costing Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 2 4 1

Unit product cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 7

(Under variable costing, the $30,000 fixed manufacturing overhead is a period expense along with selling and administrative expenses.)


Chapter 7

Under the absorption costing method, all manfacturing costs, variable and fixed, are included when determining the unit product cost. Thus, if the company sells a unit of product and absorption costing is being used, then $12 (consisting of $7 variable cost and $5 fixed cost) will be deducted on the income statement as cost of goods sold. Similarly, any unsold units will be carried as inventory on the balance sheet at $12 each. Under the variable costing method, only the variable manfacturing costs are included in product costs. Thus, if the company sells a unit of product, only $7 will be deducted as cost of goods sold, and unsold units will be carried as inventory on the balance sheet at only $7 each.


THE BEHAVIORAL SIDE OF CALCULATING UNIT PRODUCT COSTS In 2004, Andreas STIHL, a manufacturer of chain saws and other landscaping products, asked its U.S. subsidiary, STIHL Inc., to replace its absorption costing income statements with the variable costing approach. From a computer systems standpoint, the change was not disruptive because STIHL used an enterprise system called SAP that accommodates both absorption and variable costing. However, from a behavioral standpoint, STIHL felt the change could be very disruptive. For example, STIHL’s senior managers were keenly aware that the variable costing approach reported lower unit product costs than the absorption costing approach. Given this reality, the sales force might be inclined to erroneously conclude that each product had magically become more profitable, thereby justifying ill-advised price reductions. Because of behavioral concerns such as this, STIHL worked hard to educate its employees how to interpret a variable costing income statement. Source: Carl S. Smith, “Going for GPK: STIHL Moves Toward This Costing System in the United States,” Strategic Finance, April 2005, pp. 36–39.


SCRUTINIZING VARIABLE MANUFACTURING COSTS AT FORD Jim Padilla, the chief operating officer at the Ford Motor Company, believes in ranking vehicles by the amount of contribution margin earned. In other words, for internal decision-making purposes he views direct materials, direct labor, and variable manufacturing overhead as product costs and fixed manufacturing overhead as a period cost. Historically, Ford has been willing to sell small cars that get good gas mileage at a loss to boost the company’s average fuel economy and air-pollution emission ratings. Padilla is committed to scaling back this practice. He believes the company should give serious consideration to discontinuing any car that cannot generate enough sales to cover its variable production costs. Source: Alex Taylor III, “Bill’s Brand-New Ford,” Fortune, June 28, 2004, pp. 68–76.

Income Comparison of Absorption and Variable Costing LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2

Prepare income statements using both variable and absorption costing.

Exhibit 7–2 displays income statements prepared under the absorption and variable costing approaches. In preparing these statements, we use the data for Boley Company presented earlier, along with other information about the company as given below: Units in beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units produced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units in ending inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling price per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Variable per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed per year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0 6,000 5,000 1,000 $20 $3 $10,000

Variable Costing: A Tool for Management

Absorption Costing Sales (5,000 units × $20 per unit) . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add cost of goods manufactured (6,000 units ⫻ $12 per unit) . . . . . . . . . Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less ending inventory (1,000 units ⫻ $12 per unit) . . . . . . . . .

$100,000 $

0 72,000 72,000 12,000

Cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: (5,000 units ⫻ $3 per unit variable ⫹ $10,000 fixed) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

40,000 25,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 15,000

Variable Costing Sales (5,000 units ⫻ $20 per unit) . . . . . . . . Variable expenses: Variable cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add variable manufacturing costs (6,000 units ⫻ $7 per unit) . . . . . . . .

$100,000 $

0 42,000

Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . Less ending inventory (1,000 units ⫻ $7 per unit) . . . . . . . .


Variable cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative expenses (5,000 units ⫻ $3 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Note the difference in ending inventories. Fixed manufacturing overhead cost at $5 per unit is included under the absorption approach. This explains the difference in ending inventory and in net operating income (1,000 units ⫻ $5 per unit ⫽ $5,000).



50,000 50,000

30,000 10,000

40,000 $ 10,000

Several observations should be made concerning the income statements in Exhibit 7–2. First, the net operating incomes under the two costing methods are not the same. The net operating income under absorption costing is higher than under variable costing by $5,000. Why is this? Under absorption costing, each of the units produced during the period is assigned $5 of fixed manufacturing overhead cost (see the unit cost computations on page 277). This is true of the 1,000 units in ending inventory as well as the 5,000 units that were sold. Consequently, the ending inventory under absorption costing contains $5,000 of fixed manufacturing overhead and the cost of goods sold contains $25,000 of fixed manufacturing overhead. In contrast, the entire $30,000 of fixed manufacturing overhead is expensed under variable costing. As a direct result, the net operating income under variable costing is $5,000 higher than under absorption costing. In effect, the $5,000 of fixed manufacturing overhead in ending inventory under absorption costing is deferred to the future period in which these units are sold. This $5,000 of fixed manufacturing overhead cost in the ending inventory is referred to as fixed manufacturing overhead cost deferred in inventory. In general, under absorption costing, when inventories increase, some of the fixed manufacturing costs of the current period are reported on the balance sheet as part of the ending inventories rather than on the income statement as part of cost of goods sold.

279 E X H I B I T 7–2 Comparison of Absorption and Variable Costing—Boley Company


Chapter 7 Topic Tackler

PLUS 7–2

Second, the absorption costing income statement makes no distinction between fixed and variable costs—a distinction that is crucial for CVP analysis and for much of the planning and control concepts discussed in later chapters. It is difficult or even impossible to determine from an absorption costing income statement which costs are variable and which are fixed. In contrast, on a variable costing income statement the fixed and variable costs are explicitly identified—making CVP analysis far easier. The difference between the absorption and variable costing approaches to accounting for fixed manufacturing costs centers on timing. Advocates of variable costing say that fixed manufacturing costs should be expensed immediately in total, whereas advocates of absorption costing say that fixed manufacturing costs should be charged against revenues gradually as units of product are sold. Any units of product not sold under absorption costing result in fixed manfacturing costs being inventoried and carried forward on the balance sheet as assets to the next period. The following discussion of Emerald Isle Knitters expands on the discussion of the absorption and variable costing approaches to accounting for fixed manufacturing costs.

Extended Comparison of Income Data MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING IN ACTION The Issue

Emerald Isle


Mary O’Meara is the owner and manager of Emerald Isle Knitters, Ltd., located in the Republic of Ireland. Mary started the company three years ago with cash loaned to her by a local bank. The company, which has only 10 employees, manufactures a traditional wool fisherman’s sweater from a pattern Mary learned from her grandmother. Like most apparel manufacturers, Emerald Isle Knitters sells its product to department stores and clothing store chains rather than to retail customers. The sweater was an immediate success, and the company sold all of its first year’s production. However, in the second year of operations, one of the company’s major customers canceled its order due to bankruptcy, and the company ended the year with a large inventory of unsold sweaters. The third year of operations was a great year in contrast to the disastrous second year. Sales rebounded dramatically, and all of the unsold production carried over from the second year was sold by the end of the third year. Shortly after the close of the third year, Mary met with her accountant Sean MacLafferty to discuss the results for the year. (Note: All of the company’s business is transacted using the euro, denoted by ᇾ, as the currency. The euro is the common currency of many member countries of the European Union.) Mary: Sean, I am confused! Last year, we reported a net operating income of ᇾ30,000, which was higher than I expected given the big order that was cancelled by a major customer. This year we reported a net operating income of ᇾ90,000, which is lower than I expected given our dramatic rebound in sales. My intuition in terms of predicting our financial performance has been dead wrong for two years in a row. What’s going on? Sean: I think the source of confusion is the rules of financial accounting that we must follow when preparing financial statements for the bank. I have always felt that complying with these rules may be necessary for external reporting purposes, but that relying on them for internal decision-making purposes is misleading. Mary: What other options do we have? Frankly, I have always assumed that there is only one way to prepare an income statement. Sean: Most people make the same assumption. However, when it comes to internal reporting, we can use another income statement approach that I think you’ll find more intuitive. How about if I prepare income statements for the last three years using what is called the variable costing approach and we’ll compare them to the income statements that we have been using for the bank—which, by the way, are called absorption costing income statements. You can compare the two sets of numbers and decide which approach you prefer. Mary: Sounds good. Let me know when you are ready to meet again.


Variable Costing: A Tool for Management E X H I B I T 7–3 Basic Data for Absorption and Variable Costing Income Statements—Emerald Isle Knitters, Ltd.

Basic Data Selling price per unit sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing cost per unit produced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed manufacturing overhead costs per year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative expenses per unit sold . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative expenses per year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ᇾ20 ᇾ7 ᇾ150,000 ᇾ1 ᇾ90,000

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Three Years Together

Units in beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units produced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units in ending inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0 25,000 25,000 0

0 25,000 20,000 5,000

5,000 25,000 30,000 0

0 75,000 75,000 0

Unit Product Costs

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3













Under variable costing (variable manufacturing costs only) Under absorption costing: Variable manufacturing costs Fixed manufacturing overhead costs (ᇾ150,000 spread over the number of units produced in each year) Total absorption cost per unit

Immediately after the meeting with Mary, Sean put together the data and financial reports that appear in Exhibit 7–3. (All financial statements have been reformatted to be closer to U.S. standards.) The basic data needed to prepare both income statements appear in Exhibit 7–3. The absorption costing income statements as reported to the bank for the last three years appear in the top half of Exhibit 7–4 (page 282). The variable costing income statements that Sean prepared for the last three years appear in the bottom half of Exhibit 7–4. Note that Emerald Isle Knitters maintained a steady rate of production of 25,000 sweaters per year. However, sales varied from year to year. In Year 1, production and sales were equal. In Year 2, production exceeded sales due to the canceled order. In Year 3, sales recovered and exceeded production. As a consequence, inventories did not change during Year 1, inventories increased during Year 2, and inventories decreased during Year 3. The change in inventories during the year is the key to understanding how absorption costing differs from variable costing. Note that when inventories increase in Year 2, absorption costing net operating income exceeds variable costing net operating income. When inventories decrease in Year 3, the opposite occurs—variable costing net operating income exceeds absorption costing net operating income. And when inventories do not change as in Year 1, there is no difference in net operating income between the two methods. Why is this? The reasons are discussed below and are briefly summarized in Exhibit 7–5 (page 283).1 1. When production and sales are equal, as in Year 1 for Emerald Isle Knitters, net operating income will generally be the same regardless of whether absorption or variable costing is used. The reason is as follows: The only difference that can exist between absorption and variable costing net operating income is the amount of fixed manufacturing 1

The discussions in this chapter concerning differences between absorption and variable costing net operating incomes assume that the LIFO inventory flow assumption is used.


Reconcile variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes and explain why the two amounts differ.


E X H I B I T 7–4 Absorption and Variable Costing Income Statements—Emerald Isle Knitters, Ltd.

Year 1 Absorption Costing Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add cost of goods manufactured (25,000 units ⫻ ᇾ13 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Year 2


Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less ending inventory (5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ13 per unit) . . .


Three Years Together



ᇾ 65,000





325,000 0

325,000 65,000

390,000 0

975,000 0

Year 3

Cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

175,000 115,000*

140,000 110,000*

210,000 120,000*

525,000 345,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ᇾ 60,000

ᇾ 30,000

ᇾ 90,000

ᇾ 180,000




*The selling and administrative expenses are computed as follows: Year 1: 25,000 units ⫻ ᇾ1 per unit variable ⫹ ᇾ90,000 fixed ⫽ ᇾ115,000. Year 2: 20,000 units ⫻ ᇾ1 per unit variable ⫹ ᇾ90,000 fixed ⫽ ᇾ110,000. Year 3: 30,000 units ⫻ ᇾ1 per unit variable ⫹ ᇾ90,000 fixed ⫽ ᇾ120,000. Variable Costing Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses: Variable cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add variable manufacturing costs (25,000 units ⫻ ᇾ7 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less ending inventory (5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ7 per unit) . . Variable cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative expenses (ᇾ1 per unit sold ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ᇾ 35,000





175,000 0

175,000 35,000

210,000 0

525,000 0









300,000 150,000 90,000

240,000 ᇾ 60,000

*The variable cost of goods sold could have been computed more simply as follows: Year 1: 25,000 units sold ⫻ ᇾ7 per unit ⫽ ᇾ175,000. Year 2: 20,000 units sold ⫻ ᇾ7 per unit ⫽ ᇾ140,000. Year 3: 30,000 units sold ⫻ ᇾ7 per unit ⫽ ᇾ210,000.


240,000 150,000 90,000

240,000 ᇾ



360,000 150,000 90,000

240,000 ᇾ120,000

600,000 900,000

450,000 270,000

720,000 ᇾ 180,000


Variable Costing: A Tool for Management

Relation between Production and Sales for the Period

Effect on Inventories

Relation between Absorption and Variable Costing Net Operating Incomes

Production ⫽ Sales

No change in inventories

Absorption costing net operating income ⫽ Variable costing net operating income

Production ⬎ Sales

Inventories increase

Absorption costing net operating income ⬎ Variable costing net operating income*

Production ⬍ Sales

Inventories decrease

Absorption costing net operating income ⬍ Variable costing net operating income†

E X H I B I T 7–5 Comparative Income Effects—Absorption and Variable Costing

*Net operating income is higher under absorption costing, since fixed manufacturing overhead cost is deferred in inventory under absorption costing as inventories increase. † Net operating income is lower under absorption costing, since fixed manufacturing overhead cost is released from inventory under absorption costing as inventories decrease.

overhead recognized as expense on the income statement. When everything that is produced in the year is sold, all of the fixed manufacturing overhead assigned to units of product under absorption costing becomes part of the current year’s cost of goods sold. Under variable costing, the total fixed manufacturing overhead flows directly to the income statement as an expense. So under either method, when production equals sales (and hence inventories do not change), all the fixed manufacturing overhead incurred during the year flows through to the income statement as an expense. And therefore, the net operating income under the two methods is the same. 2. When production exceeds sales, the net operating income reported under absorption costing will generally be higher than the net operating income reported under variable costing (see Year 2 in Exhibit 7–4). This occurs because under absorption costing, part of the fixed manufacturing overhead cost of the current period is deferred in inventory. In Year 2, for example, ᇾ30,000 of fixed manufacturing overhead cost (5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ6 per unit) has been applied to units in ending inventory. These costs are excluded from cost of goods sold. Under variable costing, however, all of the fixed manufacturing overhead cost of Year 2 has been immediately expensed. As a result, the net operating income for Year 2 under variable costing is ᇾ30,000 lower than it is under absorption costing. Exhibit 7–6 Year 1 Variable costing net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . Add fixed manufacturing overhead costs deferred in inventory under absorption costing (5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ6 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct fixed manufacturing overhead costs released from inventory under absorption costing (5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ6 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Absorption costing net operating income . . . . . . . . .


Year 2 ᇾ

Year 3 0



(30,000) ᇾ30,000

ᇾ 90,000

E X H I B I T 7–6 Reconciliation of Variable Costing and Absorption Costing—Net Operating Income Data from Exhibit 7–4


Chapter 7

contains a reconciliation of the variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes. 3. When production is less than sales, the net operating income reported under the absorption costing approach will generally be less than the net operating income reported under the variable costing approach (see Year 3 in Exhibit 7–4). This happens with absorption costing because fixed manufacturing overhead costs that were previously deferred in the prior period’s inventory are released as part of the current period’s cost of goods sold. This is known as fixed manufacturing overhead cost released from inventory. In Year 3, for example, the ᇾ30,000 in fixed manufacturing overhead cost deferred in inventory under the absorption approach from Year 2 to Year 3 is released from inventory because these units were sold. As a result, the cost of goods sold for Year 3 contains not only all of the fixed manufacturing overhead cost for Year 3 (since all that was produced in Year 3 was sold in Year 3) but ᇾ30,000 of fixed manufacturing overhead cost from Year 2 as well. By contrast, under variable costing only the fixed manufacturing overhead cost of Year 3 have been charged against Year 3. The result is that net operating income under variable costing is ᇾ30,000 higher than it is under absorption costing. Exhibit 7–6 contains a reconciliation of the variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes for Year 3. 4. Over an extended period of time, the cumulative net operating incomes reported under absorption costing and variable costing will tend to be the same. The reason is that over the long run sales can’t exceed production, nor can production much exceed sales. The shorter the time period, the more the net operating incomes will tend to differ.


THE HOUSE OF CARDS AT GILLETTE Alfred M. Zeien was the successful CEO of Gillette Co. for eight years, leading the company to earnings growth rates of 15% to 20% per year. However, as his successor discovered, some of this profit growth was an illusion based on building inventories. William H. Steele, an analyst with Bank of America Securities, alleges: “There is no question Gillette was making its numbers (in part) by aggressively selling to the trade, and building inventories.” Within a three-year period, Gillette’s inventories of finished goods had increased by over 40% (to $1.3 billion) even though Gillette’s sales had barely increased. How can building inventories increase profits without any increase in sales? It’s fairly simple. When a company produces more units than it sells fixed manufacturing overhead is deferred in ending inventory, thereby increasing profits. Source: William C. Symonds, “The Big Trim at Gillette,” BusinessWeek, November 8, 1999, p. 42.

Effect of Changes in Production on Net Operating Income In the Emerald Isle Knitters example in the preceding section, production was constant and sales fluctuated over the three-year period. Since sales fluctuated, the income statements Sean MacLafferty presented in Exhibit 7–4 allowed us to see the effect of changes in sales on net operating income under both variable and absorption costing. To further investigate the differences between variable and absorption costing, Sean next put together the hypothetical example in Exhibit 7–7. In this hypothetical example, sales are constant and production fluctuates (the opposite of Exhibits 7–3 and 7–4). The purpose of Exhibit 7–7 and the income statements shown in Exhibit 7–8 is to illustrate for Mary O’Meara the effect of changes in production on net operating income under both variable and absorption costing.


Variable Costing: A Tool for Management E X H I B I T 7–7 Basic Data to Demonstrate the Sensitivity of Costing Methods to Changes in Production

Basic Data Selling price per unit sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing cost per unit produced . . . . . . . . . Fixed manufacturing overhead costs per year . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative expenses per unit sold Fixed selling and administrative expenses per year . . . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

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. . . . .

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. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

ᇾ20 ᇾ7 ᇾ150,000 ᇾ1 ᇾ90,000

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Units in beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units produced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units in ending inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0 25,000 25,000 0

0 30,000 25,000 5,000

5,000 20,000 25,000 0

Unit Product Costs

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Under variable costing (variable manufacturing costs only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ᇾ 7.00

ᇾ 7.00

ᇾ 7.00

ᇾ 7.00

ᇾ 7.00

ᇾ 7.00







Under absorption costing Variable manufacturing costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed manufacturing overhead costs (ᇾ150,000 spread over the number of units produced in each year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total absorption cost per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Variable Costing Net operating income is not affected by changes in production under variable costing. Notice from Exhibit 7–8 (page 286) that net operating income is the same for all three years under variable costing, although production exceeds sales in one year and is less than sales in another year. In short, a change in production has no impact on net operating income when variable costing is used.

Absorption Costing Net operating income is affected by changes in production under absorption costing. As shown in Exhibit 7–8, net operating income under absorption costing goes up in Year 2 and then goes down in Year 3. Note particularly that net operating income goes up and down between these two years even though the same number of units is sold in each year. The reason for this effect can be traced to fixed manufacturing overhead costs that shift between periods under absorption costing as a result of changes in inventory. As shown in Exhibit 7–7, production exceeds sales in Year 2, resulting in an increase of 5,000 units in inventory. Each unit produced during Year 2 is assigned ᇾ5 in fixed manufacturing overhead costs (see the unit cost computations in Exhibit 7–7). Therefore, ᇾ25,000 (5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ5 per unit) of the fixed manufacturing overhead costs of Year 2 are not expensed in that year but rather are added to the inventory account (along with the variable manufacturing costs). The net operating income of Year 2 rises sharply, because these costs are deferred in inventories, even though the same number of units is sold in Year 2 as in the other years. The reverse effect occurs in Year 3. Since sales exceed production in Year 3, that year is forced to cover all of its own fixed manufacturing overhead costs as well as the fixed manufacturing overhead costs carried forward in inventory from Year 2. A substantial drop in net operating income during Year 3 results from the release of fixed manufacturing overhead costs from inventories despite the fact that the same number of units is sold in that year as in the other years.

286 E X H I B I T 7–8 Absorption and Variable Costing Income Statements—Changes in Production Scenario.

Year 1 Absorption Costing Sales (25,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add cost of goods manufactured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less ending inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Year 2

ᇾ500,000 ᇾ 0 325,000*

Year 3

ᇾ500,000 ᇾ 0 360,000*

325,000 0

ᇾ500,000 ᇾ 60,000 290,000*

360,000 60,000†

350,000 0

Cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses (25,000 units ⫻ ᇾ1 per unit variable ⫹ ᇾ90,000 fixed) . . . . . . . . . . . .







Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ᇾ 60,000

ᇾ 85,000

ᇾ 35,000




*Cost of goods manufactured: Year 1: 25,000 units ⫻ ᇾ13.00 per unit ⫽ ᇾ325,000. Year 2: 30,000 units ⫻ ᇾ12.00 per unit ⫽ ᇾ360,000. Year 3: 20,000 units ⫻ ᇾ14.50 per unit ⫽ ᇾ290,000. † Ending inventory, Year 2: 5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ12 per unit ⫽ ᇾ60,000. Variable Costing Sales (25,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses: Variable cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add variable manufacturing costs at ᇾ7 per unit produced . . . . . . .

ᇾ 0 175,000

Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less ending inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

175,000 0

Variable cost of goods sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

175,000 25,000

Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Ending inventory, Year 2: 5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ7 per unit ⫽ ᇾ35,000.

ᇾ 0 210,000 210,000 35,000* 200,000

175,000 25,000

300,000 150,000 90,000

ᇾ 35,000 140,000

240,000 ᇾ 60,000

175,000 0 200,000

175,000 25,000

300,000 150,000 90,000

240,000 ᇾ 60,000

200,000 300,000

150,000 90,000

240,000 ᇾ 60,000


Variable Costing: A Tool for Management

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Variable costing net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . Add fixed manufacturing overhead costs deferred in inventory under absorption costing (5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ5 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct fixed manufacturing overhead costs released from inventory under absorption costing (5,000 units ⫻ ᇾ5 per unit). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Absorption costing net operating income . . . . . . . . . .



E X H I B I T 7–9 Reconciliation of Variable Costing and Absorption Costing—Net Operating Income Data from Exhibit 7–8

(25,000) ᇾ85,000


The variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes are reconciled in Exhibit 7–9. This exhibit shows that the differences in net operating income can be traced to the effects of changes in inventories on absorption costing net operating income. Under absorption costing, fixed manufacturing overhead costs are deferred in inventory when inventories increase and are released from inventory when inventories decrease.



Companies can accumulate excess inventory for numerous reasons. For example, overly optimistic sales forecasts can result in too much inventory. Or, as we have learned in this chapter, managers can inflate absorption costing net income by producing excess inventory. Regardless of the cause, eBay is coming to the rescue of companies whose warehouses are bursting at the seams. More than 71 companies, including Motorola, Dell, and IBM, are selling outdated inventory using eBay’s auction services. Using eBay enables these companies to recoup 45% of the product’s usual selling price compared to 15–20% using other disposal methods. eBay estimates that big company sales on its website now total $500 million a year. In fact, eBay reports that Motorola alone unloads $1 million of outdated cell phones per month. Source: Brian Grow and Sheridan Prasso, “Excess Inventory? eBay to the Rescue,” BusinessWeek, September 9, 2002, p. 8.

After checking all of his work, Sean discussed his results with Mary. Sean: I have some calculations I would like to show you. These exhibits should help explain why our net operating income didn’t increase this year as much as you thought it should have. Mary: This first exhibit (i.e., Exhibit 7–4) looks like it just summarizes our income statements for the last three years. Sean: Not exactly. There are actually two sets of income statements on this exhibit. The absorption costing income statements are the ones I originally prepared and we submitted to the bank. Below the absorption costing income statements is another set of income statements. Mary: Those are the ones labeled variable costing. Sean: That’s right. You can see that the net operating incomes are the same for the two sets of income statements in our first year of operations, but they differ for the other two years. Mary: I’ll say! The variable costing statements indicate that we just broke even in the second year instead of earning a ᇾ30,000 profit. And the increase in net operating


Emerald Isle



Chapter 7

income between the second and third years is ᇾ120,000 instead of just ᇾ60,000. I don’t know how you came up with two different net operating income figures, but the variable costing net operating income seems to be much closer to the truth. The second year was almost a disaster. We barely sold enough sweaters to cover all of our fixed costs. Sean: You and I both know that, but the accounting rules view the situation a little differently. If we produce more than we sell, the accounting rules require that we take some of the fixed manufacturing cost and assign it to the units that end up on the balance sheet in ending inventories. Mary: That surprises me given that I thought accountants were always supposed to err on the side of being conservative. Since when is it conservative to call an expense an asset? Sean: While I tend to agree with you, some accountants would argue otherwise because . . . Mary: Honestly, I am not interested in the various arguments. All I know is that we don’t make any money just producing sweaters. If absorption costing lets a company boost its net operating income by making more sweaters—and not selling any of them—that makes no sense to me. Sean: Me neither. Mary: Well, if our bank wants us to use absorption costing, then that is what we’ll continue to do for it. However, is there any reason why we can’t use the variable costing method inside the company? The statements are easier for me to understand, and the net operating income figures make more sense to me. Sean: I don’t see why we can’t do both. Making the adjustment from one method to the other is very simple. Mary: Good. Let’s make the switch.

Choosing a Costing Method LEARNING OBJECTIVE 4

Understand the advantages and disadvantages of both variable and absorption costing.

The Impact on the Manager Like Mary O’Meara, opponents of absorption costing argue that shifting fixed manufacturing overhead cost between periods can be confusing and can lead to misinterpretations and even to faulty decisions. Look again at the data in Exhibit 7–8; a manager might wonder why net operating income went up substantially in Year 2 under absorption costing when sales remained the same as in the prior year. Was it a result of lower selling costs, more efficient operations, or was some other factor involved? One cannot say by simply looking at the absorption costing income statement. Then in Year 3, net operating income drops sharply, even though the same number of units is sold as in the other two years. Why would income rise in one year and then drop in the next? The figures seem erratic and contradictory and can lead to confusion and a loss of confidence in the integrity of the financial data. By contrast, the variable costing income statements in Exhibit 7–8 are clear and easy to understand. Sales remain constant over the three-year period covered in the exhibit, so both contribution margin and net operating income also remain constant. The statements are consistent with what managers would expect to see under the circumstances, so they tend to generate confidence rather than confusion. To avoid mistakes when absorption costing is used, readers of financial statements should be alert to changes in inventory levels. Under absorption costing, if inventories increase, fixed manufacturing overhead costs are deferred in inventories, which in turn increases net operating income. If inventories decrease, fixed manufacturing overhead costs are released from inventories, which in turn decreases net operating income. Thus, when absorption costing is used, fluctuations in net operating income can be due to changes in inventories rather than to changes in sales.

Variable Costing: A Tool for Management

THE PERVERSE EFFECTS OF ABSORPTION COSTING AT NISSAN Jed Connelly, the top American executive at Nissan North America, admits: “We had a lot of excess production that we had to force on the market.” Nissan liked to run its factories at capacity, regardless of how well the cars were selling, because under its bookkeeping rules (presumably absorption costing), the factories would then generate a profit. As a consequence, Nissan dealers had to slash prices and offer big rebates to sell their cars. According to Fortune magazine, “Years of discounting and distress sales seriously undercut the value of the Nissan brand. While Toyota stood for quality, customers came to Nissan to get a better deal.” Source: Alex Taylor III, “The Man Who Wants to Change Japan Inc.,” Fortune, December 20, 1999, pp. 189–198.

CVP Analysis and Absorption Costing Absorption costing is widely used for both internal and external reports. Many companies use the absorption approach exclusively because of its focus on full costing of units of product. A weakness of the method, however, is its inability to work well with CVP analysis. To illustrate, refer again to Exhibit 7–3. Let us compute the break-even point for Emerald Isle Knitters. To obtain the break-even point, we divide total fixed costs by the contribution margin per unit: Selling price per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable costs per unit (manufacturing and selling) . . . . . . . . .

20 8

Contribution margin per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Fixed manufacturing overhead costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ᇾ150,000 90,000

Total fixed costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Total fixed expenses ᇾ240,000 Break-even point ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ 20,000 units in unit sales Contribution margin per unit ᇾ12 per unit The break-even point is 20,000 units. Notice from Exhibit 7–3 that in Year 2 the company sold exactly 20,000 units, the break-even volume. Under the contribution approach, using variable costing, the company does break even in Year 2, showing zero net operating income. Under absorption costing, however, the company shows a positive net operating income of ᇾ 30,000 for Year 2 (see Exhibit 7–4). How can this be? How can absorption costing produce a positive net operating income when the company sold exactly the break-even volume of units? The answer lies in the fact that ᇾ30,000 in fixed manufacturing overhead costs were deferred in inventory during Year 2 under absorption costing and therefore did not appear as expenses. By deferring these fixed manufacturing overhead costs in inventory, the income statement shows a profit even though the company sold exactly the break-even volume of units. Absorption costing runs into similar kinds of difficulty in other areas of CVP analysis, which assumes that variable costing is being used.

Decision Making Under absorption costing, fixed manufacturing overhead costs appear to be variable with respect to the number of units sold, but they are not. For example, in Exhibit 7–3, the absorption unit product cost is ᇾ13, but the variable portion of this cost is only ᇾ7. Since the product costs are stated on a per unit basis, managers may mistakenly believe that if another unit is produced, it will cost the company ᇾ13.




Chapter 7

The misperception that absorption unit product costs are variable can lead to many problems, including inappropriate pricing decisions and decisions to drop products that are in fact profitable. These problems with absorption costing product costs will be discussed more fully in later chapters.

External Reporting and Income Taxes Practically speaking, absorption costing is required for external reports in the United States. A company that attempts to use variable costing on its external financial reports runs the risk that its auditors may not accept the financial statements as conforming to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).2 Tax law on this issue is clear-cut. Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986, a form of absorption costing must be used when filling out income tax forms. Even if a company must use absorption costing for its external reports, a manager can, as Mary O’Meara suggests, use variable costing income statements for internal reports. No particular accounting problems are created by using both costing methods—the variable costing method for internal reports and the absorption costing method for external reports. As we demonstrated earlier in Exhibits 7–6 and 7–9, the adjustment from variable costing net operating income to absorption costing net operating income is a simple one that can be easily made at the end of the accounting period. Top executives are typically evaluated based on the earnings reported to shareholders on the company’s external financial reports. This creates a problem for top executives who might otherwise favor using variable costing for internal reports. They may feel that since they are evaluated based on absorption costing reports, decisions should also be based on absorption costing data.


ABSORPTION COSTING AROUND THE WORLD Absorption costing is the norm for external financial reports around the world. After the fall of communism, accounting methods were changed in Russia to bring them into closer agreement with accounting methods used in the West. One result was the adoption of absorption costing. Source: Adolf J. H. Enthoven, “Russia’s Accounting Moves West,” Strategic Finance, July 1999, pp. 32–37.


The situation is actually slightly ambiguous concerning whether absorption costing is strictly required. Official pronouncements do not actually prohibit variable costing. And some companies expense significant elements of their fixed manufacturing costs on their external reports. Nevertheless, the reality is that most accountants believe that absorption costing is required for external reporting and a manager who argues otherwise is likely to be unsuccessful.

Variable Costing: A Tool for Management

Advantages of Variable Costing and the Contribution Approach As stated earlier, even if the absorption approach is used for external reporting purposes, variable costing, together with the contribution format income statement, is an appealing alternative for internal reports. The advantages of variable costing can be summarized as follows: 1. Data required for CVP analysis can be taken directly from a contribution format income statement. These data are not available on a conventional absorption costing income statement. 2. Under variable costing, the profit for a period is not affected by changes in inventories. Other things remaining the same (i.e., selling prices, costs, sales mix, etc.), profits move in the same direction as sales when variable costing is used. 3. Managers often assume that unit product costs are variable costs. This is a problem under absorption costing, since unit product costs are a combination of both fixed and variable costs. Under variable costing, unit product costs do not contain fixed costs. 4. The impact of fixed costs on profits is emphasized under the variable costing and contribution approach. The total amount of fixed costs appears explicitly on the income statement, highlighting that the whole amount of fixed costs must be covered for the company to be truly profitable. In contrast, under absorption costing, the fixed costs are mingled together with the variable costs and are buried in cost of goods sold and ending inventories. 5. Variable costing data make it easier to estimate the profitability of products, customers, and other business segments. With absorption costing, profitability is obscured by arbitrary fixed cost allocations. These issues will be discussed in later chapters. 6. Variable costing ties in with cost control methods such as standard costs and flexible budgets, which will be covered in later chapters. 7. Variable costing net operating income is closer to net cash flow than absorption costing net operating income. This is particularly important for companies with potential cash flow problems. With all of these advantages, one might wonder why absorption costing continues to be used almost exclusively for external reporting and why it is the predominant choice for internal reports as well. This is partly due to tradition, but absorption costing is also attractive to many accountants and managers because they believe it better matches costs with revenues. Advocates of absorption costing argue that all manufacturing costs must be assigned to products in order to properly match the costs of producing units of product with their revenues when they are sold. The fixed costs of depreciation, taxes, insurance, supervisory salaries, and so on, are just as essential to manufacturing products as are the variable costs. Advocates of variable costing argue that fixed manufacturing costs are not really the costs of any particular unit of product. These costs are incurred to have the capacity to make products during a particular period and will be incurred even if nothing is made during the period. Moreover, whether a unit is made or not, the fixed manufacturing costs will be exactly the same. Therefore, variable costing advocates argue that fixed manufacturing costs are not part of the costs of producing a particular unit of product and thus the matching principle dictates that fixed manufacturing costs should be charged to the current period. At any rate, absorption costing is the generally accepted method for preparing mandatory external financial reports and income tax returns. Probably because of the cost and possible confusion of maintaining two separate costing systems—one for external reporting and one for internal reporting—most companies use absorption costing for both external and internal reports.

Variable Costing and the Theory of Constraints The Theory of Constraints (TOC), which was introduced in Chapter 1, suggests that the key to improving a company’s profits is managing its constraints. For reasons that will be discussed in Chapter 13, this requires careful identification of each product’s variable costs.



Chapter 7

Consequently, companies involved in TOC use a form of variable costing. One difference is that the TOC approach generally considers direct labor to be a fixed cost. As discussed in earlier chapters, in many companies direct labor is not really a variable cost. Even though direct labor workers may be paid on an hourly basis, many companies have a commitment— sometimes enforced in labor contracts or by law—to guarantee workers a minimum number of paid hours. In TOC companies, there are two additional reasons to consider direct labor a fixed cost. First, direct labor is not usually the constraint. In the simplest cases, the constraint is a machine. In more complex cases, the constraint is a policy (such as a poorly designed compensation scheme for salespersons) that prevents the company from using its resources more effectively. If direct labor is not the constraint, there is no reason to increase it. Hiring more direct labor would increase costs without increasing the output of salable products and services. Second, TOC emphasizes continuous improvement to maintain competitiveness. Without committed and enthusiastic employees, sustained continuous improvement is virtually impossible. Since layoffs often have devastating effects on employee morale, managers involved in TOC are extremely reluctant to lay off employees. For these reasons, most managers in TOC companies regard direct labor as a committed fixed cost rather than a variable cost. Hence, in the modified form of variable costing used in TOC companies, direct labor is not usually classified as a product cost.

Impact of Lean Production As discussed in this chapter, variable and absorption costing will produce different net operating incomes whenever the number of units produced is different from the number of units sold—in other words, whenever there is a change in the number of units in inventory. We have also learned that absorption costing net operating income can be erratic, sometimes moving in a direction that is opposite from the movement in sales. When companies use Lean Production methods, these problems are reduced. The erratic movement of net operating income under absorption costing and the difference in net operating income between absorption and variable costing occur because of changes in the number of units in inventory. Under Lean Production, goods are produced to customers’ orders and the goal is to eliminate finished goods inventories entirely and reduce work in process inventory to almost nothing. If there is very little inventory, then changes in inventories will be very small and both variable and absorption costing will show basically the same net operating income. With very little inventory, absorption costing net operating income usually moves in the same direction as movements in sales. Of course, the cost of a unit of product will still be different between variable and absorption costing, as explained earlier in the chapter. But when Lean Production is used, the differences in net operating income will largely disappear.

Summary Variable and absorption costing are alternative methods of determining unit product costs. Under variable costing, only those manufacturing costs that vary with output are treated as product costs. This includes direct materials, variable overhead, and ordinarily direct labor. Fixed manufacturing overhead is treated as a period cost and it is expensed on the income statement as incurred. By contrast, absorption costing treats fixed manufacturing overhead as a product cost, along with direct materials, direct labor, and variable overhead. Under both costing methods, selling and administrative expenses are treated as period costs and they are expensed on the income statement as incurred. Since absorption costing treats fixed manufacturing overhead as a product cost, a portion of fixed manufacturing overhead is assigned to each unit as it is produced. If units of product are unsold at the end of a period, then the fixed manufacturing overhead cost attached to those units is carried with them into the inventory account and deferred to a future period. When these units are later sold, the

Variable Costing: A Tool for Management

fixed manufacturing overhead cost attached to them is released from the inventory account and charged against income as part of cost of goods sold. Thus, under absorption costing, it is possible to defer a portion of the fixed manufacturing overhead cost from one period to a future period through the inventory account. Unfortunately, this shifting of fixed manufacturing overhead cost between periods can cause erratic fluctuations in net operating income and can result in confusion and unwise decisions. To guard against mistakes when they interpret income statement data, managers should be alert to changes in inventory levels or unit product costs during the period. Practically speaking, variable costing can’t be used externally for either financial or tax reporting. However, it may be used internally by managers for planning and control purposes. The variable costing approach works well with CVP analysis.

Review Problem: Contrasting Variable and Absorption Costing Dexter Corporation produces and sells a single product, a wooden hand loom for weaving small items such as scarves. Selected cost and operating data relating to the product for two years are given below: Selling price per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturing costs: Variable per unit produced: Direct materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed per year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative costs: Variable per unit sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed per year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Units in beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units produced during the year. . . . . . . . . . . Units sold during the year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units in ending inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


$11 $6 $3 $120,000 $4 $70,000

Year 1

Year 2

0 10,000 8,000 2,000

2,000 6,000 8,000 0





Assume the company uses absorption costing. a. Compute the unit product cost in each year. b. Prepare an income statement for each year. Assume the company uses variable costing. a. Compute the unit product cost in each year. b. Prepare an income statement for each year. Reconcile the variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes.

Solution to Review Problem 1.


Under absorption costing, all manufacturing costs, variable and fixed, are included in unit product costs: Year 1

Year 2

Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . Fixed manufacturing overhead ($120,000 ⫼ 10,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($120,000 ⫼ 6,000 units) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$11 6 3

$11 6 3

Unit product cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


12 20 $40



Chapter 7


The absorption costing income statements follow:

Year 1 Sales (8,000 units ⫻ $50 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add cost of goods manufactured (10,000 units ⫻ $32 per unit; 6,000 units ⫻ $40 per unit). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less ending inventory (2,000 units ⫻ $32 per unit; 0 units ⫻ $40 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Year 2




$ 64,000








Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses (8,000 units ⫻ $4 per unit ⫹ $70,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 42,000

$ (6,000)




Under variable costing, only the variable manufacturing costs are included in unit product costs:

Year 1

Year 2

Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . .

$11 6 3

$11 6 3

Unit product cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The variable costing income statements follow. Notice that the variable cost of goods sold is computed in a simpler, more direct manner than in the examples provided earlier. On a variable costing income statement, this simple approach or the more complex approach illustrated earlier is acceptable for computing the cost of goods sold.

Year 1 Sales (8,000 units ⫻ $50 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable expenses: Variable cost of goods sold (8,000 units ⫻ $20 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative expenses (8,000 units ⫻ $4 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed expenses: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Year 2








208,000 120,000 70,000

192,000 208,000

120,000 190,000 $ 18,000


190,000 $ 18,000


Variable Costing: A Tool for Management


The reconciliation of the variable and absorption costing net operating incomes follows:

Year 1

Year 2

Variable costing net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add fixed manufacturing overhead costs deferred in inventory under absorption costing (2,000 units ⫻ $12 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct fixed manufacturing overhead costs released from inventory under absorption costing (2,000 units ⫻ $12 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Absorption costing net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



(24,000) $(6,000)

Glossary Absorption costing A costing method that includes all manufacturing costs—direct materials, direct labor, and both variable and fixed manufacturing overhead—in unit product costs. (p. 276) Fixed manufacturing overhead cost deferred in inventory The portion of the fixed manufacturing overhead cost of a period that goes into ending inventory under the absorption costing method. (p. 279) Fixed manufacturing overhead cost released from inventory The fixed manufacturing overhead cost of a prior period that becomes an expense of the current period under the absorption costing method. (p. 284) Variable costing A costing method that includes only variable manufacturing costs—direct materials, direct labor, and variable manufacturing overhead—in unit product costs. (p. 276)

Questions 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9

7-10 7-11 7-12

What is the basic difference between absorption costing and variable costing? Are selling and administrative expenses treated as product costs or as period costs under variable costing? Explain how fixed manufacturing overhead costs are shifted from one period to another under absorption costing. What arguments can be advanced in favor of treating fixed manufacturing overhead costs as product costs? What arguments can be advanced in favor of treating fixed manufacturing overhead costs as period costs? If production and sales are equal, which method would you expect to show the higher net operating income, variable costing or absorption costing? Why? If production exceeds sales, which method would you expect to show the higher net operating income, variable costing or absorption costing? Why? If fixed manufacturing overhead costs are released from inventory under absorption costing, what does this tell you about the level of production in relation to the level of sales? Parker Company had $5,000,000 in sales and reported a $300,000 loss in its annual report to stockholders. According to a CVP analysis prepared for management’s use, $5,000,000 in sales is the break-even point for the company. Did the company’s inventory level increase, decrease, or remain unchanged? Explain. Under absorption costing, how is it possible to increase net operating income without increasing sales? How is the use of variable costing limited? How does Lean Production reduce or eliminate the difference in reported net operating income between absorption and variable costing?


Chapter 7

Exercises EXERCISE 7-1 Variable and Absorption Costing Unit Product Costs [LO1]

Shastri Bicycle of Bombay, India, produces an inexpensive, yet rugged, bicycle for use on the city’s crowded streets that it sells for 500 rupees. (Indian currency is denominated in rupees, denoted by R.) Selected data for the company’s operations last year follow: Units in beginning inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units produced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units in ending inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable costs per unit: Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative . . . . . . . . . . Fixed costs: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative . . . . . . . . . . . .

0 10,000 8,000 2,000 R120 R140 R50 R20 R600,000 R400,000


1. 2.

Assume that the company uses absorption costing. Compute the unit product cost for one bicycle. Assume that the company uses variable costing. Compute the unit product cost for one bicycle.

EXERCISE 7-2 Variable Costing Income Statement; Explanation of Difference in Net Operating Income [LO2]

Refer to the data in Exercise 7-1 for Shastri Bicycle. An absorption costing income statement prepared by the company’s accountant appears below: Sales (8,000 units ⫻ R500 per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add cost of goods manufactured (10,000 units ⫻ R ? per unit) . . . . . . . . . . Goods available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less ending inventory (2,000 units ⫻ R ? per unit) . . . . . . . . . . .

R4,000,000 R

3,700,000 3,700,000

Gross margin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling and administrative expenses: Variable selling and administrative . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2,960,000 1,040,000

160,000 400,000

Net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

560,000 R 480,000


1. 2.

Determine how much of the ending inventory of R740,000 above consists of fixed manufacturing overhead cost deferred in inventory to the next period. Prepare an income statement for the year using the variable costing method. Explain the difference in net operating income between the two costing methods.

EXERCISE 7-3 Reconciliation of Absorption and Variable Costing Net Operating Incomes [LO3]

High Tension Transformers, Inc., manufactures heavy-duty transformers for electrical switching stations. The company uses variable costing for internal management reports and absorption costing for external reports to shareholders, creditors, and the government. The company has provided the following data:

Inventories: Beginning (units) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ending (units) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable costing net operating income . . . . . . . .

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

180 150 $292,400

150 160 $269,200

160 200 $251,800

Variable Costing: A Tool for Management

The company’s fixed manufacturing overhead per unit was constant at $450 for all three years. Required:

1. 2.

Determine each year’s absorption costing net operating income. Present your answer in the form of a reconciliation report such as the one shown in Exhibit 7–6. In Year 4, the company’s variable costing net operating income was $240,200 and its absorption costing net operating income was $267,200. Did inventories increase or decrease during Year 4? How much fixed manufacturing overhead cost was deferred or released from inventory during Year 4?

EXERCISE 7-4 Evaluating Absorption and Variable Costing as Alternative Costing Methods [LO4]

The questions below pertain to two different scenarios involving a manufacturing company. In each scenario, the cost structure of the company is constant from year to year. Selling prices, unit variable costs, and total fixed costs are the same in every year. However, unit sales and/or unit production levels may vary from year to year. Required:


Consider the following data for scenario A:

Variable costing net operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absorption costing net operating income . . . . . . . . . . .

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

$16,847 $16,847

$16,847 $29,378

$16,847 $6,018

a. b.


Were unit sales constant from year to year? Explain. What was the relation between unit sales and unit production levels in each year? For each year, indicate whether inventories grew or shrank. Consider the following data for scenario B:

Variable costing net operating income (loss) . . . . . . . . Absorption costing net operating income . . . . . . . . . . .

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

$16,847 $16,847

($18,153) $17,583

($53,153) $18,318

a. b.


Were unit sales constant from year to year? Explain. What was the relation between unit sales and unit production levels in each year? For each year, indicate whether inventories grew or shrank. Given the patterns of net operating income in scenarios A and B above, which costing method, variable costing or absorption costing, do you believe provides a better reflection of economic reality? Explain.

EXERCISE 7-5 Variable Costing Unit Product Cost and Income Statement; Break-Even [LO1, LO2]

CompuDesk, Inc., makes an oak desk specially designed for personal computers. The desk sells for $200. Data for last year’s operations follow: Units in beginning inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units produced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Units in ending inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable costs per unit: Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative . . . . . . . .

0 10,000 9,000 1,000 $

60 30 10 20

Total variable cost per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fixed costs: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative . . . . . . . . . .

$300,000 450,000

Total fixed costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Chapter 7 Required:

1. 2. 3.

Assume that the company uses variable costing. Compute the unit product cost for one computer desk. Assume that the company uses variable costing. Prepare a contribution format income statement for the year. What is the company’s break-even point in terms of units sold?

EXERCISE 7-6 Absorption Costing Unit Product Cost and Income Statement [LO1, LO2]

Refer to the data in Exercise 7-5 for CompuDesk. Assume in this exercise that the company uses absorption costing. Required:

1. 2.

Compute the unit product cost for one computer desk. Prepare an income statement for the year.

EXERCISE 7-7 Variable and Absorption Costing Unit Product Costs and Income Statements [LO1, LO2]

Maxwell Company manufactures and sells a single product. The following costs were incurred during the company’s first year of operations: Variable costs per unit: Manufacturing: Direct materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed costs per year: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . .

$18 $7 $2 $5 $160,000 $110,000

During the year, the company produced 20,000 units and sold 16,000 units. The selling price of the company’s product is $50 per unit. Required:



Assume that the company uses absorption costing: a. Compute the unit product cost. b. Prepare an income statement for the year. Assume that the company uses variable costing: a. Compute the unit product cost. b. Prepare an income statement for the year.

EXERCISE 7-8 Inferring Costing Method; Unit Product Cost [LO1, LO4]

Amcor, Inc., incurs the following costs to produce and sell a single product. Variable costs per unit: Direct materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . Fixed costs per year: Fixed manufacturing overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed selling and administrative expenses . . . . . . . .

$10 $5 $2 $4 $90,000 $300,000

During the last year, 30,000 units were produced and 25,000 units were sold. The Finished Goods inventory account at the end of the